MySQL 9.1.0
Source Code Documentation

#include <my_sys.h>

Public Attributes

my_off_t pos_in_file {0}
my_off_t end_of_file {0}
ucharread_pos {nullptr}
ucharread_end {nullptr}
ucharbuffer {nullptr}
ucharrequest_pos {nullptr}
ucharwrite_buffer {nullptr}
ucharappend_read_pos {nullptr}
ucharwrite_pos {nullptr}
ucharwrite_end {nullptr}
uchar ** current_pos {nullptr}
uchar ** current_end {nullptr}
mysql_mutex_t append_buffer_lock
IO_CACHE_SHAREshare {nullptr}
int(* read_function )(IO_CACHE *, uchar *, size_t)
int(* write_function )(IO_CACHE *, const uchar *, size_t)
cache_type type {TYPE_NOT_SET}
IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_read {nullptr}
IO_CACHE_CALLBACK post_read {nullptr}
IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_close {nullptr}
ulong disk_writes {0}
void * arg {nullptr}
char * file_name {nullptr}
char * dir {nullptr}
char * prefix {nullptr}
File file {-1}
PSI_file_key file_key {PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED}
bool seek_not_done {false}
int error {0}
size_t buffer_length {0}
size_t read_length {0}
myf myflags {0}
bool alloced_buffer {false}
Stream_cipherm_encryptor = nullptr
Stream_cipherm_decryptor = nullptr
bool disk_sync {false}
uint disk_sync_delay {0}

Member Data Documentation

◆ alloced_buffer

bool IO_CACHE::alloced_buffer {false}

◆ append_buffer_lock

mysql_mutex_t IO_CACHE::append_buffer_lock

◆ append_read_pos

uchar* IO_CACHE::append_read_pos {nullptr}

◆ arg

void* IO_CACHE::arg {nullptr}

◆ buffer

uchar* IO_CACHE::buffer {nullptr}

◆ buffer_length

size_t IO_CACHE::buffer_length {0}

◆ current_end

uchar ** IO_CACHE::current_end {nullptr}

◆ current_pos

uchar** IO_CACHE::current_pos {nullptr}

◆ dir

char* IO_CACHE::dir {nullptr}

◆ disk_sync

bool IO_CACHE::disk_sync {false}

◆ disk_sync_delay

uint IO_CACHE::disk_sync_delay {0}

◆ disk_writes

ulong IO_CACHE::disk_writes {0}

◆ end_of_file

my_off_t IO_CACHE::end_of_file {0}

◆ error

int IO_CACHE::error {0}

◆ file

File IO_CACHE::file {-1}

◆ file_key


◆ file_name

char* IO_CACHE::file_name {nullptr}

◆ m_decryptor

Stream_cipher* IO_CACHE::m_decryptor = nullptr

◆ m_encryptor

Stream_cipher* IO_CACHE::m_encryptor = nullptr

◆ myflags

myf IO_CACHE::myflags {0}

◆ pos_in_file

my_off_t IO_CACHE::pos_in_file {0}

◆ post_read

IO_CACHE_CALLBACK IO_CACHE::post_read {nullptr}

◆ pre_close

IO_CACHE_CALLBACK IO_CACHE::pre_close {nullptr}

◆ pre_read

IO_CACHE_CALLBACK IO_CACHE::pre_read {nullptr}

◆ prefix

char * IO_CACHE::prefix {nullptr}

◆ read_end

uchar* IO_CACHE::read_end {nullptr}

◆ read_function

int(* IO_CACHE::read_function) (IO_CACHE *, uchar *, size_t)

◆ read_length

size_t IO_CACHE::read_length {0}

◆ read_pos

uchar* IO_CACHE::read_pos {nullptr}

◆ request_pos

uchar* IO_CACHE::request_pos {nullptr}

◆ seek_not_done

bool IO_CACHE::seek_not_done {false}

◆ share

IO_CACHE_SHARE* IO_CACHE::share {nullptr}

◆ type

cache_type IO_CACHE::type {TYPE_NOT_SET}

◆ write_buffer

uchar* IO_CACHE::write_buffer {nullptr}

◆ write_end

uchar* IO_CACHE::write_end {nullptr}

◆ write_function

int(* IO_CACHE::write_function) (IO_CACHE *, const uchar *, size_t)

◆ write_pos

uchar* IO_CACHE::write_pos {nullptr}

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: