MySQL 9.1.0
Source Code Documentation
Slave_worker Class Reference

#include <rpl_rli_pdb.h>

Inheritance diagram for Slave_worker:

Public Types

enum  en_running_state {
- Public Types inherited from Relay_log_info
enum class  enum_priv_checks_status : int {
 Set of possible return values for the member methods related to PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER management. More...
enum class  enum_require_row_status : int { SUCCESS = 0 , PRIV_CHECKS_USER_NOT_NULL }
enum  enum_state_flag { IN_STMT , STATE_FLAGS_COUNT }
 Flags for the state of the replication. More...
enum  enum_require_table_primary_key {
 Identifies what is the replica policy on primary keys in tables. More...
 the status of the commit timestamps for the relay log More...
enum  {

Public Member Functions

 Slave_worker (Relay_log_info *rli, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_run_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_data_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_sleep_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_thd_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_data_cond, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_start_cond, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_stop_cond, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_sleep_cond, uint param_id, const char *param_channel)
 ~Slave_worker () override
void set_worker_metric_collection_status (bool status)
 Sets the metric collection as on or off This should be done at the worker start. More...
cs::apply::instruments::Worker_metricsget_worker_metrics ()
 gets a reference to the worker statistics. More...
void copy_worker_metrics (Slave_worker *other)
 Copies data and sets the metric collection flag. More...
void increment_worker_metrics_for_event (const Log_event &event)
 Update per-event worker metrics. More...
void copy_values_for_PFS (ulong worker_id, en_running_state running_status, THD *worker_thd, const Error &last_error, Gtid_monitoring_info *monitoring_info_arg)
int init_worker (Relay_log_info *, ulong)
 Method is executed by Coordinator at Worker startup time to initialize members parly with values supplied by Coordinator through rli. More...
int rli_init_info (bool)
 A part of Slave worker initializer that provides a minimum context for MTS recovery. More...
int flush_info (bool force=false)
void slave_worker_ends_group (Log_event *, int)
 Deallocation routine to cancel out few effects of map_db_to_worker(). More...
const char * get_master_log_name ()
ulonglong get_master_log_pos ()
ulonglong set_master_log_pos (ulong val)
bool commit_positions (Log_event *evt, Slave_job_group *ptr_g, bool force)
bool commit_positions () override
 The method is a wrapper to provide uniform interface with STS and is to be called from Relay_log_info and Slave_worker pre_commit() methods. More...
void post_commit (bool on_rollback) override
 See the comments for STS version of this method. More...
void rollback_positions (Slave_job_group *ptr_g)
bool reset_recovery_info ()
 Clean up a part of Worker info table that is regarded in in gaps collecting at recovery. More...
int set_rli_description_event (Format_description_log_event *fdle) override
 The method runs at Worker initialization, at runtime when Coordinator supplied a new FD event for execution context, and at the Worker pool shutdown. More...
void reset_gaq_index ()
void set_gaq_index (ulong val)
int slave_worker_exec_event (Log_event *ev)
 MTS worker main routine. More...
void prepare_for_retry (Log_event &event)
 Make the necessary changes to both the Slave_worker and current Log_event objects, before retrying to apply the transaction. More...
std::tuple< bool, bool, uint > check_and_report_end_of_retries (THD *thd)
 Checks if the transaction can be retried, and if not, reports an error. More...
bool retry_transaction (my_off_t start_relay_pos, const char *start_event_relay_log_name, my_off_t end_relay_pos, const char *end_event_relay_log_name)
 It is called after an error happens. More...
bool set_info_search_keys (Rpl_info_handler *to) override
 To search in the slave repositories, each slave info object (mi, rli or worker) should use a primary key. More...
Relay_log_infoget_c_rli () override
 Get coordinator's RLI. More...
const char * get_for_channel_str (bool upper_case=false) const override
 return an extension "for channel channel_name" for error messages per channel More...
longlong sequence_number ()
bool found_commit_order_deadlock ()
 Return true if replica-preserve-commit-order is enabled and an earlier transaction is waiting for a row-level lock held by this transaction. More...
void report_commit_order_deadlock ()
 Called when replica-preserve-commit-order is enabled, by the worker processing an earlier transaction that waits on a row-level lock held by this worker's transaction. More...
ulong get_master_server_version ()
void reset_commit_order_deadlock ()
 Set the flag the signals a deadlock to false. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Relay_log_info
bool belongs_to_client ()
Gtid_monitoring_infoget_gtid_monitoring_info ()
void started_processing (Gtid gtid_arg, ulonglong original_ts_arg, ulonglong immediate_ts_arg, bool skipped=false)
 Stores the details of the transaction which has just started processing. More...
void started_processing (Gtid_log_event *gtid_log_ev_arg)
 Stores the details of the transaction which has just started processing. More...
void finished_processing ()
 When the processing of a transaction is completed, that timestamp is recorded, the information is copied to last_processed_trx and the information in processing_trx is cleared. More...
bool is_processing_trx ()
void clear_processing_trx ()
 Clears the processing_trx structure fields. More...
void clear_gtid_monitoring_info ()
 Clears the Gtid_monitoring_info fields. More...
void retried_processing (uint transient_errno_arg, const char *transient_err_message_arg, ulong trans_retries_arg)
 When a transaction is retried, the error number and message, and total number of retries are stored. More...
std::string get_privilege_checks_username () const
 Retrieves the username part of the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER option of CHANGE MASTER TO statement. More...
std::string get_privilege_checks_hostname () const
 Retrieves the host part of the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER option of CHANGE MASTER TO statement. More...
bool is_privilege_checks_user_null () const
 Returns whether or not there is no user configured for PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER. More...
bool is_privilege_checks_user_corrupted () const
 Returns whether or not the internal data regarding PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER is corrupted. More...
void clear_privilege_checks_user ()
 Clears the info related to the data initialized from PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER. More...
void set_privilege_checks_user_corrupted (bool is_corrupted)
