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MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  Migrating Away from Pre-4.1 Password Hashing and the mysql_old_password Plugin Migrating Away from Pre-4.1 Password Hashing and the mysql_old_password Plugin

The MySQL server authenticates connection attempts for each account listed in the mysql.user system table using the authentication plugin named in the plugin column. If the plugin column is empty, the server authenticates the account as follows:

  • Before MySQL 5.7, the server uses the mysql_native_password or mysql_old_password plugin implicitly, depending on the format of the password hash in the Password column. If the Password value is empty or a 4.1 password hash (41 characters), the server uses mysql_native_password. If the password value is a pre-4.1 password hash (16 characters), the server uses mysql_old_password. (For additional information about these hash formats, see Section, “Password Hashing in MySQL”.)

  • As of MySQL 5.7, the server requires the plugin column to be nonempty and disables accounts that have an empty plugin value.

Pre-4.1 password hashes and the mysql_old_password plugin are deprecated in MySQL 5.6 and support for them is removed in MySQL 5.7. They provide a level of security inferior to that offered by 4.1 password hashing and the mysql_native_password plugin.

Given the requirement in MySQL 5.7 that the plugin column must be nonempty, coupled with removal of mysql_old_password support, DBAs are advised to upgrade accounts as follows:

  • Upgrade accounts that use mysql_native_password implicitly to use it explicitly

  • Upgrade accounts that use mysql_old_password (either implicitly or explicitly) to use mysql_native_password explicitly

The instructions in this section describe how to perform those upgrades. The result is that no account has an empty plugin value and no account uses pre-4.1 password hashing or the mysql_old_password plugin.

As a variant on these instructions, DBAs might offer users the choice to upgrade to the sha256_password plugin, which authenticates using SHA-256 password hashes. For information about this plugin, see Section, “SHA-256 Pluggable Authentication”.

The following table lists the types of mysql.user accounts considered in this discussion.

plugin Column Password Column Authentication Result Upgrade Action
Empty Empty Implicitly uses mysql_native_password Assign plugin
Empty 4.1 hash Implicitly uses mysql_native_password Assign plugin
Empty Pre-4.1 hash Implicitly uses mysql_old_password Assign plugin, rehash password
mysql_native_password Empty Explicitly uses mysql_native_password None
mysql_native_password 4.1 hash Explicitly uses mysql_native_password None
mysql_old_password Empty Explicitly uses mysql_old_password Upgrade plugin
mysql_old_password Pre-4.1 hash Explicitly uses mysql_old_password Upgrade plugin, rehash password

Accounts corresponding to lines for the mysql_native_password plugin require no upgrade action (because no change of plugin or hash format is required). For accounts corresponding to lines for which the password is empty, consider asking the account owners to choose a password (or require it by using ALTER USER to expire empty account passwords).

Upgrading Accounts from Implicit to Explicit mysql_native_password Use

Accounts that have an empty plugin and a 4.1 password hash use mysql_native_password implicitly. To upgrade these accounts to use mysql_native_password explicitly, execute these statements:

UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_native_password'
WHERE plugin = '' AND (Password = '' OR LENGTH(Password) = 41);

Before MySQL 5.7, you can execute those statements to uprade accounts proactively. As of MySQL 5.7, you can run mysql_upgrade, which performs the same operation among its upgrade actions.


  • The upgrade operation just described is safe to execute at any time because it makes the mysql_native_password plugin explicit only for accounts that already use it implicitly.

  • This operation requires no password changes, so it can be performed without affecting users or requiring their involvement in the upgrade process.

Upgrading Accounts from mysql_old_password to mysql_native_password

Accounts that use mysql_old_password (either implicitly or explicitly) should be upgraded to use mysql_native_password explicitly. This requires changing the plugin and changing the password from pre-4.1 to 4.1 hash format.

For the accounts covered in this step that must be upgraded, one of these conditions is true:

  • The account uses mysql_old_password implicitly because the plugin column is empty and the password has the pre-4.1 hash format (16 characters).

