As of MySQL 5.7.13, for audit log filtering to work as described here, the audit log plugin and the accompanying audit tables and functions must be installed. If the plugin is installed without the accompanying audit tables and functions needed for rule-based filtering, the plugin operates in legacy filtering mode, described in Section, “Legacy Mode Audit Log Filtering”. Legacy mode is filtering behavior as it was prior to MySQL 5.7.13; that is, before the introduction of rule-based filtering.
The audit log plugin has the capability of controlling logging of audited events by filtering them:
Audited events can be filtered using these characteristics:
User account
Audit event class
Audit event subclass
Audit event fields such as those that indicate operation status or SQL statement executed
Audit filtering is rule based:
A filter definition creates a set of auditing rules. Definitions can be configured to include or exclude events for logging based on the characteristics just described.
As of MySQL 5.7.20, filter rules have the capability of blocking (aborting) execution of qualifying events, in addition to existing capabilities for event logging.
Multiple filters can be defined, and any given filter can be assigned to any number of user accounts.
It is possible to define a default filter to use with any user account that has no explicitly assigned filter.
For information about writing filtering rules, see Section, “Writing Audit Log Filter Definitions”.
Audit log filters can be defined and modified using an SQL interface based on function calls. By default, audit log filter definitions are stored in the
system database, and you can display audit filters by querying themysql.audit_log_filter
table. It is possible to use a different database for this purpose, in which case you should query the
table instead. See Section, “Installing or Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Audit”, for more information.database_name
.audit_log_filterWithin a given session, the value of the read-only
system variable indicates whether a filter is assigned to the session.
By default, rule-based audit log filtering logs no auditable events for any users. To log all auditable events for all users, use the following statements, which create a simple filter to enable logging and assign it to the default account:
Press CTRL+C to copySELECT audit_log_filter_set_filter('log_all', '{ "filter": { "log": true } }'); SELECT audit_log_filter_set_user('%', 'log_all');
The filter assigned to %
is used for
connections from any account that has no explicitly assigned
filter (which initially is true for all accounts).
As previously mentioned, the SQL interface for audit filtering control is function based. The following list briefly summarizes these functions:
: Define a filter.audit_log_filter_remove_filter()
: Remove a filter.audit_log_filter_set_user()
: Start filtering a user account.audit_log_filter_remove_user()
: Stop filtering a user account.audit_log_filter_flush()
: Flush manual changes to the filter tables to affect ongoing filtering.
For usage examples and complete details about the filtering functions, see Using Audit Log Filtering Functions, and Audit Log Functions.
Audit log filtering functions are subject to these constraints:
To use any filtering function, the
plugin must be enabled or an error occurs. In addition, the audit tables must exist or an error occurs. To install theaudit_log
plugin and its accompanying functions and tables, see Section, “Installing or Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Audit”.To use any filtering function, a user must possess the
privilege or an error occurs. To grant theSUPER
privilege to a user account, use this statement:Press CTRL+C to copyGRANT SUPER ON *.* TO user;
Alternatively, should you prefer to avoid granting the
privilege while still permitting users to access specific filtering functions, “wrapper” stored programs can be defined. This technique is described in the context of keyring functions in Using General-Purpose Keyring Functions; it can be adapted for use with filtering functions.The
plugin operates in legacy mode if it is installed but the accompanying audit tables and functions are not created. The plugin writes these messages to the error log at server startup:Press CTRL+C to copy[Warning] Plugin audit_log reported: 'Failed to open the audit log filter tables.' [Warning] Plugin audit_log reported: 'Audit Log plugin supports a filtering, which has not been installed yet. Audit Log plugin will run in the legacy mode, which will be disabled in the next release.'
In legacy mode, filtering can be done based only on event account or status. For details, see Section, “Legacy Mode Audit Log Filtering”.
Before using the audit log functions, install them according
to the instructions provided in
Section, “Installing or Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Audit”. The
privilege is required to
use any of these functions.
The audit log filtering functions enable filtering control by providing an interface to create, modify, and remove filter definitions and assign filters to user accounts.
Filter definitions are JSON
values. For information about using
data in MySQL, see
Section 11.5, “The JSON Data Type”. This section shows some simple filter
definitions. For more information about filter definitions,
see Section, “Writing Audit Log Filter Definitions”.
When a connection arrives, the audit log plugin determines which filter to use for the new session by searching for the user account name in the current filter assignments:
If a filter is assigned to the user, the audit log uses that filter.
Otherwise, if no user-specific filter assignment exists, but there is a filter assigned to the default account (
), the audit log uses the default filter.Otherwise, the audit log selects no audit events from the session for processing.
If a change-user operation occurs during a session (see mysql_change_user()), filter assignment for the session is updated using the same rules but for the new user.
By default, no accounts have a filter assigned, so no processing of auditable events occurs for any account.
Suppose that you want to change the default to be to log only
connection-related activity (for example, to see connect,
change-user, and disconnect events, but not the SQL statements
users execute while connected). To achieve this, define a
filter (shown here named log_conn_events
that enables logging only of events in the
class, and assign that filter to
the default account, represented by the %
account name:
Press CTRL+C to copySET @f = '{ "filter": { "class": { "name": "connection" } } }'; SELECT audit_log_filter_set_filter('log_conn_events', @f); SELECT audit_log_filter_set_user('%', 'log_conn_events');
Now the audit log uses this default account filter for connections from any account that has no explicitly defined filter.
To assign a filter explicitly to a particular user account or accounts, define the filter, then assign it to the relevant accounts:
Press CTRL+C to copySELECT audit_log_filter_set_filter('log_all', '{ "filter": { "log": true } }'); SELECT audit_log_filter_set_user('user1@localhost', 'log_all'); SELECT audit_log_filter_set_user('user2@localhost', 'log_all');
Now full logging is enabled for
. Connections from other
accounts continue to be filtered using the default account
To disassociate a user account from its current filter, either unassign the filter or assign a different filter:
To unassign the filter from the user account:
Press CTRL+C to copySELECT audit_log_filter_remove_user('user1@localhost');
Filtering of current sessions for the account remains unaffected. Subsequent connections from the account are filtered using the default account filter if there is one, and are not logged otherwise.
To assign a different filter to the user account:
Press CTRL+C to copySELECT audit_log_filter_set_filter('log_nothing', '{ "filter": { "log": false } }'); SELECT audit_log_filter_set_user('user1@localhost', 'log_nothing');
Filtering of current sessions for the account remains unaffected. Subsequent connections from the account are filtered using the new filter. For the filter shown here, that means no logging for new connections from
For audit log filtering, user name and host name comparisons are case-sensitive. This differs from comparisons for privilege checking, for which host name comparisons are not case-sensitive.
To remove a filter, do this:
Press CTRL+C to copySELECT audit_log_filter_remove_filter('log_nothing');
Removing a filter also unassigns it from any users to whom it is assigned, including any current sessions for those users.
The filtering functions just described affect audit filtering
immediately and update the audit log tables in the
system database that store filters
and user accounts (see Audit Log Tables). It
is also possible to modify the audit log tables directly using
statements such as INSERT
, and
, but such changes do not
affect filtering immediately. To flush your changes and make
them operational, call
Press CTRL+C to copySELECT audit_log_filter_flush();
should be used only after modifying the audit tables
directly, to force reloading all filters. Otherwise, this
function should be avoided. It is, in effect, a simplified
version of unloading and reloading the
plugin with
affects all current sessions and detaches them from their
previous filters. Current sessions are no longer logged
unless they disconnect and reconnect, or execute a
change-user operation.
To determine whether a filter is assigned to the current
session, check the session value of the read-only
variable. If the value is 0, no filter is assigned. A nonzero
value indicates the internally maintained ID of the assigned
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> SELECT @@audit_log_filter_id; +-----------------------+ | @@audit_log_filter_id | +-----------------------+ | 2 | +-----------------------+