MySQL Performance Schema


This is the MySQL Performance Schema extract from the MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual.

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Document generated on: 2024-07-26 (revision: 79145)

Table of Contents

Preface and Legal Notices
1 MySQL Performance Schema
2 Performance Schema Quick Start
3 Performance Schema Build Configuration
4 Performance Schema Startup Configuration
5 Performance Schema Runtime Configuration
5.1 Performance Schema Event Timing
5.2 Performance Schema Event Filtering
5.3 Event Pre-Filtering
5.4 Pre-Filtering by Instrument
5.5 Pre-Filtering by Object
5.6 Pre-Filtering by Thread
5.7 Pre-Filtering by Consumer
5.8 Example Consumer Configurations
5.9 Naming Instruments or Consumers for Filtering Operations
5.10 Determining What Is Instrumented
6 Performance Schema Queries
7 Performance Schema Instrument Naming Conventions
8 Performance Schema Status Monitoring
9 Performance Schema General Table Characteristics
10 Performance Schema Table Descriptions
10.1 Performance Schema Table Reference
10.2 Performance Schema Setup Tables
10.2.1 The setup_actors Table
10.2.2 The setup_consumers Table
10.2.3 The setup_instruments Table
10.2.4 The setup_objects Table
10.2.5 The setup_threads Table
10.3 Performance Schema Instance Tables
10.3.1 The cond_instances Table
10.3.2 The file_instances Table
10.3.3 The mutex_instances Table
10.3.4 The rwlock_instances Table
10.3.5 The socket_instances Table
10.4 Performance Schema Wait Event Tables
10.4.1 The events_waits_current Table
10.4.2 The events_waits_history Table
10.4.3 The events_waits_history_long Table
10.5 Performance Schema Stage Event Tables
10.5.1 The events_stages_current Table
10.5.2 The events_stages_history Table
10.5.3 The events_stages_history_long Table
10.6 Performance Schema Statement Event Tables
10.6.1 The events_statements_current Table
10.6.2 The events_statements_history Table
10.6.3 The events_statements_history_long Table
10.6.4 The prepared_statements_instances Table
10.7 Performance Schema Transaction Tables
10.7.1 The events_transactions_current Table
10.7.2 The events_transactions_history Table
10.7.3 The events_transactions_history_long Table
10.8 Performance Schema Connection Tables
10.8.1 The accounts Table
10.8.2 The hosts Table
10.8.3 The users Table
10.9 Performance Schema Connection Attribute Tables
10.9.1 The session_account_connect_attrs Table
10.9.2 The session_connect_attrs Table
10.10 Performance Schema User-Defined Variable Tables
10.11 Performance Schema Replication Tables
10.11.1 The replication_connection_configuration Table
10.11.2 The replication_connection_status Table
10.11.3 The replication_asynchronous_connection_failover Table
10.11.4 The replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed Table
10.11.5 The replication_applier_configuration Table
10.11.6 The replication_applier_status Table
10.11.7 The replication_applier_status_by_coordinator Table
10.11.8 The replication_applier_status_by_worker Table
10.11.9 The replication_applier_global_filters Table
10.11.10 The replication_applier_filters Table
10.11.11 The replication_group_members Table
10.11.12 The replication_group_member_stats Table
10.11.13 The replication_group_member_actions Table
10.11.14 The replication_group_configuration_version Table
10.11.15 The replication_group_communication_information Table
10.11.16 The binary_log_transaction_compression_stats Table
10.12 Performance Schema NDB Cluster Tables
10.12.1 The ndb_sync_pending_objects Table
10.12.2 The ndb_sync_excluded_objects Table
10.13 Performance Schema Lock Tables
10.13.1 The data_locks Table
10.13.2 The data_lock_waits Table
10.13.3 The metadata_locks Table
10.13.4 The table_handles Table
10.14 Performance Schema System Variable Tables
10.14.1 Performance Schema persisted_variables Table
10.14.2 Performance Schema variables_info Table
10.15 Performance Schema Status Variable Tables
10.16 Performance Schema Thread Pool Tables
10.16.1 The tp_thread_group_state Table
10.16.2 The tp_thread_group_stats Table
10.16.3 The tp_thread_state Table
10.17 Performance Schema Firewall Tables
10.17.1 The firewall_groups Table
10.17.2 The firewall_group_allowlist Table
10.17.3 The firewall_membership Table
10.18 Performance Schema Keyring Tables
10.18.1 The keyring_component_status Table
10.18.2 The keyring_keys table
10.19 Performance Schema Clone Tables
10.19.1 The clone_status Table
10.19.2 The clone_progress Table
10.20 Performance Schema Summary Tables
10.20.1 Wait Event Summary Tables
10.20.2 Stage Summary Tables
10.20.3 Statement Summary Tables
10.20.4 Statement Histogram Summary Tables
10.20.5 Transaction Summary Tables
10.20.6 Object Wait Summary Table
10.20.7 File I/O Summary Tables
10.20.8 Table I/O and Lock Wait Summary Tables
10.20.9 Socket Summary Tables
10.20.10 Memory Summary Tables
10.20.11 Error Summary Tables
10.20.12 Status Variable Summary Tables
10.21 Performance Schema Miscellaneous Tables
10.21.1 The component_scheduler_tasks Table
10.21.2 The error_log Table
10.21.3 The host_cache Table
10.21.4 The innodb_redo_log_files Table
10.21.5 The log_status Table
10.21.6 The performance_timers Table
10.21.7 The processlist Table
10.21.8 The threads Table
10.21.9 The tls_channel_status Table
10.21.10 The user_defined_functions Table
11 Performance Schema and Plugins
12 Performance Schema System Variables
13 Performance Schema Status Variables
14 Using the Performance Schema to Diagnose Problems
14.1 Query Profiling Using Performance Schema
14.2 Obtaining Parent Event Information