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MySQL 9.2.0
Source Code Documentation
Cnet::system_context::__tag | |
C_db_stack_frame_ | |
C_entry | |
C_ft_vft | |
C_ft_vft_ext | |
C_log_filter_rule | |
C_log_filter_ruleset | |
C_log_filter_tag | |
C_log_item | |
C_log_item_data | |
C_log_item_iter | Iterator over the key/value pairs of a log_line |
C_log_item_wellknown_key | Pre-defined "well-known" keys, as opposed to ad hoc ones, for key/value pairs in logging |
C_log_line | Log_line ("log event") |
C_log_service_instance | State of a given instance of a service |
C_log_sink_pfs_event | |
C_st_ft_seg_iterator | |
►Cgr::perfschema::Abstract_Pfs_table | |
►CAbstract_restrictions | Abstract class for ACL restrictions |
►CAcceptingEndpoint | |
CAcceptor< Protocol > | |
Cserver_mock::Acceptor | |
►Cmetadata_cache::AcceptorUpdateHandlerInterface | Abstract class that provides interface for listener on whether the listening sockets acceptors state should be updated |
Cboost::geometry::traits::access< gis::Cartesian_point, Dimension > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::access< gis::Geographic_point, Dimension > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::access< Gis_point, Dimension > | |
CAccessModeOption | |
Cmysql::containers::buffers::managed_buffer_sequence::unittest::Accessor< T > | |
CAccessPath | Access paths are a query planning structure that correspond 1:1 to iterators, in that an access path contains pretty much exactly the information needed to instantiate given iterator, plus some information that is only needed during planning, such as costs |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::CostingReceiver::AccessPathSet | Besides the access paths for a set of nodes (see m_access_paths), AccessPathSet contains information that is common between all access paths for that set |
Cclassic_protocol::clone::client::Ack | |
CAckInfo | AckInfo is a POD |
CAcl_cache | |
CAcl_cache_lock_guard | Lock guard for ACL Cache |
CAcl_change_notification | |
CACL_compare | Class that compares ACL_ACCESS objects |
CAcl_credential | |
Cacl_entry | |
CAcl_hash_entry | |
►CACL_internal_schema_access | Per internal schema ACL access rules |
CACL_internal_schema_registry | A registry for per internal schema ACL |
CACL_internal_schema_registry_entry | |
►CACL_internal_table_access | Per internal table ACL access rules |
CAcl_map | Container for global, schema, table/view and routine ACL maps |
CAcl_restrictions | Cache to store the Restrictions of every auth_id |
►Cacl_table::Acl_table | Base class to handle ACL table manipulation |
Cacl_table::Acl_table_user_writer_status | Mysql.user table writer |
CACL_temporary_lock_state | Enables preserving temporary account locking attributes during ACL DDL |
Cacl_table::Acl_user_attributes | Class to handle information stored in mysql.user.user_attributes |
CACL_USER_compare | Class that compares ACL_USER objects |
CActiveIndexInfo | |
Cadd_args | |
CAdd_dirty_blocks_to_flush_list | Add blocks modified by the mini-transaction to the flush list |
CAddon_fields | This class wraps information about usage of addon fields |
Cnet::ip::address | |
Cnet::ip::address_v4 | |
Cnet::ip::address_v6 | IPv6 address with scope_id |
CAdjacencyList | Simplified adjacency list: a window can maximum reference (depends on) one other window due to syntax restrictions |
CAes_ctr | The class provides standards to be used by the Aes_ctr ciphers |
Ckeyring_common::aes_encryption::Aes_operation_context | |
CItem::Aggregate_ref_update | |
CItem::Aggregate_replacement | |
Caggregated_stats | To facilitate calculating values of status variables aggregated per all THDs in real-time, each THD will update its stats into a matching buffer shard |
Caggregated_stats_buffer | Similar to System_status_var, implements atomic counters for status variables whose values are calculated by aggregating over all available sessions (THDs) |
Canonymous_namespace{cost_model.cc}::AggregateRowEstimator | This class finds disjoint sets of aggregation terms that form prefixes of some non-hash index, and makes row estimates for those sets based on index metadata |
►CAggregator | The abstract base class for the Aggregator_* classes |
Cbuf_block_t::ahi_t | Structure that holds most AHI-related fields |
CAIO | The asynchronous i/o array structure |
CAIOHandler | Generic AIO Handler methods |
CMY_SQL_PARSER_STYPE::Algo_and_lock | |
CMY_SQL_PARSER_STYPE::Algo_and_lock_and_validation | |
CSys_var_multi_enum::ALIAS | |
Cut::detail::Aligned_alloc_< Impl > | Small wrapper which utilizes SFINAE to dispatch the call to appropriate aligned allocator implementation |
Cut::detail::Aligned_alloc_impl | |
Cut::detail::Aligned_alloc_metadata< Meta_1_type, Meta_2_type > | Memory layout representation of metadata segment guaranteed by the inner workings of Aligned_alloc_impl |
Cut::detail::Aligned_array_deleter< T > | |
Cut::aligned_array_pointer< T, Alignment > | Lightweight convenience wrapper which manages a dynamically allocated array of over-aligned types |
Cmemory::Aligned_atomic< T > | Templated class that encapsulates an std::atomic within a byte buffer that is padded to the processor cache-line size |
Cmemory::Aligned_atomic< index_type > | |
Cmemory::Aligned_atomic_accessor< T > | Template that may access Aligned_atomic internals |
Cut::detail::Aligned_deleter< T > | |
Cut::aligned_pointer< T, Alignment > | Lightweight convenience wrapper which manages dynamically allocated over-aligned type |
CAll_locks_iterator | Iterates over all locks in the lock sys in a manner which guarantees that all locks from the same lock queue are processed in a single critical section |
Cut::detail::Alloc_< Impl > | Small wrapper which utilizes SFINAE to dispatch the call to appropriate allocator implementation |
Cut::detail::Alloc_fn | Simple wrapping type around malloc, calloc and friends |
Cut::allocation_low_level_info | Can be used to extract pointer and size of the allocation provided by the OS |
Ctemptable::Allocation_scheme< Block_size_policy, Block_source_policy > | |
Cmysql::allocators::Allocator< T > | Allocator using a Memory_resource to do the allocator |
►Cstd::allocator | |
Ctemptable::Allocator< T, AllocationScheme > | Custom memory allocator |
Cmysql::allocators::Allocator< Char_t > | |
Cut::detail::allocator_base< T > | |
Cut::detail::allocator_base_pfs< T > | |
Cut::detail::allocator_traits< Pfs_instrumented > | Simple allocator traits |
►Cut::detail::allocator_traits< false > | |
►Cut::detail::allocator_traits< true > | |
Ctemptable::AllocatorState< AllocationScheme > | Shared state between all instances of a given allocator |
Cmysql_harness::posix::access_rights::AllowPermissionVerifier< Mask > | Allows permissions |
CAlter_column | Class representing SET DEFAULT, DROP DEFAULT, RENAME COLUMN, SET VISIBLE and SET INVISIBLE clause in ALTER TABLE statement |
CAlter_constraint_enforcement | Class representing ALTER CHECK and ALTER CONSTRAINT clauses in ALTER TABLE statement |
CAlter_index_visibility | An ALTER INDEX operation that changes the visibility of an index |
CAlter_info | Data describing the table being created by CREATE TABLE or altered by ALTER TABLE |
CAlter_inplace_info | Class describing changes to be done by ALTER TABLE |
►CAlter_instance | |
►Calter_part | Class(interface) which manages the operations for partitions of states in different categories during ALTER PARTITION |
Calter_part_factory | Construct all necessary alter_part_* objects according to the given partition states in both old and new tables |
CAlter_rename_key | Class which instances represent RENAME INDEX clauses in ALTER TABLE statement |
CAlter_stage | Class used to report ALTER TABLE progress via performance_schema |
CAlter_stage_ts | Class to monitor the progress of 'ALTER TABLESPACE ENCRYPTION' in terms of number of pages operated upon |
CAlter_table_ctx | Runtime context for ALTER TABLE |
Calter_table_old_info_t | Structure to remember table information for updating DD |
CAltered_partitions | Helper class for encapsulating new/altered partitions during ADD(HASH/KEY)/COALESCE/REORGANIZE PARTITION |
Cnet::tls::Operation::AnalyzeOperation | |
CAndCombine | |
CMysqlx::Datatypes::Any | A helper to allow all field types |
CJson_scalar_holder::Any_json_scalar | Union of all concrete subclasses of Json_scalar |
CAppendPathParameters | |
CTransaction_payload_log_event::Applier_context | |
►Ccs::apply::instruments::Applier_metrics_interface | This abstract class is an interface for classes that contain replication applier data as counters and wait times |
CApplier_metrics_service_handler | |
►CApplier_module_interface | |
CApplier_security_context_guard | Utility class to allow RAII pattern with Security_context class |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::ApplyDistinctParameters | This struct implements a builder pattern for creating paths that do DISTINCT (sort with duplicate removal) and adding them as parent of the current candidate paths (except for candidate paths that do DISTINCT already) |
CArch_Block | In memory data block in Page ID archiving system |
CArch_Dblwr_Block | Doublewrite buffer block along with their info |
CArch_Dblwr_Ctx | Doublewrite buffer context |
CArch_File_Ctx | Archiver file context |
CArch_Group | Contiguous archived data for redo log or page tracking |
CArch_Log_Sys | Redo log archiving system |
CArch_Page_Pos | Position in page ID archiving system |
CArch_Page_Sys | Dirty page archive system |
CArch_Point | Structure which represents a point in a file |
CArch_Recv_Group_Info | Info related to each group parsed at different stages of page archive recovery |
CArch_Reset_File | |
CArch_scope_guard | Guard to release resources safely |
Cmysql::serialization::Archive< Archive_derived_type > | Interface for archives (file archive, byte vector archive, string archive etc.), available only to instances implementing Serializable interface and Archive interface |
►Cmysql::serialization::Archive< Archive_binary > | |
►Cmysql::serialization::Archive< Archive_text > | |
►Cmysql::serialization::Archive< Read_archive_binary > | |
►Cmysql::serialization::Archive< Write_archive_binary > | |
Cmysql::serialization::Archive_binary_field_max_size_calculator< T, S > | Helper structure created for partial specialization of get_max_size function of Archive_binary, default version |
Cmysql::serialization::Archive_binary_field_max_size_calculator< std::string, S > | Helper structure created for partial specialization of get_max_size function of Archive_binary, version for std::string fields |
Cmysql::serialization::Archive_binary_field_max_size_calculator< T, 0 > | Helper structure created for partial specialization of get_max_size function of Archive_binary, specialization for defined size equal to 0 |
Carchive_record_buffer | |
CArchPageData | Page archiver in memory data |
CArg_comparator | |
CArg_def | Argument definition structure |
CArg_type | Structure used for argument type validation |
CMysqlx::Datatypes::Array | An Array |
CMysqlx::Expr::Array | An array of expressions |
►Cstd::array | |
Cmysql::abi_helpers::detail::Array_base< Element_t, Array_t > | Base class for specific implementations of standard-layout classes for arrays |
►Cmysql::abi_helpers::detail::Array_base< Element_tp, Element_tp * > | |
Cut::detail::Array_deleter< T > | |
Cservices::Array_ptr | A very limited smart pointer to protect against stack unwinding in case an STL class throws an exception |
CJson_path_leg::Array_range | A structure that represents an array range |
Coci::ssl::ASN1_TIME_deleter | |
►Cclient_authentication::assertion | Class to initiate authentication(aka assertion in FIDO terminology) on client side by generating a signed signature by FIDO device which needs to be sent to server to be verified |
CAssign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions_info | This class is used to store the type and value for Assign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions parameter of Change replication source command on slave |
Cassign_node_t | Assignment statement node |
►Cnet::associated_allocator_impl< T, ProtoAllocator, typename > | |
Cnet::associated_allocator_impl< T, ProtoAllocator, std::void_t< typename T::allocator_type > > | |
►Cnet::associated_executor_impl< T, Executor, typename > | |
Cnet::associated_executor_impl< T, Executor, std::void_t< typename T::executor_type > > | |
Cnet::async_completion< CompletionToken, Signature > | |
CAsync_conn_failover_manager | |
►Cnet::io_context::async_op | Base class of async operation |
Cnet::async_result< CompletionToken, Signature > | |
Cnet::async_result< std::decay_t< CompletionToken >, Signature > | |
Cnet::tls::AsyncAction | |
Cserver_mock::AsyncNotice | |
Cnet::io_context::AsyncOps | |
CAsyncTimer | |
►Cstd::atomic | |
Catomic_boolean | Utility class implementing an atomic boolean on top of an int32 |
CGcs_ip_allowlist::Atomic_lock_guard | |
CAtomic_xor_of_things< T_thing, T_digit > | A class to allow any trivially copyable object to be XOR'ed |
CAtomic_xor_of_things< std::thread::id, Xor_digit_for_thread_id > | |
Cbinlog::AtomicBgcTicket | Implements atomic ops on BgcTicket object |
Cbinlog::AtomicBgcTicketGuard | RAII opaque for AtomicBgcTicket (set in use/set used synchronization operations in constructor/destructor) |
Ccontainer::Atomics_array< T, I, A > | Array of std::atomic elements of type T |
Ccontainer::Atomics_array< queue_value_type, container::Padded_indexing< queue_value_type >, std::nullptr_t > | |
Ccontainer::Atomics_array< T, container::Padded_indexing< T >, std::nullptr_t > | |
Ccontainer::Atomics_array< value_type, container::Padded_indexing< value_type >, std::nullptr_t > | |
►CTHD::Attachable_trx | Class representing read-only attachable transaction, encapsulates knowledge how to backup state of current transaction, start read-only attachable transaction in SE, finalize it and then restore state of original transaction back |
CRouterRequire::Attributes | |
CAudit_global_variable_get_event | Class to log audit event EVENT_TRACKING_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_GET |
Cauth_factor_desc | |
CAuth_id | Storage container for default auth ids |
Cauth_plugin_t | |
►CAuthBase | |
CAuthCleartextPassword | |
CHttpAuthMethodBasic::AuthData | |
CMysqlx::Session::AuthenticateContinue | Send by client or server after an Mysqlx::Session::AuthenticateStart to exchange more authentication data |
CMysqlx::Session::AuthenticateOk | Sent by the server after successful authentication |
CMysqlx::Session::AuthenticateStart | The initial message send from the client to the server to start the authentication process |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::AuthMethod< Borrowed > | AuthMethod of classic protocol |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::AuthMethodData< Borrowed > | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::AuthMethodData< Borrowed > | Opaque auth-method-data message |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::AuthMethodSwitch< Borrowed > | |
CAuthNativePassword | |
CAuthOpenidConnect | |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Authority | |
Cdd::cache::Dictionary_client::Auto_releaser | Class to help releasing and deleting objects |
Cmysqlrouter::AutoCleaner | Automatic cleanup on scope exit utility class |
CAutoDebugTrace | A RAII helper to do DBUG_ENTER / DBUG_RETURN for you automatically |
CAutoinc_field_has_explicit_non_null_value_reset_guard | RAII class to reset TABLE::autoinc_field_has_explicit_non_null_value after processing individual row in INSERT or LOAD DATA statements |
Cdd::cache::Shared_multi_map< T >::Autolocker | |
CAutorejoin_thread | Represents and encapsulates the logic responsible for handling the auto-rejoin process within Group Replication |
CAutoRLock | |
CAutoWLock | |
Caux_name_vec_t | Structure to manage FTS AUX table name and MDL during its drop |
CAvailableDestination | |
Cavgcost_data | |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Axis | |
Cazio_stream | |
Csp_parser_data::Backpatch_info | |
CBackup_page_tracker | |
►Cstd::bad_cast | |
►CBASE | |
CBase64Alphabet::Base64 | |
CBase64Base< Alphabet, E, PaddingMandatory, PaddingChar > | Base64 codec base class |
CBase64Impl | Generic Base64 codec |
CBase64Alphabet::Base64Url | |
►Cbase_ilist< T > | |
►Cbase_ilist_iterator< T > | |
Cut_list_base< Type, NodeGetter >::base_iterator< E > | |
►Cbase_list | |
►Cbase_list_iterator | |
►Clob::BaseInserter | This struct can hold BLOB routines/functions, and state variables, that are common for compressed and uncompressed BLOB |
►Cmysql_harness::BasePluginConfig | Retrieve and manage plugin configuration |
CBaseProtocol | |
►Crapidjson::BaseReaderHandler | |
►CBaseRestApiHandler | |
Cnet::ip::basic_address_iterator< Address > | |
Cnet::ip::basic_address_iterator< address_v4 > | |
Cnet::ip::basic_address_iterator< address_v6 > | |
Cnet::ip::basic_address_iterator< value_type > | |
Cnet::ip::basic_address_range< Address > | |
Cnet::ip::basic_address_range< address_v4 > | |
Cnet::ip::basic_address_range< address_v6 > | |
Clocal::basic_endpoint< Protocol > | Endpoint of Unix domain sockets (AF_UNIX) |
Cnet::ip::basic_endpoint< InternetProtocol > | |
Clocal::basic_endpoint< stream_protocol > | |
►CBasic_istream | The abstract class for basic byte input streams which provides read operations |
►CBasic_ostream | The abstract class for basic output streams which provides write operation |
►Clob::basic_page_t | |
Cnet::ip::basic_resolver_entry< InternetProtocol > | Endpoint of IPv4/IPv6 based connection |
Cnet::ip::basic_resolver_results< InternetProtocol > | |
►Cnet::basic_socket_impl_base | Template-less base-class of basic_socket_impl |
Cnet::basic_waitable_timer< Clock, WaitTraits > | |
►Cnet::io_context::DeferredWork::BasicCallable | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::wire::BasicInt< U > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::wire::BasicInt< int64_t > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::wire::BasicInt< uint16_t > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::wire::BasicInt< uint32_t > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::wire::BasicInt< uint64_t > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::wire::BasicInt< uint8_t > | |
►CBasicProcessor | Base class of all the processors |
CBase64Alphabet::Bcrypt | |
Clob::Being_modified | This is used to take action when we enter and exit a scope |
CBFT | Does a breadth first traversal (BFT) of the B-tree, and invokes the callback for each of the B-tree nodes |
CBG_geometry_collection | A utility class to flatten any hierarchy of geometry collection into one with no nested geometry collections |
CBG_models< CoordinateSystemType > | A wrapper and interface for all geometry types used here |
CBG_result_buf_mgr | We have to hold result buffers in functions that return a GEOMETRY string, because such a function's result geometry's buffer is directly used and set to String result object |
Cbinlog::Bgc_ticket_manager | Singleton class that manages the grouping of sessions for the Binlog Group Commit (BGC), using a ticketing system |
Cbinlog::BgcTicket | Represents the Binlog Group Commit Ticket - BGC Ticket |
Cbgpt_eq | Equals comparator for points used by BG |
Cbgpt_lt | Less than comparator for points used by BG |
Cbig_rec_field_t | A slot for a field in a big rec vector |
Cbig_rec_t | Storage format for overflow data in a big record, that is, a clustered index record which needs external storage of data fields |
CBigint | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Bin_instantiator | |
CBinary_diff | Class that represents a single change to a column value in partial update of a JSON column |
►Cmysql::binlog::event::Binary_log_event | This is the abstract base class for binary log events |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< T > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Bit< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Blob< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Date > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::DateTime > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Decimal< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Double > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Enum< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Float > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Geometry< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Int24 > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Json< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Long > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::LongBlob< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::LongLong > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::MediumBlob< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::NewDecimal< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Null > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Set< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Short > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::String< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Time > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Timestamp > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Tiny > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::TinyBlob< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Varchar< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::VarString< Borrowed > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::BinaryTypeBase< borrowable::binary::Year > | |
Chttp::server::Bind | |
CBind_address_info | Plain structure to collect together a host name/ip address and a corresponding network namespace if set and pass these information to different functions as a single unit |
Cbind_params_iterator | |
CBindPortOption | Empty or 1..65335 |
CBinlog_cache_compressor | Controls the execution flow when we compress the transaction cache into memory and write back the compressed data to the transaction cache |
►Cbinlog_cache_data | Caches for non-transactional and transactional data before writing it to the binary log |
Cbinlog_cache_mngr | |
CBinlog_event_data_istream | Binlog_event_data_istream fetches byte data from Basic_istream and divides them into event_data chunk according to the format |
CBinlog_event_object_istream< EVENT_DATA_ISTREAM > | It reads event_data from an event_data stream and deserialize them to event object |
Cbinlog_func_st | |
CBinlog_group_commit_ctx | Keeps the THD session context to be used with the Bgc_ticket_manager |
CBinlog_index | Binlog_index defines methods which handle binlog index file and its entries |
CBinlog_index_monitor | Binlog_index_monitor synchronizes access to Binlog_index object |
CBinlog_iterator_ctx | This class holds the context of the iterator |
Cbinlog_log_query_st | |
CBinlog_log_row_cleanup | The purpose of an instance of this class is to : |
Cinjector::transaction::binlog_pos | |
CBinlog_read_error | It defines the error types which could happen when reading binlog files or deserializing binlog events |
CBinlog_relay_IO_observer | Observes and extends the service of slave IO thread |
CBinlog_relay_IO_param | Replication binlog relay IO observer parameter |
CBinlog_sender | The major logic of dump thread is implemented in this class |
CBinlog_storage_observer | Observe binlog logging storage |
CBinlog_storage_param | Binlog storage observer parameters |
CBinlog_transmit_observer | Observe and extends the binlog dumping thread |
CBinlog_transmit_param | Replication binlog transmitter (binlog dump) observer parameter |
CBinlog_user_var_event | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::BinlogDump< Borrowed > | |
Cclassic_protocol::message::client::impl::BinlogDump | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::BinlogDumpGtid< Borrowed > | |
Cclassic_protocol::message::client::impl::BinlogDumpGtid | |
Coci::ssl::BIO_deleter | |
CBipartite_name | |
CBit_stream_base< T, UT > | Template base class of Bit_reader / Bit_writer |
►CBit_stream_base< char, uchar > | |
►CBit_stream_base< const char, const uchar > | |
CBitIteratorAdaptor< Policy > | |
CBitmap< default_width > | |
CBitmap< 64 > | |
CBitmap< MAX_FIELDS > | |
CChnunk_Bitmap::Bitmap_Operator_Impl | Bitmap array index operator implementation |
CBitset< B > | A simple bitset wrapper class, which lets you access an existing range of bytes (not owned by it!) as if it was a std::bitset or std::vector<bool> |
Cblackhole_free_share | |
CBlob | Class representing a region of memory (e.g., a string or binary buffer) |
Clob::blob_dir_t | The in-memory blob directory |
CBtree_multi::bulk::Blob_handle | Used to insert a single blob into InnoDB |
CBtree_multi::bulk::Blob_inserter | Used to insert many blobs into InnoDB |
Cblob_len_ptr | This structure is a helper structure for passing the length and pointer of blob space allocated by storage engine |
CBlob_mem_storage | Class is used as a BLOB field value storage for intermediate GROUP_CONCAT results |
Clob::blob_page_info_t | Information about data stored in one BLOB page |
Cfile::Block | Blocks for doing IO, used in the transparent compression and encryption code |
Cmeb::Block | Encapsulates a log block of size QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE, enqueued by the producer, dequeued by the consumer and written into the redo log archive file |
CMEM_ROOT::Block | |
Cmem_root_deque< Element_type >::Block | |
CTranxNodeAllocator::Block | A sequence memory which contains BLOCK_TRANX_NODES TranxNodes |
Cbuf::Block_hint | |
Cdyn_buf_t< SIZE >::block_t | |
CBlocked_transaction_handler | |
CBlockedEndpoints | |
Cresource_blocker::Blocker | |
CBlockReporter | Class to print checksums to log file |
CBool3 | A type for SQL-like 3-valued Booleans: true/false/unknown |
►Cstd::bool_constant | |
►Cut::bool_scope_guard_t | A RAII-style class, which sets a given boolean to true in constructor, and to false in destructor, effectively making sure that it is true for the duration of the object lifetime/scope |
Cmysql_harness::BoolOption | |
Cdd::upgrade::Bootstrap_error_handler | Bootstrap thread executes SQL statements |
Cbootstrap_parser_position | |
Cbootstrap_parser_state | |
CBounded_queue< Element_type, Key_type, Key_generator, Key_compare > | A priority queue with a fixed, limited size |
CBounds_checked_array< Element_type > | A wrapper class which provides array bounds checking |
CBounds_checked_array< const Item *const > | |
CBounds_checked_array< Item * > | |
CBounds_checked_array< Merge_chunk > | |
CBounds_checked_array< OrderElement > | |
CBounds_checked_array< Sort_addon_field > | |
►Cgis::Box | A 2d box with sides parallel to the coordinate system grid |
Cbtr_cur_t | The tree cursor: the definition appears here only for the compiler to know struct size! |
Cbtr_latch_leaves_t | |
Cbtr_path_t | A slot in the path array |
Cbtr_pcur_t | |
Cbtr_search_prefix_info_t | Structure used by AHI to contain information on record prefixes to be considered in hash index subsystem |
Cbtr_search_sys_t | The hash index system |
Cbtr_search_t | The search info struct in an index |
►Clob::BtrContext | The B-tree context under which the LOB operation is done |
CBtree_multi::Btree_load_compare | Function object to compare two Btree_load objects |
Cbucket | |
Cconcurrent_map< Key, Value, Hash >::Bucket | |
Chistograms::equi_height::Bucket< T > | Equi-height bucket |
Cbuf_block_t | The buffer control block structure |
Cbuf_buddy_free_t | Struct that is embedded in the free zip blocks |
Cbuf_buddy_stat_t | Statistics of buddy blocks of a given size |
Cbuf_chunk_t | A chunk of buffers |
CBuf_fetch< T > | This class implements the rules for fetching the pages from the buffer pool depending on the context |
►CBuf_fetch< Buf_fetch_normal > | |
►CBuf_fetch< Buf_fetch_other > | |
CBuf_flush_list_added_lsns | Tracks the concurrent executions of adding dirty pages to the flush lists |
Cbuf_LRU_stat_t | Statistics for selecting the LRU list for eviction |
Cbuf_page_desc_t | Structure associates a name string with a file page type and/or buffer page state |
Cbuf_page_info_t | This structure defines information we will fetch from pages currently cached in the buffer pool |
Cbuf_page_t | |
CDouble_write::Buf_pages | For collecting pages to write |
Cbuf_pool_info_t | This structure defines information we will fetch from each buffer pool |
Cbuf_pool_stat_t | The buffer pool statistics structure |
Cbuf_pool_t | The buffer pool structure |
Cbuf_pools_list_size_t | The occupied bytes of lists in all buffer pools |
Cbuf_stat_per_index_t | Per index buffer pool statistics - contains how many pages for each index are cached in the buffer pool(s) |
Canonymous_namespace{opt_trace.cc}::Buffer | A wrapper of class String, for storing query or trace |
Cdblwr::Buffer | IO buffer in UNIV_PAGE_SIZE units and aligned on UNIV_PAGE_SIZE |
CBuffer_cleanup | |
►Cbuffer_sequence_requirements | |
Cmysql::containers::buffers::Buffer_sequence_view< Char_tp, Container_tp, const_tp > | Sequence of memory buffers |
Cmysql::containers::buffers::Buffer_sequence_view< unsigned char, std::vector > | |
Cmysql::containers::buffers::Buffer_view< Char_tp > | Non-owning view of a memory buffer with a fixed size |
Cmysql::containers::buffers::Buffer_view< Char_t > | |
Chttp::cno::BufferSequence< SourceType, ResultType > | |
Cgis::BufferStrategies | |
Cddl::Builder | For loading indexes |
Cmysql_harness::BuiltinPlugins | Singleton class implementing registry of the built-in MySQLRouter plugins |
CBtree_multi::Bulk_extent_allocator | |
CBtree_multi::Bulk_flusher | |
Cbulk_insert_param | |
CBulk_load_error_location_details | |
CBulk_load_file_info | |
Cmysql::serialization::Byte_count_helper< field_size > | Structure that contains methods to count the number of bytes needed to encode a specific field |
Cmysql::serialization::Byte_count_helper< 0 > | Specialization of Byte_count_helper for 0 field_size |
CBytesPerTableRow | This struct represents the number of bytes we expect to read for a table row |
Cc_string_less | Compares two strings for order, assures ascending lexicographical order |
CSystem_variable_tracker::Cache | |
Ccache_const_expr_arg | Descriptor of what and how to cache for Item::cache_const_expr_transformer/analyzer |
Cdd::cache::Cache_element< T > | Implementation of a dictionary client |
►Creference_caching::Cache_malloced | |
Cbinlog_cache_data::cache_state | |
CCache_temp_engine_properties | Cache for the storage engine properties for the alternative temporary table storage engines |
CCached_authentication_plugins | |
►CCached_item | This is used for segregating rows in groups (e.g |
CCachedPropertiesForPredicate | |
Ccaching_sha2_auth_handler | St_mysql_auth for caching_sha2_password plugin |
Csha2_password::Caching_sha2_password | Class to handle caching_sha2_authentication Provides methods for: |
CCachingSha2Password | |
CBFT::Callback | |
CCallback | Class that stores callback function reference as well as the result of the callback function call (invoke method) |
Ckeyring_proxy::Callback | Class that stores callback function reference as well as the result of the callback function call (invoke method) |
Ccallback_data | |
Cnet::impl::Callstack< Key, Value > | Callstack of a thread |
CMysqlx::Connection::Capabilities | Capabilities |
CMysqlx::Connection::CapabilitiesGet | Get supported connection capabilities and their current state |
CMysqlx::Connection::CapabilitiesSet | Set connection capabilities atomically |
CMysqlx::Connection::Capability | Capability |
CCast_type | |
Cmpmc_bq< T >::Cell | |
Ctemptable::Cell | A cell is the intersection of a row and a column |
Ctemptable::Cell_calculator | Utility to perform calculations for a cell |
CCertificateGenerator | |
CCertificateHandler | |
Cgr::Certified_gtid | Class that aggregates important information about already certified gtid |
CCertifier_broadcast_thread | This class is a core component of the database state machine replication protocol |
►CCertifier_stats | |
Ccfg_app_xcom | |
CItem_ident::Change_context | < Argument object to change_context_processor |
CChange_current_query_block | RAII class to automate saving/restoring of current_query_block() |
CChange_server_id_scope | |
Canonymous_namespace{config_generator.cc}::ChangeRouterAccountPlugin | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::ChangeUser< Borrowed > | |
CChannel | SSL aware socket buffers |
Cchannel | |
CChannel_connection_info | Channel information to connect to a receiver |
CChannel_creation_info | Creation information for a channel |
CRpl_channel_credentials::Channel_cred_param | |
►CChannel_info | This abstract base class represents connection channel information about a new connection |
CChannel_observation_manager | A class to register observers for channel state events |
CChannel_observation_manager_list | A class to hold different channel observation manager |
CChannel_ssl_info | SSL information to be used when creating a channel |
►CChannel_state_observer | A interface class to code channel state response methods |
CChar_grp_info | |
CChar_Ptr_Compare | Compare two 'strings' |
CChar_Ptr_Hash | Hash a NUL terminated 'string' |
Ccharacter_set | |
CCharset_service | Class that acquire/release the udf_metadata_service from registry service |
CCheck | Functor to validate the flush list |
CCheck_constraint_column_dependency_checker | Helper class to check if column being dropped or removed in ALTER statement is in use by Check constraints |
Cdd::Check_constraint_order_comparator | Class used to sort check constraints by name for the same table |
CCheck_field_param | |
CCheck_function_as_value_generator_parameters | Struct used to pass around arguments to/from check_function_as_value_generator |
CCheckable_rwlock | This has the functionality of mysql_rwlock_t, with two differences: |
CCheckInFreeList | Functor to validate the LRU list |
CCheckInLRUList | Functor to validate the LRU list |
Clog_pre_8_0_30::Checkpoint_header | Meta data stored in one of two checkpoint headers |
CCheckUnzipLRUAndLRUList | |
CCheckZipFree | Validate a given zip_free list |
CChnunk_Bitmap | Bitmap for completed chunks in current state |
Ctemptable::Chunk | Chunk is an abstraction with the purpose of representing a smallest logical memory-unit within the Block |
CChunk_Info | Incomplete Chunk information |
CChunkPair | |
Cconnection_control::Failed_attempts_list_imp::ciLessLibC | |
Ccircular_buffer_queue< Element_type > | The class defines a type of queue with a predefined max capacity that is implemented using the circular memory buffer |
►Ccircular_buffer_queue< Slave_job_group > | |
►Ccircular_buffer_queue< Slave_job_item > | |
CGeometry::Class_info | |
CClassicFrame | |
►CClassicProtocolState | Protocol state of a classic protocol connection |
CClearTextPassword | |
Chttp::client::Client | |
Cclient_authentication_info | |
Cclient_query_attributes | |
CMysqlx::ClientMessages | IDs of messages that can be sent from client to the server |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Clone | |
CClone_Desc_Data | CLONE_DESC_DATA: Descriptor for data |
CClone_Desc_File_MetaData | CLONE_DESC_FILE_METADATA: Descriptor for file metadata |
CClone_Desc_Header | Header common to all descriptors |
CClone_Desc_Locator | CLONE_DESC_LOCATOR: Descriptor for a task for clone operation |
CClone_Desc_State | CLONE_DESC_STATE: Descriptor for current snapshot state |
CClone_Desc_Task_Meta | CLONE_DESC_TASK_METADATA: Descriptor for a task for clone operation |
CClone_file_ctx | |
CClone_File_Meta | Clone file information |
CClone_Handle | Clone Handle for copying or applying data |
CClone_handler | Clone plugin handler to convenient way to |
CClone_interface_t | |
CClone_Monitor | Class used to report CLONE progress via Performance Schema |
CClone_notify | Clone Notification handler |
CClone_Page | Page identified by space and page number |
CClone_persist_gtid | Persist GTID along with transaction commit |
CClone_Snapshot | Dynamic database snapshot: Holds metadata and handle to data |
CClone_Sys | Clone System |
CClone_Task | Task for clone operation |
CClone_Task_Manager | Task manager for manging the tasks for a clone operation |
CClone_Task_Meta | Task information in clone operation |
CMysqlx::Connection::Close | Announce to the server that the client wants to close the connection |
CMysqlx::Cursor::Close | Close cursor |
CMysqlx::Expect::Close | Close a Expect block |
CMysqlx::Session::Close | Close the current session |
Cboost::geometry::traits::closure< gis::Cartesian_linearring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::closure< gis::Geographic_linearring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::closure< Gis_polygon_ring > | |
CClusterAwareDecorator | Cluster (GR or AR)-aware decorator for MySQL Sessions |
Cmysqlrouter::ClusterInfo | |
►Cmysqlrouter::ClusterMetadata | |
CClusterMetadataDynamicState | ClusterMetadataDynamicState represents a dynamic state that the metadata cache module wants to persist in the file |
►Cmetadata_cache::ClusterStateListenerInterface | Abstract class that provides interface for listener on cluster status changes |
►Cmetadata_cache::ClusterStateNotifierInterface | Abstract class that provides interface for adding and removing observers on cluster status changes |
Cmetadata_cache::ClusterTopology | Represents a cluster (a GR group or AR members) and its metadata servers |
CClusterTypeOption | |
CCMD_LINE | A small wrapper class to pass getopt arguments as a pair to the Sys_var_* constructors |
CCmdArgHandler | Handles command line arguments |
CCmdOption | CmdOption stores information about command line options |
►Ccmp_item | |
Canonymous_namespace{json_dom.cc}::Cmp_json | |
CCmp_longlong | |
CCmp_row | |
CCmp_splocal_locations | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_cmpfunc.cc}::Cmp_string | |
►Chttp::cno::CnoInterface | |
Cclassic_protocol::Codec< T > | Codec for a type |
►Cmysql::binlog::event::codecs::Codec | This is the abstract and base class for binary log codecs |
►Cclassic_protocol::Codec< borrowable::wire::FixedInt< 1 > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::Codec< borrowable::wire::FixedInt< IntSize > > | Codec of a FixedInt |
Cclassic_protocol::Codec< borrowable::wire::String< Borrowed > > | Codec for wire::String |
Cclassic_protocol::Codec< void > | Codec for ignorable bytes |
Ccol_assign_node_t | Column assignment node |
CColl_param | |
CCollation_hasher | A Hasher that hashes std::strings according to a MySQL collation |
CCollation_key_equal | A KeyEqual that compares std::strings according to a MySQL collation |
Cmysql::collation_internals::Collations | Helper class: implementation of character set/collation library |
CItem_sum::Collect_grouped_aggregate_info | Argument used by walk method collect_grouped_aggregates ("cga") |
CItem_subselect::Collect_subq_info | Argument used by walk method collect_scalar_subqueries ("css") |
Cdd::Collection< T > | |
CMysqlx::Crud::Collection | |
Cdd::Collection< Partition * > | |
Cdd::Collection< T >::Collection_const_iterator | |
Cdd::Collection< T >::Collection_iterator | |
CMysqlx::Crud::Column | |
Cpack_rows::Column | A class that represents a field, which also holds a cached value of the field's data type |
Cqep_row::column< T > | A wrapper for numeric table properties |
Ctemptable::Column | A column class that describes the metadata of a column |
CColumn_filter_outbound_func_indexes | One use case for filtering relates to hidden generated columns |
CColumn_meta | Column metadata information |
CColumn_metadata | The metadata of a Column Need to keep in-sync with Send_field class |
CColumn_mysql | |
CColumn_name_comparator | |
CColumn_privilege_tracker | RAII class for column privilege checking |
CColumn_text | |
Cp_column_list_val::column_value_union | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::ColumnCount | ColumnCount message |
►Ccs::util::ColumnFilter | When iterating the table fields for sometimes you want to skip some columns |
Ccs::util::ColumnFilterFactory | This class allows the developer to create a filter instance given a type |
CMysqlx::Expr::ColumnIdentifier | Column identifier |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::ColumnMeta< Borrowed > | |
CMysqlx::Resultset::ColumnMetaData | Meta data of a column |
Canonymous_namespace{explain_access_path.cc}::ColumnNameCollector | Functor that can be passed to WalkItem() to collect the names of all the columns referenced by an Item |
Cdd_column_statistics_unittest::ColumnStatisticsTest< T > | |
Chardware::Combination_step_executor< algo_to_use, slice_len, slices_count > | The body of unrolled loop used to combine partial results from each slice into the final hash of whole chunk, which in i-th iteration takes the crc of i-th slice and "rolls it forward" by virtually processing as many zeros as there are from the end of the i-th slice to the end of the chunk |
CCombining_mark | |
Cmtr_t::Command | |
Ccommand_arg | |
►CCommand_delegate | |
►Cbootstrap::Command_iterator | Abstract interface to reading bootstrap commands |
Canonymous_namespace{command_mapping.cc}::Command_maps | |
CCommand_names | Map from enumeration values of type enum_server_command to descriptions of type std::string |
Ccommand_service_st | |
CCommandRouterSet | |
Ccommit_node_t | Commit command node in a query graph |
CCommit_order_manager | On a replica and only on a replica, this class is responsible for committing the applied transactions in the same order as was observed on the source |
Ccs::apply::Commit_order_queue | Queue to maintain the ordered sequence of workers waiting for commit |
CCommit_order_trx_dependency_tracker | Generate logical timestamps for MTS using COMMIT_ORDER binlog transaction dependency tracking algorithm |
CCommit_stage_manager | Class for maintaining the commit stages for binary log group commit |
►CCommon_interface | Common interface that is used to define the sink and logger interfaces |
CCommon_table_expr | After parsing, a Common Table Expression is accessed through a Table_ref |
CCommunication_stack_to_string | This class is a helper to translate a Communication Stack to a string |
►CComp_creator | Abstract factory interface for creating comparison predicates |
CComp_lines | |
CCompanionSet | RelationalExpression objects in the same companion set are those that are inner-joined against each other; we use this to see in what parts of the graph we allow cycles |
CCompanionSetCollection | The collection of CompanionSet objects for a given JoinHypergraph |
Cddl::Merge_cursor::Compare | Comparator |
Cddl::Compare_key | Compare the keys of an index |
CCompare_page_free_tuple | |
Creference_caching::Compare_service_name_entry | |
CGraphSimplifier::CompareByBenefit | |
CCompatibility_module | |
Cterminology_use_previous::compatible_name_t | Encapsulates a <name, version> pair, holding an instrumentation name, and the version before which it was in use by the server |
Cclassic_protocol::clone::server::Complete | |
CSystem_variable_tracker::Component | |
Ckeyring_common::service_implementation::Component_callbacks | |
CComponent_malloc_allocator< T > | Component_malloc_allocator is a C++ STL memory allocator based on my_malloc/my_free |
►CCompound_key_hint | Auxiliary class for compound key objects |
Cclassic_protocol::frame::CompressedHeader | Header of a compressed frame |
CCompression | Compression algorithm |
CMysqlx::Connection::Compression | |
Ccompression_attributes | This structure holds the negotiated compression algorithm and level between client and server |
Cbinlog::monitoring::Compression_stats | This class represents the compression stats collected for a given combination of log type and compression type |
►Cmysql::binlog::event::compression::Compressor | Abstract base class for compressors |
Cconclusions | |
Cconcurrent_map< Key, Value, Hash > | Basic Concurrent Map |
CMysqlx::Expect::Open::Condition | |
CCondition_context | Utility RAII class to save/modify/restore the condition_context information of a query block |
►Cservices::Condition_handler | This class may inherited and passed to parse() in order to handle conditions raised by the server |
CCondition_pushdown | Class which handles pushing conditions down to a materialized derived table |
Cmysql::condition_variable | Condition_variable is a C++ STL conditional variable (std::condition_variable) implementation using the instrumented MySQL conditional variable component API |
►Cstd::conditional_t< ut::WITH_PFS_MEMORY, detail::allocator_base_pfs< T >, detail::allocator_base< T > > | |
CKeyringFrontend::Config | |
►Cmysql_harness::Config | Configuration |
CParallel_reader::Config | Scan (Scan_ctx) configuration |
CPasswdFrontend::Config | |
CPluginInfoFrontend::Config | |
Ckeyring_file::config::Config_pod | |
Ckeyring_common::config::Config_reader | |
Cmysql_harness::ConfigBuilder | Builder for MySQL Router config files |
CConfigFilePathValidator | |
Cmysqlrouter::ConfigGenerator | |
Chttp::client::impl::ConfigSchema | |
Cmysql_harness::ConfigSection | Configuration section |
Canonymous_namespace{config_generator.cc}::ConfigSectionPrinter | |
►CConfiguration_propagation | Interface for configuration propagation through Member_actions_handler |
Cmysqlrouter::anonymous_namespace{cluster_metadata.cc}::ConfigurationDefaults | |
Clocksys::Conflicting | |
CConflictRule | |
CMySQLRoutingAPI::ConnData | |
CConnection | Connection class |
Chttp::client::impl::Connection | |
Cserver_mock::Connection | |
CConnection_acceptor< Listener > | This class presents a generic interface to initialize and run a connection event loop for different types of listeners and a callback functor to call on the connection event from the listener that listens for connection |
►Cconnection_control::Connection_control_alloc | |
Cconnection_control::Connection_control_pfs_table_data_row | |
Cconnection_control::Connection_control_statistics | Structure to maintain statistics |
Cconnection_control::Connection_control_variables | Structure to maintain system variables |
Cconnection_descriptor | |
►Cconnection_control::Connection_event_observer | Interface for defining action on connection events |
Cconnection_control::Connection_event_subscriber | |
►CConnection_handler | This abstract base class represents how connections are processed, most importantly how they map to OS threads |
CConnection_handler_functions | This structure must be populated by plugins which implement connection handlers and passed as an argument to my_connection_handler_set() in order to activate the connection handler |
CConnection_handler_manager | This is a singleton class that provides various connection management related functionalities, most importantly dispatching new connections to the currently active Connection_handler |
►CConnectionBase | Virtual base-class of BasicConnection |
CConnectionPool::ConnectionCloser | |
CConnectionContainer | Container for connections to MySQL Server |
►Chttp::base::ConnectionInterface | |
CConnectionPool | Connection pool of mysql connections |
CConnectionPoolComponent | |
►CConnectionRaw::ConnectionStatusCallbacks | |
►CConnectionTls::ConnectionStatusCallbacks | |
Chttp::base::ConnectionStatusCallbacks< Connection > | |
►CConnectorBase | |
Chttp::client::ConsoleRawOut | |
Chttp::client::ConsoleSocketOut | |
Cnet::const_buffer | |
CLog_files_dict::Const_iterator | |
►Cmy_unordered_string_to_string_map::const_iterator | |
CItem_multi_eq::ConstFieldProxy | |
►CConstraint_type_resolver | Base class to resolve constraints type for the constraints specified in the ALTER TABLE ... DROP/ALTER CONSTRAINT operation |
Cnet::consuming_buffers< BufferSequence, BufferType > | |
CContainedSubquery | This class represents a subquery contained in some subclass of Item_subselect, |
CContentType | |
Cbinlog::Context | Global context for binary logging |
Cbinlog::monitoring::Context | The global context for binary/relay log monitoring |
Cddl::Context | DDL context/configuration |
Cddl::Merge_file_sort::Context | Context to use for merging the files/runs |
Cnet::impl::Callstack< Key, Value >::Context | |
Crouting_guidelines::rpn::Context | |
►CContinent_index | |
CContinent_POS | |
CContinent_record | |
CContinent_Table_Handle | |
CContinuation | Class used to wait on the execution of some action |
CExitStatus::continued_t | |
CTty::Flags::Posix::Control | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_system< gis::Cartesian_point > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_system< gis::Geographic_point > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_system< Gis_point > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_type< gis::Cartesian_point > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_type< gis::Geographic_point > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::coordinate_type< Gis_point > | |
Cddl::Copy_ctx | Context for copying cluster index row for the index to being created |
CCopy_field | |
CCOPY_INFO | This class encapsulates a data change operation |
CCost_constant_cache | This class implements a cache for "cost constant sets" |
CCost_estimate | Used to store optimizer cost estimates |
CCost_model_constants | Set of all cost constants used by the server and all storage engines |
CCost_model_se_info | Class that keeps all cost constants for a storage engine |
CCost_model_server | API for getting cost estimates for server operations that are not directly related to a table object |
CCost_model_table | API for getting cost estimates for operations on table data |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::CostingReceiver | CostingReceiver contains the main join planning logic, selecting access paths based on cost |
CCostOfItem | This class represents the cost of evaluating an Item |
CLatchCounter::Count | The counts we collect for a mutex |
Cut::Count | Light-weight and type-safe wrapper which serves a purpose of being able to select proper ut::new_arr* overload |
CCountBitsAscending | |
CCountBitsDescending | |
CCountDownLatch | Synchronization auxiliary class that allows one or more threads to wait on a given number of requirements |
Cut::detail::counting_semaphore_base< T, has_atomic_wait_support > | A SFINAE helper from which ut::counting_semaphore inherits whole behaviour |
Canonymous_namespace{composite_iterators.cc}::SpillState::CountPair | For a given chunk file pair {HF, IF}, the count of rows in each chunk respectively |
►CCountry_index | |
CCountry_POS | |
CCountry_record | |
CCountry_Table_Handle | |
►Chardware::crc32_impl | The collection of functions implementing hardware accelerated updating of CRC32-C hash by processing a few (1,2,4 or 8) bytes of input |
CCreate_db_cleanup_handler | |
►CCreate_field | Create_field is a description a field/column that may or may not exists in a table |
►CCreate_func | Public function builder interface |
Ccreate_table_info_t | Class for handling create table information |
CCreateTracker | Track mutex file creation name and line number |
CMysqlx::Crud::CreateView | CreateView create view based on indicated Mysqlx::Crud::Find message |
CClientSideClassicProtocolState::Credentials | Credentials per authentication method |
CBase64Alphabet::Crypt | |
CCRYPTO_dynlock_value | |
Cbinlog::service::iterators::tests::Cs_entries_table | |
CCSET_STRING | Character set armed LEX_CSTRING |
CItem::Css_info | Minion class under Collect_scalar_subquery_info ("Css") |
CParallel_reader::Ctx | Parallel reader execution context |
►CSession_consistency_gtids_ctx::Ctx_change_listener | This is an interface to be implemented by classes that want to listen to changes to this context |
►CBtree_load::Cursor | Interface to consume from |
►Cddl::Cursor | Cursor for reading the data |
Crules_table_service::Cursor | Writable cursor that allows reading and updating of rows in a persistent table |
Ctemptable::Cursor | A cursor for iterating over an Index |
Cclassic_protocol::clone::server::Data | |
►Ckeyring_common::data::Data | Sensitive data storage |
Cut::mt_fast_modulo_t::data_t | |
Ckeyring_common::cache::Datacache< Data_extension > | |
Cclassic_protocol::clone::server::DataDescriptor | |
CDatafile | Data file control information |
Clocal::datagram_protocol | |
CDate_time_format | Representation of time formats |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Datediff_instantiator | |
CDatetime | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::DatetimeBase | POD base-type for Datetime, Timestamp, Date |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Datum | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Dayofweek_instantiator | |
Cdb_worker_hash_entry | Legends running throughout the module: |
Cdblwr::recv::DBLWR | Redo recovery configuration |
Cdd::bootstrap::DD_bootstrap_ctx | |
CDD_instant_col_val_coder | Class to decode or encode a stream of default value for instant table |
Cdd::DD_kill_immunizer | RAII class for immunizing the THD from kill operations |
CDDL_Log_Table | Wrapper of mysql.innodb_ddl_log table |
CDDL_Record | DDL log record |
CDDTableBuffer | Wrapper for the mysql.innodb_dynamic_metadata used to buffer the persistent dynamic metadata |
CDeadlock_notifier | A static class for reporting notifications about deadlocks |
CMysqlx::Prepare::Deallocate | Deallocate already-prepared statement |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Debug | |
CDebug_check | Check that all slots have been handled |
CDebug_check_no_latching | Assure that there are no slots that are latching any resources |
Cdecimal | A structure to store a decimal value together with its precision and number of decimals TODO: HCS-10094 - Do we really need this struct? |
►Cdecimal_t | Base struct used to represent decimal data type |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::DecodeBufferAccumulator | Generator of decoded Types of a buffer |
CLinkedImmutableString::Decoded | |
Cbinlog::Decompressing_event_object_istream | Stream class that yields Log_event objects from a source |
►Cmysql::binlog::event::compression::Decompressor | Abstract base class for decompressors |
►Cboost::default_bfs_visitor | |
CDefault_binlog_event_allocator | |
Cmysql::binlog::event::Table_map_event::Optional_metadata_fields::Default_charset | |
Cdefault_local_infile_data | |
CItem_func_json_value::Default_value | |
CDeferred_log_events | |
Cnet::io_context::DeferredWork | Queued work from io_context::executor_type::dispatch()/post()/defer() |
CDelayed_initialization_thread | |
►CDelegate | Base class for adding replication event observer infra-structure |
CMysqlx::Crud::Delete | Delete documents/rows from a Collection/Table |
CDeleter< class > | |
Clob::Deleter | |
Copenssl::DigestCtx::Deleter | |
Cut::detail::Deleter< T > | |
CDeleter< EVP_CIPHER_CTX > | |
Cmysql_harness::impl::Deleter_SSL | |
CDenested_map_iterator< Outer_iterator_t, outer_is_map, inner_is_map > | Iterator that provides the elements of a nested map as a linear sequence |
CDenested_map_view< Nested_map_t, outer_is_map, inner_is_map > | View over a nested map structure, which provides iterators over the elements of the second-level map |
Cmysql_harness::posix::access_rights::DenyPermissionVerifier< Mask > | Denies permissions |
CItem_ident::Depended_change | Argument structure for walk processor Item::update_depended_from |
CDeployed_components | This class implements component loading through manifest file |
CDerived_key | This structure is used to keep info about possible key for the result table of a derived table/view |
CDerived_refs_iterator | This iterates on those references to a derived table / view / CTE which are materialized |
CCondition_pushdown::Derived_table_info | Used to pass information during condition pushdown |
CDesignator | Designator grammar |
CDestination | Destination to forward client connections to |
Cmysql_harness::Destination | |
Crouting_guidelines::Routing_guidelines_engine::Destination_classification | Result of destination classification |
Cmysql_harness::DestinationAcceptor | |
Cmysql_harness::DestinationEndpoint | |
Crouting_guidelines::Routing_guidelines_engine::Route::DestinationGroup | |
►CDestinationNodesStateNotifier | Allows the obervers to register for notifications on the change in the state of the destination nodes |
Cmysql_harness::DestinationSocket | |
CDestinationsOption | |
CDestinationsOptionParser | |
CDestinationStatusComponent | Shared component representing status of the routing destinations |
CDestinationTlsContext | TlsClientContext per destination |
CDestroy_only< T > | |
Cdfield_t | Structure for an SQL data field |
CLogicalOrderings::DFSMEdge | |
CLogicalOrderings::DFSMState | |
Canonymous_namespace{interesting_orders.cc}::DFSMStateEqual< DFSMState > | |
Canonymous_namespace{interesting_orders.cc}::DFSMStateHash< DFSMState > | |
CDiagnostics_area | Stores status of the currently executed statement |
CDiagnostics_area_handler_raii | RAII class to manage the diagnostics area for the statement handler |
►CDiagnostics_information | Represents the diagnostics information to be obtained |
►CDiagnostics_information_item | A diagnostics information item |
CExecutionContext::DiagnosticsArea | Diagnostics area |
Cdict_add_v_col_t | Data structure for newly added virtual column in a table |
Cdict_col_default_t | Data structure for default value of a column in a table |
Cdict_col_t | Data structure for a column in a table |
Cdict_field_t | Data structure for a field in an index |
Cdict_foreign_add_to_referenced_table | A function object to add the foreign key constraint to the referenced set of the referenced table, if it exists in the dictionary cache |
Cdict_foreign_compare | Compare two dict_foreign_t objects using their ids |
Cdict_foreign_different_tables | |
Cdict_foreign_not_exists | Function object to check if a foreign key object is there in the given foreign key set or not |
Cdict_foreign_print | |
Cdict_foreign_remove_partial | Function object to remove a foreign key constraint from the referenced_set of the referenced table |
Cdict_foreign_set_free | The destructor will free all the foreign key constraints in the set by calling dict_foreign_free() on each of the foreign key constraints |
Cdict_foreign_t | Data structure for a foreign key constraint; an example: FOREIGN KEY (A, B) REFERENCES TABLE2 (C, D) |
Cdict_foreign_with_index | A function object to find a foreign key with the given index as the referenced index |
Cdict_index_t | Data structure for an index |
Cdict_intrinsic_table_t | |
Cdict_persist_t | Structure for persisting dynamic metadata of data dictionary |
Cdict_s_col_t | Data structure for a stored column in a table |
Cdict_sys_t | |
Cdict_table_t | Data structure for a database table |
Cdict_v_col_t | Data structure for a virtual column in a table |
Cdict_v_idx_t | Index information put in a list of virtual column structure |
Cdict_vcol_templ_t | Structure defines template related to virtual columns and their base columns |
►Cdd::Dictionary | Main interface class enabling users to operate on data dictionary |
Cdd::cache::Dictionary_client | |
CDigest | Message digest |
Cservices::Digest | |
Copenssl::DigestCtx | |
Copenssl::DigestFunc | |
CDigitCounter< T, MinDigits, MaxDigits, typename > | Functor that calculates the number of digits in an unsigned integer using binary search |
CDigitCounter< T, MinDigits, MaxDigits, typename std::enable_if< MinDigits==MaxDigits >::type > | Counts the number of digits for the trivial case where the known minimum number of digits is equal to the known maximum number of digits |
Cmysql_harness::DIM | |
Canonymous_namespace{sdi_file.cc}::Dir_pat_tuple | |
CDir_Walker | Class to scan the directory hierarchy using a depth first scan |
Cmysql_harness::Directory::DirectoryIterator | Directory iterator for iterating over directory entries |
CDisable_autocommit_guard | RAII class for temporarily turning off @autocommit in the connection |
CDisable_binlog_guard | RAII class to temporarily disable binlogging |
CDisable_slave_info_update_guard | RAII class to control the atomic DDL commit on slave |
CDisable_sql_log_bin_guard | |
CDiscrete_interval | |
CDiscrete_intervals_list | List of Discrete_interval objects |
Cnet::impl::Dispatcher< CompletionHandler > | Function object for net::dispatch(), net::post(), net::defer() |
CDL_commpare | |
CDns_srv_data::Dns_entry | |
CDns_srv_data | A RFC2782 compliant SRV records storage |
CMutexed_map_thd_srv_session::Do_Impl | |
CDo_THD | Internal class used in do_for_all_thd() and do_for_all_thd_copy() implementation |
►CDo_THD_Impl | Base class to perform actions on all thds in the thd list |
Cddl::FTS::Doc_item | Information about temporary files used in merge sort |
CMysqlx::Expr::DocumentPathItem | Document path item |
CDom_ctx | |
Cmysql_harness::logging::DomainLogger | |
CWaitableVariable< ValueType >::DoNothing | |
►CDouble_write | Doublewrite implementation |
CDrop_tables_ctx | Runtime context for DROP TABLES statement |
CDrop_tables_query_builder | Auxiliary class which is used to construct synthesized DROP TABLES statements for the binary log during execution of DROP TABLES statement |
CDrop_temporary_dynamic_privileges | |
CMysqlx::Crud::DropView | DropView removing existing view |
CDsMrr_impl | |
CDTCollation | |
Cdtuple_t | Structure for an SQL data tuple of fields (logical record) |
Cdtype_t | |
Cserver_mock::DukHeap | Memory heap of duk contexts |
Cserver_mock::DukHeapPool | |
Cserver_mock::DuktapeStatementReaderFactory | |
Cddl::Dup | Structure for reporting duplicate records |
CMDL_ticket_store::Duration | |
Cdyn_buf_t< SIZE > | Class that manages dynamic buffers |
Cdyn_buf_t< DYN_ARRAY_DATA_SIZE > | |
Cnet::impl::dynamic_buffer_base< T > | |
►Cnet::impl::dynamic_buffer_base< std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Allocator > > | |
►Cnet::impl::dynamic_buffer_base< std::vector< T, Allocator > > | |
CDynamic_loader_services_loaded_notification_imp | |
CDynamic_loader_services_unload_notification_imp | |
Cdynamic_privilege_services_impl | Interface implementation for registering and checking global dynamic privileges |
Csrv::dynamic_procedure_data_t | Type and data for tracking registered UDFs |
►Csrv::Dynamic_procedures | |
Cmysql_harness::DynamicConfig | Respresents the current Router configuration |
Cmysql_harness::DynamicLibrary | A DynamicLibrary |
Cmysql_harness::DynamicLoader | Loader for DynamicLibrary |
Cmysql_harness::DynamicState | DynamicState represents a MySQLRouter dynamic state object |
CEd_connection | |
CEd_result_set | Ed_result_set – a container with result set rows |
CEd_row | One result set record |
Cut::Stateful_latching_rules< Node, LATCHES_COUNT >::edge_t | The type for a possible transition from one state to another while holding at least a given set of latches |
CGraphSimplifier::EdgeCardinalities | |
CElection_member_info | |
CPool< Type, Factory, LockStrategy >::Element | |
Cdd::cache::Element_map< K, E > | Implementation of a map between a key type and an element type |
Celf_note | |
Celsif_node_t | Elsif-element node |
CEnable_derived_merge_guard | RAII class to temporarily enable derived_merge optimizer_switch for SHOW commands that are based on INFORMATION_SCHEMA system views |
Cdict_persist_t::Enable_immediate | Write dynamic metadata to DD buffer table immediately when such data is generated |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
►CEname_index | |
CEname_POS | |
CEname_Record | |
CEname_Table_Handle | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< T > | CRTP base for the Codec's encode part |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::binary::Null > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::AuthMethodData< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::BinlogDump< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::BinlogDumpGtid< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::ChangeUser< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::Greeting< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::InitSchema< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::Kill > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::ListFields< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::Query< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::RegisterReplica< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::Reload > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::SendFile< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::SetOption > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::StmtClose > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::StmtExecute< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::StmtFetch > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::StmtParamAppendData< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::StmtPrepare< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::client::StmtReset > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::AuthMethodData< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::AuthMethodSwitch< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::ColumnCount > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::ColumnMeta< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::Eof< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::Error< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::Greeting< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::Ok< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::Row< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::SendFileRequest< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::Statistics< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::StmtPrepareOk > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::message::server::StmtRow< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::session_track::Field< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::session_track::Gtid< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::session_track::Schema< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::session_track::SystemVariable< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::session_track::TransactionCharacteristics< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::session_track::TransactionState > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::wire::NulTermString< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::wire::VarInt > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< borrowable::wire::VarString< Borrowed > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< clone::client::Ack > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< clone::client::Attach > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< clone::client::Execute > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< clone::client::Exit > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< clone::client::Init > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< clone::client::Reinit > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< clone::server::Complete > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< clone::server::Error > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< frame::CompressedHeader > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< frame::Frame< PayloadType > > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< frame::Header > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< Codec< session_track::State > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< CodecSimpleCommand< Base, ValueType > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< DatetimeCodec< T > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< FixedIntCodec< T > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< FloatCodec< T > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< StringCodec< Borrowed, T > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBase< TimeCodec< T > > | |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeBufferAccumulator | Accumulator of encoded buffers |
Cclassic_protocol::impl::EncodeSizeAccumulator | Accumulates the sizes of encoded T's |
CEncryption | Encryption algorithm |
CEncryption_key | |
Crecv_sys_t::Encryption_Key | |
CEncryption_metadata | Encryption metadata |
Chttp::client::Client::Endpoint | |
Cmysqlrouter::ConfigGenerator::Options::Endpoint | |
CEngine_combination_tracker | |
Cenglish_greeting_service_imp | An implementation of the example Services to get English greeting message and its localization information |
Cdd::Entity_element< K, T, P, F, D > | Class to wrap an entity object |
Cdd::Entity_registry< K, T, P, F, D > | Class to represent collections of meta data for entities |
Cdd::Entity_registry< std::pair< const String_type, const String_type >, const Object_table, Types, type_name, true > | |
Cdd::Entity_registry< std::pair< const String_type, const String_type >, const Plugin_tablespace, Types, type_name, false > | |
Cdd::Entity_registry< std::pair< const String_type, const String_type >, const system_views::System_view, Types, type_name, true > | |
CDir_Walker::Entry | Directory names for the depth first directory scan |
Ctable_mapping::entry | |
CEnum_parser< Enum, Default_value > | Std::optional-like wrapper for simple bitmaps (usually enums of binary flags) |
Cstdx::ranges::enumerate_view< V > | Enumerate_view over a range |
CEnumHash | |
Cenvelope | |
Canonymous_namespace{json_dom.cc}::Eq_json | |
CEQPrefix | |
Canonymous_namespace{filesort_utils.cc}::Equality_from_less< Comp > | |
CCompanionSet::EqualTerm | This represents equality between a set of fields, i.e |
CErrConvString | |
Cerrentry | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::Error< Borrowed > | Error message |
Cclassic_protocol::clone::server::Error | |
CError | Class representing an error |
►Cmysql::utils::Error | Error representation used internally in case final error code is unknown and error situation handling needs to be done by the caller |
CMysqlx::Error | Generic Error message |
CSlave_reporting_capability::Error | Error information structure |
►Cstd::error_category | |
Chistograms::Error_context | Error context to validate given JSON object which represents a histogram |
CError_handler | |
Cerror_log_level | Debugging and error reporting infrastructure |
CEsalary_POS | |
CEsalary_Record | |
CEsalary_Table_Handle | |
CTracer::Event | |
CBinlog_sender::Event_allocator | Binlog_sender reads events one by one |
CEvent_authentication_bridge_implementation | |
►CEvent_basic | |
CEvent_command_bridge_implementation | |
CEvent_connection_bridge_implementation | |
CEvent_db_repository | |
CEvent_general_bridge_implementation | |
CEvent_global_variable_bridge_implementation | |
►CEvent_handler | Interface for the application of events, them being packets or log events |
CEvent_lifecycle_bridge_implementation | |
CEvent_reference_caching_channels::Event_mapping | |
CEvent_message_bridge_implementation | |
CEvent_parse_bridge_implementation | |
CEvent_parse_data | |
CEvent_query_bridge_implementation | |
CEvent_queue | Queue of active events awaiting execution |
CEvent_queue_element_for_exec | |
CEvent_queue_less | |
Cmysql::binlog::event::Event_reader | Event_reader class purpose is to avoid out-of-buffer reads when deserializing binary log events and increase robustness when dealing with corrupted event buffers |
CEvent_reference_caching_cache | |
CEvent_reference_caching_channels | |
CEvent_scheduler | |
CEvent_stored_program_bridge_implementation | |
CEvent_table_access_bridge_implementation | |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_authentication_implementation | Implementation helper class for authentication events |
CEvent_tracking_authentication_information_imp | |
CEvent_tracking_authentication_method_imp | |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_command_implementation | Implementation helper class for command events |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_connection_implementation | Implementation helper class for connection events |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_general_implementation | Implementation helper class for general events |
CEvent_tracking_general_information_imp | |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_global_variable_implementation | Implementation helper class for global_variable events |
►CEvent_tracking_information | |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_lifecycle_implementation | Implementation helper class for lifecycle events |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_message_implementation | Implementation helper class for message events |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_parse_implementation | Implementation helper class for parse events |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_query_implementation | Implementation helper class for query events |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_stored_program_implementation | Implementation helper class for stored_program events |
CEvent_tracking_implementation::Event_tracking_table_access_implementation | Implementation helper class for table_access events |
CEvent_worker_thread | |
CEvents | A facade to the functionality of the Event Scheduler |
Cmysql_harness::EventStateTracker | EventStateTracker singleton object keeps track of the current known state of selected event |
Coci::ssl::EVP_MD_CTX_deleter | |
Coci::ssl::EVP_PKEY_deleter | |
CCertificateGenerator::EvpPkeyDeleter | |
Cexample_math_wrapping_imp | An example implementation of basic math example Service that uses other Service Implementation to do the job |
Cexample_vars_t | |
►Cstd::exception | |
Cclassic_protocol::clone::client::Execute | |
CMysqlx::Prepare::Execute | Execute already-prepared statement |
Cexecute_context | |
►Cnet::execution_context | |
CExecutionContext | Execution context for SQL |
Cnet::executor_arg_t | |
Cnet::executor_binder< T, Executor > | |
Cnet::io_context::executor_type | |
Cnet::executor_work_guard< Executor > | |
Cmysqlrouter::ConfigGenerator::ExistingConfigOptions | |
Cclassic_protocol::clone::client::Exit | |
Cexit_node_t | Exit statement node |
CExitStatus::exited_t | |
CExitStatus | Exit status of processes |
Crouting_guidelines::Exp_info | |
Cstdx::expected< T, E > | |
Cstdx::expected< RouterRequire::Attributes, classic_protocol::message::server::Error > | |
Cstdx::expected< size_t, std::error_code > | |
Cstdx::expected< T, E > | |
CExpected_errors | Class representing a list of error codes passed as argument to mysqltest command –error |
CExpected_warnings | Class representing any one of the following list |
►Canonymous_namespace{opt_explain.cc}::Explain | A base for all Explain_* classes |
►CExplain_context | Base class for all EXPLAIN context descriptor classes |
►CExplain_format | Base class for structured and hierarchical EXPLAIN output formatters |
CExplain_format_flags | |
CExplainChild | This structure encapsulates the information needed to create a Json object for a child access path |
Ctemptable::Exponential_policy | |
Cexport_var_t | Status variables to be passed to MySQL |
CLog_files_capacity::Exposed | |
CMysqlx::Expr::Expr | The "root" of the expression tree |
Crouting_guidelines::rpn::Expression | |
COverflowBitset::Ext | |
CBtree_multi::Bulk_extent_allocator::Extent_cache | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::exterior_ring< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::exterior_ring< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::exterior_ring< Gis_polygon > | |
CPrealloced_array< Element_type, Prealloc >::External | |
Cqep_row::extra | Part of traditional "extra" column or related hierarchical property |
Cmysql::binlog::event::Rows_event::Extra_row_info | |
Cauthentication_policy::Factor | Class representing authenticalion policy factor |
Cmysql::binlog::event::codecs::Factory | |
Cmysql::binlog::event::compression::Factory | |
Cut::fallback_to_normal_page_t | |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Cut::fast_modulo_t | Allows to execute x % mod for a specified mod in a fast way, without using a slow operation of division |
Cnet::fd_event | |
Cnet::linux_epoll_io_service::FdInterest | |
Cnet::poll_io_service::FdInterests | |
CMysqlx::Cursor::Fetch | Fetch next portion of data from a cursor |
Cfetch_node_t | Fetch statement node |
CMysqlx::Resultset::FetchDone | All resultsets are finished |
CMysqlx::Resultset::FetchDoneMoreOutParams | Resultsets are finished, OUT paramset is next: |
CMysqlx::Resultset::FetchDoneMoreResultsets | Resultset and out-params are finished, but more resultsets available |
CMysqlx::Resultset::FetchSuspended | Cursor is opened; still, the execution of PrepFetch or PrepExecute ended |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::session_track::Field< Borrowed > | Field of a session-track array |
►CField | |
Cmysql::abi_helpers::Field< Type_enum_tp > | A type code and a value that is either a 64 bit integer, a boolean, or a bounded-length string |
Cmysql::serialization::Field_definition< Field_type, defined_field_size > | Field definition provided by classes implementing Serializable interface |
Cmysql::serialization::Field_definition_tag | Used to distinguish between Serializable and Field_definition types |
CField_instant_info | |
►CField_iterator | |
CField_metadata | The Field_metadata has the information about the field, which is used by field_metadata() service api |
CField_separators | Helper for the sql_exchange class |
CField_tmp_nullability_guard | |
CField_translator | Struct that describes an expression selected from a derived table or view |
CField_type | |
CField_value | |
Cmysql::serialization::Field_wrapper< Field_type, defined_field_size > | Wrapper for fields to hold field reference and user-defined, compile-time field size |
Cmysql::serialization::Field_wrapper< const Field_type, defined_field_size > | Wrapper for fields to hold field reference and defined by the user compile time size of the field |
CItem_multi_eq::FieldProxy | |
Cfil_addr_t | File space address |
CFil_iterator | Iterate over the files in all the tablespaces |
Cfil_node_t | File node of a tablespace or the log data space |
CFil_page_header | A wrapper class to help print and inspect the file page header |
CFil_page_iterator | |
CFil_path | Wrapper for a path to a directory that may or may not exist |
CFil_shard | |
Cfil_space_t | Tablespace or log data space |
CFil_system | The tablespace memory cache |
CCreateTracker::File | For tracking the filename and line number |
Cdblwr::File | |
Cnet::impl::file::file_control_option< Name, Arg > | |
Cnet::impl::file::file_control_option< Name, void > | |
CFile_creator | |
Cstdx::io::file_handle | |
Cfile_info | |
CFile_information | Used to hold information about file and file structure in exchange via non-DB file (...INTO OUTFILE..., ...LOAD DATA...) XXX: We never call destructor for objects of this class |
CFile_IO | FILE_IO : Wrapper around std::fstream 1> Provides READ/WRITE handle to a file 2> Records error on READ/WRITE operations 3> Closes file before destruction |
CFile_option | |
CFile_parser | |
CFile_query_log | |
Ckeyring_common::data_file::File_reader | |
CFile_segment_inode | A wrapper class to operate on a file segment inode pointer (fseg_inode_t*) |
Cddl::file_t | Information about temporary files used in merge sort |
Ckeyring_common::data_file::File_writer | |
CFileCloser | |
Canonymous_namespace{my_file.cc}::FileInfo | Rule of 5 class |
Cfileinfo | |
CFileLogger | |
CFileMeta | |
CFileModified | Check if a file was modified |
CFilesort | Sorting related info |
CFilesort_buffer | Buffer used for storing records to be sorted |
CFilesort_info | A class wrapping misc buffers used for sorting |
Cbinlog::services::iterator::FileStorage | |
CFilterCost | See EstimateFilterCost |
CFind | Find specific object |
CMysqlx::Crud::Find | Find Documents/Rows in a Collection/Table |
CFind_page | Find a page frame |
CFind_THD | Internal class used in find_thd() implementation |
►CFind_THD_Impl | Base class to find specific thd from the thd list |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::CostingReceiver::FindRangeScansResult | Return type for FindRangeScans() |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::wire::FixedInt< Size > | |
Canonymous_namespace{clone0api.cc}::Fixup_data | Fix schema, table and tablespace |
Cstdx::io::flag | |
CFlaggedCheck | Debug check for flags |
Cbinlog_cache_data::Flags | |
Cstdx::flags< E > | Type-safe flags type |
CTty::Flags | |
CGeometry::Flags_t | Highest byte is stores byte order, dimension, nomem and geotype as follows: bo: byte order, 1 for little endian(ndr), 0 for big endian(xdr); Currently it must be always wkb_ndr since it is MySQL's portable geometry format |
►Cnet::tls::FlexibleBuffer | |
►Cmysql_harness::FloatingPointOption< V > | |
CFlow_control_module | The pipeline stats aggregator of all group members stats and flow control module |
Cflst_bnode_t | In-memory representation of flst_base_node_t |
CFlush_observer | We use Flush_observer to track flushing of non-redo logged pages in bulk create index(btr0load.cc).Since we disable redo logging during a index build, we need to make sure that all dirty pages modified by the index build are flushed to disk before any redo logged operations go to the index |
Cfor_node_t | For-loop-statement node |
Cforce_constexpr< Value > | |
Cdd::Foreign_key_order_comparator | Class used to sort Foreign key's by name for the same table |
Cdd::Foreign_key_parent | |
CForeign_key_parents_invalidator | Helper class for keeping track for which tables we need to invalidate data-dictionary cache entries and performing such invalidation |
Cfp_name | |
Clob::frag_node_t | The fragment node represents one fragment |
Cclassic_protocol::frame::Frame< PayloadType > | |
CMysqlx::Notice::Frame | Common frame for all notices |
CWindow::Frame_buffer_position | Holds information about a position in the buffer frame as stored in a temporary file (cf |
CClassicProtocolState::FrameInfo | |
CXProtocolState::FrameInfo | |
Cnet::tls::TlsBase< LowerLayer >::Free< Resource, Result, free_resource > | |
Cmysql_harness::Directory::DirectoryIterator::State::free_dealloc | |
CFree_deleter | |
CFree_grant_table | |
CGtid_set::Free_intervals_lock | Class representing a lock on free_intervals_mutex |
Cdd::cache::Free_list< E > | Template for management of a free list based on a std::vector |
Canonymous_namespace{socket_connection.cc}::FreeAddrInfoDeleter | |
CFRM_context | These members were removed from TABLE_SHARE as they are not used in in the code |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::From_unixtime_instantiator | |
Cfseg_header | A wrapper class to print the file segment header information |
Cfsp_header_mem_t | In-memory representation of the fsp_header_t file structure |
Cft_doc_rec | |
CFt_hints | Wrapper for struct ft_hints |
Cft_hints | Info about FULLTEXT index hints, passed to the storage engine |
CFT_WORD | FTS query token |
Cddl::Context::FTS | Full text search context information and state |
Cddl::FTS | Full text search index builder |
Cfts_ast_list_t | |
Cfts_ast_node_t | |
Cfts_ast_state_t | |
Cfts_ast_string_t | |
Cfts_ast_term_t | |
Cfts_ast_text_t | |
Cfts_aux_table_t | For storing table info when checking for orphaned tables |
Cfts_cache_t | The cache for the FTS system |
Cfts_doc_freq_t | For storing the frequency of a word/term in a document |
Cfts_doc_ids_t | List of document ids that were added during a transaction |
Cfts_doc_stats_t | Statistics relevant to a particular document, used during retrieval |
Cfts_doc_t | This type represents a single document field |
Cfts_encode_t | Used by the optimize, to keep state during compacting nodes |
Cfts_fetch_t | Callback for reading and filtering nodes that are read from FTS index |
Cfts_get_doc_t | It's main purpose is to store the SQL prepared statements that are required to retrieve a document from the database |
Cfts_index_cache_t | Since we can have multiple FTS indexes on a table, we keep a per index cache of words etc |
Cfts_index_selector_t | For horizontally splitting an FTS auxiliary index |
Cfts_lexer_t | |
Cfts_match_t | For phrase matching, first we collect the documents and the positions then we match |
Cfts_msg_id_t | A table remove message for the FTS optimize thread |
Cfts_msg_t | The FTS optimize message work queue message type |
Cfts_node_t | Columns of the FTS auxiliary INDEX table |
Cfts_optimize_graph_t | Prepared statemets used during optimize |
Cfts_optimize_t | Used by fts_optimize() to store state |
Cfts_phrase_param_t | Parameter passed to fts phrase match by parser |
Cfts_phrase_t | The match positions and tokesn to match |
Cfts_proximity_t | Structure defines a set of ranges for original documents, each of which has a minimum position and maximum position |
Cfts_query_t | State of an FTS query |
Cfts_ranking_t | Query ranked doc ids |
Cfts_result_t | Query result |
Cfts_savepoint_t | Information required for transaction savepoint handling |
Cfts_select_t | For matching tokens in a phrase search |
Cfts_slot_t | We use this information to determine when to start the optimize cycle for a table |
Cfts_stopword_t | Stop word control infotmation |
Cfts_string_t | An UTF-16 ro UTF-8 string |
Cfts_sync_t | The SYNC state of the cache |
Cfts_t | The state of the FTS sub system |
Cfts_table_t | This is used to generate the FTS auxiliary table name, we need the table id and the index id to generate the column specific FTS auxiliary table name |
Cfts_token_t | A token and its positions within a document |
Cfts_tokenize_param_t | FTS tokenize parameter for plugin parser |
Cfts_tokenizer_word_t | A tokenizer word |
Cfts_trx_row_t | Information about one changed row in a transaction |
Cfts_trx_t | Information about changes in a single transaction affecting the FTS system |
Cfts_trx_table_t | Information about changed rows in a transaction for a single table |
Cfts_update_t | For supporting the tracking of updates on multiple FTS indexes we need to track which FTS indexes need to be updated |
Cfts_word_freq_t | To determine the word frequency per document |
Cfts_word_t | Word text plus it's array of nodes as on disk in FTS index |
Cfts_zip_t | Compressed list of words that have been read from FTS INDEX that needs to be optimized |
CFullTextIndexInfo | |
Cfunc_node_t | A predefined function or operator node in a parsing tree; this construct is also used for some non-functions like the assignment ':=' |
CFunc_ptr | Helper class for copy_funcs(); represents an Item to copy from table to next tmp table |
Crouting_guidelines::rpn::Token::Function | |
Crouting_guidelines::rpn::Function_definition | |
CFunctionalDependency | |
CMysqlx::Expr::FunctionCall | Function call: func(a, b, "1", 3) |
Cgis::Functor< T > | The base class of all functors that takes two geometry arguments |
►Cgis::Functor< bool > | |
►Cgis::Functor< double > | |
►Cgis::Functor< std::unique_ptr< Geometry > > | |
CGcs_async_buffer | Circular buffer that can be used to asynchronously feed a sink |
CGcs_basic_logging | Class that defines basic logging infra-structure to be used in the test cases, for example |
►CGcs_communication_event_listener | This interface is implemented by those who wish to receive messages |
►CGcs_communication_interface | This interface represents all the communication facilities that a binding implementation should provide |
►CGcs_control_event_listener | This interface is implemented by those who wish to receive Control Interface notifications |
►CGcs_control_interface | This interface represents all the control functionalities that a binding implementation must provide |
►CGcs_debug_options | |
CGcs_default_debugger | Default debugger which is used only by GCS and XCOM |
CGcs_dynamic_header | This is a default header created per stage and contains information to decode it |
CGcs_group_identifier | This represents the unique identification of a group |
►CGcs_group_management_interface | |
►CGcs_interface | This interface must be implemented by all specific binding implementations as its entry point |
CGcs_interface_factory | This class shall be used by an API user as an aggregator utility to retrieve implementations of Gcs_interface |
CGcs_interface_parameters | This class is to be used to provide parameters to bindings in a transparent and generic way |
CGcs_interface_runtime_requirements | Runtime external resources that should be provided to an instance of Gcs_interface |
CGcs_internal_message_header | This header is internal to the MySQL GCS library and contains metadata information about the message content |
CGcs_ip_allowlist | |
►CGcs_ip_allowlist_entry | Base abstract class for the allowlist entries |
CGcs_ip_allowlist_entry_pointer_comparator | |
CGcs_log_event | Entry or element in the circular buffer maintained by the Gcs_async_buffer responsible for storing a message that will eventually be asynchronously written to a sink |
CGcs_log_manager | This class sets up and configures the logging infrastructure, storing the logger to be used by the application as a singleton |
CGcs_member_identifier | It represents the identity of a group member within a certain group |
CGcs_member_identifier_pointer_comparator | |
CGcs_message | Class that represents the data that is exchanged within a group |
CGcs_message_data | This class serves as data container for information flowing in the GCS ecosystem |
CGcs_message_pipeline | This is the pipeline that an outgoing or incoming message has to go through when being sent to or received from the group respectively |
►CGcs_message_stage | This is a stage in the pipeline that processes messages when they are put through the send and receive code paths |
CGcs_mpsc_queue< T, Deleter > | MPSC queue with FIFO semantics |
CGcs_mpsc_queue< xcom_input_request, xcom_input_request_ptr_deleter > | |
CGcs_mpsc_queue< T, Deleter >::Gcs_mpsc_queue_node | Node that holds an element (payload) of the MPSC queue |
►CGcs_mysql_network_provider_auth_interface | IoC interface to allow abstraction of the retrieval of Security Credentials |
►CGcs_mysql_network_provider_native_interface | IoC interface to allow abstraction of MySQL Client API |
CGcs_mysql_network_provider_util | Utilitarian class for Gcs_mysql_network_provider |
CGcs_node_suspicious | Container struct that represents a single node suspicious |
CGcs_operations | Coordinates all operations to GCS interface |
CGcs_packet | This class is an abstraction for the packet concept |
CGcs_packet_buffer_deleter | Deleter for objects managed by a std::unique_ptr that were allocated using the malloc family of functions instead of the new operator |
►CGcs_sock_probe_interface | Interface to decouple XCom sock_probe implementation to allow unit testing |
►CGcs_stage_metadata | Abstract class that defines specific metadata associated to a stage if it decides to extend it |
►CGcs_statistics_interface | This interface represents all statistics that a binding implementation should provide |
CGcs_suspicions_manager | This class stores all node suspicions, as well as the timeout and period parameters used by the thread that processes the suspicions |
CGcs_tagged_lock | The Gcs_tagged_lock class Implements a tagged lock for optimistic read-side sections |
CGcs_view | This represents the membership view that a member has from a group |
►CGcs_view_identifier | This represents the identification of a certain view of a certain group in a moment in time |
CGcs_xcom_app_cfg | A Gcs_xcom_interface needs to have an instance of this class initialized before engaging XCom |
CGcs_xcom_communication_protocol_changer | Implements the communication protocol change logic |
CGcs_xcom_config | Keep track of the most recent XCom configuration the node will deliver upwards |
CGcs_xcom_control_interface | This class implements the generic Gcs_control_interface |
Cgcs_xcom_control_proxy | This class is an abstraction layer between xcom and the actual implementation |
Cgcs_xcom_control_proxy_impl | Implementation of gcs_xcom_control_proxy to be used by whom instantiates Gcs_xcom_control_interface to be used in a real scenario |
CGcs_xcom_engine | |
CGcs_xcom_expels_in_progress | The set of expels we have issued but that have not yet taken effect |
CGcs_xcom_input_queue_impl< Queue > | MPSC queue with FIFO semantics used to send commands to XCom |
CGcs_xcom_node_address | Stores connection information associated with a node |
CGcs_xcom_node_information | It represents a node within a group and is identified by the member identifier, unique identifier and node number |
CGcs_xcom_nodes | This class contains information on the configuration, i.e set of nodes or simply site definition |
►CGcs_xcom_notification | Abstract class that defines a notification that will be sent from XCOM to MySQL GCS or from an user thread to MySQL GCS |
►CGcs_xcom_proxy | |
Cgcs_xcom_state_exchange_interface | Interface that defines the operations that state exchange will provide |
►CGcs_xcom_state_exchange_interface | |
CGcs_xcom_statistics_interface | This class implements the Gcs_statistics_interface and updater |
►CGcs_xcom_statistics_manager_interface | This class is the storage and provider of all statistics coming from either XCom and GCS |
CGcs_xcom_synode | Defines a message identifier so that joining members can fetch the associated packet from a remote node |
CGcs_xcom_thread_startup_parameters | |
Cgcs_xcom_utils | Class where the common binding utilities reside as static methods |
CGcs_xcom_utils | |
CGcs_xcom_uuid | |
►CGcs_xcom_view_change_control_interface | |
Cgen_lex_token_string | Generated token |
CGen_spaces | |
►Csha2_password::Generate_digest | Interface for cryptographic digest generation |
Csha2_password::Generate_scramble | Scramble generator Responsible for generating scramble of following format: XOR(SHA2(m_src), SHA2(SHA2(SHA2(m_src)), m_rnd)) |
Cgeneric_indexer_t< Type, N > | Get the offset into the counter array |
►Cgeneric_indexer_t< ulint, 1 > | |
CGeneric_mutex_lock< MUTEX > | A simple wrapper around a mutex: Grabs the mutex in the CTOR, releases it in the DTOR |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Geographic_cs | |
►CGeometry | |
►Cgis::Geometry | Abstract superclass for all geometric objects |
CGeometry_buffer | Gis_polygon objects and Gis_wkb_vector<> objects are of same size, and Gis_point and Geometry objects are smaller |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Geometry_instantiator< Geometry_class, Functype > | |
►Cgis::Geometry_visitor | Abstract visitor class to be used on class Geometry and descendants |
CGeometryExtractionResult | Type used to handle both the result of the decoding of a geometry and the geometry in the case of success |
Canonymous_namespace{sys_vars.cc}::Get_csname | |
Canonymous_namespace{sys_vars.cc}::Get_locale_name | |
Canonymous_namespace{sys_vars.cc}::Get_name | |
Cget_opt_arg_source | |
CShowStatus::GetCount | Collect the individual latch counts |
Canonymous_namespace{derived_keys.cc}::GetDerivedKeyResult | Result type for GetDerivedKey |
CGis_read_stream | |
►CGis_wkb_vector_const_iterator< T > | Gis_wkb_vector_const_iterator is const_iterator class for Gis_wkb_vector, and base class of Gis_wkb_vector_iterator – iterator class for Gis_wkb_vector |
CGlobal_read_lock | An instance of the global read lock in a connection |
CGlobal_THD_manager | This class maintains THD object of all registered threads |
Cglobal_variable_attributes_iterator_internal | |
Cmysql::gtid::Gno_interval | This class represents a range of transaction identifiers |
CGR_compress | |
CGR_decompress | |
CGR_message_service_send_example | An example implementation of a module that uses GR send service |
Cgr_modules | This struct provides a namespace for the GR layer components |
CGR_start_time_maintain | This class is used to maintain the timestamp of GR start |
CGRANT_INFO | The current state of the privilege checking process for the current user, SQL statement and SQL object |
CGRANT_INTERNAL_INFO | State information for internal tables grants |
CGrant_table_aggregate | |
CGrant_validator | Class to handle sanity checks for GRANT ... AS ... statement |
Cgraph_search_state | |
CGraphSimplifier | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Greeting< Borrowed > | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::Greeting< Borrowed > | |
►CGRMetadataBackend | |
CGRNotificationListener | |
►CGroup_action | The parent class for group wide operations |
CGroup_action_diagnostics | The parent class for group wide operations |
CGroup_action_information | |
►CGroup_event_observer | Class that others can extend to receive notifications about views and primary elections |
CGroup_events_observation_manager | Class alerts listeners of group events like view changes and elections |
►CGroup_member_info_manager_interface | |
CGroup_member_info_pointer_comparator | Group_member_info_pointer_comparator to guarantee uniqueness |
Cgroup_member_status_listener_example_impl | An example implementation of the group_member_status_listener service |
Cgroup_membership_listener_example_impl | An example implementation of the group_membership_listener service |
CGroup_partition_handling | |
►CGroup_transaction_listener | Listener for transaction life cycle events |
CGroup_transaction_observation_manager | |
CGroupIndexSkipScanInfo | |
CGroupIndexSkipScanParameters | |
CGroupReplicationMember | |
CMysqlx::Notice::GroupReplicationStateChanged | Notify clients about group replication state changes |
►Cmysql::containers::buffers::Grow_constraint | Description of a heuristic to determine how much memory to allocate |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::session_track::Gtid< Borrowed > | Gtid changed |
CGtid | TODO: Move this structure to mysql/binlog/event/control_events.h when we start using C++11 |
Cmysql::gtid::Gtid | Represents a MySQL Global Transaction Identifier |
CGtid_desc | GTID descriptor with version information |
Cgr::Gtid_generator | This class is responsible for generating GTIDs in the Certifier |
Cgr::Gtid_generator_for_sidno | Class that is responsible for holding available GTIDs and assigning GTID blocks to specific group members |
Cmysql::binlog::event::gtid_info | Structure to hold the members declared in the class Gtid_log_event those member are objects of classes defined in server(rpl_gtid.h) |
CGtid_interval | Holds information about a GTID interval: the sidno, the first gno and the last gno of this interval |
CGtid_set::Gtid_iterator | Iterator over all gtids in a Gtid_set |
COwned_gtids::Gtid_iterator | Iterator over all gtids in a Owned_gtids set |
CGtid_mode | Class to access the value of @global.gtid_mode in an efficient and thread-safe manner |
CGtid_monitoring_info | Stores information to monitor a transaction during the different replication stages |
►CGtid_set | Represents a set of GTIDs |
Cmysql::gtid::Gtid_set | This class represents a set of transaction identifiers |
CGtid_set_or_null | Holds information about a Gtid_set |
CGtid_specification | This struct represents a specification of a GTID for a statement to be executed: either "AUTOMATIC", "AUTOMATIC:<tag>", "ANONYMOUS" or "TSID:GNO" |
CGtid_state | Represents the server's GTID state: the set of committed GTIDs, the set of lost gtids, the set of owned gtids, the owner of each owned gtid, and a Mutex_cond_array that protects updates to gtids of each SIDNO |
CGtid_table_persistor | |
CCheckable_rwlock::Guard | RAII class to acquire a lock for the duration of a block |
Clock::Shared_spin_lock::Guard | Sentry class for Shared_spin_lock to deliver RAII pattern usability |
Cut::Guarded< Inner, latch_id > | |
Cmeb::Guardian | |
CGuidelines_from_conf_adapter | Helper class used to create routing guideline from Router configuration |
CDestination::Guidelines_route_info | |
CHa_clone_cbk | |
CHa_clone_file | File reference for clone |
Cha_column_statistics | |
CHA_CREATE_INFO | Struct to hold information about the table that should be created |
CHa_data | Storage engine specific thread local data |
CHa_fk_column_type | Column type description for foreign key columns compatibility check |
Cha_node_t | The hash table external chain node |
Cha_statistics | |
Cha_storage_node_t | Objects of this type are stored in ha_storage_t |
Cha_storage_t | Hash storage for strings |
Cha_tablespace_statistics | |
CHa_trx_info | Either statement transaction or normal transaction - related thread-specific storage engine data |
CHa_trx_info_list | Container to hold and allow iteration over a set of Ha_trx_info objects |
CHalfCounter | Auxiliary class to squeeze two 32 bits integers into a 64 bits one, cf |
Cbootstrap::handle_bootstrap_args | |
Chandle_option_ctx | |
Cut_lock_free_cnt_t::handle_t | |
Canonymous_namespace{my_winfile.cc}::HandleInfo | |
Cddl::FTS::Inserter::Handler | Data structures for building an index |
Cddl::FTS::Parser::Handler | Data structures for building an index |
►Chandler | Interface for dynamically loadable storage engines |
►Cmysql_harness::logging::Handler | Base class for log message handler |
►CQuerySender::Handler | |
Csp_rcontext::Handler_call_frame | This class represents a call frame of SQL-handler (one invocation of a handler) |
►CHandler_share | Base class to be used by handlers different shares |
Chandlerton | Handlerton is a singleton structure - one instance per storage engine - to provide access to storage engine functionality that works on the "global" level (unlike handler class that works on a per-table basis) |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_table.cc}::Handlerton_pair | |
►CHandshake | Common base for Handshake_{server,client} |
Cserver_mock::StatementReaderBase::handshake_data | |
Ckeyring_common::meta::Metadata::Hash | |
CMDL_ticket_store::Hash | |
Cmysql::gtid::Tag::Hash | Structure to compute hash function of a given Tag object |
Cmysql::gtid::Tsid::Hash | Structure to compute hash function of a given Tag object |
Cstd::hash< dd::String_type > | Specialize std::hash for dd::String_type so that it can be used with unordered_ containers |
Cstd::hash< Gcs_xcom_synode > | |
Chash_cell_t | |
Chash_lex_struct | |
Chash_map_info | |
CHASH_ROW_POS | Hash table used when applying row events on the slave and there is no index on the slave's table |
CHASH_ROW_PREAMBLE | Internal structure that acts as a preamble for HASH_ROW_POS in memory structure |
CHash_slave_rows | |
Chash_slave_rows_free_entry | |
Chash_table_t | |
CHashJoinChunk | |
CHashJoinCondition | A class that represents a join condition in a hash join |
Chash_join_buffer::HashJoinRowBuffer | |
Chashtable | |
►CHazardPointer | A "Hazard Pointer" class used to iterate over page lists inside the buffer pool |
Cclassic_protocol::frame::Header | |
►Ctemptable::Header | Header is an abstraction with the purpose of holding and maintaining the Block metadata |
Chttp::base::Headers | Headers of a HTTP response/request |
Cheap_rb_param | |
Cserver_mock::DukHeap::HeapDeleter | |
Cib::hex | This is a wrapper class, used to print any unsigned integer type in hexadecimal format |
CHint_param_table | |
CHint_scanner | Lexical scanner for hint comments |
CHint_set_var | Container for set_var object and original variable value |
►Chistograms::Histogram | Histogram base class |
Chistograms::Histogram_comparator | Histogram comparator |
CMY_SQL_PARSER_STYPE::Histogram_param | |
Chistograms::Histogram_psi_key_alloc | |
CHistogram_sampler | |
Chistograms::HistogramSetting | A simple struct containing the settings for a histogram to be built |
CHold_transactions | Class that contains the logic to hold transactions when group_replication_consistency is set to BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER |
Chttp::client::Request::Holder | |
Chttp::server::ServerRequest::Holder | |
CHost_entry | An entry in the hostname hash table cache |
CHost_errors | |
Chton_list_st | |
CHTON_NOTIFY_PARAMS | Auxiliary structure for passing information to notify_*_helper() functions |
CHttpAuth | High-level Authentication frontend |
►CHttpAuthBackend | Base class of all AuthBackends |
CHttpAuthBackendComponent | Public API of the HttpAuthBackend plugin |
Canonymous_namespace{http_auth_backend_plugin.cc}::HttpAuthBackendFactory | |
CHttpAuthChallenge | Authentication Challenge |
CHttpAuthCredentials | Authorization message |
►CHttpAuthMethod | Authentication Methods for HTTP |
CHttpAuthRealm | Authentication Realm |
CHttpAuthRealmComponent | Public API of HttpAuthRealm plugin |
CHttpQuotedString | Quoted String |
►CHttpServerComponent | |
Chttp::HttpServerContext | |
CHttpServerFactory | |
Chypergraph::Hyperedge | |
Chypergraph::Hypergraph | |
►CI_Kerberos_client | |
►CI_multi_factor_auth | An interface to access information about Multi factor authentication methods |
CI_P_List_adapter< T, next, prev > | Hook class which via its methods specifies which members of T should be used for participating in a intrusive list |
►CI_P_List_counter | Element counting policy class for I_P_List which provides basic element counting |
►CI_P_List_fast_push_back< T > | An insertion policy class for I_P_List which can be used when fast push_back() operation is required |
CI_P_List_iterator< T, L > | Iterator for I_P_List |
►CI_P_List_no_push_back< T > | A null insertion policy class for I_P_List to be used in cases when push_back() operation is not necessary |
►CI_P_List_null_counter | Element counting policy class for I_P_List to be used in cases when no element counting should be done |
►CI_rewriter | An abstract base class to enable the implementation of various query rewriters |
Ci_s_locks_row_t | This structure represents INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_locks row |
Ci_s_mem_chunk_t | Memory for each table in the intermediate buffer is allocated in separate chunks |
Ci_s_table_cache_t | This represents one table's cache |
Ci_s_trx_row_t | This structure represents INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_trx row |
Cib_alloc_t | |
Cib_col_meta_t | InnoDB column meta data |
Cib_col_t | InnoDB table columns used during table and index schema creation |
Cib_counter_t< Type, N, Indexer > | Class for using fuzzy counters |
Cib_counter_t< int64_t, 1, single_indexer_t > | |
Cib_counter_t< lint, 1, single_indexer_t > | |
Cib_counter_t< lsn_t, 1, single_indexer_t > | |
Cib_counter_t< ulint, 1, single_indexer_t > | |
Cib_counter_t< ulint, 64 > | |
Cib_cursor_t | Cursor instance for traversing tables/indexes |
Cib_dec_counter | |
Cib_dec_in_dtor | |
Cib_Index_defn | InnoDB index schema used during index creation |
Cib_key_col_t | InnoDB index columns used during index and index schema creation |
Cib_list_helper_t | |
Cib_list_node_t | |
Cib_list_t | |
CIB_mutex_guard | |
►Cib_mutex_t | |
Cib_qry_grph_t | Query graph types |
Cib_qry_node_t | Query node types |
Cib_qry_proc_t | Query processing fields |
Cib_rbt_bound_t | The result of searching for a key in the tree, this is useful for a speedy lookup and insert if key doesn't exist |
Cib_rbt_node_t | Red black tree node |
Cib_rbt_t | Red black tree instance |
Cib_sdi_key | |
Cib_sdi_vector | |
Cib_table_def_t | InnoDB table schema used during table creation |
CIB_thread | |
Cib_tuple_t | InnoDB tuple used for key operations |
Cib_vector_t | |
Cib_wqueue_t | |
►CIBasic_binlog_file_reader | Interface class that all specializations of template <...> Basic_binlog_file_reader inherit from |
Cibuf_t | Insert buffer struct |
Cnet::basic_waitable_timer< Clock, WaitTraits >::Id | |
Cid_name_t | SQL identifier name wrapper for pretty-printing |
CMysqlx::Expr::Identifier | Identifier: name, schame.name |
CIdentityCombine | |
CReadView::ids_t | This is similar to a std::vector but it is not a drop in replacement |
►CIError_handler | Error handling interface |
Cif_node_t | If-statement node |
Cilink< T > | |
►Cilink< COND_CMP > | |
►Cilink< i_string > | |
►Cilink< i_string_pair > | |
►Cilink< Item_change_record > | |
►Cilink< NAMED_ILINK > | |
Canonymous_namespace{composite_iterators.cc}::ImmutableStringHasher | Calculates a hash for an ImmutableStringWithLength so that it can be used as a key in a hash map |
CImmutableStringWithLength | The variant with length (ImmutableStringWithLength) stores the length as a Varint128 (similar to protobuf), immediately followed by the string itself |
CGRNotificationListener::Impl | |
Cmtr_t::Impl | State variables of the mtr |
CImplicit_substatement_state_guard | RAII class which allows to temporary disable updating Gtid_state and disable invocation of commit order for intermediate commits |
Cimport_ctx_t | |
Cdd::sdi::Import_target | State and operations for importing an sdi file into the DD |
Cimported_library | |
CItem_in_subselect::In2exists_info | This bundles several pieces of information useful when doing the IN->EXISTS transform |
►Cin_vector | |
Cind_node_t | |
CFetchIndexRootPages::Index | Index information gathered from the .ibd file |
►Ctemptable::Index | Index interface |
Cddl::Index_defn | Definition of an index being created |
CIndex_details | |
Ctemptable::Table::Index_entry | Index entry for storing index pointer as well as allocated memory size |
Clob::index_entry_mem_t | An in-memory copy of an index_entry_t data |
►Clob::index_entry_t | An index entry pointing to an LOB page |
Cindex_fetch_t | Aux struct used to pass a table and a boolean to dict_stats_fetch_index_stats_step() |
Cddl::Index_field | Index field definition |
CIndex_hint | |
Cindex_id_t | Globally unique index identifier |
CIndex_lookup | Structure used for index-based lookups |
Cindex_sequence_with_offset< N, Seq > | |
Cindex_sequence_with_offset< N, std::index_sequence< Ints... > > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::indexed_access< gis::Cartesian_box, max_corner, Dimension > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::indexed_access< gis::Cartesian_box, min_corner, Dimension > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::indexed_access< gis::Geographic_box, max_corner, Dimension > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::indexed_access< gis::Geographic_box, min_corner, Dimension > | |
Ctemptable::Indexed_cells | Indexed cells represent one or more cells that are covered by an index |
Ctemptable::Indexed_cells_equal_to | Indexed cells comparator (a == b) |
Ctemptable::Indexed_cells_hash | Indexed cells hasher |
Ctemptable::Indexed_cells_less | Indexed cells comparator (a < b) |
Ctemptable::Indexed_column | |
CIndexPurge | Class that purges delete marked records from indexes, both secondary and cluster |
CIndexSkipScanParameters | Logically a part of AccessPath::index_skip_scan(), but is too large, so split out into its own struct |
►Cstdx::indirectly_readable_traits< T, Enable > | |
►Cstdx::impl::indirectly_readable_traits_array< T, bool > | |
Cstdx::impl::indirectly_readable_traits_array< T, true > | |
►Cstdx::impl::indirectly_readable_traits_member_element_type< T, bool > | |
Cstdx::impl::indirectly_readable_traits_member_element_type< T, true > | |
Cstdx::impl::indirectly_readable_traits_member_value_type< T, bool > | |
►Cstdx::impl::indirectly_readable_traits_member_value_type< std::remove_cvref_t< T > > | |
Cstdx::impl::indirectly_readable_traits_member_value_type< T, true > | |
►Cstdx::impl::indirectly_readable_traits_pointer< T, bool > | |
Cstdx::impl::indirectly_readable_traits_pointer< T, true > | |
Cinfonode | |
►Cclassic_protocol::clone::client::Init | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::InitSchema< Borrowed > | |
Cundo::Inject_failure_once | Inject a failure in the undo truncation debug compiled code at various places so that it fails the first time it hits and succeeds after that |
Cinjector | |
Cinnobase_basic_ddl | Class of basic DDL implementation, for CREATE/DROP/RENAME TABLE |
CINNOBASE_SHARE | InnoDB table share |
Cinnobase_truncate< Table > | Class to handle TRUNCATE for one InnoDB table or one partition |
Cinnodb_dd_table_t | Hard-coded data dictionary information |
Cinnodb_idx_translate_t | |
Cinnodb_session_t | |
►Cinplace_alter_handler_ctx | In-place alter handler context |
CInplace_vector< objtype, array_size > | Utility container class to store elements stably and scalably |
►CInplace_vector< T > | |
CTty::Flags::Posix::Input | |
Cins_node_t | |
Cddl::Insert | Structure stores information needed for the insertion phase of FTS parallel sort |
CMysqlx::Crud::Insert | Insert documents/rows into a collection/table |
Cddl::FTS::Inserter | |
Cmysqlrouter::InstanceAttributes | |
CInstant_ddl_impl< Table > | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, Min_argc, Max_argc > | Instantiates a function class with the list of arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 0 > | Instantiates a function class with no arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 0, 1 > | Instantiates a function class with zero or one arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 1 > | Instantiates a function class with one argument |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 1, 2 > | Instantiates a function class with one or two arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 1, 3 > | Instantiates a function class with between one and three arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 2 > | Instantiates a function class with two arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 2, 3 > | Instantiates a function class with two or three arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 2, 4 > | Instantiates a function class with between two and four arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 2, 6 > | Instantiates a function class with between two and six arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 3 > | Instantiates a function class with three arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 3, 5 > | Instantiates a function class with two or three arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 4 > | Instantiates a function class with four arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator< Function_class, 5 > | Instantiates a function class with five arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator_with_functype< Function_class, Functype, Min_argc, Max_argc > | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator_with_functype< Function_class, Function_type, 1, 1 > | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator_with_functype< Function_class, Function_type, 2, 2 > | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator_with_thd< Function_class, Min_argc, Max_argc > | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator_with_thd< Function_class, 1, 2 > | Instantiates a function class taking a thd and one or two arguments |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Instantiator_with_thd< Function_class, 1, 3 > | Instantiates a function class taking between one and three arguments |
Cmetadata_cache::MetadataCacheAPI::InstData | |
►Cboost::mpl::int_ | |
CInteger_value | Holds value/unsigned_flag for the result of val_int(), so that we can compare with operator<(), operator==() and operator<=() |
Ccontainer::Integrals_lockfree_queue< T, Null, Erased, I, A > | Lock-free, fixed-size bounded, multiple-producer (MP), multiple-consumer (MC), circular FIFO queue for integral elements |
Ccontainer::Integrals_lockfree_queue< queue_value_type > | |
Ccontainer::Integrals_lockfree_queue< value_type > | |
Cinterface_info | |
Cnet::InterfaceFlag | Flags of the network interface |
Cboost::geometry::traits::interior_const_type< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::interior_const_type< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::interior_const_type< Gis_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::interior_mutable_type< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::interior_mutable_type< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::interior_mutable_type< Gis_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::interior_rings< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::interior_rings< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::interior_rings< Gis_polygon > | |
Ccontainer::Interleaved_indexing< T > | Indexing provider that interleaves sequentially stored array elements in order to keep them from being pulled to the same cache line, in order to avoid false sharing and cache misses |
►CInternal_error_handler | This class represents the interface for internal error handlers |
CInternal_error_handler_holder< Error_handler, Error_handler_arg > | A simple holder for Internal_error_handler |
CInterruptible_wait | Enables a session to wait on a condition until a timeout or a network disconnect occurs |
CGtid_set::Interval | Represents one element in the linked list of intervals associated with a SIDNO |
CInterval | Struct representing a duration |
CGtid_set::Interval_chunk | Contains a list of intervals allocated by this Gtid_set |
CGtid_set::Interval_iterator_base< Gtid_set_p, Interval_p > | Iterator over intervals for a given SIDNO |
►CGtid_set::Interval_iterator_base< const Gtid_set *, const Interval * > | |
►CGtid_set::Interval_iterator_base< Gtid_set *, Interval * > | |
Cinterval_range | |
Cmysql_harness::IntOption< T > | |
►Cstd::invalid_argument | |
Canonymous_namespace{composite_iterators.cc}::MaterializeIterator< Profiler >::Invalidator | |
Cbuf_page_t::io_responsibility_t | |
Cio_vec | Represents the packet to be sent on wire asynchronously |
CIoBackend | |
Chttp::base::IOBuffer | |
CIoComponent | |
Cnet::basic_socket_impl< Protocol >::IoControl< Name, T > | |
CIORequest | The IO Context that is passed down to the low level IO code |
►Cnet::IoServiceBase | |
CIoThread | |
►Crapidjson::IRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider | |
►Cstd::is_convertible | |
CIs_rtree_box_valid | |
CIs_target_geometry | |
►CItem::Item_replacement | |
►CItem_tree_walker | Utility mixin class to be able to walk() only parts of item trees |
CLogicalOrderings::ItemInfo | |
CParallel_reader::Scan_ctx::Iter | Boundary of the range to scan |
Cstdx::impl::iter_reference< T, bool > | |
Cstdx::impl::iter_reference< T, false > | |
Cstdx::impl::iter_reference< T, true > | |
CIterate< Functor > | Iterate over a memo block in reverse |
CBitIteratorAdaptor< Policy >::iterator | |
Ccontainer::Atomics_array< T, I, A >::Iterator | Iterator helper class to iterate over the array, from 0 to the array size |
Ccontainer::Integrals_lockfree_queue< T, Null, Erased, I, A >::Iterator | Iterator helper class to iterate over the queue staring at the virtual index pointed to by the head, up until the virtual index pointed to by the tail |
Ccs::apply::Commit_order_queue::Iterator | Iterator helper class to iterate over the Commit_order_queue following the underlying commit order |
CHa_trx_info_list::Iterator | Implements a forward iterator for Ha_trx_info_list |
Chttp::cno::BufferSequence< SourceType, ResultType >::Iterator | |
Ckeyring_common::iterator::Iterator< Data_extension > | |
Cmem_root_deque< Element_type >::Iterator< Iterator_element_type > | |
Cmysql_harness::utility::Range< Type >::iterator | |
Cmysql_query_attributes::iterator | Iterator over the THD::bind_parameter_values collection |
Cnet::impl::Callstack< Key, Value >::Iterator | Forward-iterator over stack frames |
CNonzeroSubsetsOf::iterator | |
COverflowBitsetBitsIn< N, Combine >::iterator | |
CRecovery_metadata_message_compressed_parts::Iterator | |
CSqlLexer::iterator | |
►Cstd::iterator | |
Cstdx::ranges::enumerate_view< V >::iterator< Const > | |
CTable_columns_view< ExclusionFilter >::iterator | Iterator class to allow iterating over the replicatable fields in a TABLE object field set |
Ctemptable::Storage::Iterator | Iterator over a Storage object |
Cut_list_base< Type, NodeGetter >::Removable::iterator | |
CIteratorContainer< IteratorType > | Adds a collection interface on top of an iterator |
CSortingIterator::IteratorHolder | |
►CIteratorProfiler | Profiling data for an iterator, needed by 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE' |
Canonymous_namespace{access_path.cc}::IteratorToBeCreated | |
Civ_argument | Helper class to process an IV argument to aes_encrypt/aes_decrypt |
CJoin_order_hint_handler | Auxiliary class is used to save/restore table dependencies |
CJoin_tab_compare_default | |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_planner.cc}::Join_tab_compare_embedded_first | |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_planner.cc}::Join_tab_compare_straight | "Less than" comparison function object used to compare two JOIN_TAB objects that are joined using STRAIGHT JOIN |
CJoinHypergraph | A struct containing a join hypergraph of a single query block, encapsulating the constraints given by the relational expressions (e.g |
CJoinPredicate | A specification that two specific relational expressions (e.g., two tables, or a table and a join between two other tables) should be joined together |
Canonymous_namespace{graph_simplification.cc}::JoinStatus | |
CJson_array_index | A class that represents the index of an element in a JSON array |
Canonymous_namespace{json_dom.cc}::Json_child_equal | Functor which compares a child DOM of a JSON array or JSON object for equality |
Ckeyring_common::json_data::Json_data_extension | |
CJson_diff | A class that represents a logical change to a JSON document |
CJson_diff_vector | Vector of logical diffs describing changes to a JSON column |
►CJson_dom | JSON DOM abstract base class |
CJson_key_comparator | A comparator that is used for ordering keys in a Json_object |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Json_length_instantiator | Instantiates a call to JSON_LENGTH, which may take either one or two arguments |
CJson_object_wrapper | A wrapper over a JSON object which provides an interface that can be iterated over with a for-each loop |
CMY_SQL_PARSER_STYPE::Json_on_response | |
CJson_path_cache | Path cache for JSON functions |
CJson_path_leg | One path leg in a JSON path expression |
Ckeyring_common::json_data::Json_reader | Base Json_reader |
CJson_scalar_holder | A class that is capable of holding objects of any sub-type of Json_scalar |
CJson_schema_validation_report | Json_schema_validation_report contains a more detailed report about a failed JSON Schema validation |
CJson_schema_validator | This is just a facade to the Json_schema_validator and it is used to hide the dependency on the rapidjson lib |
CJson_schema_validator_impl | Json_schema_validator_impl is an object that contains a JSON Schema that can be re-used multiple times |
Canonymous_namespace{json_dom.cc}::Json_seek_params | Input and output parameters to seek_no_dup_elimination that remain constant in recursive calls |
►CJson_seekable_path | A path expression which can be used to seek to a position inside a JSON value |
CJson_wrapper | Abstraction for accessing JSON values irrespective of whether they are (started out as) binary JSON values or JSON DOM values |
CJson_wrapper_object_iterator | Class that iterates over all members of a JSON object that is wrapped in a Json_wrapper instance |
Ckeyring_common::json_data::Json_writer | |
CJsonCoercionDeprecatedDefaultHandler | Callback function that checks if MYSQL_TIME_STATUS contains a deprecation warning |
CJsonCoercionErrorHandler | Callback function called when a coercion error occurs |
CJsonCoercionWarnHandler | Callback function called when a coercion error occurs |
CJsonParseDefaultErrorHandler | |
►CJsonSchemaErrorHandler | Error handler to be used when parsing JSON schemas and validating JSON objects using a JSON schema |
►CJsonSerializationErrorHandler | Error handler for the functions that serialize a JSON value in the JSON binary storage format |
CJT_data_source | JT_data_source is used as a data source |
Cauth_kerberos_context::Kerberos | |
Cauth_ldap_sasl_client::Kerberos | Kerberos class is built around kerberos library |
CKerberos_client_io | |
CKerberos_plugin_client | |
CKEY | |
CRows_log_event::Key_compare | |
►CKey_derivation_function | |
CMDL_ticket_store::Key_equal | |
CKey_field | A Key_field is a descriptor of a predicate of the form (column <op> val) |
CKey_info | |
CPersisted_variables_cache::Key_info | |
CKey_name | Definition of name for generated keys, owned by TABLE_SHARE |
CKEY_PAIR | Structure describing changes to an index to be caused by ALTER TABLE |
CKey_part_spec | |
Ckey_range | |
CKey_rec_less | Maps compare function to strict weak ordering required by Priority_queue |
►CKey_spec | |
CKey_use | A Key_use represents an equality predicate of the form (table.column = val), where the column is indexed by keypart in key and val is either a constant, a column from other table, or an expression over column(s) from other table(s) |
Cut_lock_free_hash_t::key_val_t | (key, val) tuple type |
Ctemptable::Key_value_store_logger< T, DebugBuild > | Default Key_value_store logging facility which turns to no-op in non-debug builds |
►Ctemptable::Key_value_store_logger< Key_value_store< Lock, std::unordered_map >, DEBUG_BUILD > | |
Ctemptable::Key_value_store_logger< T, true > | Key_value_store logging facility debug builds only |
Ctemptable::Key_value_store_stats | This is a small convenience POD-like type which describes what kind of details we are interested in when monitoring the behavior of Key_value_store |
Cdd::cache::Cache_element< T >::Key_wrapper< K > | Helper class to represent a key instance |
CSystem_variable_tracker::Keycache | |
Chash_join_buffer::anonymous_namespace{hash_join_buffer.cc}::KeyEquals | |
Chash_join_buffer::anonymous_namespace{hash_join_buffer.cc}::KeyHasher | |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::RefAccessBuilder::KeyMatch | Result type for FindKeyMatch() |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::KeypartForRef | |
►Cmysql_harness::Keyring | Keyring interface |
Ckeyring_common::service_definition::Keyring_aes_service_impl | |
►CKeyring_component | |
Ccomponents::Keyring_component_load | |
Ckeyring_file::backend::Keyring_file_backend | |
Ckeyring_common::service_definition::Keyring_generator_service_impl | |
Ckeyring_common::service_definition::Keyring_keys_metadata_iterator_service_impl | |
Ckeyring_common::service_definition::Keyring_load_service_impl | |
Ckeyring_common::service_definition::Keyring_metadata_query_service_impl | |
Ccomponents::Keyring_migrate | |
Ckeyring_common::operations::Keyring_operations< Backend, Data_extension > | Keyring operations A class to perform operations on keyring |
Ckeyring_proxy::Keyring_proxy_imp | A class that implements proxy keyring component services and calls keyring plugin APIs underneath |
Ckeyring_common::service_definition::Keyring_reader_service_impl | |
►Ccomponents::Keyring_services | |
Ckeyring_common::service_definition::Keyring_writer_service_impl | |
CKeyringFrontend | Passwd file management frontend |
CKeyringInfo | KeyringInfo class encapsulates loading and storing master key using master-key-reader and master-key-writer |
Canonymous_namespace{estimate_selectivity.cc}::KeySelectivityResult | Return type for EstimateSelectivityFromIndexStatistics() |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Kill | |
CKnown_date_time_format | Collection of strings describing date/time formats |
Cauth_ldap_sasl_client::Krb5_interface | Class representing interface to KRB5 functions |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_shared_block_pool< POOL_SIZE >::L1_dcache_aligned_block | In the event of inability to express ourselves with something like std::array<alignas<N> Block> we have to fallback to this method |
Ctemptable::Sharded_key_value_store< N_SHARDS, Lock, KeyValueImpl >::L1_dcache_aligned_kv_store | In the event of inability to express ourselves with something like std::array<alignas<N> Key_value_store<...>> we have to fallback to this method |
Cut::detail::Large_alloc_< Impl > | Small wrapper which utilizes SFINAE to dispatch the call to appropriate aligned allocator implementation |
Ctemptable::Largest_lock_free_type_selector< T, V > | Largest lock-free type selector, a helper utility very much similar to Lock_free_type_selector with the difference being that it tries hard not to fail |
Ctemptable::Largest_lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for integral types |
Ctemptable::Largest_lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< T >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for pointer types |
Clast_ops_cur_t | Cache position of last inserted or selected record by caching record and holding reference to the block where record resides |
CLast_used_gtid_tracker_ctx | This class tracks the last used GTID per session |
CLatchDebug::latch_level_less | Comparator for the Levels |
►Clatch_t | All (ordered) latches, used in debugging, must derive from this class |
CLatchCounter | Default latch counter |
CLatchDebug | The deadlock detector |
CLatched | The latch held by a thread |
Clocksys::Latches | The class which handles the logic of latching of lock_sys queues themselves |
Cbuf_page_t::Latching_rules_helpers | The purpose of this class is to hide the knowledge that Buf_io_fix_latching_rules even exists from users of buf_page_t class, while also avoiding having to tediously repeat yourself in each place where buf_page_t's implementation needs to pass typical arguments to Buf_io_fix_latching_rules such as owned_latches or current state, which require access to private fields of buf_page_t |
CLatchMeta< Counter > | Latch meta data |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Latitude_instantiator | |
►CLazy | Emulate lazy computation |
Cauth_ldap_sasl_client::Ldap_log_writer_error | Log writer class |
Cauth_ldap_sasl_client::Ldap_logger | Class representing logger for LDAP plugins |
Cleave_group_on_failure | Structure that holds the actions taken by the plugin when the member leaves the group after a failure |
►Cstd::less | |
CLess_Clone_Page | Comparator for storing sorted page ID |
CBtree_multi::Level_ctx | Context information for each level |
CLex_hash | |
CLex_input_stream | This class represents the character input stream consumed during lexical analysis |
Clex_state_maps_st | |
Cservices::Lex_str | A very limited smart pointer to protect against stack unwinding in case an STL class throws an exception |
CLexer_yystype | |
CLibrary_file | Abstraction over the plugin library file, hides system specific dynamic library handling |
CLibrary_file::Library_file_impl | |
CLifted_expressions_map | Helper singleton class used to track information needed to perform the transform of a correlated scalar subquery in a derived table, as performed by decorrelate_derived_scalar_subquery_pre and decorrelate_derived_scalar_subquery_pre |
CLimit | |
CMysqlx::Crud::Limit | |
CLimit_options | |
CMysqlx::Crud::LimitExpr | LimitExpr, in comparison to Limit, is able to specify that row_count and offset are placeholders |
CLine_buffer< TCallback > | Buffers input and runs a specified callback on single complete lines found |
CLine_separators | Helper for the sql_exchange class |
Cnet::socket_base::linger | Socket option for SO_LINGER |
Clink | |
CLink_buf< Position > | Concurrent data structure, which allows to track concurrently performed operations which locally might be dis-ordered |
Clinkage | |
CLinkedImmutableString | LinkedImmutableString is designed for storing rows (values) in hash join |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::List_instantiator< Function_class, Min_argc, Max_argc > | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::List_instantiator_with_thd< Function_class, Min_argc, Max_argc > | |
Clist_node | List_node - a node of a single-linked list |
CList_STL_Iterator< T > | |
CListen_socket | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::ListFields< Borrowed > | |
►Cservices::Literal_visitor | |
CLO_arc | |
CLO_authorised_arc | |
►CLO_class | |
CLO_cond_locker | |
CLO_file | |
CLO_file_locker | |
CLO_global_param | |
CLO_graph | |
►CLO_lock | |
CLO_mutex_locker | |
CLO_node | |
CLO_node_finder | |
CLO_node_properties | |
CLO_parser_param | |
►CLO_rwlock | |
CLO_rwlock_locker | |
CLO_spawn_thread_arg | |
CLO_stack_trace | |
CLO_thread | |
CLO_thread_class | |
CLoad_query_generator | |
Canonymous_namespace{ha_mock.cc}::LoadedTables | |
Cddl::Loader | Build indexes on a table by reading a clustered index, creating a temporary file containing index entries, merge sorting these index entries and inserting sorted index entries to indexes |
Cddl_bulk::Loader | |
Cmysql_harness::Loader | |
CLob_diff | The modification done to the LOB |
Clob_index_diff_t | This structure is used for undo logging of LOB index changes |
CTty::Flags::Posix::Local | |
Cmysql_harness::LocalDestination | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Locate_instantiator | |
Canonymous_namespace{rules_parser.cc}::Location | |
Crouting_guidelines::rpn::Token::Location | |
Cut::Location | |
Cclassic_protocol::clone::Locator | |
Cclassic_protocol::clone::server::Locators | |
CLock_and_access_ssl_acceptor_context | TLS context access wrapper for ease of use |
CLock_descriptor | |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_pool< T, POOL_SIZE, ALIGNMENT, TypeSelector > | Lock-free pool which consists of POOL_SIZE Lock_free_type elements |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_pool< unsigned long long, POOL_SIZE, Alignment::L1_DCACHE_SIZE > | |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_shared_block_pool< POOL_SIZE > | Lock-free pool of POOL_SIZE Block elements |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type< T, ALIGN, TypeSelector > | Representation of an atomic type which is guaranteed to be always-lock-free |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type< T, Alignment::L1_DCACHE_SIZE, TypeSelector > | |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type_selector< T, V > | Lock-free type selector, a helper utility which evaluates during the compile-time whether the given type T has a property of being always-lock-free for given platform |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_class< T >::value and std::is_trivially_copyable< T >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for trivially-copyable classes/structs |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< T >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for pointer types |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, bool >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for boolean types |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, char >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned char >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for char types |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, int >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned int >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for int types |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, long >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned long >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for long types |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, long long >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned long long >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for long long types |
Ctemptable::Lock_free_type_selector< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, short >::value or std::is_same< T, unsigned short >::value >::type > | Template-specialization for short types |
Clock_guid_t | Used to represent locks requests uniquely over time |
►CLock_mutex | |
Clock_op_t | Lock operation struct |
Clock_prdt | |
Clock_rec_t | Record lock for a page |
Clock_sys_t | The lock system struct |
Clock_t | Lock struct; protected by lock_sys latches |
Clock_table_t | A table lock |
Cnet::linux_epoll_io_service::FdInterest::locked_bucket | |
Ccs::index::Locked_sidno_set | Set that keeps track of TSID locks taken in the current scope |
CLocked_tables_list | Tables that were locked with LOCK TABLES statement |
CLocks_hashtable | A hashmap used by lock sys, to organize locks by page (block), so that it is easy to maintain a list of all locks related to a given page by append(lock,..), prepend(lock,..), erase(lock,..), move_to_front(lock,...) while also providing ability to iterate over all locks related for a given page in that order |
CLog_Arch_Client_Ctx | Redo Log archiver client context |
Clog_attribute_t | |
Clog_attribute_value | |
Clog_builtins_filter_debug_imp | |
Clog_builtins_filter_imp | |
Clog_builtins_imp | Primitives for services to interact with the structured logger: functions pertaining to log_line and log_item data |
Ckeyring_common::service_definition::Log_builtins_keyring | |
Clog_builtins_string_imp | String primitives for logging services |
Clog_builtins_syseventlog_imp | Syslog/Eventlog functions for logging services |
Clog_builtins_tmp_imp | Temporary primitives for logging services |
CLog_checkpoint_header | Meta data stored in one of two checkpoint headers |
CLog_checkpoint_location | Describes location of a single checkpoint |
Clog_client_type | |
►CLog_consumer | |
CLog_data_block_header | Meta data stored in header of a log data block |
CLog_DDL | Class to write and replay ddl logs |
Clog_errstream | An error-stream |
►CLog_event | This is the abstract base class for binary log events |
Cmysql::binlog::event::Log_event_basic_info | Holds basic information about an event: common-header fields, query, etc |
Cmysql::binlog::event::Log_event_footer | The footer, in the current version of the MySQL server, only contains the checksum algorithm descriptor |
►CLog_event_handler | Abstract superclass for handling logging to slow/general logs |
Cmysql::binlog::event::Log_event_header | The Common-Header always has the same form and length within one version of MySQL |
Cmysql::binlog::event::Log_event_type_helper | Event type helpers, enclosed in the structure |
CLog_file | Meta information about single log file |
CLog_file_block | Used for reads/writes to redo files within this module |
CLog_file_handle | Handle which allows to do reads / writes for the opened file |
CLog_file_header | Meta data stored in log file header |
CLog_file_id_and_header | Pair of: log file id and log file header |
CLog_file_id_and_size | Pair of: log file id and log file size (expressed in bytes) |
CLog_files_capacity | Responsible for the redo log capacity computations |
CLog_files_context | Configures path to the root directory, where redo subdirectory might be located (or redo log files if the ruleset is older) |
CLog_files_dict | In-memory dictionary of meta data of existing log files |
CLog_files_pfs_table | PFS table with metadata of redo log files |
CLog_files_stats | Runtime statistics related to redo log files management |
Clog_filter_xlate_key | Element in an array of known tokens in the filter configuration language |
CLog_handle | Handle which is used for writes to the log buffer |
CLog_info | |
Clog_line_buffer | |
►CLog_resource | This is the base class that the logic of collecting a MySQL server instance resources log will call |
CLog_resource_factory | This is the Log_resource factory to create wrappers for supported resources |
►Cbinlog::Log_sanitizer | Class used to recover binary / relay log file |
Clog_service_cache_entry | Finding and acquiring a service in the component framework is expensive, and we may use services a log (depending on how many events are logged per second), so we cache the relevant data |
Clog_service_cache_entry_free | |
Clog_service_imp | |
Clog_sink_perfschema_imp | Primitives for logging services to add to performance_schema.error_log |
Clog_t | Redo log - single data structure with state of the redo log system |
CLog_test | It is a environment for tests of redo log |
CLog_thread_waiting | Small utility which is used inside log threads when they have to wait for next interesting event to happen |
►CLog_throttle | Base class for rate-limiting a log (slow query log etc.) |
CLog_write_to_file_requests_monitor | |
CLogEvent | Modular logger: fluid API |
CLogfile | |
►Cmysqlrouter::LogFilter | |
►Cib::logger | The class logger is the base class of all the error log related classes |
Cmysql_harness::logging::Logger | Logger class |
Ctest_trace::Logger | |
CLogger_client | |
Cmtr_t::Logging | Mtr global logging |
►Cstd::logic_error | |
CLogical_clock | Logical timestamp generator for logical timestamping binlog transactions |
CLogicalOrderings | |
Cmysql_harness::LogReopen | |
Cmysql_harness::LogReopenComponent | Component that manages the reopening of logfiles |
Cmetadata_cache::LogSuppressor | |
CLong_undo_state | State of long running undo operation for purpose of writing periodic messages to error log |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Longitude_instantiator | |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::RefAccessBuilder::Lookup | Result type for BuildLookup() |
Chardware::Loop< iterations > | A helper template to statically unroll a loop with a fixed number of iterations, where the iteration number itself is constexpr |
Chardware::Loop< 0 > | |
Cnet::tls::LowerLayerHandshakeCompletionToken< FirstToken, SecondToken > | |
Cnet::tls::LowerLayerReadCompletionToken< FirstToken, SecondToken > | |
Cnet::tls::LowerLayerWriteCompletionToken< FirstToken, SecondToken > | |
Clru_machine | |
Clsinfo | |
CM_by_emp_by_mtype_record | |
CM_by_emp_by_mtype_Table_Handle | |
CMachine_POS | |
CMachine_Record | |
CMachine_Table_Handle | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Make_set_instantiator | |
CMake_view_tracker | RAII class to ease error handling in parse_view_definition() |
CMalloc_allocator< T > | Malloc_allocator is a C++ STL memory allocator based on my_malloc/my_free |
►CMalloc_allocator< T > | |
Cmetadata_cache::ManagedCluster | Represents a cluster (a GR group or AR members) |
Cmetadata_cache::ManagedInstance | Class ManagedInstance represents a server managed by the topology |
CManifest_file_option_parser_helper | Helper class for loading keyring component Keyring component is loaded after minimal chassis initialization |
Cmanifest::Manifest_reader | |
CMap_with_rw_lock< K, V > | Map with RWLock protections |
CMark_field | Class used as argument to Item::walk() together with mark_field_in_map() |
CGraphSimplifier::MarkNeighborCache | |
Cmysql_harness::MasterKeyFile | |
CMasterPos | |
Cmatched_rec | |
CMaterializedPathCache | This class caches table_paths for materialized tables |
CMaterializePathParameters | |
CMaxConnectionsOption | |
CMb_wc_through_function_pointer | Functor that uses a function pointer to convert a multibyte sequence to a wide character |
CMb_wc_utf8mb3 | Functor that converts a UTF-8 multibyte sequence (up to three bytes) to a wide character |
CMb_wc_utf8mb4 | Functor that converts a UTF-8 multibyte sequence (up to four bytes) to a wide character |
CMBR | |
CBase64Alphabet::Mcf | Base64 alphabet for MCF |
Canonymous_namespace{dictionary_client.cc}::MDL_checker | Helper class providing overloaded functions asserting that we have proper MDL locks in place |
CMDL_context | Context of the owner of metadata locks |
CMDL_context_backup_manager | Class which is used to store MDL locks associated with XA transactions in prepared state which clients have disconnected |
►CMDL_context_owner | An interface to separate the MDL module from the THD, and the rest of the server code |
►CMDL_context_visitor | Abstract visitor class for inspecting MDL_context |
CMDL_key | Metadata lock object key |
CMDL_lock | The lock context |
CMDL_lock_guard | Utility class to allow RAII pattern with MDL_request and MDL_context classes |
CMDL_lock::MDL_lock_strategy | Helper struct which defines how different types of locks are handled for a specific MDL_lock |
CMDL_map | A collection of all MDL locks |
►CMDL_release_locks_visitor | Base class to find out if the lock represented by a given ticket should be released |
CMDL_request | A pending metadata lock request |
CMDL_request_cmp | |
CMDL_savepoint | Savepoint for MDL context |
CMDL_ticket_store::MDL_ticket_handle | Utility struct for representing a ticket pointer and its duration |
CLocked_tables_list::MDL_ticket_pair | |
Canonymous_namespace{locked_tables_list.cc}::MDL_ticket_same_lock_eq | |
Canonymous_namespace{locked_tables_list.cc}::MDL_ticket_same_lock_hash | |
CMDL_ticket_store | Keep track of MDL_ticket for different durations |
CMDL_wait | A reliable way to wait on an MDL lock |
►CMDL_wait_for_graph_visitor | An abstract class for inspection of a connected subgraph of the wait-for graph |
►CMDL_wait_for_subgraph | Abstract class representing an edge in the waiters graph to be traversed by deadlock detection algorithm |
Cmeasurement_delivery_callback | |
Cmem_block_info_t | The info structure stored at the beginning of a heap block |
Canonymous_namespace{filesort_utils.cc}::Mem_compare | |
Canonymous_namespace{filesort_utils.cc}::Mem_compare_longkey | |
Canonymous_namespace{filesort.cc}::Mem_compare_queue_key | |
Canonymous_namespace{filesort_utils.cc}::Mem_compare_varlen_key | |
Cmem_heap_allocator< T > | A C++ wrapper class to the mem_heap_t routines, so that it can be used as an STL allocator |
CScoped_heap::mem_heap_free_functor | A functor with no state to be used for mem_heap destruction |
CMEM_ROOT | The MEM_ROOT is a simple arena, where allocations are carved out of larger blocks |
CMem_root_allocator< T > | Mem_root_allocator is a C++ STL memory allocator based on MEM_ROOT |
►CMem_root_array_YY< Element_type > | A typesafe replacement for DYNAMIC_ARRAY |
CMem_root_array_YY< Hint_param_table > | |
CMem_root_array_YY< LEX_CSTRING > | |
CMem_root_array_YY< PT_base_index_option * > | |
CMem_root_array_YY< Table_ident * > | |
Cmem_root_deque< Element_type > | A (partial) implementation of std::deque allocating its blocks on a MEM_ROOT |
Cqep_row::mem_root_str | Helper class to keep string data in MEM_ROOT before passing to Item_string |
CMember_actions | The list of events on which a member action can be triggered |
CMember_actions_handler_configuration | The member actions table configuration abstraction layer |
CMember_version | Represent the MySQL version of a Member within the Group Replication group |
Ctemptable::Memory< Source > | Primary-template (functor) class for memory-utils |
Ctemptable::Memory< Source::MMAP_FILE > | Template specialization for MMAP-based allocation/deallocation |
Ctemptable::Memory< Source::RAM > | Template specialization for RAM-based allocation/deallocation |
Cmysql::allocators::Memory_resource | Polymorphism-free memory resource class with custom allocator and deallocator functions |
Ctemptable::MemoryMonitor | |
CMerge_chunk | Descriptor for a merge chunk to be sort-merged |
Canonymous_namespace{uniques.cc}::Merge_chunk_compare_context | |
CMerge_chunk_greater | This struct is used for merging chunks for filesort() For filesort() with fixed-size keys we use memcmp to compare rows |
Canonymous_namespace{uniques.cc}::Merge_chunk_less | |
Cddl::Merge_file_sort | Merge the blocks in the file |
CBtree_multi::Btree_load::Merger | |
CMessage_service_handler | Handles the deliver of recv service messages to subscribed modules |
►Cgoogle::protobuf::MessageOptions | |
CCompression::meta_t | Compressed page meta-data |
Ckeyring_common::meta::Metadata | Common metadata |
►CMetaData | The metadata class is used to create a pluggable transport layer from which the metadata is fetched for the metadata cache |
Cmetadata_applier | Applier of dynamic metadata |
Cmetadata_cache::MetadataCacheMySQLSessionConfig | Metadata MySQL session configuration |
Cmetadata_cache::MetadataCacheTTLConfig | Metadata TTL configuration |
Canonymous_namespace{router_options.cc}::MetadataJsonOptions | |
CMetadataRecover | Class to parse persistent dynamic metadata redo log, store and merge them and apply them to in-memory table objects finally |
►Cmetadata_cache::MetadataRefreshListenerInterface | Abstract class that provides interface for listener on metadata refresh |
Cmeter_iterator | |
Cmetric_iterator | |
CMetrics | Handle metrics captured on Group Replication |
CMetrics_handler | |
CMigrate_keyring | |
CMigration_setup | |
CMimeType | |
Cmle_time | |
Crecv_sys_t::Mlog_record | Mini transaction log record |
Ctemptable::MemoryMonitor::MMAP | |
CMockServerComponent | |
CMockServerGlobalScope | Stores global data as pair of <string, jsonfied-string> |
CMockServerHttpClient | Allows communicating with mysql server mock via HTTP port |
CMockServerRestClient | |
Canonymous_namespace{ha_mock.cc}::MockShare | |
Cdblwr::Mode | |
CModification_plan | Table modification plan for JOIN-less statements (update/delete) |
CMysqlx::Crud::ModifyView | ModifyView modify existing view based on indicated Mysqlx::Crud::Find message |
►CMonitor< T > | Monitor pattern |
Cnet::io_context::monitor | |
Cmonitor_info_t | Struct monitor_info describes the basic/static information about each monitor counter |
Cmonitor_value_t | Two monitor structures are defined in this file |
Canonymous_namespace{resource_group_sql_cmd.cc}::Move_thread_to_default_group | This class represents a functional call to move a thread specified by pfs_thread_id to a resource group specified in class' constructor |
Cdd_fil::Moved | |
Cmp_state | Local state for multipacket processing |
Cmpmc_bq< T > | Multiple producer consumer, bounded queue Implementation of Dmitry Vyukov's MPMC algorithm http://www.1024cores.net/home/lock-free-algorithms/queues/bounded-mpmc-queue |
Cmysql_harness::MPMCQueueMS2Lock< T > | Unbounded multi-producer multi-consumer queue |
Cmysql_harness::MPSCQueueDV< T > | Unbounded multi-producer single-consumer queue |
CMrg_attach_children_callback_param | A context of myrg_attach_children() callback |
CMrg_child_def | Represents one name of a MERGE child |
Cmsg_link | |
►Cimpl::socket::msghdr_base | |
Cmtr_buf_copy_t | Mtr_buf_t copier |
CMtr_memo_contains | |
CMtr_memo_print | |
Cmtr_memo_slot_t | Mini-transaction memo stack slot |
Cmtr_t | Mini-transaction handle and buffer |
Cmtr_write_log_t | Write the block contents to the REDO log |
CMts_db_names | |
►CMts_submode | |
►Cdd::cache::Multi_map_base< T > | Implementation of a set of maps for a given object type |
CMulti_option | Class for handling multiple options like e.g |
Cmulti_value_data | Structure to hold number of multiple values |
►CMulti_value_entry_builder | Class to build a series of entries based on one multi-value field |
CMulti_value_logger | Class to log the multi-value data and read it from the log |
CMultisource_info | Class to store all the Master_info objects of a slave to access them in the replication code base or performance schema replication tables |
Cnet::mutable_buffer | |
Cmysql::mutex | Mutex is a C++ STL mutex (std::mutex) implementation using the instrumented MySQL mutex component API |
CMutex_cond_array::Mutex_cond | A mutex/cond pair |
CMutex_cond_array | Represents a growable array where each element contains a mutex and a condition variable |
CCommit_stage_manager::Mutex_queue | |
CMutex_static_holder< T > | |
►CMutex_static_holder< Trace_stream_static_holder > | |
►CMutexDebug< Mutex > | |
CMutexed_map_thd_srv_session | Std::map of THD* as key and Srv_session* as value guarded by a read-write lock |
CMutexMonitor | Iterate over the mutex meta data |
CMVCC | The MVCC read view manager |
Cmy_base64_decoder_t | |
Cmy_char_traits< CharT > | |
Cmy_char_traits< unsigned char > | |
CMY_CHARSET_ERRMSG | Helper structure to return error messages from collation parser/initializer |
►CMY_CHARSET_LOADER | User-specified callback interface for collation parser/initializer |
Cmy_command_data | |
Cmy_cs_file_info | |
Cmy_cs_file_section_st | |
Cmy_err_head | |
CMy_free_deleter | |
CMy_free_functor | Functor struct which invokes my_free |
Cmy_h_binlog_storage_iterator_imp | |
Cmy_h_component_iterator_imp | |
Cmy_h_component_metadata_iterator_imp | |
Cmy_h_keyring_keys_metadata_iterator_keyring_proxy | |
Ckeyring_lockable::my_h_keyring_keys_metadata_iterator_server | Wrapper over my_h_keyring_keys_metadata_iterator to associate RWlock |
Cmy_h_keyring_reader_object_keyring_proxy | |
Ckeyring_lockable::my_h_keyring_reader_object_server | Error messages |
Cmy_h_service_iterator_imp | |
Cmy_h_service_metadata_iterator_imp | |
Cmy_h_string_imp | |
Cmy_h_string_iterator_imp | |
CMy_hash | |
Cmy_match_t | |
CMy_median_data | |
Cmy_memory_header | |
►Cmy_metadata | The metadata class used by both the registry and the dynamic loader services to store and manage metadata information related to specified objects |
Cmy_mutex_t | |
Cmy_old_conv | |
Cmy_option | |
Cmy_plugin_log_service | Enables plugins to log messages into the server's error log |
►Cmy_ref_counted | Helper class for reference counting |
Cmy_service< TService > | Wraps my_h_service struct conforming ABI into RAII C++ object with ability to cast to desired service type |
Cmy_signal_handler_imp | An implementation of the signal handler registration service |
CMY_SQL_PARSER_LTYPE | Bison "location" class |
Cmy_state | |
Cmy_thread_handle | |
Cmy_thread_scheduler_service | |
Cmy_timer_info | Characteristics of all the supported timers |
Cmy_timer_t | |
Cmy_timer_unit_info | Characteristics of a timer |
Cmy_timeval | Replacement of system's struct timeval to ensure we can carry 64 bit values even on a platform which has 64 bits time, but only 32 bits tv_sec member, notably Windows |
►Cmy_uca_scanner | Unicode Collation Algorithm: Collation element (weight) scanner, for consequent scan of collations weights from a string |
Cmy_variable_sources | |
Cmysql::binlog::event::XA_prepare_event::MY_XID | |
►CMy_xp_cond | Abstract class used to wrap condition for various implementations |
►CMy_xp_mutex | Abstract class used to wrap mutex for various implementations |
CMy_xp_mutex_util | |
►CMy_xp_socket_util | Interface for socket utility methods |
►CMy_xp_thread | Abstract class used to wrap mutex for various platforms |
CMy_xp_thread_util | |
CMy_xp_util | Class where cross platform utilities reside as static methods |
Cmy_xpath_keyword_names_st | |
CMyRcuLock< T > | A class that implements a limited version of the Read-Copy-Update lock pattern |
Cmysql_admin_iterator | |
Cmysql_async_auth | |
Cmysql_async_connect | |
Cmysql_audit_api_connection_imp | Audit API connection service implementation |
Cmysql_audit_api_connection_with_error_imp | Audit API connection service implementation |
Cmysql_audit_api_imp | Audit API service implementation |
Cmysql_audit_api_message_imp | |
Cmysql_audit_print_service_double_data_source_imp | |
Cmysql_audit_print_service_longlong_data_source_imp | |
Cmysql_before_commit_transaction_control_imp | This class is the implementation of service mysql_before_commit_transaction_control |
Cdd::upgrade::anonymous_namespace{server.cc}::MySQL_check | |
CMysql_clone | The descriptor structure for the plugin, that is referred from st_mysql_plugin |
Cmysql_clone_ssl_context | Connection parameters including SSL |
Cmysql_close_connection_of_binloggable_transaction_not_reached_commit_imp | This class is the implementation of service mysql_close_connection_of_binloggable_transaction_not_reached_commit |
Cmysql_command_consumer_dom_imp | |
Cmysql_command_consumer_refs | This is a wrapper class of all the mysql_text_consumer services refs |
Cmysql_command_service_extn | This structure is used by mysql command service |
Cmysql_command_services_imp | An implementation of mysql command services apis |
Cmysql_component_host_application_signal_imp | An implementation of host application signal service for the mysql server as a host application |
Cmysql_component_mysql_admin_session_imp | Implementation of session admin service |
Cmysql_component_mysql_current_thread_reader_imp | An implementation of mysql current thread reader service for mysql server |
Cmysql_component_sys_variable_imp | An implementation of the configuration system variables Service to register variable and unregister variable |
Cmysql_component_t | Carries information on the specific Component, all Service Implementations it provides, all its requirements and metadata |
Cmysql_compress_context | Compression context information |
Cmysql_cond_t | An instrumented cond structure |
CMysql_connection | Mysql client connection wrapper class to connect MySQL, execute SQL query and fetch query results |
Coptions::Mysql_connection | |
Cmysql_connection_attributes_iterator_imp | |
Cmysql_cstring_with_length | String with length information |
Cmysql_debug_keyword_service_imp | An implementation of debug_keyword service methods |
Cmysql_debug_sync_service_imp | An implementation of debug_sync service methods |
Cmysql_dynamic_loader_imp | A class with an implementation of the Dynamic Loader Service |
Cmysql_dynamic_loader_scheme_file_imp | |
Cmysql_dynamic_loader_scheme_file_path_filter_imp | Checks if path specified to load is contained in plug-in directory and change it to absolute one using plug-in directory |
Cmysql_event_authentication | Structure for MYSQL_AUDIT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_authorization | Structure for MYSQL_AUDIT_AUTHORIZATION_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_command | Event for MYSQL_AUDIT_COMMAND_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_connection | Structure for the MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_general | Structure for the MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_global_variable | Events for MYSQL_AUDIT_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_message | Structure for MYSQL_AUDIT_MESSAGE_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_message_key_value_t | Structure that stores key-value pair of the MYSQL_AUDIT_MESSAGE_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_parse | Data for the MYSQL_AUDIT_PARSE events |
Cmysql_event_query | |
Cmysql_event_server_shutdown | Structure for MYSQL_AUDIT_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_server_startup | Structure for MYSQL_AUDIT_SERVER_STARTUP_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_stored_program | |
Cmysql_event_table_access | |
Cmysql_event_table_row_access | Structure for MYSQL_AUDIT_TABLE_ACCES_CLASS event class |
Cmysql_event_tracking_authentication_data | Structure for Authentication event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_command_data | Structure for Command event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_connection_data | Structure for Connection event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_general_data | Structure for General event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_global_variable_data | Structure for Global variable event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_message_data | Structure for Message event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_message_key_value_t | Structure that stores key-value pair of the Message event |
Cmysql_event_tracking_parse_data | Structure for the Parse event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_query_data | Structure for Query event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_shutdown_data | Structure for Shutdown event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_startup_data | Structure for Startup event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_stored_program_data | Structure for Stored program event tracking |
Cmysql_event_tracking_table_access_data | Structure for Table access event tracking |
CMYSQL_FILE | An instrumented FILE structure |
CMysql_handle | |
Cmysql_heartbeat_context | |
Cmysql_keyring_iterator_imp | Keyring iterator component service implementation |
Cmysql_keyring_service_st | This service allows plugins to interact with key store backends |
CMysql_library | |
Cmysql_library_imp | Implementation of the mysql_library_imp services |
Cmysql_locking_service_st | This service provides support for taking read/write locks |
Cmysql_main_iterator | |
Cmysql_malloc_service_st | This service allows plugins to allocate and free memory through the server's memory handling routines |
Cmysql_metadata_ref_t | Specifies a key and value pair of the single Component metadata |
Cmysql_mutex_t | An instrumented mutex structure |
Cmysql_new_transaction_control_imp | This class is the implementation of service mysql_new_transaction_control |
Cmysql_ongoing_transactions_query_imp | An implementation of mysql_ongoing_transactions_query service methods |
Cmysql_parser_service_st | |
Cmysql_password_policy_service_st | This service allows plugins to validate passwords based on a common policy |
Cmysql_persistent_dynamic_loader_imp | Allows to wrap another Service Implementation of the Dynamic Loader service and add ability to store a list of groups of loaded components |
Cmysql_pfs_key_t | Define for performance schema registration key |
►CMYSQL_PLUGIN_VIO | Provides plugin access to communication channel |
Cmysql_prlock_t | An instrumented prlock structure |
Cmysql_query_attributes_imp | Query attributes service implementation |
►Cmysql_registry_no_lock_imp | |
CMysql_replication | Replication plugin descriptor |
Cmysqlrouter::MySQLSession::MYSQL_RES_Deleter | |
CMysql_res_handle | |
CMysql_rewrite_post_parse_param | Structure that is passed during each step of a rewriting |
CMysql_rewrite_pre_parse_param | Structure that is passed during each step of a rewriting |
Cmysql_harness::mysql_router_thread_handle | |
CParallel_reader_adapter::MySQL_row | MySQL row meta data |
Cmysql_row_templ_t | |
CMYSQL_RPL | Struct for information about a replication stream |
Cmysql_runtime_error_imp | An default implementation of the mysql_runtime_error service for minimal chassis library to report the error messages |
Cmysql_rwlock_t | An instrumented rwlock structure |
Cmysql_security_context_imp | An implementation of security_context service methods |
CMYSQL_SERVER_AUTH_INFO | Provides server plugin access to authentication information |
Cmysql_server_runnable_imp | |
Cmysql_server_runtime_error_imp | |
Cmysql_service_placeholder_ref_t | Carries information on the specific Service requirement for some Component and a pointer to member where to store the acquired Service Implementation to satisfy this requirement |
Cmysql_service_ref_t | Carries information on specific Service Implementation |
Cmysql_simple_error_log_imp | An implementation of the simple error log service |
CMYSQL_SOCKET | An instrumented socket |
Cmysql_status_variable_reader_imp | Implementation of the mysql_status_variable_string service |
Cmysql_status_variable_registration_imp | An implementation of the component status variables Service to register variable and unregister variable |
Cmysql_stmt_attributes_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_bind_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_diagnostics_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_execute_direct_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_execute_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_factory_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_get_double_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_get_integer_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_get_string_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_get_time_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_get_unsigned_integer_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_metadata_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_result_imp | |
Cmysql_stmt_resultset_metadata_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_argument_metadata_query_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_external_program_handle_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_field_name_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_import_metadata_query_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_metadata_query_imp | Implementation of the mysql_stored_program services |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_metadata_query_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_date_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_datetime_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_float_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_int_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_null_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_string_charset_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_string_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_time_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_timestamp_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_unsigned_int_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_return_value_year_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_date_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_datetime_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_float_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_int_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_null_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_string_charset_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_string_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_time_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_timestamp_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_unsigned_int_imp | |
Cmysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_year_imp | |
Cmysql_string_imp | The string functions as a service to the mysql_server component |
Cmysql_string_service_st | |
Cmysql_system_variable_reader_imp | An implementation of mysql system_variable_reader for the mysql server component |
Cmysql_system_variable_source_imp | An implementation of the service method to give the source of given system variable |
Cmysql_system_variable_update_imp | An implementation of mysql system_variable_update_string, system_variable_update_integer and system_variable_update_default services for the mysql server component |
Cmysql_thd_attributes_imp | An implementation of mysql_thd_attributes service methods |
CMysql_thd_store_service_imp | |
Cmysql_thd_variables_service_imp | Thread variables' service implementation |
►CMySQL_thread | Register with MySQL infrastructure |
CMysql_thread | A generic single thread executor |
►CMysql_thread_body | Interface for Mysql_thread_body, the task of a Mysql_thread |
►CMysql_thread_body_parameters | Interface for Mysql_thread_body parameters |
CMysql_thread_task | |
CMYSQL_TIME_cache | Cache for MYSQL_TIME value with various representations |
CMYSQL_TIME_STATUS | Structure to return status from str_to_datetime(), str_to_time(), number_to_datetime(), number_to_time() |
Cmysql_udf_metadata_imp | A helper class for the implementation of the udf_extension functions |
Cmysql_udf_registration_imp | A helper class for the implementation of the udf_registration and udf_aggregate functions |
CMYSQL_XID | MYSQL_XID is binary compatible with the XID structure as in the X/Open CAE Specification, Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification, X/Open Company Ltd., 1991 |
Cmysql_zlib_compress_context | Compress context information |
Cmysql_zstd_compress_context | Compress context information relating to zstd compression |
Cmysqlrouter::MySQLClientThreadToken | Thread Token for libmysqlclient API users |
CMysqld_socket_listener | This class represents the Mysqld_socket_listener which prepares the listener sockets to receive connection events from the client |
Cmysqlrouter::MysqlError | |
CMySQLNativePassword | |
CMySQLRouter | Manage the MySQL Router application |
Cmysql_harness::MySQLRouterThread | MySQLRouterThread provides higher level interface to managing threads |
CMySQLRoutingAPI | |
►CMySQLRoutingBase | Facade to avoid a tight coupling between Routing component and actual routing endpoint implementation |
CMySQLRoutingComponent | |
►CMySQLRoutingConnectionBase | |
CMySQLRoutingContext | MySQLRoutingContext holds data used by MySQLRouting (1 per plugin instances) and MySQLRoutingConnection instances (many instances) |
Cserver_mock::MySQLServerMock | Main class |
CMysqlServerMockConfig | |
CMysqlServerMockFrontend | |
►Cserver_mock::MySQLServerMockSession | |
Cmysqlrouter::MySQLSession | |
Cn_diff_data_t | Input data that is used to calculate dict_index_t::stat_n_diff_key_vals[] for each n-columns prefix (n from 1 to n_uniq) |
Cmysql::collation::Name | Normalizes character set/collation names |
CName_resolution_context | Instances of Name_resolution_context store the information necessary for name resolution of Items and other context analysis of a query made in fix_fields() |
CName_resolution_context_state | |
Canonymous_namespace{classic_query_forwarder.cc}::Name_string | |
CNamed_pipe_listener | This class abstracts Named pipe listener that setups a named pipe handle to listen and receive client connections |
CNamedSocketOption | |
CExitStatus::native_t | |
CNatural_join_column | |
CGraphSimplifier::NeighborCache | |
Chypergraph::NeighborhoodCache | |
CNESTED_JOIN | Struct NESTED_JOIN is used to represent how tables are connected through outer join operations and semi-join operations to form a query block |
CNET | |
Cnetobj | |
CNetwork_configuration_parameters | Possible configuration parameters |
CNetwork_connection | Represents an open connection |
►CNetwork_namespace_manager | Class that provides Network Namespace services |
►CNetwork_provider | Base class for External Network Providers |
►CNetwork_provider_management_interface | Inversion of Control interface to manage Network providers |
►CNetwork_provider_operations_interface | Inversion of Control proxy interface to operate Network providers |
CNetwork_security_credentials | Security credentials to establish a connection |
Cnet::ip::network_v4 | |
Cnet::ip::network_v6 | |
Cnet::NetworkInterfaceEntry | Entry in the network interface result |
Cnet::NetworkInterfaceNetworks< NetworkT > | Networks of a network interface |
Cnet::NetworkInterfaceResolver | |
Cnet::NetworkInterfaceResults | Results of a NetworkInterfaceResolver::query() |
Cnew_ft_info | Structure Returned by ha_innobase::ft_init_ext() |
CNextFunctionIterator< T, GetNextPointer > | An iterator that follows a 'next' pointer with an accessor function |
►CNextFunctionIterator< T, GetMember< T, NextPointer > > | |
CLogicalOrderings::NFSMEdge | |
CLogicalOrderings::NFSMState | |
Ccs::apply::Commit_order_queue::Node | Queue element, holding the needed information to manage the commit ordering |
Chypergraph::Node | |
CJoinHypergraph::Node | |
Cmysql_harness::MPMCQueueMS2Lock< T >::Node | |
Cmysql_harness::MPSCQueueDV< T >::Node | |
COwned_gtids::Node | Represents one owned GTID |
Cnode_visit | |
Canonymous_namespace{gr_notifications_listener.cc}::NodeId | |
►Cut::Non_copyable | A utility class which, if inherited from, prevents the descendant class from being copied, moved, or assigned |
CNonzeroSubsetsOf | |
CNoopMarker< T > | |
Cnet::tls::NOP_token | |
CNoPolicy< Mutex > | |
CNoPolicy< OSTrackMutex > | |
CNoPolicy< TTASEventMutex > | |
CNothing | |
CNotification_context | A convenience context class used to share information between the event handlers and the notifier |
Csysd::NotifyGlobals | Class wrapping the "globals" as static members so that they can only be accessed from the friend-declared notify functions |
CNTService | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::Null | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::wire::Null | |
CNullValidate | |
CMysqlx::Datatypes::Object | An object |
CMysqlx::Expr::Object | An object (with expression values) |
Cut::Object_cache< T > | A class to manage objects of type T |
►CObject_creation_ctx | Object_creation_ctx – interface for creation context of database objects (views, stored routines, events, triggers) |
►Cdd::Object_key | |
Cdd::cache::Object_registry | Object registry containing several maps |
►Cdd::Object_table | This class represents all data dictionary table like mysql.tables, mysql.columns and more |
►Cdd::Object_table_definition | The purpose of this interface is to enable retrieving the SQL statements necessary to create and populate a DD table |
CMysqlx::Datatypes::Object::ObjectField | |
CMysqlx::Expr::Object::ObjectField | |
CObserve_transmission_guard | Sentry class to guard the transitions for Delegate::m_observe_transmission flag within given contexts |
CObserver_info | |
Coci::OCI_config_file | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Oct_instantiator | |
CMysqlx::Datatypes::Scalar::Octets | Opaque octet sequence, with an optional content_type See Mysqlx::Resultset::ContentType_BYTES for list of known values |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::Ok< Borrowed > | Ok message |
CMysqlx::Ok | Generic Ok message |
CMatcher::One< Arg > | Matches one character in a list of possible candidates |
CMatcher::One< Arg > | |
CMysqlx::Cursor::Open::OneOfMessage | |
CMysqlx::Prepare::Prepare::OneOfMessage | |
COnlineCycleFinder | A fast online cycle finder, based on [Pea03] |
CMysqlx::Cursor::Open | Open a cursor |
CMysqlx::Expect::Open | Open an Expect block and set/unset the conditions that have to be fulfilled |
Cdd::Open_dictionary_tables_ctx | Auxiliary class for opening dictionary tables |
Cfil::detail::Open_files_limit | |
Copen_node_t | Open or close cursor statement node |
COpen_table_context | A context of open_tables() function, used to recover from a failed open_table() or open_routine() attempt |
►COpen_tables_state | Class that holds information about tables which were opened and locked by the thread |
Cmaterialize_iterator::Operand | An operand (query block) to be materialized by MaterializeIterator |
CMaterializePathParameters::Operand | |
►Cnet::tls::Operation | |
CMysqlx::Expr::Operator | Operator: <<(a, b) |
►COpt_hints | Opt_hints class is used as ancestor for Opt_hints_global, Opt_hints_qb, Opt_hints_table, Opt_hints_key classes |
COpt_hints_map | Opt_hints_map contains information about hint state(specified or not, hint value) |
COpt_trace_context | A per-session context which is always available at any point of execution, because in practice it's accessible from THD which contains: |
COpt_trace_context::Opt_trace_context_impl | To have the smallest impact on THD's size, most of the implementation is moved to a separate class Opt_trace_context_impl which is instantiated on the heap when really needed |
COpt_trace_disable_I_S | Instantiate an instance of this class for specific cases where optimizer trace, in a certain section of Optimizer code, should write only to DBUG and not I_S |
COpt_trace_info | User-visible information about a trace |
COpt_trace_iterator | Iterator over the list of remembered traces |
COpt_trace_start | |
COpt_trace_stmt | The trace of one statement |
►COpt_trace_struct | Object and array are both "structured data" and have lots in common, so the Opt_trace_struct is a base class for them |
COptimize_table_order | This class determines the optimal join order for tables within a basic query block, ie a query specification clause, possibly extended with semi-joined tables from embedded subqueries |
Cmysqlrouter::impl::Option< Opt, ValueType > | Gettable, settable option for mysql_option's |
Cmysqlrouter::impl::Option< Opt, const char * > | Gettable, settable option for 'const char *' based mysql_option's |
Cmysqlrouter::impl::Option< Opt, std::nullptr_t > | |
Cnet::socket_option::option_base< Level, Name, T, V > | Base-class of socket options |
Coption_string | |
COption_usage_data | A helper class to handle option usage population |
Cmysql::binlog::event::Table_map_event::Optional_metadata_fields | Metadata_fields organizes m_optional_metadata into a structured format which is easy to access |
COptionalString | Helper class to deal with optionally empty strings |
Cmysqlrouter::ConfigGenerator::Options | |
Coptions::Options | Command line options container |
CMysqlx::Crud::Order | Sort order |
Corder_node_t | An order-by node in a select |
CORDER_with_src | Wrapper for ORDER* pointer to trace origins of ORDER list |
CShowStatus::OrderByWaits | Order by m_waits, in descending order |
COrderElement | |
COrdering | Represents a (potentially interesting) ordering, rollup or (non-rollup) grouping |
COrderingElementsGuard | A scope-guard class for allocating an Ordering::Elements instance which is automatically returned to the pool when we exit the scope of the OrderingElementsGuard instance |
CLogicalOrderings::OrderingWithInfo | |
CLogicalOrderings::OrderWithElementInserted | Given an order O and a functional dependency FD: S → x where S is a subset of O, create new orderings by inserting x into O at different positions, and add those to the set of orderings if they could become interesting ( |
Cos_event | InnoDB condition variable |
COs_event_t | A RAII wrapper for os_event_t |
Cos_file_size_t | Sparse file size information |
Cos_file_stat_t | Struct used in fetching information of a file in a directory |
Cos_once | Execute a given function exactly once in a multi-threaded environment or wait for the function to be executed by another thread |
COSMutex | OS mutex, without any policy |
Canonymous_namespace{certificate_generator.cc}::OsslDeleter< T > | |
Canonymous_namespace{tls_server_context.cc}::OsslDeleter< T > | |
COsslDeleter< T > | |
Canonymous_namespace{certificate_generator.cc}::OsslDeleter< BIO > | |
Canonymous_namespace{tls_server_context.cc}::OsslDeleter< BIO > | |
COsslDeleter< BIO > | |
Canonymous_namespace{tls_server_context.cc}::OsslDeleter< EVP_PKEY > | |
COsslDeleter< EVP_PKEY > | |
Canonymous_namespace{tls_server_context.cc}::OsslDeleter< EVP_PKEY_CTX > | |
COsslDeleter< EVP_PKEY_CTX > | |
Canonymous_namespace{certificate_generator.cc}::OsslDeleter< OSSL_DECODER_CTX > | |
Canonymous_namespace{tls_server_context.cc}::OsslDeleter< OSSL_DECODER_CTX > | |
Canonymous_namespace{certificate_generator.cc}::OsslDeleter< OSSL_ENCODER_CTX > | |
COsslDeleter< X509 > | |
Canonymous_namespace{certificate_generator.cc}::OsslDeleter< X509_EXTENSION > | |
COSTrackMutex< Policy > | OS mutex for tracking lock/unlock for debugging |
►Cstd::ostream | |
►Cstd::ostringstream | |
CTty::Flags::Posix::Output | |
►COverflowBitset | |
COverflowBitsetBitsIn< N, Combine > | |
Chttp::base::details::owned_buffer | |
COwned_gtids | Represents the set of GTIDs that are owned by some thread |
COwner | Simple move-only type to track ownership |
Cp_column_list_val | |
Cp_elem_val | |
Cin_longlong::packed_longlong | |
►CPacket | A generic interface for different kinds of packets |
Cmysql::abi_helpers::Packet_builder< Type_enum_t > | Class to help constructing a Packet , by pushing values one by one |
Ccontainer::Padded_indexing< T > | Indexing provider that pads each of the array elements to the size of the CPU cache line, in order to avoid false sharing and cache misses |
Ccontainer::Padded_indexing< queue_value_type > | |
Ccontainer::Padded_indexing< value_type > | |
Cdblwr::recv::Page | Page recovered from the doublewrite buffer |
CLog_test::Page | |
Cut::detail::Page_alloc_< Impl > | Small wrapper which utilizes SFINAE to dispatch the call to appropriate aligned allocator implementation |
CPage_alloc_info | |
Cut::detail::Page_alloc_metadata | Helper struct implementing the type which represents the metadata for all types of page-aligned allocations, be it regular pages or huge-pages |
Cut::detail::Page_alloc_metadata_pfs | Helper struct implementing the type which represents the metadata for all types of PFS-aware page-aligned allocations, be it regular pages or huge-pages |
CPage_Arch_Client_Ctx | Dirty page archiver client context |
Cpage_cleaner_slot_t | Page cleaner request state for each buffer pool instance |
Cpage_cleaner_t | Page cleaner structure common for all threads |
Cpage_cur_t | Index page cursor |
CBFT::Callback::Page_details | |
Cdblwr::recv::Page_entry | A record from reduced doublewrite buffer |
CBtree_multi::Page_extent | Allocate, use, manage and flush one extent pages (FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) |
Cpage_id_t | Page identifier |
CBtree_multi::Page_load_compare | |
Clocksys::Latches::Page_shards | |
Cpage_size_t | Page size descriptor |
CBtree_multi::Page_stat | Information about a buffer page |
CPage_track_implementation | An implementation of page tracking service |
CPage_track_t | Page track interface |
Cpage_zip_des_t | Compressed page descriptor |
Cpage_zip_stat_t | Compression statistics for a given page size |
►CPageCallback | Callback functor |
Cdblwr::recv::Pages | Pages recovered from the doublewrite buffer |
CParallel_reader | The core idea is to find the left and right paths down the B+Tree.These paths correspond to the scan start and scan end search |
CParallel_reader_adapter | Traverse an index in the leaf page block list order and send records to adapter |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Query< Borrowed >::Param | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::StmtExecute< Borrowed >::ParamDef | |
Cpars_bound_id_t | Bound identifier |
Cpars_bound_lit_t | Bound literal |
Cpars_info_t | Extra information supplied for pars_sql() |
Cpars_res_word_t | Struct used to denote a reserved word in a parsing tree |
Cpars_user_func_t | User-supplied function and argument |
Cparse_buf | |
►CParse_context_base | |
CShow_parse_tree::Parse_tree_comparator | |
►CParse_tree_node_tmpl< Context > | Base class for parse tree nodes (excluding the Parse_tree_root hierarchy) |
►CParse_tree_node_tmpl< Column_parse_context > | |
►CParse_tree_root | Base class for all top-level nodes of SQL statements |
Canonymous_namespace{p_s.cc}::parsed_table_path | |
Cddl::FTS::Parser | For parsing and sorting the documents |
CParser | |
CParser_input | Input parameters to the parser |
►CParser_partition_info | |
►CParser_state | Internal state of the parser |
Cpart_id_range | |
CPART_NAME_DEF | Struct used for partition_name_hash |
CPartial_update_info | A struct that contains execution time state used for partial update of JSON columns |
Cpartition_element | |
►CPartition_handler | Class for partitioning specific operations |
►CPartition_helper | Partition_helper is a helper class that implements most generic partitioning functionality such as: table scan, index scan (both ordered and non-ordered), insert (write_row()), delete and update |
Cdd::Partition_index_order_comparator | Used to sort Partition_index objects for the same partition in the same order as Index objects for the table |
Cpartition_info | |
CPARTITION_ITERATOR | Partition set iterator |
Cdd::Partition_order_comparator | Used to compare two partition elements |
Cdd::Partition_value_order_comparator | Used to sort Partition_value objects for the same partition first according to list number and then according to the column number |
CPartitioned_rwlock | Implementation of read-write lock partitioned by thread id |
CPartitioned_rwlock_read_guard | Read lock guard class for Partitioned_rwlock |
CPartitioned_rwlock_write_guard | Write lock guard class for Partitioned_rwlock |
CBinlog_iterator_ctx::Passthrough_allocator | This is a passthrough allocator |
CPasswdFrontend | Passwd file management frontend |
CPasswdValue | Shadow struct for passwd which has proper value semantics, so that it can be safely copied and assigned to |
Cacl_table::Password_lock | |
CACL_USER::Password_locked_state | |
CPasswordVault | |
►Cmysql_harness::Path | Class representing a path in a file system |
CPath | A helper class for handling file paths |
Cstdx::filesystem::path | |
CJson_path_cache::Path_cell | Struct that points to a cell in m_paths and tells its status |
Cstdx::io::path_handle | |
CPattern | The in-memory representation of a pattern |
CPattern_matcher | Enables comparison of strings against particular set of patterns |
Cpax_machine | |
Cpaxos_fsm_state | |
Cmysql::binlog::event::compression::Payload_event_buffer_istream | Stream class that yields a stream of byte buffers, each holding the raw decompressed data of one event contained in a Transaction_payload_log_event |
►Chttp::client::PayloadCallback | |
CPbkdf2 | Key Derivation Function for PBKDF2 |
CPbkdf2McfAdaptor | MCF reader/writer for PBKDF2 |
CPbkdf2McfType | Map the MCF name to internal types |
CPCursor | Persistent cursor wrapper around btr_pcur_t |
►Cnet::io_context::timer_queue< Timer >::pending_timer | |
CPendingCondition | |
CPendingInvalidator | Cache invalidator iterators we need to apply, but cannot yet due to outer joins |
Cgr::perfschema::Perfschema_module | |
CPersisted_rule | A rule as persisted on disk |
CPersisted_variables_cache | |
CPersistentTableMetadata | Persistent dynamic metadata for a table |
►CPersister | Interface for persistent dynamic table metadata |
CPersisters | Container of persisters used in the system |
CPFS_account_allocator | |
CPFS_account_key | Hash key for an account |
CPFS_account_row | Row fragment for columns USER, HOST |
CPFS_all_memory_stat | |
Cmemory::PFS_allocator< T > | Allocator class for instrumenting allocated memory with Performance Schema keys |
CPFS_any_name< max_length > | |
CPFS_any_name_view< max_length > | |
CPFS_buffer_const_iterator< T > | |
CPFS_buffer_container< T, U, V > | |
CPFS_buffer_default_allocator< T > | |
CPFS_buffer_default_array< T > | |
►CPFS_buffer_default_array< PFS_account > | |
►CPFS_buffer_default_array< PFS_host > | |
►CPFS_buffer_default_array< PFS_thread > | |
►CPFS_buffer_default_array< PFS_user > | |
CPFS_buffer_iterator< T, U, V > | |
CPFS_buffer_processor< T > | |
►CPFS_buffer_processor< PFS_account > | |
►CPFS_buffer_processor< PFS_host > | |
►CPFS_buffer_processor< PFS_program > | |
►CPFS_buffer_processor< PFS_setup_actor > | |
►CPFS_buffer_processor< PFS_setup_object > | |
►CPFS_buffer_processor< PFS_table > | |
►CPFS_buffer_processor< PFS_table_share > | |
►CPFS_buffer_processor< PFS_user > | |
CPFS_buffer_scalable_container< T, PFS_PAGE_SIZE, PFS_PAGE_COUNT, U, V > | |
CPFS_buffer_scalable_iterator< T, page_size, page_count, U, V > | |
CPFS_builtin_memory_class | |
CPFS_byte_stat_row | Row fragment for timer and byte count stats |
CPFS_cacheline_atomic_ptr< T > | An atomic<T> variable, guaranteed to be alone in a CPU cache line |
CPFS_cacheline_atomic_size_t | An atomic size_t variable, guaranteed to be alone in a CPU cache line |
CPFS_cacheline_atomic_uint32 | An atomic uint32 variable, guaranteed to be alone in a CPU cache line |
CPFS_cacheline_atomic_uint64 | An atomic uint64 variable, guaranteed to be alone in a CPU cache line |
CPFS_column_row | Row fragment for columns OBJECT_TYPE, SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME |
CPFS_cond_stat | Statistics for conditions usage |
CPFS_connection_iterator | Iterator over groups of connections |
►CPFS_connection_slice | A connection slice, an arbitrary grouping of several connections |
CPFS_connection_stat | Connections statistics |
CPFS_connection_stat_row | Row fragment for connection statistics |
►CPFS_connection_visitor | Interface class to visit groups of connections |
CPFS_data_cache | |
CPFS_digest_key | Structure to store a hash value (digest) for a statement |
CPFS_digest_row | Row fragment for columns DIGEST, DIGEST_TEXT |
Cpfs_dirty_state | |
►CPFS_double_index | Position of a double cursor, for iterations using 2 nested loops |
CPFS_dynamic_table_shares | A class to keep list of table shares for non-native performance schema tables i.e |
►CPFS_engine_index_abstract | |
►CPFS_engine_key | |
►CPFS_engine_table | An abstract PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA table |
CPFS_engine_table_proxy | A structure to keep callback functions to be implemented by plugin/component |
CPFS_engine_table_share | A PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA table share |
►CPFS_engine_table_share_proxy | A share to be initialized by plugin/component code and to be provided to add_table() service method of pfs_plugin_table_v1 service |
CPFS_error_single_stat | Statistics for a server error |
CPFS_error_stat | Statistics for all server errors |
CPFS_error_stat_row | Row fragment for error statistics columns |
CPFS_esmh_by_digest_histogram | |
CPFS_esmh_global_histogram | |
CPFS_event_name_row | Row fragment for column EVENT_NAME |
►CPFS_events | An event record |
CPFS_file_io_stat | Statistics for FILE I/O |
CPFS_file_io_stat_row | Row fragment for file I/O statistics columns |
CPFS_file_name | |
CPFS_file_name_view | |
CPFS_file_stat | Statistics for FILE usage |
CPFS_global_param | Performance schema global sizing parameters |
CPFS_histogram | |
CPFS_histogram_timers | |
CPFS_host_allocator | |
CPFS_host_key | Hash key for a host |
CPFS_host_name | |
CPFS_host_name_view | |
CPFS_host_row | Row fragment for column HOST |
CPFS_index_name | |
CPFS_index_name_view | |
CPFS_index_row | Row fragment for columns OBJECT_TYPE, SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, INDEX_NAME |
CPFS_index_view_row | Row fragment for columns OBJECT_TYPE, SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, INDEX_NAME |
CPFS_instance_iterator | Iterator over groups of instrumentation point instances |
►CPFS_instance_visitor | Interface class to visit groups of instrumentation point instances |
►CPFS_instr | Base structure for wait instruments |
►CPFS_instr_class | Information for all instrumentation |
CPFS_instr_config | User-defined instrument configuration |
CPFS_instr_name | Encapsulates the name of an instrumented entity |
►CPFS_instrument_view_constants | Name space, internal views used within table setup_instruments |
CPFS_instrumentation_handle_raii | RAII class to manage PFS statement instrumentation for statement executed using Statement Handle interface |
CPFS_key_reader | PFS_key_reader: Convert key into internal format |
Cpfs_lock | A 'lock' protecting performance schema internal buffers |
CPFS_logger_config | User-defined logger configuration |
CPFS_memory_monitoring_stat | |
CPFS_memory_safe_stat | Memory statistics |
CPFS_memory_shared_stat | |
CPFS_memory_stat_alloc_delta | |
CPFS_memory_stat_free_delta | |
CPFS_memory_stat_row | Row fragment for memory statistics columns |
Cut::detail::PFS_metadata | Memory layout representation of PFS metadata segment that is used by the allocator variants which also want to trace the memory consumption through PFS (PSI) interface |
CPFS_meter_config | User-defined meter configuration |
CPFS_meter_index | Position of a cursor, for meter iterations |
CPFS_metric_index | Position of a cursor, for metric iterations |
CPFS_mutex_stat | Statistics for mutex usage |
CPFS_notification_node | PFS_notification_node Element of the notification registry containing callback functions |
CPFS_notification_registry | PFS_notification_registry A singly linked list of callback registrations |
CPFS_object_iterator | Iterator over groups of SQL objects |
CPFS_object_name | |
CPFS_object_name_view | |
CPFS_object_row | Row fragment for columns OBJECT_TYPE, SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME |
►CPFS_object_view_constants | Name space, internal views used within object summaries |
CPFS_object_view_row | Row fragment for columns OBJECT_TYPE, SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME |
►CPFS_object_visitor | Interface class to visit groups of SQL objects |
Cpfs_optimistic_state | |
Cpfs_os_file_t | Common file descriptor for file IO instrumentation with PFS on windows and other platforms |
CPFS_partitioned_buffer_scalable_container< B, PFS_PARTITION_COUNT > | |
CPFS_partitioned_buffer_scalable_iterator< B, PFS_PARTITION_COUNT > | |
CPFS_prepared_stmt_stat | Statistics for prepared statement usage |
CPFS_program_key | Hash key for a program |
CPFS_ringbuffer_index | Index in the error-log ring-buffer |
CPFS_role_name | |
CPFS_role_name_view | |
CPFS_routine_name | |
CPFS_routine_name_view | |
CPFS_rwlock_stat | Statistics for rwlock usage |
CPFS_schema_name | |
CPFS_schema_name_view | |
CPFS_session_all_memory_stat | |
CPFS_session_all_memory_stat_row | |
CPFS_setup_actor | A setup_actor record |
CPFS_setup_actor_key | Hash key for |
CPFS_setup_object | A setup_object record |
CPFS_setup_object_key | Hash key for |
►CPFS_simple_index | Position of a cursor, for simple iterations |
►CPFS_single_stat | Single statistic |
CPFS_sizing_data | Performance schema sizing heuristics |
CPFS_sizing_hints | Sizing hints, from the server configuration |
CPFS_socket_io_stat | Statistics for SOCKET I/O |
CPFS_socket_io_stat_row | Row fragment for socket I/O statistics columns |
CPFS_socket_stat | Statistics for SOCKET usage |
CPFS_sp_stat | Statistics for stored program usage |
CPFS_sp_stat_row | Row fragment for stored program statistics |
CPFS_spawn_thread_arg | Arguments given from a parent to a child thread, packaged in one structure |
CPFS_stage_stat | Statistics for stage usage |
CPFS_stage_stat_row | Row fragment for stage statistics columns |
CPFS_stat_row | Row fragment for single statistics columns (COUNT, SUM, MIN, AVG, MAX) |
CPFS_statement_stat | Statistics for statement usage |
CPFS_statement_stat_row | Row fragment for statement statistics columns |
CPFS_statements_digest_stat | A statement digest stat record |
CPFS_status_stats | |
►CPFS_std_allocator< T > | |
CPFS_string | |
CPFS_table | Instrumented table implementation |
CPFS_table_io_stat | Single table I/O statistic |
CPFS_table_io_stat_row | Row fragment for table I/O statistics columns |
CPFS_table_key | Table index or 'key' |
CPFS_table_lock_stat | Statistics for table locks |
CPFS_table_lock_stat_row | Row fragment for table lock statistics columns |
CPFS_table_name | |
CPFS_table_name_view | |
CPFS_table_share | Instrumentation metadata for a table share |
CPFS_table_share_index | Index statistics of a table |
CPFS_table_share_key | Key identifying a table share |
CPFS_table_share_lock | Lock statistics of a table |
CPFS_table_stat | Statistics for TABLE usage |
CPFS_thread_allocator | |
CPFS_transaction_stat | Statistics for transaction usage |
CPFS_transaction_stat_row | Row fragment for transaction statistics columns |
►CPFS_triple_index | Position of a triple cursor, for iterations using 3 nested loops |
CPFS_user_allocator | |
CPFS_user_key | Hash key for a user |
CPFS_user_name | |
CPFS_user_name_view | |
CPFS_user_row | Row fragment for column USER |
CPFS_user_variable_value_row | |
CPFS_variable_cache< Var_type > | Base class for a system or status variable cache |
►CPFS_variable_cache< Status_variable > | |
►CPFS_variable_cache< System_variable > | |
CPFS_variable_name_row | |
CPFS_variable_value_row | |
CPFSBatchMode | A RAII class to handle turning on batch mode in front of scanning a row iterator, and then turn it back off afterwards (on destruction) |
CClusterMetadataDynamicState::Pimpl | |
Cmysql_harness::DynamicState::Pimpl | |
Cserver_mock::DuktapeStatementReader::Pimpl | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Ping | |
►CPipeline_action | A wrapper for pipeline actions |
CPipeline_event | A wrapper for log events/packets |
CPipeline_member_stats | Computed statistics per member |
CPipeline_stats_member_collector | The pipeline collector for the local member stats |
Cpk_pos_data_lock | |
Cpk_pos_data_lock_wait | |
CPlan_change_watchdog | It is not obvious to see that test_if_skip_sort_order() never changes the plan if no_changes is true |
Cplan_t | Query plan |
Clob::plist_base_node_t | The base node of page list |
Clob::plist_node_t | The node of page list |
CSystem_variable_tracker::Plugin | |
CPlugin_abi | The assumed and expected beginning of each version of Plugin struct |
►CPlugin_gcs_message | This is the base GCS plugin message |
CPlugin_gcs_view_modification_notifier | |
CPlugin_group_replication_auto_increment | |
CPlugin_info | Version independent plugin data storage, defines conversion from existing versions and enables writing the data as a JSON text |
Cplugin_local_variables | |
Cplugin_options_variables | |
Cplugin_registry_service_st | A bridge service allowing plugins to work with the registry |
CPlugin_stage_monitor_handler | |
CPlugin_status_variables | Group Replication plugin status variables proxy |
►CPlugin_table | Class to hold information regarding a table to be created on behalf of a plugin |
CPlugin_tablespace | Class to hold information regarding a predefined tablespace created by a storage engine |
CPlugin_tablespace::Plugin_tablespace_file | |
CPlugin_v1 | Data fields of the first version of the Plugin struct |
CPlugin_waitlock | |
Cmysql_harness::PluginFuncEnv | PluginFuncEnv object |
Cmysql_harness::BuiltinPlugins::PluginInfo | Stores the information about a single built-in plugin |
Cmysql_harness::Loader::PluginInfo | Holds plugin's API call information |
CPluginInfoFrontend | |
Cmysql_harness::PluginThreads | |
Cacl_table::Pod_user_what_to_update | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::point_order< gis::Cartesian_linearring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::point_order< gis::Geographic_linearring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::point_order< Gis_polygon_ring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::point_type< gis::Cartesian_box > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::point_type< gis::Geographic_box > | |
Cpoint_xy | Point with coordinates X and Y |
Cauthentication_policy::Policy | Class representing authentication policy |
CPolicyMutex< MutexImpl > | Mutex interface for all policy mutexes |
Cpolish_greeting_service_imp | An implementation of the example Services to get Polish greeting message and its localization information |
CMysqld_socket_listener::poll_info_t | |
CPoll_socket_listener | |
Cpollfd_array | |
►CPolyLock | Wrapper to hide a mutex and an rwlock under a common interface |
Chardware::use_unrolled_loop_poly_mul::Polynomial_mul_rev_step_executor< x_to_len_8 > | |
CPool< Type, Factory, LockStrategy > | Allocate the memory for the object in blocks |
►CPooledConnectionBase | Pooled connection |
CPoolManager< Pool, LockStrategy > | |
CPOS_m_by_emp_by_mtype | |
Cgr::perfschema::Position | |
CPOSITION | A position of table within a join order |
CTty::Flags::Posix | |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::PossibleIndexMerge | Represents a candidate index merge, ie |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::PossibleIndexSkipScan | Represents a candidate index skip scan, i.e |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::PossibleRangeScan | |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::PossibleRORScan | |
►CPrealloced_array< Element_type, Prealloc > | A typesafe replacement for DYNAMIC_ARRAY |
CPrealloced_array< AccessPath *, 4 > | |
►CPrealloced_array< char *, 5 > | |
CPrealloced_array< const Json_path_leg *, 8 > | |
CPrealloced_array< Json_wrapper, 16 > | |
CPrealloced_array< my_thread_id, 1000 > | |
CPrealloced_array< Opt_trace_stmt *, 16 > | |
►CPrealloced_array< plugin_ref, 2 > | |
CPrealloced_array< plugin_ref, INITIAL_LEX_PLUGIN_LIST_SIZE > | |
CPrealloced_array< row_global_variable_attributes, SYSTEM_VARIABLE_PREALLOC > | |
CPrealloced_array< row_variables_metadata, SYSTEM_VARIABLE_PREALLOC > | |
CPrealloced_array< Slave_worker *, 4 > | |
CPrealloced_array< std::string, 16 > | |
CPrealloced_array< System_variable_tracker, SYSTEM_VARIABLE_PREALLOC > | |
►CPrealloced_array< T, 16 > | |
CPrealloced_array< TABLE_RULE_ENT *, 16 > | |
CPrealloced_array< THD *, 60 > | |
CPrealloced_array< User_variable, 100 > | |
CPrealloced_array< Var_type, SYSTEM_VARIABLE_PREALLOC > | |
CPrealloced_array< void *, 64 > | |
CPredicate | A filter of some sort that is not a join condition (those are stored in JoinPredicate objects) |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::RefAccessBuilder::PredicateAnalysis | Result type of AnalyzePredicates() |
Ctemptable::Prefer_RAM_over_MMAP_policy | |
Canonymous_namespace{cost_model.cc}::AggregateRowEstimator::Prefix | A prefix of some key where each key_part corresponds to an aggregation term |
►CPrelocking_strategy | An abstract class for a strategy specifying how the prelocking algorithm should extend the prelocking set while processing already existing elements in the set |
CMysqlx::Prepare::Prepare | Prepare a new statement |
CPrepare_error_tracker | RAII class to ease the call of LEX::mark_broken() if error |
Cnet::prepared_buffers< BufferType > | |
CPrepared_statement | Prepared_statement: a statement that can contain placeholders |
CPrepared_statement_map | Container for all prepared statements created/used in a connection |
CPrepared_stmt_arena_holder | A simple holder for the Prepared Statement Query_arena instance in THD |
CPreparedStatement | |
CPrimary_election_handler | The base class to request and execute an election |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Prime_meridian | |
Cmysql::serialization::Primitive_type_codec< Type > | This class is to provide functionality to encode/decode the primitive types into/out of defined stream, without boundary check |
CPrintBuffer | |
CPrintNotStarted | Functor to print not-started transaction from the mysql_trx_list |
►CPrivilege | This class is used for representing both static and dynamic privileges on global as well as table and column level |
Cprivilege_result | |
Cproc_node_t | Procedure definition node |
CProcess< TCallback > | Runs a specified command line and calls a callback for all data that is written by the child program to its standard output |
Cmysql_harness::ProcessStateComponent | Manages the state of the process |
CPROF_MEASUREMENT | A single entry in a single profile |
CPROFILING | Profiling state for a single THD; contains multiple QUERY_PROFILE objects |
CMysql::Tools::Check::Program | This class is object wrapper to mysql_check function |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Projected_cs | |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Projection | |
CMysqlx::Crud::Projection | |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Projection_parameter | |
►Cdd::Properties | Defines an interface for storing key=value pairs, where both key and value may be UTF-8 strings |
CProperty | Info on properties that can be set with '–disable_X' and '–disable_X' commands |
CGraphSimplifier::ProposedSimplificationStep | |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::CostingReceiver::ProposeRefsResult | Return value of ProposeRefs |
►CProtocol | |
►Cserver_mock::ProtocolBase | |
CProtocolOption | |
CPSI_cond_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_cond_info_v1 | Condition information |
CPSI_cond_locker_state_v1 | State data storage for start_cond_wait_v1_t |
CPSI_cond_service_v1 | Performance Schema Cond Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_data_lock_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_data_lock_service_v1 | Performance Schema Row Lock Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_double | |
►CPSI_engine_data_lock_inspector | Engine interface, row lock inspector |
►CPSI_engine_data_lock_iterator | Engine interface, row lock iterator |
►CPSI_engine_data_lock_wait_iterator | |
CPSI_error_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_error_service_v1 | Performance Schema Error Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_file_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_file_info_v1 | File instrument information |
CPSI_file_locker_state_v1 | State data storage for get_thread_file_name_locker_v1_t |
CPSI_file_service_v2 | Performance Schema file Interface, version 2 |
CPSI_idle_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_idle_locker_state_v1 | State data storage for start_idle_wait_v1_t |
CPSI_idle_service_v1 | Performance Schema Idle Interface, version 1 |
►CPSI_instr | Instrumented artifact |
CPSI_logger_info_v1 | Defines a logger from the side of instrumented code (log API client) |
CPSI_LogRecord | C++ wrapper for emitting a telemetry log record |
CPSI_logs_client_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_logs_client_service_v1 | Performance Schema Stage Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_long | |
CPSI_longlong | |
CPSI_mdl_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_mdl_service_v1 | Performance Schema Metadata Lock Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_mdl_service_v2 | Performance Schema Metadata Lock Interface, version 2 |
CPSI_mdl_service_v3 | Performance Schema Metadata Lock Interface, version 3 |
CPSI_memory_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_memory_info_v1 | Memory instrument information |
Cut::PSI_memory_key_t | Light-weight and type-safe wrapper around the PSI_memory_key that eliminates the possibility of introducing silent bugs through the course of implicit conversions and makes them show up as compile-time errors |
CPSI_memory_service_v2 | Performance Schema Memory Interface, version 2 |
CPSI_metadata_locker_state_v1 | State data storage for start_metadata_wait_v1_t |
CPSI_meter_info_v1 | Define a meter source, storing char pointers requires the original strings to be valid for entire lifetime of a metric (global variable), or the strings themselves to be string literals (hardcoded), the advantage is no (de)allocation code is needed here |
CPSI_metric_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_metric_info_v1 | Define a metric source, storing char pointers requires the original strings to be valid for entire lifetime of a metric (global variable), or the strings themselves to be string literals (hardcoded), the advantage is no (de)allocation code is needed here |
CPSI_metric_service_v1 | Performance Schema Stage Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_mutex_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_mutex_info_v1 | Mutex information |
CPSI_mutex_locker_state_v1 | State data storage for start_mutex_wait_v1_t |
CPSI_mutex_service_v1 | Performance Schema Mutex Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_notification_v3 | Registration structure for the pfs_notification service |
CPSI_placeholder | |
CPSI_plugin_key_bigint | A structure to denote a key of type long long in an index |
CPSI_plugin_key_integer | A structure to denote a key of type long in an index |
CPSI_plugin_key_string | A structure to denote a key of type string in an index |
CPSI_plugin_key_ubigint | A structure to denote a key of type unsigned long long in an index |
CPSI_plugin_key_uinteger | A structure to denote a key of type ulong in an index |
CPSI_rwlock_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_rwlock_info_v1 | Rwlock information |
CPSI_rwlock_locker_state_v1 | State data storage for start_rwlock_rdwait_v1_t , start_rwlock_wrwait_v1_t |
CPSI_rwlock_service_v2 | Performance Schema Rwlock Interface, version 2 |
►CPSI_server_data_lock_container | Server interface, row lock container |
►CPSI_server_data_lock_wait_container | |
CPSI_SimpleLogger | C++ wrapper for emitting one or more simple (no attributes) telemetry log records |
CPSI_socket_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_socket_info_v1 | Socket instrument information |
CPSI_socket_locker_state_v1 | State data storage for start_socket_wait_v1_t |
CPSI_socket_service_v1 | Performance Schema Socket Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_sp_locker_state_v1 | |
CPSI_stage_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_stage_info_v1 | Stage instrument information |
CPSI_stage_progress_v1 | Interface for an instrumented stage progress |
CPSI_stage_service_v1 | Performance Schema Stage Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_statement_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_statement_info_v1 | Statement instrument information |
CPSI_statement_locker_state_v5 | State data storage for get_thread_statement_locker_v5_t |
CPSI_statement_service_v1 | Performance Schema Statement Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_statement_service_v2 | Performance Schema Statement Interface, version 2 |
CPSI_statement_service_v3 | Performance Schema Statement Interface, version 3 |
CPSI_statement_service_v4 | Performance Schema Statement Interface, version 4 |
CPSI_statement_service_v5 | Performance Schema Statement Interface, version 5 |
CPSI_system_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_system_service_v1 | Performance Schema System Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_table_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_table_locker_state | State data storage for start_table_io_wait_v1_t , start_table_lock_wait_v1_t |
CPSI_table_service_v1 | Performance Schema Transaction Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_thread_attrs_v3 | Performance Schema thread type: user/foreground or system/background |
CPSI_thread_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_thread_info_v1 | Thread instrument information |
CPSI_thread_info_v5 | Thread instrument information |
CPSI_thread_service_v4 | Performance Schema Thread Interface, version 4 |
CPSI_thread_service_v5 | Performance Schema Thread Interface, version 5 |
CPSI_thread_service_v6 | Performance Schema Thread Interface, version 6 |
CPSI_thread_service_v7 | Performance Schema Thread Interface, version 7 |
CPSI_tls_channel_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_tls_channel_service_v1 | Performance schema TLS channel interface, version 1 |
CPSI_transaction_bootstrap | Entry point for the performance schema interface |
CPSI_transaction_locker_state_v1 | State data storage for get_thread_transaction_locker_v1_t , get_thread_transaction_locker_v1_t |
CPSI_transaction_service_v1 | Performance Schema Transaction Interface, version 1 |
CPSI_ulong | |
CPSI_ulonglong | |
CPSI_xid | Struct PSI_xid is binary compatible with the XID structure as in the X/Open CAE Specification, Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification, X/Open Company Ltd., 1991 |
CPT_install_component_set_element | |
CPurge_groups_t | |
Cpurge_iter_t | This is the purge pointer/iterator |
Cpurge_node_t | |
CPushed_lex_guard | RAII class for pushed LEX object |
►Cqep_row | Helper class for table property buffering |
CQEP_shared | Holds members common to JOIN_TAB and QEP_TAB |
►CQEP_shared_owner | Owner of a QEP_shared; parent of JOIN_TAB and QEP_TAB |
CQuarantineRoutingCallbacks | |
Cque_common_t | |
Cque_fork_t | |
Cque_thr_t | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Query< Borrowed > | |
►CQuery_arena | |
CQuery_expression | This class represents a query expression (one query block or several query blocks combined with UNION) |
CQuery_logger | Class which manages slow and general log event handlers |
CQuery_options | |
CTHD::Query_plan | Query plan for EXPLAINable commands, should be locked with LOCK_query_plan before using |
CQUERY_PROFILE | The full profile for a single query, and includes multiple PROF_MEASUREMENT objects |
►CQuery_result | |
►CQuery_tables_list | |
►CQuery_term | Query term tree structure |
CQuery_terms< visit_order, visit_leaves >::Query_term_iterator | The iterator class itself is private |
CQuery_terms< visit_order, visit_leaves > | Containing class for iterator over the query term tree |
CQueryLevel | |
Cmeb::Queue< T > | This template class implements a queue that, |
CQueue< T > | Implements a persistent FIFO using server List method names |
CQueue< T >::queue_item | |
CQuick_ror_union_less | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Quit | |
Ctemptable::MemoryMonitor::RAM | |
Crand_struct | |
Crandom_password_info | |
►Cmysql_harness::RandomGeneratorInterface | |
CMatcher::Range< S, E > | Matches a Range of characters |
Cmysql_harness::Range< Iter > | Convenience class for handling iterator range |
Cmysql_harness::utility::Range< Type > | Class to turn C array into range |
Crange | |
Cresourcegroups::Range | |
Cmysql_harness::utility::RangeReverse< Range > | Class for creating a reverse range from another range |
Canonymous_namespace{json_dom.cc}::Rapid_json_handler | This class implements rapidjson's Handler concept to make our own handler which will construct our DOM from the parsing of the JSON text |
Cdd::Raw_key | |
►Cdd::Raw_record | |
Cdd::Raw_table | |
Cconnection_control::RD_lock | Helper class : Wrapper on READ lock |
Clob::ReadContext | The context information for reading a single BLOB |
Clob::Reader | Fetch uncompressed BLOB |
CReadJsonDiffResult | The result of a call to read_json_diff() |
CMyRcuLock< T >::ReadLock | High level read API for readers |
CReadView | Read view lists the trx ids of those transactions for which a consistent read should not see the modifications to the database |
CAcl_cache_allocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
CComponent_malloc_allocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
Cdefault_init_allocator< T, A >::rebind< U > | |
CMalloc_allocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
Cmem_heap_allocator< T >::rebind< U > | Allocators are required to supply the below template class member which enables the possibility of obtaining a related allocator, parametrized in terms of a different type |
CMem_root_allocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
CStateless_allocator< T, ALLOC_FUN, DEALLOC_FUN >::rebind< U > | |
Ctemptable::Allocator< T, AllocationScheme >::rebind< U > | |
Cut::allocator< T, Allocator_base >::rebind< U > | |
Crec_cache_t | If key is fixed length key then cache the record offsets on first computation |
Crec_index_print | Wrapper for pretty-printing a record |
Crec_offsets_print | Wrapper for pretty-printing a record |
Cpurge_node_t::rec_t | Info required to purge a record |
CRecID | Record lock ID |
CRecIterator | Use the page cursor to iterate over records in a block |
CRecLock | Create record locks |
CReconnect_messages | Encapsulates the messages and thread stages used for a specific call to try_to_reconnect |
Cmysql_harness::logging::Record | Log record containing information collected by the logging system |
CRecord_buffer | This class represents a buffer that can be used for multi-row reads |
CRecovered_xa_transactions | This class servers as a registry for prepared XA transactions existed before server was shutdown and being resurrected during the server restart |
CArch_File_Ctx::Recovery | Recovery system data structure for the archiver |
CArch_Group::Recovery | Recovery system data structure for the archiver |
CArch_Page_Sys::Recovery | Recovery system data structure for the archiver |
►CRecovery_endpoints | Validate recovery endpoints |
CRecovery_metadata_joiner_information | |
CRecovery_metadata_message_compressed_parts | This class contains custom iterator written to decode compressed certification info of Recovery Metadata Message |
CRecovery_metadata_module | This class handles the recovery metadata |
CRecovery_module | |
CRecovery_state_transfer | |
Crecv_addr_t | Hashed page file address struct |
Crecv_data_t | Block of log record data |
Crecv_sys_t | Recovery system data structure |
Crecv_t | Stored log record struct |
CReduced_batch_deserializer | Reduced doublewrite file deserializer |
Cdblwr::Reduced_entry | When –innodb-doublewrite=DETECT_ONLY, page contents are not written to the dblwr buffer |
Chttp::base::details::ref_buffer< T > | |
Chttp::base::details::ref_buffers< T > | |
Clob::ref_mem_t | In memory representation of the LOB reference |
Cmemory::Ref_ptr< T > | Class that holds the pointer to a variable in a static and non-destructible way |
Clob::ref_t | The struct 'lob::ref_t' represents an external field reference |
Canonymous_namespace{join_optimizer.cc}::RefAccessBuilder | A builder class for constructing REF (or EQ_REF) AccessPath objects |
CMaterializedPathCache::RefPath | |
Canonymous_namespace{rewriter.cc}::Refresh_callback_args | |
Cmetadata_cache::MetadataCacheAPIBase::RefreshStatus | |
Crouting_guidelines::rpn::Regex_store | |
Cregexp::Regexp_engine | This class exposes high-level regular expression operations to the facade |
Cregexp::Regexp_facade | This class handles |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::RegisterReplica< Borrowed > | |
►Cclient_registration::registration | This class is used to perform registration step on client side |
Cmysql_harness::logging::Registry | |
Cgr::perfschema::Registry_guard | |
►CRegistry_module_interface | This is the interface for the registrty module |
CRelationalExpression | Represents an expression tree in the relational algebra of joins |
CRelease_all | Release the latches and blocks acquired by the mini-transaction |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Reload | |
Cut_list_base< Type, NodeGetter >::Removable | A helper wrapper class for the list, which exposes begin(),end() iterators which let you remove the current item or items after it during the loop, while still having O(1) space and time complexity |
CReorder_param | |
CReorder_wt_rec | |
CItem::Replace_equal | |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_table.cc}::Replace_field_processor_arg | This class is used as an input argument to Item::walk, and takes care of replacing the field pointer in Item_field with pointers to a Create_field_wrapper |
CReplacement | |
CReplaceResult | |
CReplicaInitializer | Helper class used to initialize the replica (includes init_replica()) |
Ccs::util::ReplicatedColumnsViewFactory | This class allows the creation of different types of column view instances and also adds different filters depending on context |
Cgr::perfschema::Replication_group_communication_information | A row in the replication_group_communication_information table |
Cgr::perfschema::Replication_group_communication_information_table_handle | A structure to define a handle for table in plugin/component code |
Cgr::perfschema::Replication_group_configuration_version | A row in the replication_group_configuration_version table |
Cgr::perfschema::Replication_group_configuration_version_table_handle | A structure to define a handle for table in plugin/component code |
Cgr::perfschema::Replication_group_member_actions | A row in the replication_group_member_actions table |
Cgr::perfschema::Replication_group_member_actions_table_handle | A structure to define a handle for table in plugin/component code |
CReplication_thread_api | |
CGcs_xcom_input_queue_impl< Queue >::Reply | Wraps XCom's reply to a queued request |
CReprepare_observer | An interface that is used to take an action when the locking module notices that a table version has changed since the last execution |
►Chttp::base::Request | |
►Chttp::base::RequestHandler | |
►Chttp::server::RequestHandlerInterface | |
CLazyConnector::RequiredConnectionAttributes | |
CMysqlx::Session::Reset | Reset the current session |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::ResetConnection | |
Crouting_guidelines::Resolve_host | Information about hostnames that needs to be resolved |
►Cnet::ip::resolver_base | |
Cresource_blocker::Resource | Represents a "Resource" which can be either "used" by a number of threads, or "blocked" by a number of threads |
Cresourcegroups::Resource_group | Class that represents an abstraction of the Resource Group |
Cresourcegroups::Resource_group_ctx | |
Cresourcegroups::Resource_group_mgr | This is a singleton class that provides various functionalities related to Resource group management, more importantly the managing and the mapping of resource group names to the corresponding in-memory resource group object |
CResp_file | |
CRestApi | |
CRestApiComponent | |
CRestApiComponentPath | Helper class to make unregistering paths in plugins easier |
CMetadataCache::RestAuthData | |
CRestClient | |
CRestClientConfig | |
CRestClientFrontend | |
CRestrictions | Container of all restrictions for a given user |
►CRestrictions_aggregator | Base class to perform aggregation of two restriction lists |
CRestrictions_aggregator_factory | Factory class that solely creates an object of type Restrictions_aggregator |
Coptions_parser::result | Struct for storing the parsing result |
Cresult | |
CResult_set | A result set contains the result of a query |
CResult_set_capacity | This class is used to limit the bytes collected in Result_set |
►Cmysqlrouter::MySQLSession::ResultRow | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::ResultSet< Borrowed > | |
Cserver_mock::ResultsetResponse | Keeps result data for single SQL statement that returns resultset |
Cdd::ResultType< VT > | Template for structs to hold results from functions |
Creturn_node_t | Return-statement node |
CReturnValueOrError< VALUE_TYPE > | Utility to allow returning values from functions which can fail (until we have std::optional) |
Crevtinfo | |
►CRewrite_params | An interface to wrap the parameters required by specific Rewriter |
CRewrite_result | The results of an attempt to rewrite a query parse tree |
CRewriter | Implementation of the post parse query rewriter |
Cboost::geometry::traits::ring_const_type< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::ring_const_type< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::ring_const_type< Gis_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::ring_mutable_type< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::ring_mutable_type< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::ring_mutable_type< Gis_polygon > | |
CRLI_current_event_raii | RAII class to control the slave applier execution context binding with a being handled event |
CRoles::Role_activation | |
Crole_id_hash | |
CGuidelines_from_conf_adapter::Role_info | Information about one routing section |
Croll_node_t | Rollback command node in a query graph |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_tablespace.cc}::Rollback_guard | |
CROR_intersect_plan | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Round_instantiator | |
Crouting_guidelines::Routing_guidelines_engine::Route | Class representing routing guidelines route section entry |
Crouting_guidelines::Routing_guidelines_engine::Route_classification | Result of route classification |
Crouting_guidelines::Routing_guidelines_engine::RouteChanges | Type for names of Routes changed during routing guidelines document update |
CHttpRequestRouter::RouteMatcher | |
Crouting_guidelines::Router_info | Information about this Router instance |
Cmetadata_cache::RouterAttributes | |
Cimpl::HttpServerComponentImpl::RouterData | |
CRouterOptions | Represents the Router options in v2_routers view in the metadata schema |
CRouterRequire | |
CRouterRequireFetcher | |
Cdd::upgrade::Routine_event_context_guard | RAII for handling creation context of Events and Stored routines |
Crouting_guidelines::Routing_guidelines_document_parser | |
Crouting_guidelines::Routing_guidelines_engine | Routing guidelines engine |
Crouting_guidelines::Routing_simulator | |
►CRoutingConfig | Route specific configuration |
►CRoutingConnectionBase | |
CRoutingStrategyOption | |
Cbinlog::service::iterators::tests::Row | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::Row< Borrowed > | Row in a resultset |
Cddl::Row | Physical row context |
CLog_files_pfs_table::Row | Used to store data of a single row in the table |
CMysqlx::Resultset::Row | Row in a Resultset |
CRow< T > | A row of result or a row of metadata A row is a collection of Column values or Column metadata |
Ctemptable::Row | A row representation |
Crow_accounts | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.ACCOUNTS |
CRow_bunch< Column_type > | Implements the row and column memory management for parse and load operations |
Crow_cond_instances | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.COND_INSTANCES |
Crow_data_lock | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.DATA_LOCKS |
Crow_data_lock_wait | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.DATA_LOCK_WAITS |
Canonymous_namespace{binlog.cc}::Row_data_memory | Class to handle temporary allocation of memory for row data |
Crow_ees_by_account_by_error | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_ERRORS_SUMMARY_BY_ACCOUNT_BY_ERROR |
Crow_ees_by_host_by_error | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_ERRORS_SUMMARY_BY_HOST_BY_ERROR |
Crow_ees_by_thread_by_error | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_ERRORS_SUMMARY_BY_THREAD_BY_ERROR |
Crow_ees_by_user_by_error | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_ERRORS_SUMMARY_BY_USER_BY_ERROR |
Crow_esgs_by_account_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_BY_ACCOUNT_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_esgs_by_host_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_BY_HOST_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_esgs_by_thread_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_BY_THREAD_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_esgs_by_user_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_BY_USER_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_esgs_global_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_STAGES_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_esmh_by_digest | |
Crow_esmh_global | |
Crow_events_stages | A row of table_events_stages_common |
Crow_events_statements | A row of table_events_statements_common |
Crow_events_transactions | A row of table_events_transactions_common |
Crow_events_waits | A row of table_events_waits_common |
Crow_events_waits_summary_by_instance | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_INSTANCE |
Crow_ews_by_account_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_ACCOUNT_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_ews_by_host_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_HOST_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_ews_by_thread_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_THREAD_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_ews_by_user_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_BY_USER_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_ews_global_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENTS_WAITS_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_ext_t | Prefixes of externally stored columns |
Crow_file_instances | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.FILE_INSTANCES |
Crow_file_summary_by_event_name | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.FILE_SUMMARY_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_file_summary_by_instance | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.FILE_SUMMARY_BY_INSTANCE |
Crow_global_status | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS |
Crow_global_variable_attributes | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTES |
Crow_global_variables | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_VARIABLES |
CBulk_data_convert::Row_header | |
Crow_host_cache | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.HOST_CACHE |
Crow_hosts | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.HOSTS |
Crow_import | Meta data required by IMPORT |
Crow_index_t | Index information required by IMPORT |
Crow_keyring_component_status | A row in PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.KEYRING_COMPONENT_STATUS table |
Crow_keyring_keys | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.KEYRING_KEYS table |
Crow_log_buf_t | Log block for modifications during online ALTER TABLE |
Crow_log_t | Buffer for logging modifications during online index creation |
Crow_log_table_blob_t | Tracks BLOB allocation during online ALTER TABLE |
Crow_mems_by_account_by_event_name | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.MEMORY_SUMMARY_BY_ACCOUNT_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_mems_by_host_by_event_name | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.MEMORY_SUMMARY_BY_HOST_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_mems_by_thread_by_event_name | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.MEMORY_SUMMARY_BY_THREAD_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_mems_by_user_by_event_name | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.MEMORY_SUMMARY_BY_USER_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_mems_global_by_event_name | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.MEMORY_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_EVENT_NAME |
CRow_meta | Row metadata |
Crow_metadata_lock | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.MUTEX_INSTANCES |
Crow_mutex_instances | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.MUTEX_INSTANCES |
Crow_mysql_drop_t | Chain node of the list of tables to drop in the background |
Crow_os_global_by_type | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.OBJECTS_SUMMARY_GLOBAL_BY_TYPE |
Crow_performance_timers | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.PERFORMANCE_TIMERS |
Crow_persisted_variables | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.PERSISTED_VARIABLES |
Crow_prebuilt_t | A struct for (sometimes lazily) prebuilt structures in an Innobase table handle used within MySQL; these are used to save CPU time |
Crow_prepared_stmt_instances | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.PREPARED_STATEMENT_INSTANCES |
Crow_priv_processlist | |
Crow_processlist | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST |
Crow_rwlock_instances | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.RWLOCK_INSTANCES |
CRow_sel_get_clust_rec_for_mysql | Helper class to cache clust_rec and old_ver |
Crow_session_status | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATUS |
Crow_session_variables | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SESSION_VARIABLES |
Crow_setup_actors | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SETUP_ACTORS |
Crow_setup_consumers | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SETUP_CONSUMERS |
Crow_setup_instruments | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SETUP_INSTRUMENTS |
Crow_setup_loggers | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SETUP_LOGGERS |
Crow_setup_meters | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SETUP_METERS |
Crow_setup_metrics | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SETUP_METRICS |
Crow_setup_objects | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SETUP_OBJECTS |
Crow_setup_threads | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SETUP_THREADS |
Crow_socket_instances | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SOCKET_INSTANCES |
Crow_socket_summary_by_event_name | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SOCKET_SUMMARY_BY_EVENT_NAME |
Crow_socket_summary_by_instance | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.SOCKET_SUMMARY_BY_INSTANCE |
Crow_stats_t | For gathering stats on records during phase I |
Crow_status_by_account | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.STATUS_BY_ACCOUNT |
Crow_status_by_host | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.STATUS_BY_HOST |
Crow_status_by_thread | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.STATUS_BY_THREAD |
Crow_status_by_user | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.STATUS_BY_USER |
Crow_table_handles | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.TABLE_HANDLES |
Crow_threads | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.THREADS |
Crow_tiws_by_index_usage | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.TABLE_IO_WAIT_SUMMARY_BY_INDEX |
Crow_tls_channel_status | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.TLS_CHANNEL_STATUS table |
Crow_to_range_relation_t | The return type of row_compare_row_to_range() which summarizes information about the relation between the row being processed, and the range of the scan |
Crow_user_defined_functions | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.USER_DEFINED_FUNCTIONS |
Crow_users | A row of PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.USERS |
Crow_uvar_by_thread | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.USER_VARIABLES_BY_THREAD |
Crow_variables_by_thread | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.VARIABLES_BY_THREAD |
Crow_variables_info | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.VARIABLES_INFO |
Crow_variables_metadata | A row of table PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.VARIABLES_METADATA |
►CRowIterator | A context for reading through a single table using a chosen access method: index read, scan, etc, use of cache, etc |
CRows_applier_psi_stage | |
Crouting_guidelines::Routing_guidelines_engine::Rpd | |
CRpl_acf_configuration_handler | |
CRpl_acf_status_configuration | Memory storage of the replication failover channel status configuration propagated to Group Replication members |
CRpl_applier_reader | This class provides the feature to read events from relay log files |
CRpl_async_conn_failover_table_operations | |
CRpl_channel_credentials | |
CRpl_channel_filters | The class is a container for all the per-channel filters, both a map of Rpl_filter objects and a list of Rpl_pfs_filter objects |
CRpl_encryption | Container for the binlog encryption feature generic and server instance functions |
►CRpl_encryption_header | This is the base class to serialize and deserialize a replication log file encryption header |
CRpl_encryption::Rpl_encryption_key | |
Crpl_event_coordinates | Struct aggregates two parameters that identify an event uniquely in scope of communication of a particular master and slave couple |
►CRpl_filter | Rpl_filter |
CRpl_filter_statistics | The class Rpl_filter_statistics encapsulates the following three statistics of replication filter: The configured_by indicates that how the rpl filter is configured |
CRpl_info_factory | |
►CRpl_info_handler | |
CRpl_info_values | |
CRpl_opt_tracker | Class to track the state and usage data of Replication features |
CRpl_pfs_filter | The class Rpl_pfs_filter is introduced to serve the performance_schema.replication_applier_filters table and performance_schema.replication_applier_global_filters table to collect data for a row |
CRpl_sys_key_access | |
CRpl_sys_table_access | The class are wrappers for handler index and random scan functions to simplify their usage |
CRpl_thd_context | |
CRpl_transaction_ctx | Server side support to provide a service to plugins to report if a given transaction should continue or be aborted |
Crpl_transaction_ctx_service_st | |
CRpl_transaction_write_set_ctx | Thread class responsible for the collection of write sets associated to a transaction |
CRsa_authentication_keys | |
CRSA_gen | |
CRsegs | This is a wrapper for a std::vector of trx_rseg_t object pointers |
Crtr_info | Vectors holding the matching internal pages/nodes and leaf records |
Crtr_info_track | |
Crtr_mbr | In memory representation of a minimum bounding rectangle |
Crtr_rec | |
Crtr_rec_move | |
Crtr_split_node_t | |
CRtree_entry_compare | |
Cddl::RTree_inserter | Class that caches RTree index tuples made from a single cluster index page scan, and then insert into corresponding index tree |
Crtree_ssn | |
CRtree_value_maker | |
CRtree_value_maker_bggeom | |
CRule | Internal representation of a rewrite rule |
Crouting_guidelines::Rules_parser | Conducting the whole scanning and parsing of routing guidelines rules |
Crun_hton_fill_schema_table_args | |
►Cstd::runtime_error | |
Cmysql::containers::buffers::Rw_buffer< Char_tp > | Non-owning read/write memory buffer manager with a fixed size |
►Cmysql::containers::buffers::Rw_buffer< unsigned char > | |
Cmysql::containers::buffers::Rw_buffer_sequence< Char_tp, Container_tp > | Non-owning manager for a fixed sequence of memory buffers, which is split into a read part and a write part, with a movable split position |
►Cmysql::containers::buffers::Rw_buffer_sequence< unsigned char, std::vector > | |
Crw_lock_debug_t | The structure for storing debug info of an rw-lock |
Crw_pr_lock_t | Portable implementation of special type of read-write locks |
Cminimal_chassis::rwlock_scoped_lock | Locks RW-lock and releases lock on scope exit |
Crwlock_scoped_lock | Locks RW-lock and releases lock on scope exit |
Cmysql_harness::DIM::RWLockedUniquePtr< T > | |
Cs_mysql_binlog_storage_iterator | |
Cs_mysql_bulk_data_convert | Bulk Data conversion |
Cs_mysql_bulk_data_load | Column metadata information |
Cs_mysql_bulk_load_driver | Bulk load driver service |
Cs_mysql_clone_protocol | |
Cs_mysql_component_sys_variable_register | Service to register variable and get variable value |
Cs_mysql_component_sys_variable_unregister | Service to unregister variable |
Cs_mysql_component_thread_cleanup_handler | A service to cleanup component thread resource |
Cs_mysql_dynamic_loader | Service for managing the list of loaded Components |
Cs_mysql_dynamic_loader_metadata_enumerate | Service for listing all metadata for a Component specified by the iterator |
Cs_mysql_dynamic_loader_metadata_query | Service to query specified metadata key directly for the specified Component by iterator to it |
Cs_mysql_dynamic_loader_query | Service for listing all Components by iterator |
Cs_mysql_dynamic_loader_scheme | Service for providing Components from a specified scheme of URN |
Cs_mysql_dynamic_loader_services_loaded_notification | A service to notify consumers about services loaded through dynamic loader |
Cs_mysql_dynamic_loader_services_unload_notification | A service to notify consumers about services to be unloaded through dynamic loader |
Cs_mysql_dynamic_privilege_deprecation | A service to register and unregister dynamic privileges as deprecated |
Cs_mysql_dynamic_privilege_register | A service to register and unregister dynamic privileges |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_authentication | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_authentication_information | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_authentication_method | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_command | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_connection | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_general | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_general_information | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_global_variable | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_lifecycle | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_message | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_parse | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_query | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_stored_program | |
Cs_mysql_event_tracking_table_access | |
Cs_mysql_example_math | A Service for example basic math functionality |
Cs_mysql_external_library | A service to parse library code |
Cs_mysql_external_program_capability_query | A service to query various properties/capabilities of the implementer of s_mysql_external_program_execution service |
Cs_mysql_external_program_execution | A service to setup and execute multi-lingual stored procedures |
Cs_mysql_field_access_nullability_v1 | Table access service, all columns |
Cs_mysql_field_any_access_v1 | Table access service, any columns |
Cs_mysql_field_integer_access_v1 | Table access service, integer columns |
Cs_mysql_field_varchar_access_v1 | Table access service, varchar columns |
Cs_mysql_global_grants_check | |
Cs_mysql_greetings | A Service to get greeting message |
Cs_mysql_greetings_localization | A Service to get localization information on related greetings Service |
Cs_mysql_group_member_status_listener | A service that listens for notifications about member state or member role updates |
Cs_mysql_group_membership_listener | A service that listens for notifications about view changes or quorum loss |
Cs_mysql_group_replication_flow_control_metrics_service | A service that retrieve extra flow control stats from a member |
Cs_mysql_group_replication_management_service_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_group_replication_message_service_recv | A service that gets called whenever an agnostic message from the group replication stream is to be delivered by the group replication receiver thread |
Cs_mysql_group_replication_message_service_send | A service that sends content agnostic messages from a member to the group |
Cs_mysql_group_replication_status_service_v1 | A service to get the status of a member of Group Replication |
Cs_mysql_host_application_signal | A service to deliver a signal to host application |
Cs_mysql_keyring_aes | Keyring aes encryption service provides APIs to perform AES encryption/decryption operation on given data |
Cs_mysql_keyring_component_metadata_query | Keyring component metadata query service provides APIs to obtain component specific metadata in string format |
Cs_mysql_keyring_component_status | Keyring component status provides a way to check whether keyring is active or not |
Cs_mysql_keyring_generator | Key generator service provides a way to generate random data and store it in keyring backend |
Cs_mysql_keyring_keys_metadata_iterator | Keyring keys metadata iterator service provides APIs to create and use iterator to access metadata associated with all keys stored in keyring |
Cs_mysql_keyring_load | Keyring load service provides way to initialize or reiniitalize keyring component |
Cs_mysql_keyring_reader_with_status | Keyring reader with status service provides APIs to fetch sensitive data from keyring backend |
Cs_mysql_keyring_writer | Keyring writer service provides APIs to add/remove sensitive data to/from keyring backend |
Cs_mysql_log_builtins | Primitives for services to interact with the structured logger: functions pertaining to log_line and log_item data |
Cs_mysql_log_builtins_filter | |
Cs_mysql_log_builtins_filter_debug | Temporary primitives for logging services |
Cs_mysql_log_builtins_string | String primitives for logging services |
Cs_mysql_log_builtins_syseventlog | Syslog/Eventlog functions for logging services |
Cs_mysql_log_builtins_tmp | Temporary primitives for logging services |
Cs_mysql_log_service | |
Cs_mysql_log_sink_perfschema | This defines functions to let logging services add error log events to performance_schema.error_log |
Cs_mysql_my_signal_handler | A service to register/deregister a signal handler function callback |
Cs_mysql_mysql_account_database_security_context_lookup | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_admin_session | A service to create an "admin" session that's not a subject to max connection count limits |
Cs_mysql_mysql_audit_api_connection | A service to generate Audit API events of the connection class (MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASS) |
Cs_mysql_mysql_audit_api_connection_with_error | A service to generate Audit API events of the connection class (MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASS) with the explicitly specified error code value |
Cs_mysql_mysql_audit_api_message | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_audit_print_service_double_data_source | Audit print service allows to obtain data of the double type associated with the THD object, which keeps various data of the user session |
Cs_mysql_mysql_audit_print_service_longlong_data_source | Audit print service allows to obtain data of the long long type associated with the THD object, which keeps various data of the user session |
Cs_mysql_mysql_authentication_registration | A service to do registration of fido device |
Cs_mysql_mysql_backup_lock | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_before_commit_transaction_control | A service to manage transactions execution |
Cs_mysql_mysql_charset | Lookup available character sets |
Cs_mysql_mysql_close_connection_of_binloggable_transaction_not_reached_commit | This service will gracefully close all the client connections which are running a binloggable transaction that did not reach the commit stage |
Cs_mysql_mysql_command_error_info | A service that provides the apis for mysql command error info, mysql_errno, error, sqlstate |
Cs_mysql_mysql_command_factory | A service that provides the apis for mysql command init, info, connect, reset, close, commit, auto_commit and rollback |
Cs_mysql_mysql_command_field_info | A service that provides the apis for mysql command field info, fetch_field, num_fields, fetch_fields and field_count |
Cs_mysql_mysql_command_field_metadata | Fetch the metadata of a service |
Cs_mysql_mysql_command_options | A service that provides the apis for mysql command get_option and set_option |
Cs_mysql_mysql_command_query | A service that provides the apis for mysql command query and affected_rows |
Cs_mysql_mysql_command_query_result | A service that provides the apis for mysql command, store_result, free_result, more_results, next_result, result_metadata and fetch_row |
Cs_mysql_mysql_command_thread | A service that provides the apis for mysql command session thread init and thread end |
Cs_mysql_mysql_cond_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_connection_attributes_iterator | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_current_thread_reader | A service to fetch the current thread id |
Cs_mysql_mysql_debug_keyword_service | A service to check if debug keyword status |
Cs_mysql_mysql_debug_sync_service | Enable capability to process debug_sync point from components |
Cs_mysql_mysql_failed_attempts_tracker | Option tracker registration and deregistration services |
Cs_mysql_mysql_global_variable_attributes | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_global_variable_attributes_iterator | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_keyring_iterator | Keyring iterator component service definition, which enables to iterate over items stored within currently used keyring |
Cs_mysql_mysql_keyring_native_key_id | A service to read native keybackend id |
Cs_mysql_mysql_library | Services for reading the properties of the Libraries that are imported by the routines |
Cs_mysql_mysql_mutex_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_new_transaction_control | A service to manage transactions execution |
Cs_mysql_mysql_ongoing_transactions_query | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_option_tracker_option | Option tracker registration and deregistration services |
Cs_mysql_mysql_option_tracker_usage | Option tracker usage marker |
Cs_mysql_mysql_page_track | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_psi_system_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_query_attribute_isnull | A service to fetch the query attribute null flag |
Cs_mysql_mysql_query_attribute_string | A service to fetch the query attribute value as a string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_query_attributes_iterator | A service to fetch the query attributes for the current thread |
Cs_mysql_mysql_runtime_error | This service defines the error report function api |
Cs_mysql_mysql_rwlock_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_scheduler | The Scheduler queueing interface |
Cs_mysql_mysql_security_context_factory | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_security_context_options | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_server_runnable | This service defines the runnable service to run, i.e to start the mysqld server |
Cs_mysql_mysql_server_telemetry_logs | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_server_telemetry_logs_client | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_server_telemetry_metrics_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_server_telemetry_traces_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_simple_error_log | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_status_variable_string | Service to read the value of a status variable as a string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_attributes | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_bind | A service that provides the API to bind the parameters in prepared statements |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_diagnostics | A service that provides the API to get the errors and warnings including fetching the warning, getting error/warning number, error/warning level, error/warning message, SQL state |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_execute | A service that provides the API to execute prepared statements |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_execute_direct | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_factory | A service that provides the API to create, and deallocate a statement |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_get_double | A service that provides the API for get double |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_get_integer | A service that provides the API for get integer |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_get_string | A service that provides the API for get string value from a row |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_get_time | A service that provides the API for get time value from a row |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_get_unsigned_integer | A service that provides the API for get unsigned integer |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_metadata | A service that provides the API to get information about statement metadata including the number of the parameters in a prepared statement and their metatdata |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_result | A service that provides the API to manage and get info about a result set including fetch row(s) from a result set, get next result set |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stmt_resultset_metadata | A service that provides the API to get information about a field or column in a result set including get the number of fields, fetch a field and get information of a field |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_argument_metadata_query | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_external_program_handle | Service to get and change the stored program's external language handle |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_field_name | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_import_metadata_query | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_metadata_query | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_metadata_query | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_date | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_datetime | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_float | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_int | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_null | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_string | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_string_charset | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_time | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_timestamp | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_unsigned_int | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_return_value_year | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_date | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_datetime | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_float | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_int | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_null | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_string | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_string_charset | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_time | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_timestamp | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_unsigned_int | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_stored_program_runtime_argument_year | |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_append | Append a string to another one |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_byte_access | Service to get a byte in String and number of bytes in string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_case | Service for String case conversions, to lower case and to upper case |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_character_access | Service to get a character in String and number of characters in string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_charset_converter | Service for conversions, string to buffer and buffer to string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_compare | Compare two strings |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_converter | Service for conversions, string to buffer and buffer to string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_ctype | Service for String c_type |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_factory | Service for String create and destroy |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_get_data_in_charset | Access the string raw data |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_iterator | Service for listing Strings by iterator |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_reset | Reset a string to the empty string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_substr | Substring a string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_string_value | Service for retrieving one character from a string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_system_variable_reader | Fetches the session/global/persist value of a system variable |
Cs_mysql_mysql_system_variable_update_default | Service to set the default value of system variables |
Cs_mysql_mysql_system_variable_update_integer | Service to set the value of integer system variables |
Cs_mysql_mysql_system_variable_update_string | Service to set the value of system variables |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_client_capabilities_v1 | A service that provides the apis for client_capabilities |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_error_v1 | A service that provides the apis for handle_ok, handle_error and error |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_factory_v1 | An implementation of these services will be called as the data resulting from calling mysql_query() service are produced by the server |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_get_date_time_v1 | A service that provides the apis for get_date, get_time and get_datatime |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_get_decimal_v1 | A service that provides the apis for get_decimal |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_get_double_v1 | A service that provides the apis for get_double |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_get_integer_v1 | A service that provides the apis for get_integer |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_get_longlong_v1 | A service that provides the apis for get_longlong |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_get_null_v1 | A service that provides the apis for get_null |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_get_string_v1 | A service that provides the apis for get_string |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_metadata_v1 | A service that provides the apis for start_result_metadata, field_metadata, and end_result_metadata |
Cs_mysql_mysql_text_consumer_row_factory_v1 | A service that provides the apis for start_row, abort_row and end_row |
Cs_mysql_mysql_thd_attributes | THD Attributes service allows to obtain data associated with the THD object, which keeps various attributes of the user session |
Cs_mysql_mysql_thd_security_context | Below are the set of services provides methods for components to manipulate the thread's security context |
Cs_mysql_mysql_thd_store | A service to store an opaque pointer in MYSQL_THD |
Cs_mysql_mysql_udf_metadata | Service for getting and setting the extension attributes of UDF arguments and return value |
Cs_mysql_persistent_dynamic_loader | Service for managing the list of loaded Components |
Cs_mysql_pfs_notification_v3 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_bigint_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_blob_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_date_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_datetime_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_decimal_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_double_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_enum_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_float_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_integer_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_medium_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_small_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_string_v2 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_text_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_time_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_timestamp_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_timestamp_v2 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_tiny_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_column_year_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_pfs_plugin_table_v1 | Definition of pfs_plugin_table_v1 service and its methods |
Cs_mysql_pfs_resource_group_v3 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_cond_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_error_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_file_v2 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_idle_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_mdl_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_mdl_v2 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_mdl_v3 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_memory_v2 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_metric_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_mutex_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_rwlock_v2 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_socket_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_stage_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_statement_v5 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_system_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_table_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_thread_v4 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_thread_v5 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_thread_v6 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_thread_v7 | |
Cs_mysql_psi_tls_channel_v1 | Service for instrumentation of TLS channel in performance schema |
Cs_mysql_psi_transaction_v1 | |
Cs_mysql_reference_caching_cache | Reference cache service |
Cs_mysql_reference_caching_channel | A reference caching channel service |
Cs_mysql_reference_caching_channel_ignore_list | A service to maintain an "ignore list" for reference caches |
Cs_mysql_registry | Service for acquiring and releasing references to all registered Service Implementations |
Cs_mysql_registry_metadata_enumerate | Service for listing all metadata for a Service Implementation specified by the given iterator |
Cs_mysql_registry_metadata_query | Service to query specified metadata key directly for the specified Service Implementation by iterator to it |
Cs_mysql_registry_query | Service for listing all Service Implementations by iterator |
Cs_mysql_registry_registration | Service for managing list of registered Service Implementations |
Cs_mysql_replication_applier_metrics | A service that allows you to extract stats from the replica applier |
Cs_mysql_status_variable_registration | Service to register variable and unregister variable |
Cs_mysql_system_variable_source | A service to deal with source of system variable |
Cs_mysql_table_access_binlog | Table access service, control binlogging |
Cs_mysql_table_access_factory_v1 | Table access service, factory |
Cs_mysql_table_access_index_v1 | Table access service, index scan |
Cs_mysql_table_access_scan_v1 | Table access service, table scan |
Cs_mysql_table_access_update_v1 | Table access service, update |
Cs_mysql_table_access_v1 | Table access service, table access |
Cs_mysql_thread_cleanup_handler | A service to cleanup thread resource |
Cs_mysql_thread_cleanup_register | Thread cleanup service allows a OS thread to free resources allocated for specific thread, during thread exit |
Cs_mysql_udf_registration | Service for adding and removing UDF functions |
Cs_mysql_udf_registration_aggregate | Service for turning |
Cs_mysql_validate_password | Interfaces to enforce a password policy |
Cs_mysql_validate_password_changed_characters | Service to enforce that new password contains N different characters compared to existing password |
Cs_object_type_map | |
Cs_state | |
CSargablePredicate | A sargable (from “Search ARGument”) predicate is one that we can attempt to push down into an index (what we'd call “ref access” or “index range scan”/“quick”) |
Cauth_ldap_sasl_client::Sasl_client | Class representing SASL client |
►Cauth_ldap_sasl_client::Sasl_mechanism | Base class representing SASL mechanism |
CSave_and_Restore_binlog_format_state | RAII class which allows to save, clear and store binlog format state There are two variables in THD class that will decide the binlog format of a statement i) THD::current_stmt_binlog_format ii) THD::variables.binlog_format Saving or Clearing or Storing of binlog format state should be done for these two variables together all the time |
Cinjector::transaction::table::save_sets | |
Cha_innopart::saved_prebuilt_t | |
CMysqlx::Datatypes::Scalar | |
CItem_singlerow_subselect::Scalar_subquery_replacement | Argument for walk method replace_scalar_subquery |
CParallel_reader::Scan_ctx | Parallel reader context |
Cscan_pos_data_lock | Position of a cursor on PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.DATA_LOCKS |
Cscan_pos_data_lock_wait | Position of a cursor on PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.DATA_LOCK_WAITS |
CParallel_reader::Scan_range | Specifies the range from where to start the scan and where to end it |
►CSCC_visitor | |
Cscheduler_param | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::session_track::Schema< Borrowed > | Schema changed |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_base.cc}::schema_hash | |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_base.cc}::schema_key_equal | |
Cdd::Schema_MDL_locker | RAII based class to acquire and release schema meta data locks |
Cschema_table_ref | |
Canonymous_namespace{dynamic_state.cc}::SchemaVersion | |
CScope_guard< TLambda > | A Lambda to be called at scope exit |
CScoped_heap | Heap wrapper that destroys the heap instance when it goes out of scope |
CSdi_Compressor | Compress SDI using zlib |
CSdi_Decompressor | Decompress SDI record |
Csdi_key_t | Key to identify a dictionary object |
Cdd::Sdi_rcontext | Opaque context which keeps reusable resoureces needed during deserialization |
Csdi_vector_t | |
Cdd::Sdi_wcontext | Opaque context which keeps reusable resources needed during serialization |
CSE_cost_constants | Cost constants for a storage engine |
Cbtr_search_sys_t::search_part_t | |
►CSecBufferDesc | |
CSecondary_engine | |
►CSecondary_engine_execution_context | Base class for secondary engine execution context objects |
►CSecondary_engine_statement_context | Base class for secondary engine statement context objects |
CSecondaryEngineGraphSimplificationRequestParameters | |
Cmysql_harness::DynamicConfig::SectionConfig | |
►Cmysql_harness::SectionConfigExposer | Base class for a plugin specific specializations |
CSecurity_context | A set of THD members describing the current authenticated user |
CSecurity_context_factory | Factory for creating any Security_context given a pre-constructed policy |
►CSecurity_context_policy | |
Csecurity_context_service_st | This service provides functions for plugins and storage engines to manipulate the thread's security context |
Cconnection_control::Security_context_wrapper | |
►CSegment | File segment of a double write file |
►Cankerl::unordered_dense::segmented_map | |
CSel_arg_range_sequence | |
Csel_buf_t | A structure for caching column values for prefetched rows |
Csel_node_t | Select statement node |
CSEL_ROOT | A graph of (possible multiple) key ranges, represented as a red-black binary tree |
Cut::detail::select_alloc_impl< Pfs_memory_instrumentation_on > | Simple utility metafunction which selects appropriate allocator variant (implementation) depending on the input parameter(s) |
Cut::detail::select_alloc_impl< true > | |
Cut::detail::select_large_page_alloc_impl< Pfs_memory_instrumentation_on > | Simple utility metafunction which selects appropriate allocator variant (implementation) depending on the input parameter(s) |
Cut::detail::select_large_page_alloc_impl< true > | |
Cdd::info_schema::Select_lex_builder | This class provide framework to build a Query_block using ParseTree nodes |
►CSelect_lex_visitor | Abstract base class for traversing the Query_block tree |
Cut::detail::select_malloc_impl< Pfs_memory_instrumentation_on, Array_specialization > | Simple utility metafunction which selects appropriate allocator variant (implementation) depending on the input parameter(s) |
Cut::detail::select_malloc_impl< false, false > | |
Cut::detail::select_malloc_impl< false, true > | |
Cut::detail::select_malloc_impl< true, Array_specialization > | |
Cut::detail::select_page_alloc_impl< Pfs_memory_instrumentation_on > | Simple utility meta-function which selects appropriate allocator variant (implementation) depending on the input parameter(s) |
Cut::detail::select_page_alloc_impl< true > | |
CSemijoin_decorrelation | Context object used by semijoin equality decorrelation code |
CSemijoin_mat_exec | Executor structure for the materialized semi-join info, which contains |
CSemijoin_mat_optimize | Semijoin_mat_optimize collects data used when calculating the cost of executing a semijoin operation using a materialization strategy |
CSend_field | |
CSender_context_guard | Sentry class that guards the Binlog_sender context and, at destruction, will prepare it for the next event to be processed |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::SendFile< Borrowed > | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::SendFileRequest< Borrowed > | |
►Craii::Sentry< F > | Generic sentry class that invokes some callable object of type F upon disposal of an instance of this class |
Clocal::seqpacket_protocol | |
►Cddl::Context::FTS::Sequence | Document ID sequence |
Cddl::Sequence | Generate the next autoinc based on a snapshot of the session auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset variables |
Chttp::cno::Sequence< ResultType > | |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializable< Derived_serializable_type > | Interface for serializable data structures |
►Cmysql::serialization::Serializable< Gtid_event > | |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializable_size_calculator< Serializer_type, Args > | |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializable_size_calculator< Serializer_type, std::tuple< Args... > > | Helper struct used to determine Serializable tuple max declared size |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializable_size_calculator_helper< Serializer_type, Serializable_type > | |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializable_size_calculator_helper< Serializer_type, Field_definition< T, S > > | Helper struct used to determine Field_definition declared max size |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializable_tag | Used to distinguish between Serializable and Field_definition types |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializer< Serializer_derived_type, Archive_type > | Interface for serializer |
►Cmysql::serialization::Serializer< Serializer_default< Archive_concrete_type >, Archive_concrete_type > | |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializer_array_tag | Helper tag for array types to help compiler pick the correct method |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializer_enum_tag | Helper tag for enum types to help compiler pick the correct method |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializer_map_tag | Helper tag for map types to help compiler pick the correct method |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializer_serializable_tag | Helper tag for serializable types to help compiler pick the correct method |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializer_set_tag | Helper tag for set types to help compiler pick the correct method |
Cmysql::serialization::Serializer_vector_list_tag | Helper tag for vector types to help compiler pick the correct method |
Cserver | |
CServer_cost_constants | Cost constants for operations done by the server |
Cserver_error | A record describing an error message |
CServer_ids | |
Crouting_guidelines::Server_info | Information about one server destination |
Cdd::upgrade::anonymous_namespace{server.cc}::Server_option_guard< T > | |
CServer_options | This class represent server options as set by the parser |
►CServer_runnable | Execute a fragment of server code in an isolated context, so that it doesn't leave any effect on THD |
CServer_services_references | This class holds the references to server services that Group Replication acquires on plugin install |
►CServer_side_cursor | Server_side_cursor – an interface for materialized implementation of cursors |
CServer_state_observer | Observer server state |
CServer_state_param | |
CMysqlx::Notice::ServerHello | Notify clients about connection to X Protocol server |
CMysqlx::ServerMessages | IDs of messages that can be sent from server to client |
►Cnet::execution_context::service | |
Creference_caching::Service_name_entry | |
CService_statement | |
CService_status_msg | Service status message providing an abstraction for the service message sent by monitor to client |
CServiceConfOptions | |
Cnet::execution_context::ServicePtr | |
Csess_t | |
Cservices::Session | |
CSrv_session::Session_backup_and_attach | |
CSession_consistency_gtids_ctx | This class is an interface for session consistency instrumentation in the server |
►CSession_gtids_ctx_encoder | This is an interface for encoding the gtids in the payload of the the OK packet |
Crouting_guidelines::Session_info | Information about incoming session |
CSession_plugin_thread | |
CSession_sysvar_resource_manager | |
CSession_tracker | |
CTlsClientContext::Sessions | |
CMysqlx::Notice::SessionStateChanged | Notify clients about changes to the internal session state |
CMysqlx::Notice::SessionVariableChanged | Notify clients about changes to the current session variables |
►Cstd::set | |
Cset_numa_interleave_t | |
CSet_signal_information | Set_signal_information is a container used in the parsed tree to represent the collection of assignments to condition items in the SIGNAL and RESIGNAL statements |
►Cset_var_base | A base class for everything that can be set with SET command |
CSet_variables_helper | A helper class to fascilitate executing SET on system variables |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::SetOption | Set options on the current connection |
►CSettable_routine_parameter | |
Csettings | |
Csha2_async_auth | |
Csha2_password::sha2_cache_entry | |
Csha2_password::SHA2_password_cache | Password cache used for caching_sha2_authentication |
CShaCrypt | Sha256_crypt and sha512_crypt are SHA based crypt() key derivation functions |
►CShaCryptMcfAdaptor | MCF reader/writer for ShaCrypt |
CShaCryptMcfType | |
CCounter::Shard | Counter shard |
Clocksys::Shard_latch_guard | A RAII wrapper class which combines Global_shared_latch_guard and Shard_naked_latch_guard to s-latch the global lock_sys latch and latch the mutex protecting the specified shard for the duration of its scope |
Clocksys::Shard_latches_guard | A RAII wrapper class which s-latches the global lock_sys shard, and mutexes protecting specified shards for the duration of its scope |
Clocksys::Shard_naked_latches_guard | A RAII helper which latches the mutexes protecting specified shards for the duration of its scope |
Cut::Sharded_bitset< SHARDS_COUNT > | A Sharded_bitset<SHARDS_COUNT>(n) is like a bitset<n> in that it represents a vector of n bits, which can be set(pos) or reset(pos) for 0<=pos<n |
Cut::Sharded_bitset< locksys::Latches::SHARDS_COUNT > | |
Ctemptable::Sharded_key_value_store_logger< T, DebugBuild > | Default Sharded_key_value_store logging facility which turns to no-op in non-debug builds |
►Ctemptable::Sharded_key_value_store_logger< Sharded_key_value_store< N_SHARDS >, DEBUG_BUILD > | |
Ctemptable::Sharded_key_value_store_logger< T, true > | Sharded_key_value_store logging facility debug builds only |
CSharded_rw_lock | Rw-lock with very fast, highly concurrent s-lock but slower x-lock |
CCounter::Shards< COUNT > | |
CCounter::Shards< 128 > | |
CCounter::Shards< 64 > | |
CShared_backup_lock_guard | MDL_key::BACKUP_LOCK RAII |
Cdd::cache::Shared_dictionary_cache | |
CShared_mem_listener | This class abstract a shared memory listener to listen for connection events that connect via the shared memory |
Clock::Shared_spin_lock | |
CShared_writelock | |
CSharedQuarantineHandler | |
CShow_parse_tree | Holds the json parse tree being generated by the SHOW PARSE_TREE command |
Cshow_privileges_st | |
CSHOW_VAR | SHOW STATUS Server status variable |
CShow_var_cmp | |
CShowStatus | Callback for collecting mutex statistics |
CShowWarningCount | |
CShowWarnings | |
Cmysql_harness::ShutdownPending | |
CSid | Sid class |
Cmysql_harness::SignalHandler | |
Coci::Signing_Key | |
►CSimple_cstring | A wrapper class for null-terminated constant strings |
Csimple_example_math_imp | A simple implementation of basic math example Service |
CGraphSimplifier::SimplificationStep | |
CSimulatedAIOHandler | Simulated AIO handler for reaping IO requests |
Csingle_indexer_t< Type, N > | For counters where N=1 |
CSingleton_event_tracking_service_to_plugin_mapping | |
Chistograms::SingletonBucket< T > | |
Csite_def | |
Csite_def_ptr_array | |
CSlave | |
CSlave_job_group | |
Cslave_job_item | |
►CSlave_reporting_capability | Mix-in to handle the message logging and reporting for relay log info and master log info structures |
CSlot | The asynchronous I/O context |
Cbuf_buddy_stat_t::snapshot_t | |
Csock_probe | |
►Cnet::socket_base | |
CSocketContainer< Protocol > | Container of sockets |
►Cmysql_harness::SocketOperationsBase | Base class to allow multiple SocketOperations implementations (at least one "real" and one mock for testing purposes) |
►Cnet::impl::socket::SocketServiceBase | |
CMatcher::Sor< Rules > | Matches Rules left-to-right with OR |
CMatcher::Sor<> | |
CSort_addon_field | The structure Sort_addon_field describes the layout for field values appended to sorted values in records to be sorted in the sort buffer |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_table.cc}::sort_keys | |
CSort_param | There are several record formats for sorting: |
CSort_result | |
Csort_tv_by_timestamp | A comparison operator to sort persistent variables entries by timestamp |
CSortAheadOrdering | |
CSource_IO_monitor | Class that contains functionality to monitor group member's state, role and quorum changes on all the potential senders in the Sender List, and if it finds any changes or lost quorum it does automatic update of the sender list |
►Csp_branch_instr | An interface for all SP-instructions with destinations that need to be updated by the SP-optimizer |
Csp_cache | |
Csp_condition | This class represents 'DECLARE CONDITION' statement |
Csp_condition_value | This class represents condition-value term in DECLARE CONDITION or DECLARE HANDLER statements |
Csp_cursor | |
Csp_handler | This class represents 'DECLARE HANDLER' statement |
Csp_rcontext::sp_handler_entry | This is an auxiliary class to store entering instruction pointer for an SQL-handler |
Csp_head | Sp_head represents one instance of a stored program |
Csp_cache::sp_head_deleter | |
Csp_label | This class represents an SQL/PSM label |
Csp_name | |
Csp_name_with_alias | |
Csp_parser_data | Sp_parser_data provides a scope for attributes used at the SP-parsing stage only |
Csp_pcontext | The class represents parse-time context, which keeps track of declared variables/parameters, conditions, handlers, cursors and labels |
►Csp_printable | Sp_printable defines an interface which should be implemented if a class wants report some internal information about its state |
Csp_rcontext | |
CSP_TABLE | SP_TABLE represents all instances of one table in an optimized multi-set of tables used by a stored program |
Csp_variable | This class represents a stored program variable or a parameter (also referenced as 'SP-variable') |
Crecv_sys_t::Space | Every space has its own heap and pages that belong to it |
Cspace_compare | |
Cundo::space_id_account | The currently used undo space IDs for an undo space number along with a boolean showing whether the undo space number is in use |
►Cgis::srs::Spatial_reference_system | Superclass for all spatial reference systems |
CSpatialDistanceScanInfo | |
►Cmysql_harness::SpawnedProcess | Alive, spawned process |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Spheroid | |
Cdd::cache::SPI_lru_cache_owner_ptr | A smart-pointer for managing an SPI_lru_cache even when it is only forward declared |
Canonymous_namespace{dictionary_client.cc}::SPI_lru_cache_templ< SIZE > | |
►CSPI_lru_cache_templ | |
Canonymous_namespace{composite_iterators.cc}::SpillState | Contains spill state for set operations' use of in-memory hash map |
CPage_load::Split_point | Page split point descriptor |
CSplitStruct | |
CLEX::Splitting_window_expression | RAII class to set state m_splitting_window_expression for a scope |
►CSql_check_constraint_share | Class to represent check constraint in the TABLE_SHARE |
CSql_check_constraint_spec | Class to represent the check constraint specifications obtained from the SQL statement parse |
►CSql_cmd | Representation of an SQL command |
CSql_cmd_srs_attributes | |
CSql_condition | Representation of a SQL condition |
Csql_digest_state | State data storage for digest_start , digest_add_token |
Csql_digest_storage | Structure to store token count/array for a statement on which digest is to be calculated |
Csql_exchange | |
CSQL_I_List< T > | Simple intrusive linked list |
Crouting_guidelines::Sql_info | Information about query details |
CSql_mode_parse_guard | RAII class to temporarily turn off SQL modes that affect parsing of expressions |
CSql_resultset | |
CSql_service_command_interface | |
CSql_service_commands | |
►CSql_service_context_base | |
CSql_service_interface | |
CSqlLexer | |
►CSqlParser | |
CSqlParserState | |
Cmysqlrouter::sqlstring | |
Cmysqlrouter::sqlstring::sqlstringformat | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Srid_instantiator | |
CSroutine_hash_entry | Structure that represents element in the set of stored routines used by statement or routine |
CSrs_fetcher | |
Csrv_buf | |
Csrv_conc_t | Variables tracking the active and waiting threads |
CSrv_cpu_usage | |
CSrv_session | |
Csrv_session_info_service_st | |
Csrv_session_service_st | |
Csrv_slot_t | Thread slot in the thread table |
Csrv_stats_t | |
Csrv_sys_t | The server system struct |
CSrv_threads | Structure which keeps shared future objects for InnoDB background threads |
CSsl_acceptor_context_container | TLS context access protector |
CSsl_acceptor_context_data | Container of SSL Acceptor context data |
CSsl_acceptor_context_iterator | |
CSsl_acceptor_context_iterator_data | |
Cserver_mock::Connection::SSL_Deleter | |
►CSsl_init_callback | |
CSsl_mysql_main_status | |
Cssl_parameters | |
Cnet::tls::SslIoCompletionToken< SslIO, BufferSequence, Token, TlsLayer, Action > | |
Canonymous_namespace{mock_server_plugin.cc}::SslModeOption | |
CSslModeOption | |
Cmysqlrouter::SSLOptions | SSL connection related options |
CTlsClientContext::SslSessionDeleter | |
Canonymous_namespace{mysql_session.cc}::SSLSessionsCache | |
CSslVerifyOption | |
Cst_access_param | |
Cst_alter_tablespace | Legacy struct for passing tablespace information to SEs |
Cst_binary_log_transaction_compression_stats | |
Cst_blackhole_share | |
Cst_block | |
Cst_bookmark | |
Cst_client_plugin_int | |
Cst_command | |
Cst_command_service_cbs | |
Cst_connection | |
Cst_discover_args | |
CSrv_session::st_err_protocol_ctx | |
Cst_error | Error structure |
Cst_feature_version | |
CPARTITION_ITERATOR::st_field_value_range | |
Cst_file_buffer | |
Cst_find_field | |
Cst_find_files_args | Call this function in order to give the handler the possibility to ask engine if there are any new tables that should be written to disk or any dropped tables that need to be removed from disk |
Cst_handler_tablename | |
Cst_keycache_thread_var | |
CWindow::st_lead_lag | |
CHUFF_ELEMENT::un_element::st_leaf | |
Cst_level_info | |
CWindow::st_ll_offset | |
Cst_lock_list | |
Cst_match_and_save_arg | |
Cst_my_thread_var | |
Cst_mysql_audit | The descriptor structure that is referred from st_mysql_plugin |
Cst_mysql_auth | Server authentication plugin descriptor |
Cst_mysql_client_plugin | |
Cst_mysql_client_plugin_TELEMETRY | |
Cst_mysql_client_plugin_TRACE | |
Cst_mysql_daemon | |
Cst_mysql_event_generic | |
Cst_mysql_event_plugin_generic | |
Cst_mysql_ftparser | |
Cst_mysql_group_replication | |
Cst_mysql_information_schema | |
Cst_mysql_keyring | The descriptor structure for the plugin, that is referred from st_mysql_plugin |
Cst_mysql_options | |
Cst_mysql_options_extention | |
Cst_mysql_plugin | |
Cst_mysql_rewrite_post_parse | |
Cst_mysql_rewrite_pre_parse | |
Cst_mysql_storage_engine | |
Cst_mysql_subscribe_event | Plugin event subscription structure |
Cst_mysql_validate_password | This plugin type defines interface that the server uses to enforce a password policy |
►Cst_mysql_value | |
CHUFF_ELEMENT::un_element::st_nod | |
CWindow::st_nth | |
CWindow::st_offset | |
Cst_opt_hint_info | |
Cst_parsing_options | |
CPARTITION_ITERATOR::st_part_num_range | |
Cst_persist_var | STRUCT st_persist_var |
Cst_persist_var_hash | STRUCT st_persist_var_hash |
Cst_plugin_dl | |
Cst_plugin_int | |
Cst_regex | |
Cst_register_hton_arg | |
Cst_replace_regex | |
Cst_row_applier_config | A row in the table |
Cst_row_applier_filters | A row in the table |
Cst_row_applier_global_filters | A row in the table |
Cst_row_applier_status | A row in the table |
Cst_row_connect_config | A row in the table |
Cst_row_connect_status | |
Cst_row_coordinator | |
Cst_row_group_member_stats | A row in node status table |
Cst_row_group_members | A row in connection nodes table |
Cst_row_log_status | |
Cst_row_rpl_async_conn_failover | A row in the table |
Cst_row_rpl_async_conn_failover_managed | A row in the table |
Cst_row_worker | |
Cst_send_field | |
Cst_server_ssl_variables | Struct to share server ssl variables |
Cst_service_ref | A server-side reference to a plugin service |
Cst_session_method | |
Cst_sort_field | Struct that holds information about a sort field |
Cst_sp_chistics | |
Canonymous_namespace{mysql_string_service.cc}::st_string_iterator | Mysql_string_itrerator structure to provide service to components |
Cst_string_iterator | |
Cst_sys_tbl_chk_params | Structure used by SE during check for system table |
Cst_table_exists_in_engine_args | Ask handler if the table exists in engine |
Cst_test_file | |
Ctest_trace::st_trace_data | State information maintained by the test trace plugin for each traced connection |
Cst_trace_event_args | Some trace events have additional arguments |
Cst_trg_chistics | |
Cst_VioSSLFd | |
Cst_xarecover_txn | Plain structure to store information about XA transaction id and a list of table names involved into XA transaction with specified id |
CStack_alloc | |
Cstack_machine | |
CTracer::Event::Stage | |
CRpl_applier_reader::Stage_controller | It manages a stage and the related mutex and makes the process of locking and entering stage/unlock and exiting stage as monolithic operations |
CStartTransaction | |
CConnectionPool::Stashed | Connection on the stash |
CBulk_load::Stat_callbacks | Callbacks for collecting time statistics |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::session_track::State | State changed |
Cmysql_harness::Directory::DirectoryIterator::State | |
CSTATE_INFO | Store the change info received from the server in an array of linked lists with STATE_INFO_NODE elements (one per state type) |
CSTATE_INFO_NODE | The structure is used to hold the state change information received from the server |
►CState_tracker | |
CClone_Snapshot::State_transit | RAII style guard for begin & end of snapshot state transition |
Cut::Stateful_latching_rules< Node, LATCHES_COUNT > | This is a generic mechanism for verifying correctness of latching rules for state transitions and querying for state of a system |
CStateless_allocator< T, ALLOC_FUN, DEALLOC_FUN > | Stateless_allocator is a C++ STL memory allocator skeleton based on Malloc_allocator, which assumes that a global free function can be used to allocate and deallocate memory, so that no state need to be kept by the allocator object |
Cstatement | |
CStatement_backup | |
►CStatement_handle | Statement_handle is similar to Ed_connection |
►Cserver_mock::StatementReaderBase | |
CSystem_variable_tracker::Static | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::Statistics | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::Statistics< Borrowed > | |
CCOPY_INFO::Statistics | |
Chttp::client::Client::Statistics | |
CMetadataCache::Stats | |
CMySQLRoutingConnectionBase::Stats | |
Cstats | |
CStatus_variable | Status variable derived from SHOW_VAR |
►CStepper_base | Base class of all WKB parsers, which parse different types of geometries properly |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::StmtClose | Close a prepared statement |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::StmtExecute< Borrowed > | Execute a prepared statement |
CMysqlx::Sql::StmtExecute | |
CMysqlx::Sql::StmtExecuteOk | Statement executed successfully |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::StmtFetch | Fetch rows from an executed statement |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::StmtParamAppendData< Borrowed > | Append data to a parameter of a prepared statement |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::StmtPrepare< Borrowed > | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::server::StmtPrepareOk | StmtPrepareOk message |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::message::client::StmtReset | Reset a prepared statement |
CExitStatus::stopped_t | |
Ctemptable::Storage | Storage container |
Cdd::cache::Storage_adapter | Handling of access to persistent storage |
Canonymous_namespace{handler.cc}::Storage_engine_identifier | |
►Cstore_key | Class to copying an field/item to a key struct |
CStoreLinkedInfo | |
CStoring_auto_THD | A version of Auto_THD that: |
CstPageLevel | |
CstPageList | |
Cnet::strand< Executor > | |
►CStrategyHandler | Base class for routing strategy handler |
Canonymous_namespace{json_path.cc}::Stream | A simple input stream class for the JSON path parser |
►CStream_cipher | This abstract class represents the interface of a replication logs encryption cipher that can be used to encrypt/decrypt a given stream content in both sequential and random way |
Clocal::stream_protocol | |
►Cstd::streambuf | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::wire::String< Borrowed > | |
CMysqlx::Datatypes::Scalar::String | String with a charset/collation |
►Cstd::string | |
►CString | Using this class is fraught with peril, and you need to be very careful when doing so |
CGtid_set::String_format | Class Gtid_set::String_format defines the separators used by Gtid_set::to_string |
Cdd::String_type_alloc | Functor class which allocates memory for String_type |
►Cstd::stringbuf | |
Canonymous_namespace{relational_expression.cc}::StringJoiner | A class for formatting a list into a string where elements are separated by a separator |
Cmysql_harness::StringOption | |
Canonymous_namespace{mock_server_plugin.cc}::StringsOption | |
Cstruct_replica_connection | |
CSub_statement_state | Used to save context when executing a function or trigger |
►Csubselect_indexsubquery_engine | A subquery execution engine that evaluates the subquery by doing index lookups in a single table's index |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Subtime_instantiator | |
CSwap_mem_root_guard | RAII class to temporarily swap thd->mem_root to a different mem_root |
CSwitch_ref_item_slice | RAII class to ease the temporary switching to a different slice of the ref item array |
Csym_node_t | Symbol table node |
Csym_tab_t | Symbol table |
CSymbol_location | Helper class for the MY_SQL_PARSER_LTYPE |
Csync_array_t | Synchronization array |
Csync_cell_t | A cell where an individual thread may wait suspended until a resource is released |
►Csync_check_functor_t | Subclass this to iterate over a thread's acquired latch levels |
Csync_object_t | The latch types that use the sync array |
CLog_test::Sync_point | |
CSync_point | For handling sync points in child threads spawned by a foreground thread |
Cnet::tls::SyncAction | |
CSyncFileIO | Helper class for doing synchronous file IO |
►CSynchronized_queue_interface< T > | Interface that defines a queue protected against multi thread access |
Csynode_pool | |
►Csys_var | A class representing one system variable - that is something that can be accessed as @global.variable_name or @session.variable_name, visible in SHOW xxx VARIABLES and in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.xxx_VARIABLES, optionally it can be assigned to, optionally it can have a command-line counterpart with the same name |
Csys_var_chain | |
CSys_var_hint | SET_VAR hints |
Csys_var_with_base | Used by the parser to store internal variable name |
CSysIndexCallback | Callback for row_mysql_sys_index_iterate() |
Cnet::system_executor | |
CSystem_status_var | Per thread status variables |
►CSystem_table_access | A base class for accessing a system table |
Cdd::System_tables | Class used to represent the dictionary tables |
Cdd::System_tablespaces | Class used to represent the system tablespaces |
CSystem_variable | System variable derived from sys_var object |
CSystem_variable_tracker | Wrapper interface for all kinds of system variables |
CSystem_variables | |
CTHD::System_variables | |
►Cdd::system_views::System_view | This class represents base class for all INFORMATION_SCHEMA system views defined in sql/dd/impl/system_views/ headers |
►Cdd::system_views::System_view_definition | |
Cdd::System_views | Class used to represent the system views |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::session_track::SystemVariable< Borrowed > | System-variable changed |
CClassicProtocolState::SystemVariables | System-variables as returned by the server |
►Cmysqlrouter::SysUserOperationsBase | Base class to allow multiple SysUserOperations implementations |
CSession_sysvars_tracker::sysvar_node_st | |
►CT | |
CTA_index_field_def | Expected index definition |
CTA_key_impl | |
CTA_table_field_def | Expected field definition |
CTA_table_impl | |
Ctab_node_t | |
Cinjector::transaction::table | |
Cpack_rows::Table | This struct is primarily used for holding the extracted columns in a hash join or BKA join, or the input columns in a streaming aggregation operation |
Ctemptable::Table | |
CTable_access_impl | |
CTable_access_map | |
CTable_cache | Cache for open TABLE objects |
CTable_cache_element | Element that represents the table in the specific table cache |
CTable_cache_iterator | Iterator which allows to go through all used TABLE instances for the table in all table caches |
CTable_cache_manager | Container class for all table cache instances in the system |
►CTable_check_intact | |
►CTable_columns_view< ExclusionFilter > | This template class acts as a container of table columns and encapsulates and abstracts a TABLE object field set iteration logic, by providing an iterator interface implementation |
CRpl_info_factory::table_data | |
CTable_ddl_hton_notification_guard | Auxiliary class implementing RAII principle for getting permission for/ notification about finished DDL statements from interested storage engines |
Ctable_def | A table definition from the master |
CTable_exists_result | Struct for representing the result of checking if a table exists before trying to create it |
►CTable_function | Class representing a table function |
CTable_histograms | Snapshot of the collection of histograms associated with a table |
CTable_histograms_collection | The Table_histograms_collection manages a collection of reference-counted snapshots of histogram statistics (Table_histograms objects) for a table |
Cmysql::binlog::event::Table_id | Each table share has a table id, it is mainly used for row based replication |
CTable_ident | |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_rename.cc}::table_list_equal | |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_rename.cc}::table_list_hash | |
CTable_map_restorer | This class restores a table_map object to its original value when '*this' is destroyed |
Ctable_mapping | Maps table id's (integers) to table pointers |
CTable_meta | Table metadata |
Ctable_name_components | |
Ctable_name_t | Table name wrapper for pretty-printing |
►CTable_ref | |
Clocksys::Latches::Table_shards | |
CTABLE_SHARE | This structure is shared between different table objects |
CTable_share_deleter | |
CTable_share_foreign_key_info | |
CTable_share_foreign_key_parent_info | |
CTable_state | |
Cdd::info_schema::Table_statistics | The class hold dynamic table statistics for a table |
►CTable_trigger_field_support | This is an interface to be used from Item_trigger_field to access information about table trigger fields (NEW/OLD rows) |
Cpack_rows::TableCollection | A structure that contains a list of input tables for a hash join operation, BKA join operation or a streaming aggregation operation, and some pre-computed properties for the tables |
CTableLockGetNode | |
Ctemptable::TableResourceMonitor | |
CTables_in_user_order_iterator | This is an iterator which emits leaf Table_ref nodes in an order suitable for expansion of 'table_name |
Canonymous_namespace{derived_keys.cc}::TableShareInfo | The set of used keys for a TABLE_SHARE |
Cibt::Tablespace | Session Temporary tablespace |
►CTablespace | Data structure that contains the information about shared tablespaces |
Cundo::Tablespace | An undo::Tablespace object is used to easily convert between undo_space_id and undo_space_num and to create the automatic file_name and space name |
CTablespace_dirs | Directories scanned during startup and the files discovered |
CTablespace_files | Tablespace files discovered during startup |
►CTablespace_options | Structure used by parser to store options for tablespace statements and pass them on to Execution classes |
Cibt::Tablespace_pool | Pool of session temporary tablespaces |
Cdd::info_schema::Tablespace_statistics | The class hold dynamic table statistics for a table |
Cdd::Tablespace_table_ref | Represents tables with their id, name, schema id and schema name |
Cundo::Tablespaces | List of undo tablespaces, each containing a list of rollback segments |
CTableStatsRecord | Represent the record of innodb_table_stats table |
Cmysql::gtid::Tag | Representation of the GTID tag |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Cartesian_box > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Cartesian_linearring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Cartesian_linestring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Cartesian_multilinestring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Cartesian_multipoint > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Cartesian_multipolygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Cartesian_point > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Cartesian_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Geographic_box > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Geographic_linearring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Geographic_linestring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Geographic_multilinestring > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Geographic_multipoint > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Geographic_multipolygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Geographic_point > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< gis::Geographic_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< Gis_line_string > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< Gis_multi_line_string > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< Gis_multi_point > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< Gis_multi_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< Gis_point > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< Gis_polygon > | |
Cboost::geometry::traits::tag< Gis_polygon_ring > | |
Cmysql::gtid::Tag_plain | Tag representation so that: |
Cmysqlrouter::TargetCluster | |
Craii::Targeted_stringstream | Like std::stringstream, copying to a given target string at destruction |
Ctarjan_scc_state | |
Cddl::Loader::Task | Builder task |
Ctask_arg | |
Ctask_env | |
Ctask_env_p_array | |
Ctask_ptr | |
Cddl::Loader::Task_queue | Unbounded task queue |
Ctask_queue | |
►CTC_LOG | Transaction Coordinator Log |
Cnet::ip::tcp | TCP protocol |
CTCP_socket | TCP_socket class represents the TCP sockets abstraction |
Cmysql_harness::TcpDestination | |
CTcpDestinationOption | |
Ctelemetry_stmt_data_v1_t | |
Ctelemetry_v1_t | |
CTemp_table_handle | |
Ctemp_table_info_t | |
CTemp_table_param | Object containing parameters used when creating and using temporary tables |
CTempDirectory | |
CJOIN::TemporaryTableToCleanup | |
CExitStatus::terminated_t | |
►Ctesting::Test | |
►Cdecltypetraits::test_for_allocate< T >nullptr | |
Ctest_if_open_param | |
Cib::Tester | This class contains implementations of the commands that can be executed at server side by passing them via the innodb_interpreter system variable |
Cthd_alloc_service_st | |
CThd_backup_and_restore | Helper class to switch to a new thread and then go back to the previous one, when the object is destroyed using RAII |
CThd_charset_adapter | |
CThd_creator | This helper class is used for either selecting a previous THD or if it's missing, create a new THD |
CTHD_event_functions | Functions to notify interested connection handlers of events like beginning of wait and end of wait and post-kill notification events |
CTHD_in_loadable_function_handler | |
CTHD_instance_guard | Sentry class for managing the need to create and dispose of a local THD instance |
CThd_mem_cnt | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_strfunc.cc}::Thd_parse_modifier | Because it's not possible to disentangle the state of the parser from the THD, we have to destructively modify the current THD object in order to parse |
CTHD_ptr | This class encapsulates THD instance, controls access to the actual THD |
Cthd_scheduler | To be used for pool-of-threads (implemented differently on various OSs) |
Canonymous_namespace{mysql_thd_store_imp.cc}::Thd_store_data_service | |
CTHD_timer_info | |
CTransaction_ctx::THD_TRANS | |
Cthd_wait_service_st | |
Canonymous_namespace{parser_service.cc}::thread_args | |
CThread_cleanup | |
Cthread_cleanup_register_imp | An implementation of mysql_thread_cleanup service methods |
Cthread_context | |
Cddl::Builder::Thread_ctx | State of a cluster index reader thread |
CParallel_reader::Thread_ctx | Thread related context information |
CParallel_reader_adapter::Thread_ctx | Callback thread context for each of the spawned threads |
Cddl_bulk::Loader::Thread_data | |
Cthread_info | |
Cthread_info_compare | |
Cresourcegroups::Thread_resource_control | Class that abstracts the resource control that can be applied to threads |
Craii::Thread_stage_guard | RAII guard that sets a thread stage, and restores the previous stage when going out of scope |
Cthread_state | |
CThread_to_plugin_map | |
CThread_to_stop | |
CThreadAffinity | Manage thread affinity |
CThread_cleanup::ThreadExitHandler | |
Cmysql_harness::LogReopen::ThreadState | |
Cib::Throttler | Allows to monitor an event processing times, allowing to throttle the processing to one per throttle_delay_sec |
CMDL_lock::Ticket_list | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::Time | |
►CTime_based_metric_interface | Abstract class for time based metrics implementations |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Time_format_instantiator | |
Ctime_normalizer | A time normalizer |
►CTime_zone | This class represents abstract time zone and provides basic interface for MYSQL_TIME <-> my_time_t conversion |
Cib::Timer | For measuring time elapsed |
Canonymous_namespace{composite_iterators.cc}::DummyIteratorProfiler::TimeStamp | |
Cdd::cache::Timestamp_timezone_guard | Class to fetch dd::Objects with GMT time |
Ctina_set | |
CTLS_channel | TLS context manager |
CTLS_channel_property | TLS property |
CTLS_channel_property_iterator | Property iterator callbacks |
Cmysqlrouter::ConfigGenerator::TLS_filenames | |
Ctls_parameters | |
►Cnet::tls::TlsBase< LowerLayer > | |
CTlsCipher | |
►CTlsContext | Wraps SSL_CTX |
Ctls::TlsKeylogDumper | |
CTlsLibraryContext | |
Ctls::TlsMessageDumper | |
►CTlsSwitchableConnection< T > | Connection that can be switched to TLS |
CTlsSwitchableConnection< ServerSideClassicProtocolState > | |
►CTlsSwitchableConnection< XProtocolState > | |
Cut::Todo_counter | A counter which tracks number of things left to do, which can be incremented or decremented, and lets one await the value drop to zero |
Cddl::Token | Row fts token for plugin parser |
Crouting_guidelines::rpn::Token | |
CSqlLexer::iterator::Token | |
Cddl::Tokenize_ctx | Structure stores information from string tokenization operation |
CSqlParser::TokenText | |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Towgs84 | |
►CTrace | This class is used to trace function calls and other process information |
CTrace_stream_static_holder | |
CTraceEvent | |
CTracer | Traces the timestamps of events in a stderr log |
CTraceSpan | Events of a command |
CTrans_binlog_info | |
CTrans_context_info | This represents some of the context in which a transaction is running It summarizes all necessary requirements for Group Replication to work |
CTrans_gtid_info | This represents the GTID context of the transaction |
CTrans_observer | Observes and extends transaction execution |
CTrans_param | Transaction observer parameter |
CTrans_table_info | This represents table metadata involved in a transaction |
Cinjector::transaction | |
Cmysqlrouter::MySQLSession::Transaction | |
►Cmysql::binlog::event::Transaction_boundary_parser | This is the base class for verifying transaction boundaries |
Cxa::Transaction_cache | Class responsible for managing a cache of Transaction_ctx objects associated with XA transactions |
Cbinlog::monitoring::Transaction_compression | |
CTransaction_compression_ctx | |
CTransaction_consistency_info | The consistency information of a transaction, including its configuration and state |
CTransaction_ctx | |
CTransaction_dependency_tracker | Dependency tracker is a container singleton that dispatches between the three methods associated with the binlog transaction dependency tracking algorithm |
Ctransaction_free_hash | |
CTransaction_monitor_thread | Class for creating a new thread that allows to stop the new transactions allowing some management queries to run |
Cdd::Transaction_ro | Implementation of read-only data-dictionary transaction |
CTHD::Transaction_state | An utility struct for Attachable_trx |
CTransaction_termination_ctx | |
CTransaction_write_set | This structure is used to keep the list of the hash values of the records changed in the transaction |
Ctransaction_write_set_service_st | |
CTransactional_ddl_context | This class keeps the context of transactional DDL statements |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::session_track::TransactionCharacteristics< Borrowed > | TransactionCharacteristics changed |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::session_track::TransactionState | TransactionState changed |
Cnet::transfer_all | |
Cnet::transfer_at_least | |
Cnet::transfer_exactly | |
CTransparent_file | |
CTransportConstraints | |
CTranxNode | |
CTranxNodeAllocator | This class provides memory allocating and freeing methods for TranxNode |
Ctrie_node_cmp | |
CTrigger | This class represents a trigger object |
CTrigger_chain | |
Cdd::Trigger_order_comparator | Used to sort Triggers of the same table by action timing, event type and action order |
CTrivialReceiver | A very simple receiver to be used with DPhyp; all it does is to keep track of which subgraphs it has seen (which is required for the algorithm to test connectedness), count them, and stop if we reach a given limit |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Cundo::Truncate | Track an UNDO tablespace marked for truncate |
CTrx_by_id_with_min | |
Ctrx_guid_t | Used to identify trx uniquely over time |
Ctrx_i_s_cache_t | This structure describes the intermediate buffer |
Ctrx_lock_t | Latching protocol for trx_lock_t::que_state |
Clocksys::Trx_locks_cache | An object which can be passed to consecutive calls to rec_lock_has_to_wait(trx, mode, lock, is_supremum, trx_locks_cache) for the same trx and heap_no (which is implicitly the bit common to all lock objects passed) which can be used by this function to cache some partial results |
CTrx_monitoring_info | Structure to store the GTID and timing information |
Ctrx_named_savept_t | A savepoint set with SQL's "SAVEPOINT savepoint_id" command |
Ctrx_purge_t | The control structure used in the purge operation |
Ctrx_rseg_t | The rollback segment memory object |
Ctrx_rsegs_t | Rollback segments assigned to a transaction for undo logging |
Ctrx_savept_t | Transaction savepoint |
CTrx_shard | Shard for subset of transactions |
Ctrx_sys_t | The transaction system central memory data structure |
Ctrx_t | |
CTrx_by_id_with_min::Trx_track_hash | |
Ctrx_undo_ptr_t | The transaction handle |
Ctrx_undo_t | Transaction undo log memory object; this is protected by the undo_mutex in the corresponding transaction object |
CTrxFactory | For managing the life-cycle of the trx_t instance that we get from the pool |
CTrxInInnoDB | Track if a transaction is executing inside InnoDB code |
CTrxListIterator | This iterates over RW trx_sys lists only |
CTrxLockIterator | Iterate over a transaction's locks |
CTrxPoolLock | The lock strategy for TrxPool |
CTrxPoolManagerLock | The lock strategy for the TrxPoolManager |
CTrxUndoRsegs | Rollback segments from a given transaction with trx-no scheduled for purge |
CTrxUndoRsegsIterator | Choose the rollback segment with the smallest trx_no |
CTrxVersion | |
Cmysql::gtid::Tsid | Represents Transaction Source Identifier which is composed of source UUID and transaction tag |
CTsid_map | Represents a bidirectional map between TSID and SIDNO |
Cmysql::gtid::Tsid_plain | TSID representation so that: |
CTTASEventMutex< Policy > | |
Cttinfo | |
CTty | |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Twin_axes | |
CTwoDigitWriter | Helper class for write_two_digits(), which creates a table that maps every integer from 0 to 99 to a two-char sequence that represents its two base 10 digits |
►Cimpl::is_dynamic_buffer::type | |
►Cimpl::uses_executor::type | |
►Cis_buffer_sequence::type | |
►Cis_buffer_sequence::type | |
Ctype_cmpl_t | The type and compilation info flag in the undo record for update |
Cstdx::type_identity< T > | |
CTYPE_LIB | A utility class for the ENUM variables |
CType_properties | Type properties, used to collect type information for later assignment to an Item object |
Cdd::cache::Cache_element< T >::Type_selector< K > | |
Cdd::cache::Multi_map_base< T >::Type_selector< K > | |
Cdd::cache::Object_registry::Type_selector< T > | |
Cdd::cache::Shared_dictionary_cache::Type_selector< T > | |
Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::TypeBase< T > | Base type of all binary scalar value types |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::TypeBase< double > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::TypeBase< float > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::TypeBase< string_type< Borrowed > > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::TypeBase< uint16_t > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::TypeBase< uint32_t > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::TypeBase< uint64_t > | |
►Cclassic_protocol::borrowable::binary::TypeBase< uint8_t > | |
CMysqlx::Crud::Insert::TypedRow | Set of fields to insert as a one row |
CTz_names_entry | |
Ctzhead | |
Cmy_mutex_t::u | |
CU | |
CUdf_args_extension | |
CUdf_charset_service | |
CUDF_counter | Class used to increase an atomic value when UDF functions are being initialized |
Cudf_data_t | Contains all the necessary data to register an UDF in MySQL |
Cudf_descriptor | Contains all the necessary data to register an UDF in MySQL |
Cudf_func | |
Cudf_handler | |
CUDF_INIT | Information about the result of a user defined function |
CUdf_load_service | |
Cudf_materialize_state_s | |
CUdf_return_value_extension | |
►CUdf_service_impl | |
Cnet::ip::udp | |
Cregexp::UErrorCodeHash | |
Cull_dbl | |
CHUFF_ELEMENT::un_element | |
Cgis::Unary_functor< T > | The base class of all functors that take one geometry argument |
►Cgis::Unary_functor< bool > | |
►Cgis::Unary_functor< double > | |
►Cgis::Unary_functor< std::unique_ptr< Geometry > > | |
CUncommitted_tables_guard | Guard class which allows to invalidate TDC entries for specific tables/views |
Clob::undo_data_t | Undo information about LOB data alone without including LOB index |
Cundo_node_t | Undo node structure |
Clob::undo_seq_t | Container to hold a sequence of undo log records containing modification of BLOBs |
Clob::undo_vers_t | The list of modifications to be applied on LOBs to get older versions |
Cmysqlrouter::ConfigGenerator::UndoCreateAccountList | |
Cstdx::unexpect_t | |
Cnet::tls::SyncAction::Unexpected | |
Cstdx::unexpected< E > | |
Cuni_idx | |
CUnidata_decomp | |
Canonymous_namespace{uniques.cc}::Uniq_param | |
CUnique | Unique – class for unique (removing of duplicates) |
CUnique_on_insert | Unique_on_insert – similar to above, but rejects duplicates on insert, not just on read of the final result |
Cmemory::Unique_ptr< T, A > | Smart pointer to hold a unique pointer to a heap allocated memory of type T , constructed using a specific allocator |
►Cstd::unique_ptr | |
Clocksys::Latches::Unique_sharded_rw_lock | A helper wrapper around Shared_rw_lock which simplifies: |
CUnique_symbol_map | Gathers and prints out the unique symbols |
Cgis::srs::wkt_parser::Unit | |
Cgis::Unit | |
CUnix_socket | Abstraction for creating a unix socket ready to listen for new connections from clients |
►CUnknown_key_hook | This hook used to catch no longer supported keys and process them for backward compatibility |
►Cstd::unordered_map | |
►Cstd::unordered_multimap | |
►Cstd::unordered_set | |
CUnreachableDestinationsQuarantine::Unreachable_destination_candidate | Class representing a single entry (destination) in quarantined destination set |
CUnreachableDestinationsQuarantine | Information about unreachable destination candidates that is shared between plugin instances |
Clocksys::Unsafe_global_latch_manipulator | |
CUnstructuredTrace | Trace in the form of plain text (i.e |
►CUntil_option | This is the abstract base class for slave start until options |
Cupd_field_t | |
Cupd_node_t | |
Cupd_t | |
CMysqlx::Crud::Update | Update documents/rows in a collection/table |
Canonymous_namespace{metadata.cc}::Update_context | |
Cdd::Update_dictionary_tables_ctx | Class for storing/restoring state during dictionary update operations |
CUpdate_dynamic_privilege_table | |
Canonymous_namespace{table_stats.cc}::Update_I_S_statistics_ctx | A RAII to used to allow updates in the DD tables mysql.index_stats and mysql.index_stats |
Chardware::Update_step_executor< algo_to_use, slice_len > | The body of unrolled loop used to process slices in parallel, which in i-th iteration processes 8 bytes from the i-th slice of data, where each slice has slice_len bytes |
CMysqlx::Crud::UpdateOperation | |
Cdd::upgrade::Upgrade_error_counter | Class to keep track of upgrade errors during upgrade after 8.0 GA |
Cupgrade_space_t | Tablespace information required to create a dd::Tablespace object |
CUPN | UPN class |
Chttp::base::Uri | |
Cmysqlrouter::URI | Parse and create URIs according to RFC3986 |
CURI_information | |
Cmysqlrouter::URIParser | |
CUSED_MEM | Struct for once_alloc (block) |
CUsed_tables | Class used as argument to Item::walk() together with used_tables_for_level() |
CAcl_change_notification::User | |
Cresource_blocker::User | |
Cuser_conn | |
CUser_level_lock | For locks with EXPLICIT duration, MDL returns a new ticket every time a lock is granted |
Cuser_resources | |
►CUser_table_schema | |
CUser_table_schema_factory | |
Cuser_var_entry | |
CUser_variable | |
CUser_variables | |
Cmysqlrouter::UserCredentials | |
Cut_chrono_t | A "chronometer" used to clock snippets of code |
►Cut_hash_interface_t | An interface class to a basic hash table, that ut_lock_free_hash_t is |
Cut_list_base< Type, NodeGetter > | The two-way list base node |
Cut_list_base< lock_t, TableLockGetNode > | |
Cut_list_base_explicit_getter< Type, node_ptr > | |
Cut_list_node< Type > | The two way list node |
Cut_lock_free_cnt_t | Lock free ref counter |
Cut_lock_free_list_node_t< T > | A node in a linked list of arrays |
Cut_strcmp_functor | Functor that compares two C strings |
CBase64Alphabet::Uuencode | |
Cmysql::gtid::Uuid | Uuid is a trivial and of standard layout The structure contains the following components |
Cmysql::gtid::Uuid_hash | |
CValidate_files | Validate the DD tablespace data against what's read during the directory scan on startup |
Cvalidate_password_changed_characters_imp | |
Cvalidate_password_imp | An implementation of the password_validation_service to validate password and to get its strength |
Csha2_password::Validate_scramble | Scramble validator Expects scramble to be: XOR(SHA2(m_src), SHA2(SHA2(SHA2(m_src)), m_rnd)) Validates it against: SHA2(SHA2(m_src)) and random string |
CConfigFilePathValidator::ValidateError | |
Cjson_binary::Value | Class used for reading JSON values that are stored in the binary format |
CShowStatus::Value | For tracking the mutex metrics |
CValue_generator | Used for storing information associated with generated column, default values generated from expression or check constraint expression |
►Chistograms::Value_map_base | The abstract base class for all Value_map types |
CValue_or_default< T > | |
Cmysql::abi_helpers::Value_union | |
CVAR | |
Cvar_free | |
CVariable_scope_guard< T > | Template class to scope guard variables |
CSession_sysvars_tracker::vars_list | |
►Cstd::vector | |
CVersion | Class representing a version |
►Cmysqlrouter::VersionBase | |
Canonymous_namespace{sql_table.cc}::Viability | |
CCertification_handler::View_change_stored_info | View change information information stored for delay |
Canonymous_namespace{metadata.cc}::View_metadata_update_ctx | Holds context during I_S table referencing view's status/column metadata update |
CView_metadata_updater_context | RAII class to set the context for View_metadata_updater |
CViewCheck | Functor to validate the view list |
CVio | |
Cvio_string | |
CVisibleFieldsAdapter< Iterator > | |
CVisibleFieldsContainer< Container, Iterator > | |
Cvtoken_lock_cleanup | Helper class to dispose of the rwlocks at DLL/so unload |
CBtree_multi::Btree_load::Wait_callbacks | Helper to set wait callbacks for the current scope |
CWait_stats | |
CWait_ticket< K > | Ticket register/wait auxiliary class |
Cnet::wait_traits< Clock > | |
CWaitableVariable< ValueType > | |
Cwaiting_trx_info_t | A snapshot of information about a single slot which was in use at the moment of taking the snapshot |
Cmysql_harness::WaitingQueueAdaptor< Q > | Provide waiting pop and push operator to thread-safe queues |
CExecutionContext::DiagnosticsArea::Warning | |
CMysqlx::Notice::Warning | Server-side warnings and notes |
CWarning | Class representing a warning |
►Cdd::Weak_object | Base class for all data dictionary objects |
Cweak_service_reference< Service, container, service_name > | A utility class to implement a delayed service reference |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Weekday_instantiator | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Weekofyear_instantiator | |
CWeight_boundary | |
Cwhile_node_t | While-statement node |
►CWindow | Represents the (explicit) window of a SQL 2003 section 7.11 <window clause>, or the implicit (inlined) window of a window function call, or a reference to a named window in a window function call (instead of the inlined definition) before resolution |
CWindow_evaluation_requirements | Collects evaluation requirements from a window function, used by Item_sum::check_wf_semantics and its overrides |
Canonymous_namespace{my_winfile.cc}::WindowsErrorGuard | RAII guard which ensures that: |
►CGeometry::wkb_container | Constant storage for WKB |
Cwkb_header_st | |
Cgis::Wkb_parser< Point_t, Linestring_t, Linearring_t, Polygon_t, Geometrycollection_t, Multipoint_t, Multilinestring_t, Multipolygon_t > | |
►CWKB_scanner_event_handler | |
Canonymous_namespace{ctype-czech.cc}::wordvalue | |
Canonymous_namespace{ctype-win1250ch.cc}::wordvalue | |
►Ccs::apply::instruments::Worker_metrics | Abstract class for classes that contain metrics related to transaction execution in applier workers |
CIoComponent::Workguard | |
Cconnection_control::WR_lock | Helper class : Wrapper on write lock |
CTraceStream< NameType, LowerLevelStream >::WrappedTraceStream | |
Canonymous_namespace{json_dom.cc}::Wrapper_hash_key | Helper class for building a hash key |
Canonymous_namespace{json_dom.cc}::Wrapper_sort_key | Wrapper around a sort key buffer |
CWriteset_trx_dependency_tracker | Generate logical timestamps for MTS using WRITESET binlog transaction dependency tracking algorithm |
Coci::ssl::X509_deleter | |
CX509_gen | |
CCertificateGenerator::X509Deleter | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::X_instantiator | |
CClone_handler::XA_Block | |
CClone_handler::XA_Operation | |
CXa_state_list | Class to maintain list of externally coordinated transactions and their current state at recovery |
Cxarecover_st | |
Cxcom_clock | |
Cxcom_fsm_state | |
Cxcom_group_interfaces | Struct that holds instances of this binding interface implementations |
Cxcom_input_request | |
Cxcom_input_request_ptr_deleter | |
CXcom_member_state | Class that conveys the state to be exchanged between members, which is not provided by XCom |
CXcom_network_provider_library | |
CXcom_network_provider_ssl_library | |
CXcom_scope_guard | |
►CXcom_statistics_storage_interface | Interface class for all statistics that XCom will provide |
Cxdes_mem_t | |
CXDR | |
Cxdr_discrim | |
CXDR::xdr_ops | |
Cxa::XID_extractor | Processes a string and extracts XIDs of the form X'...',X'...',0-9 |
Cxid_t | Struct xid_t is binary compatible with the XID structure as in the X/Open CAE Specification, Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification, X/Open Company Ltd., 1991 |
Cserver_mock::XProtocolDecoder | |
Cserver_mock::XProtocolEncoder | |
CXProtocolState | |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Y_instantiator | |
CYacc_state | The internal state of the syntax parser |
Canonymous_namespace{item_create.cc}::Yearweek_instantiator | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
Cyyalloc | |
Clob::z_data_page_t | The data page holding the zlob |
Clob::z_first_page_t | The first page of an zlob |
Clob::z_frag_entry_t | An entry representing one fragment page |
Clob::z_frag_node_page_t | A frag nodes page containing an array of z_frag_entry_t objects |
Clob::z_frag_page_t | The fragment page |
Clob::z_index_entry_mem_t | In-memory copy of the information from z_index_entry_t |
Clob::z_index_entry_t | An index entry pointing to one zlib stream |
Clob::z_index_page_t | An index page containing an array of z_index_entry_t objects |
Czip_pad_info_t | Data structure to hold information about about how much space in an uncompressed page should be left as padding to avoid compression failures |
Clob::zReader | Fetch compressed BLOB |