MySQL 9.1.0
Source Code Documentation
mtr_t Struct Reference

Mini-transaction handle and buffer. More...

#include <mtr0mtr.h>


class  Command
struct  Impl
 State variables of the mtr. More...
class  Logging
 mtr global logging More...

Public Member Functions

void check_nolog_and_mark ()
 Check if redo logging is disabled globally and mark the global counter till mtr ends. More...
void check_nolog_and_unmark ()
 Check if the mtr has marked the global no log counter and unmark it. More...
 mtr_t ()
 ~mtr_t ()
void remove_from_debug_list () const
 Removed the MTR from the s_my_thread_active_mtrs list. More...
void check_is_not_latching () const
 Assure that there are no slots that are latching any resources. More...
void start (bool sync=true)
 Start a mini-transaction. More...
bool is_async () const
void set_sync ()
 Request a future commit to be synchronous. More...
void commit ()
 Commit the mini-transaction. More...
ulint get_savepoint () const
 Return current size of the buffer. More...
void release_s_latch_at_savepoint (ulint savepoint, rw_lock_t *lock)
 Release the (index tree) s-latch stored in an mtr memo after a savepoint. More...
void release_block_at_savepoint (ulint savepoint, buf_block_t *block)
 Release the block in an mtr memo after a savepoint. More...
void sx_latch_at_savepoint (ulint savepoint, buf_block_t *block)
 SX-latch a not yet latched block after a savepoint. More...
void x_latch_at_savepoint (ulint savepoint, buf_block_t *block)
 X-latch a not yet latched block after a savepoint. More...
mtr_log_t get_log_mode () const
 Get the logging mode. More...
mtr_log_t set_log_mode (mtr_log_t mode)
 Change the logging mode. More...
uint32_t read_ulint (const byte *ptr, mlog_id_t type) const
 Read 1 - 4 bytes from a file page buffered in the buffer pool. More...
void s_lock (rw_lock_t *lock, ut::Location location)
 Locks a rw-latch in S mode. More...
void x_lock (rw_lock_t *lock, ut::Location location)
 Locks a rw-latch in X mode. More...
void sx_lock (rw_lock_t *lock, ut::Location location)
 Locks a rw-latch in X mode. More...
void x_lock_space (fil_space_t *space, ut::Location location)
 Acquire a tablespace X-latch. More...
void memo_release (const void *object, ulint type)
 Release an object in the memo stack. More...
void release_page (const void *ptr, mtr_memo_type_t type)
 Release a page latch. More...
void set_modified ()
 Note that the mini-transaction might have modified a buffer pool page. More...
bool has_modifications () const
 Checks if this mtr has modified any buffer pool page. More...
lsn_t commit_lsn () const
 Get the LSN of commit(). More...
void enter_ibuf ()
 Note that we are inside the change buffer code. More...
void exit_ibuf ()
 Note that we have exited from the change buffer code. More...
bool is_inside_ibuf () const
bool is_active () const
Flush_observerget_flush_observer () const
 Get flush observer. More...
void set_flush_observer (Flush_observer *observer)
 Set flush observer. More...
std::ostream & print_memos (std::ostream &out) const
 Print the memo objects (mtr_memo_slot_t) of mtr_t to the given output stream. More...
bool memo_contains_flagged (const void *ptr, ulint flags) const
 Check if memo contains the given item. More...
buf_block_tmemo_contains_page_flagged (const byte *ptr, ulint flags) const
 Check if memo contains the given page. More...
void memo_modify_page (const byte *ptr)
 Mark the given latched page as modified. More...
void print () const
 Print info of an mtr handle. More...
bool has_committed () const
bool is_committing () const
bool conflicts_with (const mtr_t *mtr2) const
 Check if the changes done in this mtr conflicts with changes done in the given mtr. More...
const mtr_buf_tget_memo () const
mtr_buf_tget_memo ()
size_t get_expected_log_size () const
 Computes the number of bytes that would be written to the redo log if mtr was committed right now (excluding headers of log blocks). More...
void wait_for_flush ()
void added_rec ()
 Note that a record has been added to the log. More...
bool has_any_log_record ()
 Checks if this mtr has generated any redo log records which should be written to the redo log during commit(). More...
const mtr_buf_tget_log () const
 Get the buffered redo log of this mini-transaction. More...
mtr_buf_tget_log ()
 Get the buffered redo log of this mini-transaction. More...
void memo_push (void *object, mtr_memo_type_t type)
 Push an object to an mtr memo stack. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool memo_contains (const mtr_buf_t *memo, const void *object, ulint type)
 Check if memo contains the given item. More...
static void check_my_thread_mtrs_are_not_latching ()
 Iterate all MTRs created in this thread to assure they are not latching any resources. More...
static bool is_this_thread_inside_mtr ()
 This method is useful to detect if the thread is already inside an mtr. More...

Public Attributes

size_t m_restart_count {}
 Count the number of times the same mtr object has been committed and restarted. More...

Static Public Attributes

static bool s_mode_update [MTR_LOG_MODE_MAX][MTR_LOG_MODE_MAX]
 Matrix to check if a mode update request should be ignored. More...
static bool s_mode_update_valid [MTR_LOG_MODE_MAX][MTR_LOG_MODE_MAX]
 For checking invalid mode update requests. More...
static Logging s_logging
 Instance level logging information for all mtrs. More...

Private Attributes

Impl m_impl
lsn_t m_commit_lsn
 LSN at commit time. More...
bool m_sync
 true if it is synchronous mini-transaction More...

Static Private Attributes

static thread_local ut::unordered_set< const mtr_t * > s_my_thread_active_mtrs
 List of all non-committed MTR instances created in this thread. More...


class Command

Detailed Description

Mini-transaction handle and buffer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ mtr_t()

mtr_t::mtr_t ( )

◆ ~mtr_t()

mtr_t::~mtr_t ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ added_rec()

void mtr_t::added_rec ( )

Note that a record has been added to the log.

◆ check_is_not_latching()

void mtr_t::check_is_not_latching ( ) const

Assure that there are no slots that are latching any resources.

Only buffer fixing a page is allowed.

◆ check_my_thread_mtrs_are_not_latching()

static void mtr_t::check_my_thread_mtrs_are_not_latching ( )

Iterate all MTRs created in this thread to assure they are not latching any resources.

Violating this could lead to deadlocks under log_free_check().

◆ check_nolog_and_mark()

void mtr_t::check_nolog_and_mark ( )

Check if redo logging is disabled globally and mark the global counter till mtr ends.

◆ check_nolog_and_unmark()

void mtr_t::check_nolog_and_unmark ( )

Check if the mtr has marked the global no log counter and unmark it.

◆ commit()

void mtr_t::commit ( )

Commit the mini-transaction.

Commit a mini-transaction.

◆ commit_lsn()

lsn_t mtr_t::commit_lsn ( ) const

Get the LSN of commit().

the commit LSN
Return values
0if the transaction only modified temporary tablespaces or logging is disabled globally.

◆ conflicts_with()

bool mtr_t::conflicts_with ( const mtr_t mtr2) const

Check if the changes done in this mtr conflicts with changes done in the given mtr.

Two mtrs are said to conflict with each other, if they modify the same buffer block.

[in]mtr2the given mtr.
true if there is conflict, false otherwise.

◆ enter_ibuf()

void mtr_t::enter_ibuf ( )

Note that we are inside the change buffer code.

◆ exit_ibuf()

void mtr_t::exit_ibuf ( )

Note that we have exited from the change buffer code.

◆ get_expected_log_size()

size_t mtr_t::get_expected_log_size ( ) const

Computes the number of bytes that would be written to the redo log if mtr was committed right now (excluding headers of log blocks).

number of bytes of the collected log records increased by 1 if MLOG_MULTI_REC_END would already be required

◆ get_flush_observer()

Flush_observer * mtr_t::get_flush_observer ( ) const

Get flush observer.

flush observer

◆ get_log() [1/2]

mtr_buf_t * mtr_t::get_log ( )

Get the buffered redo log of this mini-transaction.

redo log

◆ get_log() [2/2]

const mtr_buf_t * mtr_t::get_log ( ) const

Get the buffered redo log of this mini-transaction.

redo log

◆ get_log_mode()

mtr_log_t mtr_t::get_log_mode ( ) const

Get the logging mode.

Gets the logging mode of a mini-transaction.

logging mode
logging mode: MTR_LOG_NONE, ...

◆ get_memo() [1/2]

mtr_buf_t * mtr_t::get_memo ( )
the memo stack

◆ get_memo() [2/2]

const mtr_buf_t * mtr_t::get_memo ( ) const
the memo stack

◆ get_savepoint()

ulint mtr_t::get_savepoint ( ) const

Return current size of the buffer.


◆ has_any_log_record()

bool mtr_t::has_any_log_record ( )

Checks if this mtr has generated any redo log records which should be written to the redo log during commit().

Note: If redo logging is disabled by set_log_mode(MTR_LOG_NONE) or set_log_mode(MTR_LOG_NO_REDO) or globally by s_logging.disable(..), then it will return false, even if set_modified() was called. Note: Redo log records can be generated for things other than page modifications, for example for tablespace rename, or other metadata updates. Note: Redo log records can be generated for modifications of pages which were already marked as dirty in BP.

true iff there is at least one redo log record generated

◆ has_committed()

bool mtr_t::has_committed ( ) const
true if the mini-transaction has committed

◆ has_modifications()

bool mtr_t::has_modifications ( ) const

Checks if this mtr has modified any buffer pool page.

It errs on the safe side: may return true even if it didn't modify any page. This is used in MTR_LOG_NO_REDO mode to detect that pages should be added to flush lists during commit() even though no redo log will be produced.

true if the mini-transaction might have modified buffer pool pages.

◆ is_active()

bool mtr_t::is_active ( ) const

◆ is_async()

bool mtr_t::is_async ( ) const
whether this is an asynchronous mini-transaction.

◆ is_committing()

bool mtr_t::is_committing ( ) const
true if the mini-transaction is committing

◆ is_inside_ibuf()

bool mtr_t::is_inside_ibuf ( ) const
true if we are inside the change buffer code

◆ is_this_thread_inside_mtr()

static bool mtr_t::is_this_thread_inside_mtr ( )

This method is useful to detect if the thread is already inside an mtr.

We should not do the log_free_check() in the child mtrs if a thread is already inside an mtr.

true if thread is not inside an mtr, false otherwise

◆ memo_contains()

bool mtr_t::memo_contains ( const mtr_buf_t memo,
const void *  object,
ulint  type 

Check if memo contains the given item.

memomemo stack
objectobject to search
typetype of object
true if contains
true if contains

◆ memo_contains_flagged()

bool mtr_t::memo_contains_flagged ( const void *  ptr,
ulint  flags 
) const

Check if memo contains the given item.

ptrobject to search
flagsspecify types of object (can be ORred) of MTR_MEMO_PAGE_S_FIX ... values
true if contains

◆ memo_contains_page_flagged()

buf_block_t * mtr_t::memo_contains_page_flagged ( const byte ptr,
ulint  flags 
) const

Check if memo contains the given page.

[in]ptrpointer to within buffer frame
[in]flagsspecify types of object with OR of MTR_MEMO_PAGE_S_FIX... values
the block
Return values
NULLif not found

◆ memo_modify_page()

void mtr_t::memo_modify_page ( const byte ptr)

Mark the given latched page as modified.

[in]ptrpointer to within buffer frame

◆ memo_push()

void mtr_t::memo_push ( void *  object,
mtr_memo_type_t  type 

Push an object to an mtr memo stack.

Pushes an object to an mtr memo stack.

typeobject type: MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK, ...

◆ memo_release()

void mtr_t::memo_release ( const void *  object,
ulint  type 

Release an object in the memo stack.

typeobject type: MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK, ...

◆ print()

void mtr_t::print ( ) const

Print info of an mtr handle.

◆ print_memos()

std::ostream & mtr_t::print_memos ( std::ostream &  out) const

Print the memo objects (mtr_memo_slot_t) of mtr_t to the given output stream.

[in]outthe output stream for printing
the output stream.

◆ read_ulint()

uint32_t mtr_t::read_ulint ( const byte ptr,
mlog_id_t  type 
) const

Read 1 - 4 bytes from a file page buffered in the buffer pool.

Reads 1 - 4 bytes from a file page buffered in the buffer pool.

ptrpointer from where to read
value read
value read

◆ release_block_at_savepoint()

void mtr_t::release_block_at_savepoint ( ulint  savepoint,
buf_block_t block 

Release the block in an mtr memo after a savepoint.

Releases the block in an mtr memo after a savepoint.

◆ release_page()

void mtr_t::release_page ( const void *  ptr,
mtr_memo_type_t  type 

Release a page latch.

[in]ptrpointer to within a page frame
[in]typeobject type: MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX, ...

◆ release_s_latch_at_savepoint()

void mtr_t::release_s_latch_at_savepoint ( ulint  savepoint,
rw_lock_t lock 

Release the (index tree) s-latch stored in an mtr memo after a savepoint.

Releases the (index tree) s-latch stored in an mtr memo after a savepoint.

savepointvalue returned by
See also
locklatch to release

◆ remove_from_debug_list()

void mtr_t::remove_from_debug_list ( ) const

Removed the MTR from the s_my_thread_active_mtrs list.

◆ s_lock()

void mtr_t::s_lock ( rw_lock_t lock,
ut::Location  location 

Locks a rw-latch in S mode.

Locks a lock in s-mode.

NOTE: use mtr_s_lock().

locationlocation from where called

◆ set_flush_observer()

void mtr_t::set_flush_observer ( Flush_observer observer)

Set flush observer.

[in]observerflush observer

◆ set_log_mode()

mtr_log_t mtr_t::set_log_mode ( mtr_log_t  mode)

Change the logging mode.

modelogging mode
old mode

◆ set_modified()

void mtr_t::set_modified ( )

Note that the mini-transaction might have modified a buffer pool page.

As it's called from mlog_open(), which is called from fil_op_write_log() and perhaps other places which do not modify any page, this can be a false positive.

◆ set_sync()

void mtr_t::set_sync ( )

Request a future commit to be synchronous.

◆ start()

void mtr_t::start ( bool  sync = true)

Start a mini-transaction.

synctrue if it is a synchronous mini-transaction

◆ sx_latch_at_savepoint()

void mtr_t::sx_latch_at_savepoint ( ulint  savepoint,
buf_block_t block 

SX-latch a not yet latched block after a savepoint.

SX-latches the not yet latched block after a savepoint.

◆ sx_lock()

void mtr_t::sx_lock ( rw_lock_t lock,
ut::Location  location 

Locks a rw-latch in X mode.

Locks a lock in sx-mode.

NOTE: use mtr_sx_lock().

locationlocation from where called

◆ wait_for_flush()

void mtr_t::wait_for_flush ( )

◆ x_latch_at_savepoint()

void mtr_t::x_latch_at_savepoint ( ulint  savepoint,
buf_block_t block 

X-latch a not yet latched block after a savepoint.

X-latches the not yet latched block after a savepoint.

◆ x_lock()

void mtr_t::x_lock ( rw_lock_t lock,
ut::Location  location 

Locks a rw-latch in X mode.

Locks a lock in x-mode.

NOTE: use mtr_x_lock().

locationlocation where name from where called

◆ x_lock_space()

void mtr_t::x_lock_space ( fil_space_t space,
ut::Location  location 

Acquire a tablespace X-latch.

NOTE: use mtr_x_lock_space().

[in]spacetablespace instance
[in]locationlocation from where called

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Command

friend class Command

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_commit_lsn

lsn_t mtr_t::m_commit_lsn

LSN at commit time.

◆ m_impl

Impl mtr_t::m_impl

◆ m_restart_count

size_t mtr_t::m_restart_count {}

Count the number of times the same mtr object has been committed and restarted.

◆ m_sync

bool mtr_t::m_sync

true if it is synchronous mini-transaction

◆ s_logging

mtr_t::Logging mtr_t::s_logging

Instance level logging information for all mtrs.

◆ s_mode_update

bool mtr_t::s_mode_update
Initial value:
= {
{false, true, true, true},
{true, false, true, false},
{false, true, false, false},
{true, false, false, false}

Matrix to check if a mode update request should be ignored.

◆ s_mode_update_valid

bool mtr_t::s_mode_update_valid
Initial value:
= {
{true, true, true, true},
{true, true, true, true},
{true, true, true, true},
{true, false, false, true}

For checking invalid mode update requests.

◆ s_my_thread_active_mtrs

thread_local ut::unordered_set< const mtr_t * > mtr_t::s_my_thread_active_mtrs

List of all non-committed MTR instances created in this thread.

Used for debug purposes in the log_free_check().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: