MySQL 9.2.0
Source Code Documentation
Mysqlx::Resultset Namespace Reference

Resultsets. More...


struct  ColumnMetaData
 Meta data of a column. More...
struct  FetchDone
 All resultsets are finished. More...
struct  FetchDoneMoreOutParams
 Resultsets are finished, OUT paramset is next: More...
struct  FetchDoneMoreResultsets
 Resultset and out-params are finished, but more resultsets available. More...
struct  FetchSuspended
 Cursor is opened; still, the execution of PrepFetch or PrepExecute ended. More...
struct  Row
 Row in a Resultset. More...


enum  ContentType_BYTES { GEOMETRY = 1 , JSON = 2 , XML = 3 }
 A hint about the higher-level encoding of a BYTES field. More...
enum  ContentType_DATETIME { DATE = 1 , DATETIME = 2 }
 A hint about the higher-level encoding of a DATETIME field. More...

Detailed Description


Executing a statement against the server may result in zero or more Resultsets followed by zero or one Resultset of the OUT parameters.

A Resultset consists of:

It is followed by:

No Resultset

A INSERT statement usually doesn't send any resultset which results in only a FetchDone.

Empty Resultset

SELECT 1 LIMIT 0 results in a empty resultset:

Multi Resultset

CALL may result in multiple resultsets.

OUT params

CALL may result OUT parameters only

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ContentType_BYTES

A hint about the higher-level encoding of a BYTES field.

type value description
BYTES 0x0001 GEOMETRY (WKB encoding)
BYTES 0x0002 JSON (text encoding)
BYTES 0x0003 XML (text encoding)
this list isn't comprehensive. As a guideline: the field's value is expected to pass a validator check on client and server if this field is set. If the server adds more internal datatypes that rely on BLOB storage like image manipulation, seeking into complex types in BLOBs, ... more types will be added.

◆ ContentType_DATETIME

A hint about the higher-level encoding of a DATETIME field.

type value description
DATE 0x0001 DATETIME contains only date part
DATETIME 0x0002 DATETIME contains both date and time parts