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MySQL Shell for VS Code

MySQL Shell for VS Code  /  Appendices  /  Icons for Auto-Completion

Pre-General Availability: 2024-07-17

Appendix C Icons for Auto-Completion

The following table contains a list of the icons for Visual Studio Code autocomplete functionality:

Symbol Represents
Methods and functions, including:
  • decodeURI

  • decodeURIComponent

  • encodeURI

  • encodeURIComponent

  • escape

  • eval

  • isFinite

  • isNaN

  • parseFloat

  • parseInt

  • print

  • runSql

  • runSqlIterative

  • unescape

Variables, including:
  • Array

  • ArrayBuffer

  • Atomics

  • Boolean

  • DataView

  • Date

  • Error

  • EvalError

  • Float32Array

  • Float64Array

  • Infinity

  • Int16Array

  • Int32Array

  • Int8Array

  • JSON

  • Map

  • Math

  • NaN

  • Number

  • Object

  • Promise

  • Proxy

  • RangeError

  • ReferenceError

  • RegExp

  • Set

  • SharedArrayBuffer

  • String

  • Symbol

  • SyntaxError

  • TypeError

  • Uint16Array

  • Uint32Array

  • Uint8Array

  • undefined

  • URIError

  • WeakMap