 Sets the flag that tells whether or not the data regarding the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER is corrupted. More...
enum_priv_checks_status set_privilege_checks_user (char const *param_privilege_checks_username, char const *param_privilege_checks_hostname)
 Initializes data related to PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER, specifically the user name and the user hostname. More...
enum_priv_checks_status check_privilege_checks_user ()
 Checks the validity and integrity of the data related to PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER, specifically the user name and the user hostname. More...
enum_priv_checks_status check_privilege_checks_user (char const *param_privilege_checks_username, char const *param_privilege_checks_hostname)
 Checks the validity and integrity of the data related to PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER, specifically the user name and the user hostname. More...
enum_priv_checks_status check_applier_acl_user (char const *param_privilege_checks_username, char const *param_privilege_checks_hostname)
 Checks the existence of user provided as part of the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER option. More...
std::pair< const char *, const char * > print_applier_security_context_user_host () const
 Returns a printable representation of the username and hostname currently being used in the applier security context or empty strings other wise. More...
void report_privilege_check_error (enum loglevel level, enum_priv_checks_status status_code, bool to_client, char const *channel_name=nullptr, char const *user_name=nullptr, char const *host_name=nullptr) const
 Outputs the error message associated with applier thread user privilege checks error error_code. More...
enum_priv_checks_status initialize_security_context (THD *thd)
 Initializes the security context associated with the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER user that is to be used by the provided THD object. More...
enum_priv_checks_status initialize_applier_security_context ()
 Initializes the security context associated with the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER user that is to be used by the applier thread. More...
bool is_row_format_required () const
 Returns whether the slave is running in row mode only. More...
void set_require_row_format (bool require_row)
 Sets the flag that tells whether or not the slave is running in row mode only. More...
enum_require_table_primary_key get_require_table_primary_key_check () const
 Returns what is the slave policy concerning primary keys on replicated tables. More...
void set_require_table_primary_key_check (enum_require_table_primary_key require_pk)
 Sets the field that tells what is the slave policy concerning primary keys on replicated tables. More...
void set_applier_source_position_info_invalid (bool invalid)
 Marks the applier position information as being invalid or not. More...
bool is_applier_source_position_info_invalid () const
 Returns if the applier positions are marked as being invalid or not. More...
void set_group_source_log_start_end_pos (const Log_event *ev)
 Process an event and based on its type () set group beginning and end. More...
std::tuple< ulonglong, ulonglongget_group_source_log_start_end_pos () const
 Get event group positions in source binary log on a replica which is processed by a worker in MTA or coordinator in STA. More...
bool is_relay_log_truncated ()
Tsid_mapget_tsid_map ()
Checkable_rwlockget_tsid_lock ()
void add_logged_gtid (rpl_sidno sidno, rpl_gno gno)
enum_return_status add_gtid_set (const Gtid_set *gtid_set)
 Adds a GTID set to received GTID set. More...
const Gtid_setget_gtid_set () const
bool reinit_sql_thread_io_cache (const char *log, bool need_data_lock)
bool is_group_relay_log_name_invalid (const char **errmsg)
 Check if group_relay_log_name is in index file. More...
bool reset_group_relay_log_pos (const char **errmsg)
 Reset group_relay_log_name and group_relay_log_pos to the start of the first relay log file. More...
void fill_coord_err_buf (loglevel level, int err_code, const char *buff_coord) const
 Update the error number, message and timestamp fields. More...
void clear_sql_delay ()
 Reset the delay. More...
void notify_relay_log_change ()
 Invalidates cached until_log_name and event_relay_log_name comparison result. More...
void notify_relay_log_truncated ()
 Receiver thread notifies that it truncated some data from relay log. More...
void clear_relay_log_truncated ()
 Applier clears the flag after it handled the situation. More...
void notify_group_master_log_name_update ()
 The same as notify_group_relay_log_name_update but for group_master_log_name. More...
void inc_event_relay_log_pos ()
int inc_group_relay_log_pos (ulonglong log_pos, bool need_data_lock, bool force=false)
 Last executed event group coordinates are updated and optionally forcibly flushed to a repository. More...
int wait_for_pos (THD *thd, String *log_name, longlong log_pos, double timeout)
 Waits until the SQL thread reaches (has executed up to) the log/position or timed out. More...
int wait_for_gtid_set (THD *thd, const char *gtid, double timeout, bool update_THD_status=true)
 Wait for a GTID set to be executed. More...
int wait_for_gtid_set (THD *thd, String *gtid, double timeout, bool update_THD_status=true)
 Wait for a GTID set to be executed. More...
int wait_for_gtid_set (THD *thd, const Gtid_set *wait_gtid_set, double timeout, bool update_THD_status=true)
 Wait for a GTID set to be executed. More...
void close_temporary_tables ()
bool get_table_data (TABLE *table_arg, table_def **tabledef_var, TABLE **conv_table_var) const
void cached_charset_invalidate ()
 Last charset (6 bytes) seen by slave SQL thread is cached here; it helps the thread save 3 get_charset() per Query_log_event if the charset is not changing from event to event (common situation). More...
bool cached_charset_compare (char *charset) const
void cleanup_context (THD *, bool)
void slave_close_thread_tables (THD *)
void clear_tables_to_lock ()
int purge_relay_logs (THD *thd, const char **errmsg, bool delete_only=false)
 Purges relay logs. More...
cs::apply::instruments::Applier_metrics_interfaceget_applier_metrics ()
 Returns the replication applier metrics aggregator. More...
size_t get_worker_count ()
Slave_workerget_worker (size_t n)
void init_workers (ulong)
 The method to invoke at slave threads start. More...
void deinit_workers ()
 The method to invoke at slave threads stop. More...
bool is_mts_recovery () const
 returns true if there is any gap-group of events to execute at slave starting phase. More...
void clear_mts_recovery_groups ()
bool is_parallel_exec () const
 returns true if events are to be executed in parallel More...
bool is_mts_in_group ()
 returns true if Coordinator is scheduling events belonging to the same group and has not reached yet its terminal event. More...
bool is_time_for_mta_checkpoint ()
 Check if it is time to compute MTS checkpoint. More...
void reset_notified_relay_log_change ()
 While a group is executed by a Worker the relay log can change. More...
void reset_notified_checkpoint (ulong count, time_t new_ts, bool update_timestamp=false)
 While a group is executed by a Worker the relay log can change. More...
bool mts_finalize_recovery ()
 Called when gaps execution is ended so it is crash-safe to reset the last session Workers info. More...
void cleanup_after_query ()
void cleanup_after_session ()
int stmt_done (my_off_t event_log_pos)
 Helper function to do after statement completion. More...
void set_flag (enum_state_flag flag)
 Set the value of a replication state flag. More...
bool get_flag (enum_state_flag flag)
 Get the value of a replication state flag. More...
void clear_flag (enum_state_flag flag)
 Clear the value of a replication state flag. More...
bool is_in_group () const
 A group is defined as the entire range of events that constitute a transaction or auto-committed statement. More...
int count_relay_log_space ()
int rli_init_info (bool skip_received_gtid_set_and_relaylog_recovery=false)
 Initialize the relay log info. More...
void end_info ()
int flush_info (const int flush_flags)
 Stores the file and position where the execute-slave thread are in the relay log: More...
bool clear_info ()
 Clears from this Relay_log_info object all attribute values that are not to be kept. More...
enum_return_check check_if_info_was_cleared (const enum_return_check &previous_result) const
 Checks if the underlying Rpl_info handler holds information for the fields to be kept between slave resets, while the other fields were cleared. More...
int flush_current_log ()
void set_master_info (Master_info *info)
ulonglong get_future_event_relay_log_pos ()
void set_future_event_relay_log_pos (ulonglong log_pos)
const char * get_group_master_log_name () const
const char * get_group_master_log_name_info () const
ulonglong get_group_master_log_pos () const
ulonglong get_group_master_log_pos_info () const
void set_group_master_log_name (const char *log_file_name)
void set_group_master_log_pos (ulonglong log_pos)
const char * get_group_relay_log_name ()
ulonglong get_group_relay_log_pos ()
void set_group_relay_log_name (const char *log_file_name)
void set_group_relay_log_name (const char *log_file_name, size_t len)
void set_group_relay_log_pos (ulonglong log_pos)
const char * get_event_relay_log_name ()
ulonglong get_event_relay_log_pos ()
void set_event_relay_log_name (const char *log_file_name)
void set_event_start_pos (my_off_t pos)
my_off_t get_event_start_pos ()
void set_event_relay_log_pos (ulonglong log_pos)
const char * get_rpl_log_name () const
void start_sql_delay (time_t delay_end)
 Indicate that a delay starts. More...
time_t get_sql_delay ()
void set_sql_delay (time_t _sql_delay)
time_t get_sql_delay_end ()
 Relay_log_info (bool is_slave_recovery, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_run_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_data_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_sleep_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_thd_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_data_cond, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_start_cond, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_stop_cond, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_sleep_cond, uint param_id, const char *param_channel, bool is_rli_fake)
 ~Relay_log_info () override
time_t get_row_stmt_start_timestamp ()
time_t set_row_stmt_start_timestamp ()
void reset_row_stmt_start_timestamp ()
void set_long_find_row_note_printed ()
void unset_long_find_row_note_printed ()
bool is_long_find_row_note_printed ()
Format_description_log_eventget_rli_description_event () const
 Return the current Format_description_log_event. More...
ulong adapt_to_master_version (Format_description_log_event *fdle)
 adaptation for the slave applier to specific master versions. More...
ulong adapt_to_master_version_updown (ulong master_version, ulong current_version)
 The method compares two supplied versions and carries out down- or up- grade customization of execution context of the slave applier (thd). More...
Commit_order_managerget_commit_order_manager ()
void set_commit_order_manager (Commit_order_manager *mngr)
void set_until_option (Until_option *option)
void clear_until_option ()
void set_filter (Rpl_filter *channel_filter)
 Set replication filter for the channel. More...
void set_thd_tx_priority (int priority)
int get_thd_tx_priority ()
void set_ignore_write_set_memory_limit (bool ignore_limit)
bool get_ignore_write_set_memory_limit ()
void set_allow_drop_write_set (bool does_not_require_ws)
bool get_allow_drop_write_set ()
const char * get_until_log_name ()
my_off_t get_until_log_pos ()
bool is_until_satisfied_at_start_slave ()
bool is_until_satisfied_before_dispatching_event (const Log_event *ev)
bool is_until_satisfied_after_dispatching_event ()
bool is_until_satisfied_all_transactions_read_from_relay_log ()
int init_until_option (THD *thd, const LEX_SOURCE_INFO *master_param)
 Initialize until option object when starting slave. More...
void detach_engine_ha_data (THD *thd)
 Detaches the engine ha_data from THD. More...
void reattach_engine_ha_data (THD *thd)
 Reattaches the engine ha_data to THD. More...
bool is_engine_ha_data_detached ()
 Checks whether engine ha data is detached from THD. More...
void post_rollback ()
 Execute actions at replicated atomic DLL post rollback time. More...
bool pre_commit ()
 The method implements a pre-commit hook to add up a new statement typically to a DDL transaction to update the slave info table. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Rpl_info
 ~Rpl_info () override
void set_rpl_info_handler (Rpl_info_handler *param_handler)
 Sets the persistency component/handler. More...
Rpl_info_handlerget_rpl_info_handler ()
 Gets the persistency component/handler. More...
enum_return_check check_info () const
int remove_info ()
int clean_info ()
bool is_transactional () const
bool update_is_transactional ()
char * get_description_info () const
bool copy_info (Rpl_info_handler *from, Rpl_info_handler *to)
uint get_internal_id () const
char * get_channel () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Slave_reporting_capability
 Slave_reporting_capability (char const *thread_name)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void report (loglevel level, int err_code, const char *msg,...) const
 Writes a message and, if it's an error message, to Last_Error (which will be displayed by SHOW REPLICA STATUS). More...
virtual void report (loglevel level, int err_code, const Gtid_specification *gtid_next, const char *msg,...) const
void va_report (loglevel level, int err_code, const char *prefix_msg, const char *msg, va_list v_args) const
void clear_error ()
 Clear errors. More...
int has_temporary_error (THD *thd, uint error_arg=0, bool *silent=nullptr) const
 Check if the current error is of temporary nature or not. More...
Error const & last_error () const
bool is_error () const
virtual ~Slave_reporting_capability ()=0

Static Public Member Functions

static size_t get_number_worker_fields ()
static void set_nullable_fields (MY_BITMAP *nullable_fields)
 Sets bits for columns that are allowed to be NULL. More...
static const uint * get_table_pk_field_indexes ()
 Returns an array with the expected column numbers of the primary key fields of the table repository. More...
static uint get_channel_field_index ()
 Returns the index of the Channel_name field of the table repository. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Relay_log_info
static size_t get_number_info_rli_fields ()
static void set_nullable_fields (MY_BITMAP *nullable_fields)
 Sets bits for columns that are allowed to be NULL. More...

Public Attributes

Slave_jobs_queue jobs
mysql_mutex_t jobs_lock
mysql_cond_t jobs_cond
Prealloced_array< db_worker_hash_entry *, SLAVE_INIT_DBS_IN_GROUPcurr_group_exec_parts
bool curr_group_seen_sequence_number
ulong id
ulong transactions_handled
 Number of transaction handled - incremented at slave_worker_ends_group. More...
volatile ulong last_group_done_index
ulonglong last_groups_assigned_index
std::atomic< int > curr_jobs
long usage_partition
bool end_group_sets_max_dbs
volatile bool relay_log_change_notified
volatile bool checkpoint_notified
volatile bool master_log_change_notified
bool fd_change_notified
ulong bitmap_shifted
int64_t m_events_applied_in_transaction
 The number of events applied in an ongoing transaction, used to collect statistics when the transaction ends. More...
bool m_is_after_metrics_breakpoint
 True if this transaction occurred after the metrics breakpoint in the relay log. More...
long wq_overrun_cnt
ulong overrun_level
ulong underrun_level
ulong excess_cnt
char checkpoint_relay_log_name [FN_REFLEN]
ulonglong checkpoint_relay_log_pos
char checkpoint_master_log_name [FN_REFLEN]
ulonglong checkpoint_master_log_pos
MY_BITMAP group_executed
MY_BITMAP group_shifted
ulong worker_checkpoint_seqno
ulong server_version
en_running_state volatile running_status
bool exit_incremented
- Public Attributes inherited from Relay_log_info
Assign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions_info m_assign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions_info
 Stores the information related to the ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS parameter of CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE. More...
PSI_mutex_key m_key_mta_temp_table_LOCK
mysql_mutex_t mts_temp_table_LOCK
mysql_mutex_t mts_gaq_LOCK
mysql_cond_t logical_clock_cond
bool replicate_same_server_id
MYSQL_BIN_LOG relay_log
bool is_relay_log_recovery
std::atomic< int32atomic_channel_open_temp_tables {0}
enum Relay_log_info:: { ... }  commit_timestamps_status
 the status of the commit timestamps for the relay log More...
bool error_on_rli_init_info
Replication_transaction_boundary_parser transaction_parser
bool is_group_master_log_pos_invalid
 Flag that the group_master_log_pos is invalid. More...
std::atomic< ulonglonglog_space_limit
std::atomic< ulonglonglog_space_total
std::atomic_bool is_receiver_waiting_for_rl_space
std::string coordinator_log_after_purge {""}
time_t last_master_timestamp
std::atomic< uint32slave_skip_counter
std::atomic< ulong > abort_pos_wait
mysql_mutex_t log_space_lock
mysql_cond_t log_space_cond
enum Relay_log_info:: { ... }  until_condition
char cached_charset [6]
ulong trans_retries
ulong retried_trans
char ign_master_log_name_end [FN_REFLEN]
ulonglong ign_master_log_pos_end
char slave_patternload_file [FN_REFLEN]
size_t slave_patternload_file_size
struct timespec last_clock
 Identifies the last time a checkpoint routine has been executed. More...
uint tables_to_lock_count
table_mapping m_table_map
time_t last_event_start_time
uint64 original_commit_timestamp
bool deferred_events_collecting
Slave_worker_array workers
malloc_unordered_map< std::string, unique_ptr_with_deleter< db_worker_hash_entry > > mapping_db_to_worker {key_memory_db_worker_hash_entry}
bool inited_hash_workers
mysql_mutex_t slave_worker_hash_lock
mysql_cond_t slave_worker_hash_cond
std::vector< Slave_worker * > workers_copy_pfs
bool workers_array_initialized
std::atomic< ulong > pending_jobs
mysql_mutex_t pending_jobs_lock
mysql_cond_t pending_jobs_cond
mysql_mutex_t exit_count_lock
ulong mts_slave_worker_queue_len_max
ulonglong mts_pending_jobs_size
ulonglong mts_pending_jobs_size_max
bool mts_wq_oversize
Prealloced_array< db_worker_hash_entry *, 4 > curr_group_assigned_parts
Prealloced_array< Slave_job_item, 8 > curr_group_da
bool curr_group_seen_gtid
bool curr_group_seen_begin
bool curr_group_isolated
bool mts_end_group_sets_max_dbs
volatile ulong mts_wq_underrun_w_id
std::atomic< long > mts_wq_excess_cnt
ulonglong mts_groups_assigned
long mts_worker_underrun_level
ulong mts_coordinator_basic_nap
ulong opt_replica_parallel_workers
ulong replica_parallel_workers
ulong exit_counter
ulonglong max_updated_index
ulong recovery_parallel_workers
uint rli_checkpoint_seqno
uint checkpoint_group
MY_BITMAP recovery_groups
bool recovery_groups_inited
ulong mts_recovery_group_cnt
ulong mts_recovery_index
bool mts_recovery_group_seen_begin
enum Relay_log_info:: { ... }  mts_group_status
ulong worker_queue_mem_exceeded_count {0}
 Number of times queue memory is exceeded. More...
time_t mta_coordinator_has_waited_stat
 Last moment in time the MTA printed a coordinator waited stats. More...
char new_group_master_log_name [FN_REFLEN]
 Storage for holding newly computed values for the last executed event group coordinates while the current group of events is being committed, see pre_commit, post_commit. More...
my_off_t new_group_master_log_pos
char new_group_relay_log_name [FN_REFLEN]
my_off_t new_group_relay_log_pos
enum_mts_parallel_type channel_mts_submode
bool reported_unsafe_warning
bool sql_thread_kill_accepted
uchar slave_version_split [3]
bool force_flush_postponed_due_to_split_trans
bool m_is_engine_ha_data_detached
 Reference to being applied event. More...
bool ddl_not_atomic
 Raised when slave applies and writes to its binary log statement which is not atomic DDL and has no XID assigned. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Rpl_info
mysql_mutex_t data_lock
mysql_mutex_t run_lock
mysql_mutex_t sleep_lock
mysql_mutex_t info_thd_lock
mysql_cond_t data_cond
mysql_cond_t start_cond
mysql_cond_t stop_cond
mysql_cond_t sleep_cond
bool inited
std::atomic< bool > abort_slave
std::atomic< uint > slave_running
std::atomic< ulong > slave_run_id
std::atomic< bool > atomic_is_stopping {false}
- Public Attributes inherited from Slave_reporting_capability
mysql_mutex_t err_lock
 lock used to synchronize m_last_error on 'SHOW REPLICA STATUS' More...

Protected Member Functions

void do_report (loglevel level, int err_code, const char *msg, va_list v_args) const override
void do_report (loglevel level, int err_code, const Gtid_specification *gtid_next, const char *msg, va_list v_args) const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Rpl_info
 Rpl_info (const char *type, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_run_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_data_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_sleep_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_thd_lock, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_data_cond, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_start_cond, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_stop_cond, PSI_mutex_key *param_key_info_sleep_cond, uint param_id, const char *param_channel)

Private Member Functions

void end_info ()
bool read_info (Rpl_info_handler *from) override
bool write_info (Rpl_info_handler *to) override
Slave_workeroperator= (const Slave_worker &info)
 Slave_worker (const Slave_worker &info)
bool worker_sleep (ulong seconds)
 Sleep for a given amount of seconds or until killed. More...
bool read_and_apply_events (my_off_t start_relay_pos, const char *start_event_relay_log_name, my_off_t end_relay_pos, const char *end_event_relay_log_name)
 Read events from relay logs and apply them. More...
void assign_partition_db (Log_event *ev)

Private Attributes

cs::apply::instruments::Mta_worker_metrics m_worker_metrics
 worker statistics More...
cs::apply::instruments::Dummy_worker_metrics m_disabled_worker_metrics
 Placehold for stats when metric collection is disabled. More...
bool m_is_worker_metric_collection_enabled {false}
 Is worker metric collection enabled. More...
ulong gaq_index
ulonglong master_log_pos
std::atomic< bool > m_commit_order_deadlock
bool m_flag_positions_committed = false
 This flag indicates whether positions were already modified during the event processing, if yes, positions are not updated in the slave_worker_ends_group function. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from Relay_log_info
static constexpr int RLI_FLUSH_NO_OPTION {0}
 No flush options given to relay log flush. More...
static constexpr int RLI_FLUSH_IGNORE_SYNC_OPT {1 << 0}
 Ignore server sync options and flush. More...
static constexpr int RLI_FLUSH_IGNORE_GTID_ONLY {1 << 1}
 Flush disresgarding the value of GTID_ONLY. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Relay_log_info
char group_relay_log_name [FN_REFLEN]
 Event group means a group of events of a transaction. More...
ulonglong group_relay_log_pos
char event_relay_log_name [FN_REFLEN]
ulonglong event_relay_log_pos
ulonglong future_event_relay_log_pos
my_off_t event_start_pos
char group_master_log_name [FN_REFLEN]
volatile my_off_t group_master_log_pos
- Protected Attributes inherited from Rpl_info
 Pointer to the repository's handler. More...
uint internal_id
 Uniquely and internally identifies an info entry (.e.g. More...
char channel [CHANNEL_NAME_LENGTH+1] = {0}
 Every slave info object acts on a particular channel in Multisource Replication. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Slave_reporting_capability
Error m_last_error
 Last error produced by the I/O or SQL thread respectively. More...

