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Info (Zip) - 4.0Mb Replication Metadata Repositories

A replica server creates two replication metadata repositories, the connection metadata repository and the applier metadata repository. The replication metadata repositories survive a replica server's shutdown. If binary log file position based replication is in use, when the replica restarts, it reads the two repositories to determine how far it previously proceeded in reading the binary log from the source and in processing its own relay log. If GTID-based replication is in use, the replica does not use the replication metadata repositories for that purpose, but does need them for the other metadata that they contain.

  • The replica's connection metadata repository contains information that the replication I/O (receiver) thread needs to connect to the replication source server and retrieve transactions from the source's binary log. The metadata in this repository includes the connection configuration, the replication user account details, the SSL settings for the connection, and the file name and position where the replication receiver thread is currently reading from the source's binary log.

  • The replica's applier metadata repository contains information that the replication SQL (applier) thread needs to read and apply transactions from the replica's relay log. The metadata in this repository includes the file name and position up to which the replication applier thread has executed the transactions in the relay log, and the equivalent position in the source's binary log. It also includes metadata for the process of applying transactions, such as the number of worker threads and the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account for the channel.

The connection metadata repository is written to the slave_master_info table in the mysql system schema, and the applier metadata repository is written to the slave_relay_log_info table in the mysql system schema. A warning message is issued if mysqld is unable to initialize the tables for the replication metadata repositories, but the replica is allowed to continue starting. This situation is most likely to occur when upgrading from a version of MySQL that does not support the use of tables for the repositories to one in which they are supported.

  1. Do not attempt to update or insert rows in the mysql.slave_master_info or mysql.slave_relay_log_info tables manually. Doing so can cause undefined behavior, and is not supported. Execution of any statement requiring a write lock on either or both of the slave_master_info and slave_relay_log_info tables is disallowed while replication is ongoing (although statements that perform only reads are permitted at any time).

  2. Access privileges for the connection metadata repository table mysql.slave_master_info should be restricted to the database administrator, because it contains the replication user account name and password for connecting to the source. Use a restricted access mode to protect database backups that include this table. You can clear the replication user account credentials from the connection metadata repository, and instead always provide them using a START REPLICA statement to start the replication channel. This approach means that the replication channel always needs operator intervention to restart, but the account name and password are not recorded in the replication metadata repositories.

RESET REPLICA clears the data in the replication metadata repositories, with the exception of the replication connection parameters (depending on the MySQL Server release). For details, see the description for RESET REPLICA.

You can set the GTID_ONLY option of the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement to stop a replication channel from persisting file names and file positions in the replication metadata repositories. This avoids writes and reads to the tables in situations where GTID-based replication does not actually require them. With the GTID_ONLY setting, the connection metadata repository and the applier metadata repository are not updated when the replica queues and applies events in a transaction, or when the replication threads are stopped and started. File positions are tracked in memory, and can be viewed using SHOW REPLICA STATUS if they are needed. The replication metadata repositories are only synchronized in the following situations:

  • When a CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement is issued.

  • When a RESET REPLICA statement is issued. RESET REPLICA ALL deletes rather than updates the repositories, so they are synchronized implicitly.

  • When a replication channel is initialized.

  • If the replication metadata repositories are moved from files to tables.

Creating the replication metadata repositories as tables is the default; the use of files is deprecated.

The mysql.slave_master_info and mysql.slave_relay_log_info tables are created using the InnoDB transactional storage engine. Updates to the applier metadata repository table are committed together with the transactions, meaning that the replica's progress information recorded in that repository is always consistent with what has been applied to the database, even in the event of an unexpected server halt. For information on the combination of settings on a replica that is most resilient to unexpected halts, see Section 19.4.2, “Handling an Unexpected Halt of a Replica”.

When you back up the replica's data or transfer a snapshot of its data to create a new replica, ensure that you include the mysql.slave_master_info and mysql.slave_relay_log_info tables containing the replication metadata repositories. For cloning operations, note that when the replication metadata repositories are created as tables, they are copied to the recipient during a cloning operation, but when they are created as files, they are not copied. When binary log file position based replication is in use, the replication metadata repositories are needed to resume replication after restarting the restored, copied, or cloned replica. If you do not have the relay log files, but still have the applier metadata repository, you can check it to determine how far the replication SQL thread has executed in the source's binary log. Then you can use a CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement with the SOURCE_LOG_FILE and SOURCE_LOG_POS options to tell the replica to re-read the binary logs from the source from that point (provided that the required binary logs still exist on the source).

One additional repository, the applier worker metadata repository, is created primarily for internal use, and holds status information about worker threads on a multithreaded replica. The applier worker metadata repository includes the names and positions for the relay log file and the source's binary log file for each worker thread. If the applier metadata repository is created as a table, which is the default, the applier worker metadata repository is written to the mysql.slave_worker_info table. If the applier metadata repository is written to a file, the applier worker metadata repository is written to the file. For external use, status information for worker threads is presented in the Performance Schema replication_applier_status_by_worker table.

The replication metadata repositories originally contained information similar to that shown in the output of the SHOW REPLICA STATUS statement, which is discussed in Section 15.4.2, “SQL Statements for Controlling Replica Servers”. Further information has since been added to the replication metadata repositories which is not displayed by the SHOW REPLICA STATUS statement.

For the connection metadata repository, the following table shows the correspondence between the columns in the mysql.slave_master_info table, the columns displayed by SHOW REPLICA STATUS, and the lines in the deprecated file.

slave_master_info Table Column SHOW REPLICA STATUS Column File Line Description
Number_of_lines [None] 1 Number of columns in the table (or lines in the file)
Master_log_name Source_Log_File 2 The name of the binary log currently being read from the source
Master_log_pos Read_Source_Log_Pos 3 The current position within the binary log that has been read from the source
Host Source_Host 4 The host name of the replication source server
User_name Source_User 5 The replication user account name used to connect to the source
User_password Password (not shown by SHOW REPLICA STATUS) 6 The replication user account password used to connect to the source
Port Source_Port 7 The network port used to connect to the replication source server
Connect_retry Connect_Retry 8 The period (in seconds) that the replica waits before trying to reconnect to the source
Enabled_ssl Source_SSL_Allowed 9 Whether the replica supports SSL connections
Ssl_ca Source_SSL_CA_File 10 The file used for the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate
Ssl_capath Source_SSL_CA_Path 11 The path to the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate
Ssl_cert Source_SSL_Cert 12 The name of the SSL certificate file
Ssl_cipher Source_SSL_Cipher 13 The list of possible ciphers used in the handshake for the SSL connection
Ssl_key Source_SSL_Key 14 The name of the SSL key file
Ssl_verify_server_cert Source_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert 15 Whether to verify the server certificate
Heartbeat [None] 16 Interval between replication heartbeats, in seconds
Bind Source_Bind 17 Which of the replica's network interfaces should be used for connecting to the source
Ignored_server_ids Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids 18 The list of server IDs to be ignored. Note that for Ignored_server_ids the list of server IDs is preceded by the total number of server IDs to ignore.
Uuid Source_UUID 19 The source's unique ID
Retry_count Source_Retry_Count 20 Maximum number of reconnection attempts permitted
Ssl_crl [None] 21 Path to an SSL certificate revocation-list file
Ssl_crlpath [None] 22 Path to a directory containing SSL certificate revocation-list files
Enabled_auto_position Auto_position 23 Whether GTID auto-positioning is in use or not
Channel_name Channel_name 24 The name of the replication channel
Tls_version Source_TLS_Version 25 TLS version on the source
Public_key_path Source_public_key_path 26 Name of the RSA public key file
Get_public_key Get_source_public_key 27 Whether to request RSA public key from source
Network_namespace Network_namespace 28 Network namespace
Master_compression_algorithm [None] 29 Permitted compression algorithms for the connection to the source
Master_zstd_compression_level [None] 30 zstd compression level
Tls_ciphersuites [None] 31 Permitted ciphersuites for TLSv1.3
Source_connection_auto_failover [None] 32 Whether the asynchronous connection failover mechanism is activated
Gtid_only [None] 33 Whether the channel uses only GTIDs and does not persist positions

For the applier metadata repository, the following table shows the correspondence between the columns in the mysql.slave_relay_log_info table, the columns displayed by SHOW REPLICA STATUS, and the lines in the deprecated file.

slave_relay_log_info Table Column SHOW REPLICA STATUS Column Line in File Description
Number_of_lines [None] 1 Number of columns in the table or lines in the file
Relay_log_name Relay_Log_File 2 The name of the current relay log file
Relay_log_pos Relay_Log_Pos 3 The current position within the relay log file; events up to this position have been executed on the replica database
Master_log_name Relay_Source_Log_File 4 The name of the source's binary log file from which the events in the relay log file were read
Master_log_pos Exec_Source_Log_Pos 5 The equivalent position within the source's binary log file of the events that have been executed on the replica
Sql_delay SQL_Delay 6 The number of seconds that the replica must lag the source
Number_of_workers [None] 7 The number of worker threads for applying replication transactions in parallel
Id [None] 8 ID used for internal purposes; currently this is always 1
Channel_name Channel_name 9 The name of the replication channel
Privilege_checks_username [None] 10 The user name for the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account for the channel
Privilege_checks_hostname [None] 11 The host name for the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account for the channel
Require_row_format [None] 12 Whether the channel accepts only row-based events
Require_table_primary_key_check [None] 13 The channel's policy on whether tables must have primary keys for CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE operations
Assign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions_type [None] 14 If the channel assigns a GTID to replicated transactions that do not already have one, using the replica's local UUID, this value is LOCAL; if the channel does so using instead a UUID which has been set manually, the value is UUID. If the channel does not assign a GTID in such cases, the value is OFF.
Assign_gtids_to_anonymous_transactions_value [None] 15 The UUID used in the GTIDs assigned to anonymous transactions