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Excerpts from this Manual Statement Histogram Summary Tables

The Performance Schema maintains statement event summary tables that contain information about minimum, maximum, and average statement latency (see Section, “Statement Summary Tables”). Those tables permit high-level assessment of system performance. To permit assessment at a more fine-grained level, the Performance Schema also collects histogram data for statement latencies. These histograms provide additional insight into latency distributions.

Section 29.12.6, “Performance Schema Statement Event Tables” describes the events on which statement summaries are based. See that discussion for information about the content of statement events, the current and historical statement event tables, and how to control statement event collection, which is partially disabled by default.

Example statement histogram information:

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mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.events_statements_histogram_by_digest WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'mydb' AND DIGEST = 'bb3f69453119b2d7b3ae40673a9d4c7c' AND COUNT_BUCKET > 0 ORDER BY BUCKET_NUMBER\G *************************** 1. row *************************** SCHEMA_NAME: mydb DIGEST: bb3f69453119b2d7b3ae40673a9d4c7c BUCKET_NUMBER: 42 BUCKET_TIMER_LOW: 66069344 BUCKET_TIMER_HIGH: 69183097 COUNT_BUCKET: 1 COUNT_BUCKET_AND_LOWER: 1 BUCKET_QUANTILE: 0.058824 *************************** 2. row *************************** SCHEMA_NAME: mydb DIGEST: bb3f69453119b2d7b3ae40673a9d4c7c BUCKET_NUMBER: 43 BUCKET_TIMER_LOW: 69183097 BUCKET_TIMER_HIGH: 72443596 COUNT_BUCKET: 1 COUNT_BUCKET_AND_LOWER: 2 BUCKET_QUANTILE: 0.117647 *************************** 3. row *************************** SCHEMA_NAME: mydb DIGEST: bb3f69453119b2d7b3ae40673a9d4c7c BUCKET_NUMBER: 44 BUCKET_TIMER_LOW: 72443596 BUCKET_TIMER_HIGH: 75857757 COUNT_BUCKET: 2 COUNT_BUCKET_AND_LOWER: 4 BUCKET_QUANTILE: 0.235294 *************************** 4. row *************************** SCHEMA_NAME: mydb DIGEST: bb3f69453119b2d7b3ae40673a9d4c7c BUCKET_NUMBER: 45 BUCKET_TIMER_LOW: 75857757 BUCKET_TIMER_HIGH: 79432823 COUNT_BUCKET: 6 COUNT_BUCKET_AND_LOWER: 10 BUCKET_QUANTILE: 0.625000 ...

For example, in row 3, these values indicate that 23.52% of queries run in under 75.86 microseconds:

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In row 4, these values indicate that 62.50% of queries run in under 79.44 microseconds:

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Each statement histogram summary table has one or more grouping columns to indicate how the table aggregates events:

A histogram consists of N buckets, where each row represents one bucket, with the bucket number indicated by the BUCKET_NUMBER column. Bucket numbers begin with 0.

Each statement histogram summary table has these summary columns containing aggregated values:


    A bucket counts statements that have a latency, in picoseconds, measured between BUCKET_TIMER_LOW and BUCKET_TIMER_HIGH:

    • The value of BUCKET_TIMER_LOW for the first bucket (BUCKET_NUMBER = 0) is 0.

    • The value of BUCKET_TIMER_LOW for a bucket (BUCKET_NUMBER = k) is the same as BUCKET_TIMER_HIGH for the previous bucket (BUCKET_NUMBER = k−1)

    • The last bucket is a catchall for statements that have a latency exceeding previous buckets in the histogram.


    The number of statements measured with a latency in the interval from BUCKET_TIMER_LOW up to but not including BUCKET_TIMER_HIGH.


    The number of statements measured with a latency in the interval from 0 up to but not including BUCKET_TIMER_HIGH.


    The proportion of statements that fall into this or a lower bucket. This proportion corresponds by definition to COUNT_BUCKET_AND_LOWER / SUM(COUNT_BUCKET) and is displayed as a convenience column.

The statement histogram summary tables have these indexes:

TRUNCATE TABLE is permitted for statement histogram summary tables. Truncation sets the COUNT_BUCKET and COUNT_BUCKET_AND_LOWER columns to 0.

In addition, truncating events_statements_summary_by_digest implicitly truncates events_statements_histogram_by_digest, and truncating events_statements_summary_global_by_event_name implicitly truncates events_statements_histogram_global.