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ en_running_state


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Slave_worker() [1/2]

Slave_worker::Slave_worker ( Relay_log_info rli,
PSI_mutex_key param_key_info_run_lock,
PSI_mutex_key param_key_info_data_lock,
PSI_mutex_key param_key_info_sleep_lock,
PSI_mutex_key param_key_info_thd_lock,
PSI_mutex_key param_key_info_data_cond,
PSI_mutex_key param_key_info_start_cond,
PSI_mutex_key param_key_info_stop_cond,
PSI_mutex_key param_key_info_sleep_cond,
uint  param_id,
const char *  param_channel 

◆ ~Slave_worker()

Slave_worker::~Slave_worker ( )

◆ Slave_worker() [2/2]

Slave_worker::Slave_worker ( const Slave_worker info)

Member Function Documentation

◆ assign_partition_db()

void Slave_worker::assign_partition_db ( Log_event ev)

◆ check_and_report_end_of_retries()

std::tuple< bool, bool, uint > Slave_worker::check_and_report_end_of_retries ( THD thd)

Checks if the transaction can be retried, and if not, reports an error.

[in]thdThe THD object of current thread.
std::tuple<bool, bool, uint> where each element has following meaning:

first element of tuple is function return value and determines: false if the transaction should be retried true if the transaction should not be retried

second element of tuple determines: the function will set the value to true, in case the retry should be "silent". Silent means that the caller should not report it in performance_schema tables, write to the error log, or sleep. Currently, silent is used by NDB only.

third element of tuple determines: If the caller should report any other error than that stored in thd->get_stmt_da()->mysql_errno(), then this function will store that error in this third element of the tuple.

◆ commit_positions() [1/2]

bool Slave_worker::commit_positions ( )

The method is a wrapper to provide uniform interface with STS and is to be called from Relay_log_info and Slave_worker pre_commit() methods.

Reimplemented from Relay_log_info.

◆ commit_positions() [2/2]

bool Slave_worker::commit_positions ( Log_event evt,
Slave_job_group ptr_g,
bool  force 

◆ copy_values_for_PFS()

void Slave_worker::copy_values_for_PFS ( ulong  worker_id,
en_running_state  running_status,
THD worker_thd,
const Error last_error,
Gtid_monitoring_info monitoring_info_arg 

◆ copy_worker_metrics()

void Slave_worker::copy_worker_metrics ( Slave_worker other)

Copies data and sets the metric collection flag.

otherthe instance to be copied

◆ do_report() [1/2]

void Slave_worker::do_report ( loglevel  level,
int  err_code,
const char *  msg,
va_list  v_args 
) const

Reimplemented from Slave_reporting_capability.

◆ do_report() [2/2]

void Slave_worker::do_report ( loglevel  level,
int  err_code,
const Gtid_specification gtid_next,
const char *  msg,
va_list  v_args 
) const

Reimplemented from Slave_reporting_capability.

◆ end_info()

void Slave_worker::end_info ( )

◆ flush_info()

int Slave_worker::flush_info ( bool  force = false)

◆ found_commit_order_deadlock()

bool Slave_worker::found_commit_order_deadlock ( )

Return true if replica-preserve-commit-order is enabled and an earlier transaction is waiting for a row-level lock held by this transaction.

◆ get_c_rli()

Relay_log_info * Slave_worker::get_c_rli ( )

Get coordinator's RLI.

Especially used get the rli from a slave thread, like this: thd->rli_slave->get_c_rli(); thd could be a SQL thread or a worker thread.

Reimplemented from Relay_log_info.

◆ get_channel_field_index()

uint Slave_worker::get_channel_field_index ( )

Returns the index of the Channel_name field of the table repository.

◆ get_for_channel_str()

const char * Slave_worker::get_for_channel_str ( bool  upper_case = false) const

return an extension "for channel channel_name" for error messages per channel

Reimplemented from Relay_log_info.

◆ get_master_log_name()

const char * Slave_worker::get_master_log_name ( )

◆ get_master_log_pos()

ulonglong Slave_worker::get_master_log_pos ( )

◆ get_master_server_version()

ulong Slave_worker::get_master_server_version ( )
either the master server version as extracted from the last installed Format_description_log_event, or when it was not installed then the slave own server version.

◆ get_number_worker_fields()

size_t Slave_worker::get_number_worker_fields ( )

◆ get_table_pk_field_indexes()

const uint * Slave_worker::get_table_pk_field_indexes ( )

Returns an array with the expected column numbers of the primary key fields of the table repository.

◆ get_worker_metrics()

cs::apply::instruments::Worker_metrics & Slave_worker::get_worker_metrics ( )

gets a reference to the worker statistics.

a reference to the worker statistics.

◆ increment_worker_metrics_for_event()

void Slave_worker::increment_worker_metrics_for_event ( const Log_event event)

Update per-event worker metrics.

This includes:

  • The the number of events in the transaction. This is an internal counter, not directly user visible, but used to increment EVENTS_COMMITTED_COUNT at commit time. This is set to 1 for the GTID event, and incremented for all other events. It does not need to be reset at rollback, since the value is only used at commits, and the next GTID event will reset the value before the next commit.

◆ init_worker()

int Slave_worker::init_worker ( Relay_log_info rli,
ulong  i 

Method is executed by Coordinator at Worker startup time to initialize members parly with values supplied by Coordinator through rli.

rliCoordinator's Relay_log_info pointer
iidentifier of the Worker
0 success non-zero failure

◆ operator=()

Slave_worker & Slave_worker::operator= ( const Slave_worker info)

◆ post_commit()

void Slave_worker::post_commit ( bool  on_rollback)

See the comments for STS version of this method.

Reimplemented from Relay_log_info.

◆ prepare_for_retry()

void Slave_worker::prepare_for_retry ( Log_event event)

Make the necessary changes to both the Slave_worker and current Log_event objects, before retrying to apply the transaction.

Since the event is going to be re-read from the relay-log file, there may be actions needed to be taken to reset the state both of this instance, as well as of the current Log_event being processed.

eventThe Log_event object currently being processed.

◆ read_and_apply_events()

bool Slave_worker::read_and_apply_events ( my_off_t  start_relay_pos,
const char *  start_event_relay_log_name,
my_off_t  end_relay_pos,
const char *  end_event_relay_log_name 

Read events from relay logs and apply them.

[in]start_relay_posThe offset of the transaction's first event.
[in]start_event_relay_log_nameThe name of the relay log which includes the first event of the transaction.
[in]end_relay_posThe offset of the last event it should retry.
[in]end_event_relay_log_nameThe name of the relay log which includes the last event it should retry.
false if succeeds, otherwise returns true.

◆ read_info()

bool Slave_worker::read_info ( Rpl_info_handler from)

Reimplemented from Relay_log_info.

◆ report_commit_order_deadlock()

void Slave_worker::report_commit_order_deadlock ( )

Called when replica-preserve-commit-order is enabled, by the worker processing an earlier transaction that waits on a row-level lock held by this worker's transaction.

◆ reset_commit_order_deadlock()

void Slave_worker::reset_commit_order_deadlock ( )

Set the flag the signals a deadlock to false.

◆ reset_gaq_index()

void Slave_worker::reset_gaq_index ( )

◆ reset_recovery_info()

bool Slave_worker::reset_recovery_info ( )

Clean up a part of Worker info table that is regarded in in gaps collecting at recovery.

This worker won't contribute to recovery bitmap at future slave restart (see mts_recovery_groups).

false as success true as failure

◆ retry_transaction()

bool Slave_worker::retry_transaction ( my_off_t  start_relay_pos,
const char *  start_event_relay_log_name,
my_off_t  end_relay_pos,
const char *  end_event_relay_log_name 

It is called after an error happens.

It checks if that is an temporary error and if the transaction should be retried. Then it will retry the transaction if it is allowed. Retry policy and logic is similar to single-threaded slave.

[in]start_relay_posThe offset of the transaction's first event.
[in]start_event_relay_log_nameThe name of the relay log which includes the first event of the transaction.
[in]end_relay_posThe offset of the last event it should retry.
[in]end_event_relay_log_nameThe name of the relay log which includes the last event it should retry.
Return values
falseif transaction succeeds (possibly after a number of retries)
trueif transaction fails

◆ rli_init_info()

int Slave_worker::rli_init_info ( bool  is_gaps_collecting_phase)

A part of Slave worker initializer that provides a minimum context for MTS recovery.

is_gaps_collecting_phaseclarifies what state the caller executes this method from. When it's true that is mts_recovery_groups() and Worker should restore the last session time info which is processed to collect gaps that is not executed transactions (groups). Such recovery Slave_worker instance is destroyed at the end of mts_recovery_groups(). When it's false Slave_worker is initialized for the run time and should not read the last session time stale info. Its info will be ultimately reset once all gaps are executed to finish off recovery.
0 on success, non-zero for a failure

◆ rollback_positions()

void Slave_worker::rollback_positions ( Slave_job_group ptr_g)

◆ sequence_number()

longlong Slave_worker::sequence_number ( )

◆ set_gaq_index()

void Slave_worker::set_gaq_index ( ulong  val)

◆ set_info_search_keys()

bool Slave_worker::set_info_search_keys ( Rpl_info_handler to)

To search in the slave repositories, each slave info object (mi, rli or worker) should use a primary key.

This function sets the field values of the slave info objects with the search information, which is nothing but PK in mysql slave info tables. Ex: field_value[23]="channel_name" in the master info object.

Currently, used only for TABLE repository.

Reimplemented from Relay_log_info.

◆ set_master_log_pos()

ulonglong Slave_worker::set_master_log_pos ( ulong  val)

◆ set_nullable_fields()

void Slave_worker::set_nullable_fields ( MY_BITMAP nullable_fields)

Sets bits for columns that are allowed to be NULL.

nullable_fieldsthe bitmap to hold the nullable fields.

◆ set_rli_description_event()

int Slave_worker::set_rli_description_event ( Format_description_log_event fdle)

The method runs at Worker initialization, at runtime when Coordinator supplied a new FD event for execution context, and at the Worker pool shutdown.

Similarly to the Coordinator's Relay_log_info::set_rli_description_event() the possibly existing old FD is destroyed, carefully; each worker decrements Format_description_log_event::atomic_usage_counter and when it is made zero the destructor runs. Unlike to Coordinator's role, the usage counter of the new FD is not incremented, see Log_event::get_slave_worker() where and why it's done there.

Notice, the method is run as well by Coordinator per each Worker at MTS shutdown time.

Todo: consider to merge logics of the method with that of Relay_log_info class.

fdlepointer to a new Format_description_log_event
1 if an error was encountered, 0 otherwise.

Reimplemented from Relay_log_info.

◆ set_worker_metric_collection_status()

void Slave_worker::set_worker_metric_collection_status ( bool  status)

Sets the metric collection as on or off This should be done at the worker start.

statusif metrics are enabled or not

◆ slave_worker_ends_group()

void Slave_worker::slave_worker_ends_group ( Log_event ev,
int  error 

Deallocation routine to cancel out few effects of map_db_to_worker().

Involved into processing of the group APH tuples are updated. last_group_done_index member is set to the GAQ index of the current group. CGEP the Worker partition cache is cleaned up.

eva pointer to Log_event
errorerror code after processing the event by caller.

◆ slave_worker_exec_event()

int Slave_worker::slave_worker_exec_event ( Log_event ev)

MTS worker main routine.

The worker thread loops in waiting for an event, executing it and fixing statistics counters.

0 success -1 got killed or an error happened during applying

◆ worker_sleep()

bool Slave_worker::worker_sleep ( ulong  seconds)

Sleep for a given amount of seconds or until killed.

secondsThe number of seconds to sleep.
Return values
Trueif the thread has been killed, false otherwise.

◆ write_info()

bool Slave_worker::write_info ( Rpl_info_handler to)

Reimplemented from Relay_log_info.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bitmap_shifted

ulong Slave_worker::bitmap_shifted

◆ c_rli

Relay_log_info* Slave_worker::c_rli

◆ checkpoint_master_log_name

char Slave_worker::checkpoint_master_log_name[FN_REFLEN]

◆ checkpoint_master_log_pos

ulonglong Slave_worker::checkpoint_master_log_pos

◆ checkpoint_notified

volatile bool Slave_worker::checkpoint_notified

◆ checkpoint_relay_log_name

char Slave_worker::checkpoint_relay_log_name[FN_REFLEN]

◆ checkpoint_relay_log_pos

ulonglong Slave_worker::checkpoint_relay_log_pos

◆ curr_group_exec_parts

Prealloced_array<db_worker_hash_entry *, SLAVE_INIT_DBS_IN_GROUP> Slave_worker::curr_group_exec_parts

◆ curr_group_seen_sequence_number

bool Slave_worker::curr_group_seen_sequence_number

◆ curr_jobs

std::atomic<int> Slave_worker::curr_jobs

◆ end_group_sets_max_dbs

bool Slave_worker::end_group_sets_max_dbs

◆ excess_cnt

ulong Slave_worker::excess_cnt

◆ exit_incremented

bool Slave_worker::exit_incremented

◆ fd_change_notified

bool Slave_worker::fd_change_notified

◆ gaq_index

ulong Slave_worker::gaq_index

◆ group_executed

MY_BITMAP Slave_worker::group_executed

◆ group_shifted

MY_BITMAP Slave_worker::group_shifted

◆ id

ulong Slave_worker::id

◆ jobs

Slave_jobs_queue Slave_worker::jobs

◆ jobs_cond

mysql_cond_t Slave_worker::jobs_cond

◆ jobs_lock

mysql_mutex_t Slave_worker::jobs_lock

◆ last_group_done_index

volatile ulong Slave_worker::last_group_done_index

◆ last_groups_assigned_index

ulonglong Slave_worker::last_groups_assigned_index

◆ m_commit_order_deadlock

std::atomic<bool> Slave_worker::m_commit_order_deadlock

◆ m_disabled_worker_metrics

cs::apply::instruments::Dummy_worker_metrics Slave_worker::m_disabled_worker_metrics

Placehold for stats when metric collection is disabled.

◆ m_events_applied_in_transaction

int64_t Slave_worker::m_events_applied_in_transaction

The number of events applied in an ongoing transaction, used to collect statistics when the transaction ends.

◆ m_flag_positions_committed

bool Slave_worker::m_flag_positions_committed = false

This flag indicates whether positions were already modified during the event processing, if yes, positions are not updated in the slave_worker_ends_group function.

◆ m_is_after_metrics_breakpoint

bool Slave_worker::m_is_after_metrics_breakpoint

True if this transaction occurred after the metrics breakpoint in the relay log.

See also

◆ m_is_worker_metric_collection_enabled

bool Slave_worker::m_is_worker_metric_collection_enabled {false}

Is worker metric collection enabled.

◆ m_worker_metrics

cs::apply::instruments::Mta_worker_metrics Slave_worker::m_worker_metrics

worker statistics

◆ master_log_change_notified

volatile bool Slave_worker::master_log_change_notified

◆ master_log_pos

ulonglong Slave_worker::master_log_pos

◆ overrun_level

ulong Slave_worker::overrun_level

◆ relay_log_change_notified

volatile bool Slave_worker::relay_log_change_notified

◆ running_status

en_running_state volatile Slave_worker::running_status

◆ server_version

ulong Slave_worker::server_version

◆ transactions_handled

ulong Slave_worker::transactions_handled

Number of transaction handled - incremented at slave_worker_ends_group.

◆ underrun_level

ulong Slave_worker::underrun_level

◆ usage_partition

long Slave_worker::usage_partition

◆ worker_checkpoint_seqno

ulong Slave_worker::worker_checkpoint_seqno

◆ wq_overrun_cnt

long Slave_worker::wq_overrun_cnt

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: