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Excerpts from this Manual RESET REPLICA Statement

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RESET REPLICA [ALL] [channel_option] channel_option: FOR CHANNEL channel

RESET REPLICA makes the replica forget its position in the source's binary log. From MySQL 8.0.22, use RESET REPLICA in place of RESET SLAVE, which is deprecated from that release. In releases before MySQL 8.0.22, use RESET SLAVE.

This statement is meant to be used for a clean start; it clears the replication metadata repositories, deletes all the relay log files, and starts a new relay log file. It also resets to 0 the replication delay specified with the SOURCE_DELAY | MASTER_DELAY option of the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement (from MySQL 8.0.23) or CHANGE MASTER TO statement (before MySQL 8.0.23).


All relay log files are deleted, even if they have not been completely executed by the replication SQL thread. (This is a condition likely to exist on a replica if you have issued a STOP REPLICA statement or if the replica is highly loaded.)

For a server where GTIDs are in use (gtid_mode is ON), issuing RESET REPLICA has no effect on the GTID execution history. The statement does not change the values of gtid_executed or gtid_purged, or the mysql.gtid_executed table. If you need to reset the GTID execution history, use RESET MASTER, even if the GTID-enabled server is a replica where binary logging is disabled.

RESET REPLICA requires the RELOAD privilege.

To use RESET REPLICA, the replication SQL thread and replication I/O (receiver) thread must be stopped, so on a running replica use STOP REPLICA before issuing RESET REPLICA. To use RESET REPLICA on a Group Replication group member, the member status must be OFFLINE, meaning that the plugin is loaded but the member does not currently belong to any group. A group member can be taken offline by using a STOP GROUP REPLICATION statement.

The optional FOR CHANNEL channel clause enables you to name which replication channel the statement applies to. Providing a FOR CHANNEL channel clause applies the RESET REPLICA statement to a specific replication channel. Combining a FOR CHANNEL channel clause with the ALL option deletes the specified channel. If no channel is named and no extra channels exist, the statement applies to the default channel. Issuing a RESET REPLICA ALL statement without a FOR CHANNEL channel clause when multiple replication channels exist deletes all replication channels and recreates only the default channel. See Section 19.2.2, “Replication Channels” for more information.

RESET REPLICA does not change any replication connection parameters, which include the source's host name and port, the replication user account and its password, the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account, the REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT option, the REQUIRE_TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY_CHECK option,and the ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS option. If you want to change any of the replication connection parameters, you can do this using a CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement (from MySQL 8.0.23) or CHANGE MASTER TO statement (before MySQL 8.0.23) after the server start. If you want to remove all of the replication connection parameters, use RESET REPLICA ALL. RESET REPLICA ALL also clears the IGNORE_SERVER_IDS list set by CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO | CHANGE MASTER TO. When you have used RESET REPLICA ALL, if you want to use the instance as a replica again, you need to issue a CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO | CHANGE MASTER TO statement after the server start to specify new connection parameters.

From MySQL 8.0.27, you can set the GTID_ONLY option on the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement to stop a replication channel from persisting file names and file positions in the replication metadata repositories. When you issue a RESET REPLICA statement, the replication metadata repositories are synchronized. RESET REPLICA ALL deletes rather than updates the repositories, so they are synchronized implicitly.

In the event of an unexpected server exit or deliberate restart after issuing RESET REPLICA but before issuing START REPLICA, retention of the replication connection parameters depends on the repository used for the replication metadata:

  • When master_info_repository=TABLE and relay_log_info_repository=TABLE are set on the server (which are the default settings from MySQL 8.0), replication connection parameters are preserved in the crash-safe InnoDB tables mysql.slave_master_info and mysql.slave_relay_log_info as part of the RESET REPLICA operation. They are also retained in memory. In the event of an unexpected server exit or deliberate restart after issuing RESET REPLICA but before issuing START REPLICA, the replication connection parameters are retrieved from the tables and reapplied to the channel. This situation applies from MySQL 8.0.13 for the connection metadata repository, and from MySQL 8.0.19 for the applier metadata repository.

  • If master_info_repository=FILE and relay_log_info_repository=FILE are set on the server, which is deprecated from MySQL 8.0, or the MySQL Server release is earlier than those specified above, replication connection parameters are only retained in memory. If the replica mysqld is restarted immediately after issuing RESET REPLICA due to an unexpected server exit or deliberate restart, the connection parameters are lost. In that case, you must issue a CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement (from MySQL 8.0.23) or CHANGE MASTER TO statement (before MySQL 8.0.23) after the server start to respecify the connection parameters before issuing START REPLICA.

RESET REPLICA does not change any replication filter settings (such as --replicate-ignore-table) for channels affected by the statement. However, RESET REPLICA ALL removes the replication filters that were set on the channels deleted by the statement. When the deleted channel or channels are recreated, any global replication filters specified for the replica are copied to them, and no channel specific replication filters are applied. For more information see Section, “Replication Channel Based Filters”.

RESET REPLICA causes an implicit commit of an ongoing transaction. See Section 15.3.3, “Statements That Cause an Implicit Commit”.

If the replication SQL thread was in the middle of replicating temporary tables when it was stopped, and RESET REPLICA is issued, these replicated temporary tables are deleted on the replica.


When used on an NDB Cluster replica SQL node, RESET REPLICA clears the mysql.ndb_apply_status table. You should keep in mind when using this statement that ndb_apply_status uses the NDB storage engine and so is shared by all SQL nodes attached to the cluster.

You can override this behavior by issuing SET GLOBAL @@ndb_clear_apply_status=OFF prior to executing RESET REPLICA, which keeps the replica from purging the ndb_apply_status table in such cases.