MySQL 9.2.0
Source Code Documentation
RoutingConfig Class Reference

route specific configuration. More...

#include <routing_config.h>

Inheritance diagram for RoutingConfig:

Public Attributes

Protocol::Type protocol {}
 protocol (classic, x) More...
std::string destinations
 destinations More...
int bind_port {}
 TCP port to bind to. More...
mysql_harness::TcpDestination bind_address
 IP address to bind to. More...
mysql_harness::Path named_socket
 unix domain socket path to bind to More...
int connect_timeout {}
 connect-timeout in seconds More...
std::optional< routing::RoutingStrategyrouting_strategy
 routing strategy More...
int max_connections {}
 max connections allowed More...
unsigned long long max_connect_errors {}
 max connect errors More...
unsigned int client_connect_timeout {}
 client connect timeout in seconds More...
unsigned int net_buffer_length {}
 Size of buffer to receive packets. More...
unsigned int thread_stack_size {}
 thread stack size in kilobytes More...
SslMode source_ssl_mode {}
 SslMode of the client side connection. More...
std::string source_ssl_cert
 Cert file. More...
std::string source_ssl_key
 Key file. More...
std::string source_ssl_cipher
 allowed TLS ciphers More...
std::string source_ssl_curves
 allowed TLS curves More...
std::string source_ssl_dh_params
 DH params. More...
std::string source_ssl_ca_file
 CA file to used to verify sources' identity. More...
std::string source_ssl_ca_dir
 directory of CA files used to verify sources' identity More...
std::string source_ssl_crl_file
 CRL file used to check revoked certificates. More...
std::string source_ssl_crl_dir
 directory of CRL files More...
SslMode dest_ssl_mode {}
 SslMode of the server side connection. More...
std::string dest_ssl_cert
 Cert file. More...
std::string dest_ssl_key
 Key file. More...
SslVerify dest_ssl_verify {}
 How to verify the server-side cert. More...
std::string dest_ssl_cipher
 allowed TLS ciphers More...
std::string dest_ssl_ca_file
 CA file to used to verify destinations' identity. More...
std::string dest_ssl_ca_dir
 directory of CA files used to verify destinations' identity More...
std::string dest_ssl_crl_file
 CRL file used to check revoked certificates. More...
std::string dest_ssl_crl_dir
 directory of CRL files More...
std::string dest_ssl_curves
 allowed TLS curves More...
bool connection_sharing {}
 if connection sharing is allowed. More...
std::chrono::milliseconds connection_sharing_delay {}
 delay before an idling connection is moved to the pool and connection sharing is allowed. More...
bool client_ssl_session_cache_mode {true}
size_t client_ssl_session_cache_size {}
unsigned int client_ssl_session_cache_timeout {}
bool server_ssl_session_cache_mode {true}
size_t server_ssl_session_cache_size {}
unsigned int server_ssl_session_cache_timeout {}
std::chrono::milliseconds connect_retry_timeout {}
 timeout of retrying after a transient connect-failure. More...
routing::AccessMode access_mode
 read_write,read_only,auto More...
bool wait_for_my_writes
std::chrono::seconds wait_for_my_writes_timeout {}
 how long to wait for writes to be applied before reads. More...
bool router_require_enforce {true}

Detailed Description

route specific configuration.

Member Data Documentation

◆ access_mode

routing::AccessMode RoutingConfig::access_mode
Initial value:


◆ bind_address

mysql_harness::TcpDestination RoutingConfig::bind_address

IP address to bind to.

◆ bind_port

int RoutingConfig::bind_port {}

TCP port to bind to.

◆ client_connect_timeout

unsigned int RoutingConfig::client_connect_timeout {}

client connect timeout in seconds

◆ client_ssl_session_cache_mode

bool RoutingConfig::client_ssl_session_cache_mode {true}

◆ client_ssl_session_cache_size

size_t RoutingConfig::client_ssl_session_cache_size {}

◆ client_ssl_session_cache_timeout

unsigned int RoutingConfig::client_ssl_session_cache_timeout {}

◆ connect_retry_timeout

std::chrono::milliseconds RoutingConfig::connect_retry_timeout {}

timeout of retrying after a transient connect-failure.

◆ connect_timeout

int RoutingConfig::connect_timeout {}

connect-timeout in seconds

◆ connection_sharing

bool RoutingConfig::connection_sharing {}

if connection sharing is allowed.

◆ connection_sharing_delay

std::chrono::milliseconds RoutingConfig::connection_sharing_delay {}

delay before an idling connection is moved to the pool and connection sharing is allowed.

◆ dest_ssl_ca_dir

std::string RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_ca_dir

directory of CA files used to verify destinations' identity

◆ dest_ssl_ca_file

std::string RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_ca_file

CA file to used to verify destinations' identity.

◆ dest_ssl_cert

std::string RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_cert

Cert file.

◆ dest_ssl_cipher

std::string RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_cipher

allowed TLS ciphers

◆ dest_ssl_crl_dir

std::string RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_crl_dir

directory of CRL files

◆ dest_ssl_crl_file

std::string RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_crl_file

CRL file used to check revoked certificates.

◆ dest_ssl_curves

std::string RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_curves

allowed TLS curves

◆ dest_ssl_key

std::string RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_key

Key file.

◆ dest_ssl_mode

SslMode RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_mode {}

SslMode of the server side connection.

◆ dest_ssl_verify

SslVerify RoutingConfig::dest_ssl_verify {}

How to verify the server-side cert.

◆ destinations

std::string RoutingConfig::destinations


◆ max_connect_errors

unsigned long long RoutingConfig::max_connect_errors {}

max connect errors

◆ max_connections

int RoutingConfig::max_connections {}

max connections allowed

◆ named_socket

mysql_harness::Path RoutingConfig::named_socket

unix domain socket path to bind to

◆ net_buffer_length

unsigned int RoutingConfig::net_buffer_length {}

Size of buffer to receive packets.

◆ protocol

Protocol::Type RoutingConfig::protocol {}

protocol (classic, x)

◆ router_require_enforce

bool RoutingConfig::router_require_enforce {true}

◆ routing_strategy

std::optional<routing::RoutingStrategy> RoutingConfig::routing_strategy

routing strategy

◆ server_ssl_session_cache_mode

bool RoutingConfig::server_ssl_session_cache_mode {true}

◆ server_ssl_session_cache_size

size_t RoutingConfig::server_ssl_session_cache_size {}

◆ server_ssl_session_cache_timeout

unsigned int RoutingConfig::server_ssl_session_cache_timeout {}

◆ source_ssl_ca_dir

std::string RoutingConfig::source_ssl_ca_dir

directory of CA files used to verify sources' identity

◆ source_ssl_ca_file

std::string RoutingConfig::source_ssl_ca_file

CA file to used to verify sources' identity.

◆ source_ssl_cert

std::string RoutingConfig::source_ssl_cert

Cert file.

◆ source_ssl_cipher

std::string RoutingConfig::source_ssl_cipher

allowed TLS ciphers

◆ source_ssl_crl_dir

std::string RoutingConfig::source_ssl_crl_dir

directory of CRL files

◆ source_ssl_crl_file

std::string RoutingConfig::source_ssl_crl_file

CRL file used to check revoked certificates.

◆ source_ssl_curves

std::string RoutingConfig::source_ssl_curves

allowed TLS curves

◆ source_ssl_dh_params

std::string RoutingConfig::source_ssl_dh_params

DH params.

◆ source_ssl_key

std::string RoutingConfig::source_ssl_key

Key file.

◆ source_ssl_mode

SslMode RoutingConfig::source_ssl_mode {}

SslMode of the client side connection.

◆ thread_stack_size

unsigned int RoutingConfig::thread_stack_size {}

thread stack size in kilobytes

◆ wait_for_my_writes

bool RoutingConfig::wait_for_my_writes

◆ wait_for_my_writes_timeout

std::chrono::seconds RoutingConfig::wait_for_my_writes_timeout {}

how long to wait for writes to be applied before reads.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: