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MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  Changes in MySQL 5.7

2.10.3 Changes in MySQL 5.7

Before upgrading to MySQL 5.7, review the changes described in this section to identify those that apply to your current MySQL installation and applications. Perform any recommended actions.

Changes marked as Incompatible change are incompatibilities with earlier versions of MySQL, and may require your attention before upgrading. Our aim is to avoid these changes, but occasionally they are necessary to correct problems that would be worse than an incompatibility between releases. If an upgrade issue applicable to your installation involves an incompatibility, follow the instructions given in the description. Sometimes this involves dumping and reloading tables, or use of a statement such as CHECK TABLE or REPAIR TABLE.

For dump and reload instructions, see Section 2.10.12, “Rebuilding or Repairing Tables or Indexes”. Any procedure that involves REPAIR TABLE with the USE_FRM option must be done before upgrading. Use of this statement with a version of MySQL different from the one used to create the table (that is, using it after upgrading) may damage the table. See Section, “REPAIR TABLE Statement”.

Configuration Changes

System Table Changes

  • Incompatible change: The Password column of the mysql.user system table was removed in MySQL 5.7.6. All credentials are stored in the authentication_string column, including those formerly stored in the Password column. If performing an in-place upgrade to MySQL 5.7.6 or later, run mysql_upgrade as directed by the in-place upgrade procedure to migrate the Password column contents to the authentication_string column.

    If performing a logical upgrade using a mysqldump dump file from a pre-5.7.6 MySQL installation, you must observe these conditions for the mysqldump command used to generate the dump file:

    As outlined in the logical upgrade procedure, load the pre-5.7.6 dump file into the 5.7.6 (or later) server before running mysql_upgrade.

Server Changes

  • Incompatible change: As of MySQL 5.7.5, support for passwords that use the older pre-4.1 password hashing format is removed, which involves the following changes. Applications that use any feature no longer supported must be modified.

    • The mysql_old_password authentication plugin that used pre-4.1 password hash values is removed. Accounts that use this plugin are disabled at startup and the server writes an unknown plugin message to the error log. For instructions on upgrading accounts that use this plugin, see Section, “Migrating Away from Pre-4.1 Password Hashing and the mysql_old_password Plugin”.

    • For the old_passwords system variable, a value of 1 (produce pre-4.1 hash values) is no longer permitted.

    • The --secure-auth option to the server and client programs is the default, but is now a no-op. It is deprecated;expect it to be removed in a future MySQL release.

    • The --skip-secure-auth option to the server and client programs is no longer supported and using it produces an error.

    • The secure_auth system variable permits only a value of 1; a value of 0 is no longer permitted.

    • The OLD_PASSWORD() function is removed.

  • Incompatible change: In MySQL 5.6.6, the 2-digit YEAR(2) data type was deprecated. In MySQL 5.7.5, support for YEAR(2) is removed. Once you upgrade to MySQL 5.7.5 or higher, any remaining 2-digit YEAR(2) columns must be converted to 4-digit YEAR columns to become usable again. For conversion strategies, see Section 11.2.5, “2-Digit YEAR(2) Limitations and Migrating to 4-Digit YEAR”. Running mysql_upgrade after upgrading is one of the possible conversion strategies.

  • As of MySQL 5.7.7, CHECK TABLE ... FOR UPGRADE reports a table as needing a rebuild if it contains old temporal columns in pre-5.6.4 format (TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP columns without support for fractional seconds precision) and the avoid_temporal_upgrade system variable is disabled. This helps mysql_upgrade to detect and upgrade tables containing old temporal columns. If avoid_temporal_upgrade is enabled, FOR UPGRADE ignores the old temporal columns present in the table; consequently, mysql_upgrade does not upgrade them.

    As of MySQL 5.7.7, REPAIR TABLE upgrades a table if it contains old temporal columns in pre-5.6.4 format and the avoid_temporal_upgrade system variable is disabled. If avoid_temporal_upgrade is enabled, REPAIR TABLE ignores the old temporal columns present in the table and does not upgrade them.

    To check for tables that contain such temporal columns and need a rebuild, disable avoid_temporal_upgrade before executing CHECK TABLE ... FOR UPGRADE.

    To upgrade tables that contain such temporal columns, disable avoid_temporal_upgrade before executing REPAIR TABLE or mysql_upgrade.

  • Incompatible change: As of MySQL 5.7.2, the server requires account rows in the mysql.user system table to have a nonempty plugin column value and disables accounts with an empty value. This requires that you upgrade your mysql.user table to fill in all plugin values. As of MySQL 5.7.6, use this procedure:

    If you plan to upgrade using the data directory from your existing MySQL installation:

    1. Stop the old (MySQL 5.6) server

    2. Upgrade the MySQL binaries in place by replacing the old binaries with the new ones

    3. Start the MySQL 5.7 server normally (no special options)

    4. Run mysql_upgrade to upgrade the system tables

    5. Restart the MySQL 5.7 server

    If you plan to upgrade by reloading a dump file generated from your existing MySQL installation:

    1. To generate the dump file, run mysqldump with the --add-drop-table option and without the --flush-privileges option

    2. Stop the old (MySQL 5.6) server

    3. Upgrade the MySQL binaries in place (replace the old binaries with the new ones)

    4. Start the MySQL 5.7 server normally (no special options)

    5. Reload the dump file (mysql < dump_file)

    6. Run mysql_upgrade to upgrade the system tables

    7. Restart the MySQL 5.7 server

    Before MySQL 5.7.6, the procedure is more involved:

    If you plan to upgrade using the data directory from your existing MySQL installation:

    1. Stop the old (MySQL 5.6) server

    2. Upgrade the MySQL binaries in place (replace the old binaries with the new ones)

    3. Restart the server with the --skip-grant-tables option to disable privilege checking

    4. Run mysql_upgrade to upgrade the system tables

    5. Restart the server normally (without --skip-grant-tables)

    If you plan to upgrade by reloading a dump file generated from your existing MySQL installation:

    1. To generate the dump file, run mysqldump without the --flush-privileges option

    2. Stop the old (MySQL 5.6) server

    3. Upgrade the MySQL binaries in place (replace the old binaries with the new ones)

    4. Restart the server with the --skip-grant-tables option to disable privilege checking

    5. Reload the dump file (mysql < dump_file)

    6. Run mysql_upgrade to upgrade the system tables

    7. Restart the server normally (without --skip-grant-tables)

    mysql_upgrade runs by default as the MySQL root user. For the preceding procedures, if the root password is expired when you run mysql_upgrade, it displays a message informing you that your password is expired and that mysql_upgrade failed as a result. To correct this, reset the root password and run mysql_upgrade again:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    $> mysql -u root -p Enter password: **** <- enter root password here mysql> ALTER USER USER() IDENTIFIED BY 'root-password'; # MySQL 5.7.6 and up mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('root-password'); # Before MySQL 5.7.6 mysql> quit $> mysql_upgrade -p Enter password: **** <- enter root password here

    The password-resetting statement normally does not work if the server is started with --skip-grant-tables, but the first invocation of mysql_upgrade flushes the privileges, so when you run mysql, the statement is accepted.

    If mysql_upgrade itself expires the root password, you must reset the password again in the same manner.

    After following the preceding instructions, DBAs are advised also to convert accounts that use the mysql_old_password authentication plugin to use mysql_native_password instead, because support for mysql_old_password has been removed. For account upgrade instructions, see Section, “Migrating Away from Pre-4.1 Password Hashing and the mysql_old_password Plugin”.

  • Incompatible change: It is possible for a column DEFAULT value to be valid for the sql_mode value at table-creation time but invalid for the sql_mode value when rows are inserted or updated. Example:

    Press CTRL+C to copy

    In this case, 0 should be accepted for the CREATE TABLE but rejected for the INSERT. However, previously the server did not evaluate DEFAULT values used for inserts or updates against the current sql_mode. In the example, the INSERT succeeds and inserts '0000-00-00' into the DATE column.

    As of MySQL 5.7.2, the server applies the proper sql_mode checks to generate a warning or error at insert or update time.

    A resulting incompatibility for replication if you use statement-based logging (binlog_format=STATEMENT) is that if a replica is upgraded, a source which has not been upgraded executes the preceding example without error, whereas the INSERT fails on the replica and replication stops.

    To deal with this, stop all new statements on the source and wait until the replicas catch up. Then upgrade the replicas followed by the source. Alternatively, if you cannot stop new statements, temporarily change to row-based logging on the source (binlog_format=ROW) and wait until all replicas have processed all binary logs produced up to the point of this change. Then upgrade the replicas followed by the source and change the source back to statement-based logging.

  • Incompatible change: Several changes were made to the audit log plugin for better compatibility with Oracle Audit Vault. For upgrading purpose, the main issue is that the default format of the audit log file has changed: Information within <AUDIT_RECORD> elements previously written using attributes now is written using subelements.

    Example of old <AUDIT_RECORD> format:

    Press CTRL+C to copy

    Example of new format:

    Press CTRL+C to copy

    If you previously used an older version of the audit log plugin, use this procedure to avoid writing new-format log entries to an existing log file that contains old-format entries:

    1. Stop the server.

    2. Rename the current audit log file manually. This file contains log entries using only the old format.

    3. Update the server and restart it. The audit log plugin creates a new log file, which contains log entries using only the new format.

    For information about the audit log plugin, see Section 6.4.5, “MySQL Enterprise Audit”.

  • As of MySQL 5.7.7, the default connection timeout for a replica was changed from 3600 seconds (one hour) to 60 seconds (one minute). The new default is applied when a replica without a setting for the slave_net_timeout system variable is upgraded to MySQL 5.7. The default setting for the heartbeat interval, which regulates the heartbeat signal to stop the connection timeout occurring in the absence of data if the connection is still good, is calculated as half the value of slave_net_timeout. The heartbeat interval is recorded in the replica's source info log (the mysql.slave_master_info table or file), and it is not changed automatically when the value or default setting of slave_net_timeout is changed. A MySQL 5.6 replica that used the default connection timeout and heartbeat interval, and was then upgraded to MySQL 5.7, therefore has a heartbeat interval that is much longer than the connection timeout.

    If the level of activity on the source is such that updates to the binary log are sent to the replica at least once every 60 seconds, this situation is not an issue. However, if no data is received from the source, because the heartbeat is not being sent, the connection timeout expires. The replica therefore thinks the connection to the source has been lost and makes multiple reconnection attempts (as controlled by the MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY and MASTER_RETRY_COUNT settings, which can also be seen in the source info log). The reconnection attempts spawn numerous zombie dump threads that the source must kill, causing the error log on the source to contain multiple errors of the form While initializing dump thread for slave with UUID uuid, found a zombie dump thread with the same UUID. Master is killing the zombie dump thread threadid. To avoid this issue, immediately before upgrading a replica to MySQL 5.7, check whether the slave_net_timeout system variable is using the default setting. If so, issue CHANGE MASTER TO with the MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD option, and set the heartbeat interval to 30 seconds, so that it works with the new connection timeout of 60 seconds that applies after the upgrade.

  • Incompatible change: MySQL 5.6.22 and later recognized the REFERENCES privilege but did not entirely enforce it; a user with at least one of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or REFERENCES could create a foreign key constraint on a table. MySQL 5.7 (and later) requires the user to have the REFERENCES privilege to do this. This means that if you migrate users from a MySQL 5.6 server (any version) to one running MySQL 5.7, you must make sure to grant this privilege explicitly to any users which need to be able to create foreign keys. This includes the user account employed to import dumps containing tables with foreign keys.

InnoDB Changes

  • As of MySQL 5.7.24, the zlib library version bundled with MySQL was raised from version 1.2.3 to version 1.2.11.

    The zlib compressBound() function in zlib 1.2.11 returns a slightly higher estimate of the buffer size required to compress a given length of bytes than it did in zlib version 1.2.3. The compressBound() function is called by InnoDB functions that determine the maximum row size permitted when creating compressed InnoDB tables or inserting rows into compressed InnoDB tables. As a result, CREATE TABLE ... ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED or INSERT operations with row sizes very close to the maximum row size that were successful in earlier releases could now fail.

    If you have compressed InnoDB tables with large rows, it is recommended that you test compressed table CREATE TABLE statements on a MySQL 5.7 test instance prior to upgrading.

  • Incompatible change: To simplify InnoDB tablespace discovery during crash recovery, new redo log record types were introduced in MySQL 5.7.5. This enhancement changes the redo log format. Before performing an in-place upgrade, perform a clean shutdown using an innodb_fast_shutdown setting of 0 or 1. A slow shutdown using innodb_fast_shutdown=0 is a recommended step in In-Place Upgrade.

  • Incompatible change: MySQL 5.7.8 and 5.7.9 undo logs may contain insufficient information about spatial columns, which could result in a upgrade failure (Bug #21508582). Before performing an in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7.8 or 5.7.9 to 5.7.10 or higher, perform a slow shutdown using innodb_fast_shutdown=0 to clear the undo logs. A slow shutdown using innodb_fast_shutdown=0 is a recommended step in In-Place Upgrade.

  • Incompatible change: MySQL 5.7.8 undo logs may contain insufficient information about virtual columns and virtual column indexes, which could result in a upgrade failure (Bug #21869656). Before performing an in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7.8 to MySQL 5.7.9 or higher, perform a slow shutdown using innodb_fast_shutdown=0 to clear the undo logs. A slow shutdown using innodb_fast_shutdown=0 is a recommended step in In-Place Upgrade.

  • Incompatible change: As of MySQL 5.7.9, the redo log header of the first redo log file (ib_logfile0) includes a format version identifier and a text string that identifies the MySQL version that created the redo log files. This enhancement changes the redo log format, requiring that MySQL be shutdown cleanly using an innodb_fast_shutdown setting of 0 or 1 before performing an in-place upgrade to MySQL 5.7.9 or higher. A slow shutdown using innodb_fast_shutdown=0 is a recommended step in In-Place Upgrade.

  • In MySQL 5.7.9, DYNAMIC replaces COMPACT as the implicit default row format for InnoDB tables. A new configuration option, innodb_default_row_format, specifies the default InnoDB row format. Permitted values include DYNAMIC (the default), COMPACT, and REDUNDANT.

    After upgrading to 5.7.9, any new tables that you create use the row format defined by innodb_default_row_format unless you explicitly define a row format (ROW_FORMAT).

    For existing tables that do not explicitly define a ROW_FORMAT option or that use ROW_FORMAT=DEFAULT, any operation that rebuilds a table also silently changes the row format of the table to the format defined by innodb_default_row_format. Otherwise, existing tables retain their current row format setting. For more information, see Defining the Row Format of a Table.

  • Beginning with MySQL 5.7.6, the InnoDB storage engine uses its own built-in (native) partitioning handler for any new partitioned tables created using InnoDB. Partitioned InnoDB tables created in previous versions of MySQL are not automatically upgraded. You can easily upgrade such tables to use InnoDB native partitioning in MySQL 5.7.9 or later using either of the following methods:

    • To upgrade an individual table from the generic partitioning handler to InnoDB native partitioning, execute the statement ALTER TABLE table_name UPGRADE PARTITIONING.

    • To upgrade all InnoDB tables that use the generic partitioning handler to use the native partitioning handler instead, run mysql_upgrade.

SQL Changes

  • Incompatible change: The GET_LOCK() function was reimplemented in MySQL 5.7.5 using the metadata locking (MDL) subsystem and its capabilities have been extended:

    • Previously, GET_LOCK() permitted acquisition of only one named lock at a time, and a second GET_LOCK() call released any existing lock. Now GET_LOCK() permits acquisition of more than one simultaneous named lock and does not release existing locks.

      Applications that rely on the behavior of GET_LOCK() releasing any previous lock must be modified for the new behavior.

    • The capability of acquiring multiple locks introduces the possibility of deadlock among clients. The MDL subsystem detects deadlock and returns an ER_USER_LOCK_DEADLOCK error when this occurs.

    • The MDL subsystem imposes a limit of 64 characters on lock names, so this limit now also applies to named locks. Previously, no length limit was enforced.

    • Locks acquired with GET_LOCK() now appear in the Performance Schema metadata_locks table. The OBJECT_TYPE column says USER LEVEL LOCK and the OBJECT_NAME column indicates the lock name.

    • A new function, RELEASE_ALL_LOCKS() permits release of all acquired named locks at once.

    For more information, see Section 12.14, “Locking Functions”.

  • The optimizer now handles derived tables and views in the FROM clause in consistent fashion to better avoid unnecessary materialization and to enable use of pushed-down conditions that produce more efficient execution plans.

    However in MySQL 5.7 before MySQL 5.7.11, and for statements such as DELETE or UPDATE that modify tables, using the merge strategy for a derived table that previously was materialized can result in an ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED error:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    mysql> DELETE FROM t1 -> WHERE id IN (SELECT id -> FROM (SELECT -> FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 USING (id) -> WHERE t2.status = 0) AS t); ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 't1' for update in FROM clause

    The error occurs when merging a derived table into the outer query block results in a statement that both selects from and modifies a table. (Materialization does not cause the problem because, in effect, it converts the derived table to a separate table.) The workaround to avoid this error was to disable the derived_merge flag of the optimizer_switch system variable before executing the statement:

    Press CTRL+C to copy
    SET optimizer_switch = 'derived_merge=off';

    The derived_merge flag controls whether the optimizer attempts to merge subqueries and views in the FROM clause into the outer query block, assuming that no other rule prevents merging. By default, the flag is on to enable merging. Setting the flag to off prevents merging and avoids the error just described. For more information, see Section, “Optimizing Derived Tables and View References with Merging or Materialization”.

  • Some keywords may be reserved in MySQL 5.7 that were not reserved in MySQL 5.6. See Section 9.3, “Keywords and Reserved Words”. This can cause words previously used as identifiers to become illegal. To fix affected statements, use identifier quoting. See Section 9.2, “Schema Object Names”.

  • After upgrading, it is recommended that you test optimizer hints specified in application code to ensure that the hints are still required to achieve the desired optimization strategy. Optimizer enhancements can sometimes render certain optimizer hints unnecessary. In some cases, an unnecessary optimizer hint may even be counterproductive.

  • In UNION statements, to apply ORDER BY or LIMIT to an individual SELECT, place the clause inside the parentheses that enclose the SELECT:

    Press CTRL+C to copy

    Previous versions of MySQL may permit such statements without parentheses. In MySQL 5.7, the requirement for parentheses is enforced.