  • The account uses mysql_old_password explicitly.

To identify such accounts, use this query:

SELECT User, Host, Password FROM mysql.user
WHERE (plugin = '' AND LENGTH(Password) = 16)
OR plugin = 'mysql_old_password';

The following discussion provides two methods for updating that set of accounts. They have differing characteristics, so read both and decide which is most suitable for a given MySQL installation.

Method 1.

Characteristics of this method:

  • It requires that server and clients be run with secure_auth=0 until all users have been upgraded to mysql_native_password. (Otherwise, users cannot connect to the server using their old-format password hashes for the purpose of upgrading to a new-format hash.)

  • It works for MySQL 5.5 and 5.6. In 5.7, it does not work because the server requires accounts to have a nonempty plugin and disables them otherwise. Therefore, if you have already upgraded to 5.7, choose Method 2, described later.

You should ensure that the server is running with secure_auth=0.

For all accounts that use mysql_old_password explicitly, set them to the empty plugin:

UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = ''
WHERE plugin = 'mysql_old_password';

To also expire the password for affected accounts, use these statements instead:

UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = '', password_expired = 'Y'
WHERE plugin = 'mysql_old_password';

Now affected users can reset their password to use 4.1 hashing. Ask each user who now has an empty plugin to connect to the server and execute these statements:

SET old_passwords = 0;
SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('user-chosen-password');

The client-side --secure-auth option is enabled by default, so remind users to disable it; otherwise, they cannot connect:

$> mysql -u user_name -p --secure-auth=0

After an affected user has executed those statements, you can set the corresponding account plugin to mysql_native_password to make the plugin explicit. Or you can periodically run these statements to find and fix any accounts for which affected users have reset their password:

UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_native_password'
WHERE plugin = '' AND (Password = '' OR LENGTH(Password) = 41);

When there are no more accounts with an empty plugin, this query returns an empty result:

SELECT User, Host, Password FROM mysql.user
WHERE plugin = '' AND LENGTH(Password) = 16;

At that point, all accounts have been migrated away from pre-4.1 password hashing and the server no longer need be run with secure_auth=0.

Method 2.

Characteristics of this method:

  • It assigns each affected account a new password, so you must tell each such user the new password and ask the user to choose a new one. Communication of passwords to users is outside the scope of MySQL, but should be done carefully.

  • It does not require server or clients to be run with secure_auth=0.

  • It works for any version of MySQL 5.5 or later (and for 5.7 has an easier variant).

With this method, you update each account separately due to the need to set passwords individually. Choose a different password for each account.

Suppose that 'user1'@'localhost' is one of the accounts to be upgraded. Modify it as follows:

  • In MySQL 5.7, ALTER USER provides the capability of modifying both the account password and its authentication plugin, so you need not modify the mysql.user system table directly:

    ALTER USER 'user1'@'localhost'
    IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'DBA-chosen-password';

    To also expire the account password, use this statement instead:

    ALTER USER 'user1'@'localhost'
    IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'DBA-chosen-password'

    Then tell the user the new password and ask the user to connect to the server with that password and execute this statement to choose a new password:

    ALTER USER USER() IDENTIFIED BY 'user-chosen-password';
  • Before MySQL 5.7, you must modify the mysql.user system table directly using these statements:

    SET old_passwords = 0;
    UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_native_password',
    Password = PASSWORD('DBA-chosen-password')
    WHERE (User, Host) = ('user1', 'localhost');

    To also expire the account password, use these statements instead:

    SET old_passwords = 0;
    UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_native_password',
    Password = PASSWORD('DBA-chosen-password'), password_expired = 'Y'
    WHERE (User, Host) = ('user1', 'localhost');

    Then tell the user the new password and ask the user to connect to the server with that password and execute these statements to choose a new password:

    SET old_passwords = 0;
    SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('user-chosen-password');

Repeat for each account to be upgraded.