MySQL Enterprise Backup is a commercially-licensed backup utility for MySQL Server, available with MySQL Enterprise Edition. This section explains how to back up and subsequently restore a Group Replication member using MySQL Enterprise Backup. The same technique can be used to quickly add a new member to a group.
Backing up a Group Replication Member Using MySQL Enterprise Backup
Backing up a Group Replication member is similar to backing up a stand-alone MySQL instance. The following instructions assume that you are already familiar with how to use MySQL Enterprise Backup to perform a backup; if that is not the case, please review Backing Up a Database Server. Also note the requirements described in Grant MySQL Privileges to Backup Administrator and Using MySQL Enterprise Backup with Group Replication.
Consider the following group with three members,
, s2
, and
, running on hosts with the same names:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> SELECT member_host, member_port, member_state FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members; +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | member_host | member_port | member_state | +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | s1 | 3306 | ONLINE | | s2 | 3306 | ONLINE | | s3 | 3306 | ONLINE | +-------------+-------------+--------------+
Using MySQL Enterprise Backup, create a backup of s2
by issuing
on its host, for example, the following statement:
Press CTRL+C to copys2> mysqlbackup --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --backup-image=/backups/my.mbi_`date +%d%m_%H%M` \ --backup-dir=/backups/backup_`date +%d%m_%H%M` --user=root -p \ --host= backup-to-image
For MySQL Enterprise Backup 8.0.18 and earlier, If the system variable
is set toON
for the group, MySQL Enterprise Backup is not able to log the backup progress on the servers. This is because thebackup_progress
table on the server is a CSV table, for which primary keys are not supported. In that case, mysqlbackup issues the following warnings during the backup operation:Press CTRL+C to copy181011 11:17:06 MAIN WARNING: MySQL query 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mysql.backup_progress( `backup_id` BIGINT NOT NULL, `tool_name` VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL, `error_code` INT NOT NULL, `error_message` VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL, `current_time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,`current_state` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=CSV DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3 COLLATE=utf8mb3_bin': 3750, Unable to create a table without PK, when system variable 'sql_require_primary_key' is set. Add a PK to the table or unset this variable to avoid this message. Note that tables without PK can cause performance problems in row-based replication, so please consult your DBA before changing this setting. 181011 11:17:06 MAIN WARNING: This backup operation's progress info cannot be logged.
This does not prevent mysqlbackup from finishing the backup.
For MySQL Enterprise Backup 8.0.20 and earlier, when backing up a secondary member, as MySQL Enterprise Backup cannot write backup status and metadata to a read-only server instance, it might issue warnings similar to the following one during the backup operation:
Press CTRL+C to copy181113 21:31:08 MAIN WARNING: This backup operation cannot write to backup progress. The MySQL server is running with the --super-read-only option.
You can avoid the warning by using the
option with your backup command. This is not an issue for MySQL Enterprise Backup 8.0.21 and higher—see Using MySQL Enterprise Backup with Group Replication for details.
Restoring a Failed Member
Assume one of the members (s3
in the following
example) is irreconcilably corrupted. The most recent backup of
group member s2
can be used to restore
. Here are the steps for performing the
Copy the backup of s2 onto the host for s3. The exact way to copy the backup depends on the operating system and tools available to you. In this example, we assume the hosts are both Linux servers and use SCP to copy the files between them:
Press CTRL+C to copys2/backups> scp my.mbi_2206_1429 s3:/backups
Restore the backup. Connect to the target host (the host for
in this case), and restore the backup using MySQL Enterprise Backup. Here are the steps:Stop the corrupted server, if it is still running. For example, on Linux distributions that use systemd:
Press CTRL+C to copys3> systemctl stop mysqld
Preserve the two configuration files in the corrupted server's data directory,
(if it exists), by copying them to a safe location outside of the data directory. This is for preserving the server's UUID and Section, “Persisted System Variables” (if used), which are needed in the steps below.Delete all contents in the data directory of
. For example:Press CTRL+C to copys3> rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*
If the system variables
, andinnodb_undo_directory
point to any directories other than the data directory, they should also be made empty; otherwise, the restore operation fails.Restore backup of
onto the host fors3
:Press CTRL+C to copys3> mysqlbackup --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf \ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql \ --backup-image=/backups/my.mbi_2206_1429 \ --backup-dir=/tmp/restore_`date +%d%m_%H%M` copy-back-and-apply-log
NoteThe command above assumes that the binary logs and relay logs on
have the same base name and are at the same location on the two servers. If these conditions are not met, you should use the--log-bin
options to restore the binary log and relay log to their original file paths ons3
. For example, if you know that ons3
the binary log's base name iss3-bin
and the relay-log's base name iss3-relay-bin
, your restore command should look like:Press CTRL+C to copymysqlbackup --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf \ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql \ --backup-image=/backups/my.mbi_2206_1429 \ --log-bin=s3-bin --relay-log=s3-relay-bin \ --backup-dir=/tmp/restore_`date +%d%m_%H%M` copy-back-and-apply-log
Being able to restore the binary log and relay log to the right file paths makes the restore process easier; if that is impossible for some reason, see Rebuild the Failed Member to Rejoin as a New Member.
Restore the
file for s3. To rejoin the replication group, the restored member must have the sameserver_uuid
it used to join the group before. Supply the old server UUID by copying theauto.cnf
file preserved in step 2 above into the data directory of the restored member.NoteIf you cannot supply the failed member's original
to the restored member by restoring its oldauto.cnf
file, you must let the restored member join the group as a new member; see instructions in Rebuild the Failed Member to Rejoin as a New Member below on how to do that.Restore the
file for s3 (only required if s3 used persistent system variables). The settings for the Section, “Persisted System Variables” that were used to configure the failed member must be provided to the restored member. These settings are to be found in themysqld-auto.cnf
file of the failed server, which you should have preserved in step 2 above. Restore the file to the data directory of the restored server. See Restoring Persisted System Variables on what to do if you do not have a copy of the file.Start the restored server. For example, on Linux distributions that use systemd:
Press CTRL+C to copysystemctl start mysqld
NoteIf the server you are restoring is a primary member, perform the steps described in Restoring a Primary Member before starting the restored server.
Restart Group Replication. Connect to the restarted
using, for example, a mysql client, and issue the following statement:Press CTRL+C to copymysql> START GROUP_REPLICATION;
Before the restored instance can become an online member of the group, it needs to apply any transactions that have happened to the group after the backup was taken; this is achieved using Group Replication's distributed recovery mechanism, and the process starts after the START GROUP_REPLICATION statement has been issued. To check the member status of the restored instance, issue:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> SELECT member_host, member_port, member_state FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members; +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | member_host | member_port | member_state | +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | s1 | 3306 | ONLINE | | s2 | 3306 | ONLINE | | s3 | 3306 | RECOVERING | +-------------+-------------+--------------+
This shows that
is applying transactions to catch up with the group. Once it has caught up with the rest of the group, itsmember_state
changes toONLINE
:Press CTRL+C to copymysql> SELECT member_host, member_port, member_state FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members; +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | member_host | member_port | member_state | +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | s1 | 3306 | ONLINE | | s2 | 3306 | ONLINE | | s3 | 3306 | ONLINE | +-------------+-------------+--------------+
NoteIf the server you are restoring is a primary member, once it has gained synchrony with the group and become
, perform the steps described at the end of Restoring a Primary Member to revert the configuration changes you had made to the server before you started it.
The member has now been fully restored from the backup and functions as a regular member of the group.
Rebuild the Failed Member to Rejoin as a New Member
Sometimes, the steps outlined above in
Restoring a Failed Member cannot
be carried out because, for example, the binary log or relay log
is corrupted, or it is just missing from the backup. In such a
situation, use the backup to rebuild the member, and then add it
to the group as a new member. In the steps below, we assume the
rebuilt member is named s3
, like the failed
member, and that it runs on the same host as
Copy the backup of s2 onto the host for s3 . The exact way to copy the backup depends on the operating system and tools available to you. In this example we assume the hosts are both Linux servers and use SCP to copy the files between them:
Press CTRL+C to copys2/backups> scp my.mbi_2206_1429 s3:/backups
Restore the backup. Connect to the target host (the host for
in this case), and restore the backup using MySQL Enterprise Backup. Here are the steps:Stop the corrupted server, if it is still running. For example, on Linux distributions that use systemd:
Press CTRL+C to copys3> systemctl stop mysqld
Preserve the configuration file
, if it is found in the corrupted server's data directory, by copying it to a safe location outside of the data directory. This is for preserving the server's Section, “Persisted System Variables”, which are needed later.Delete all contents in the data directory of
. For example:Press CTRL+C to copys3> rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*
If the system variables
, andinnodb_undo_directory
point to any directories other than the data directory, they should also be made empty; otherwise, the restore operation fails.Restore the backup of
onto the host ofs3
. With this approach, we are rebuilding
as a new member, for which we do not need or do not want to use the old binary and relay logs in the backup; therefore, if these logs have been included in your backup, exclude them using thes3
options:Press CTRL+C to copys3> mysqlbackup --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf \ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql \ --backup-image=/backups/my.mbi_2206_1429 \ --backup-dir=/tmp/restore_`date +%d%m_%H%M` \ --skip-binlog --skip-relaylog \ copy-back-and-apply-log
NoteIf you have healthy binary log and relay logs in the backup that you can transfer onto the target host with no issues, you are recommended to follow the easier procedure as described in Restoring a Failed Member above.
Restore the
file for s3 (only required if s3 used persistent system variables). The settings for the Section, “Persisted System Variables” that were used to configure the failed member must be provided to the restored server. These settings are to be found in themysqld-auto.cnf
file of the failed server, which you should have preserved in step 2 above. Restore the file to the data directory of the restored server. See Restoring Persisted System Variables on what to do if you do not have a copy of the file.NoteDo NOT restore the corrupted server's
file to the data directory of the new member—when the rebuilts3
joins the group as a new member, it is going to be assigned a new server UUID.Start the restored server. For example, on Linux distributions that use systemd:
Press CTRL+C to copysystemctl start mysqld
NoteIf the server you are restoring is a primary member, perform the steps described in Restoring a Primary Member before starting the restored server.
Reconfigure the restored member to join Group Replication. Connect to the restored server with a mysql client and reset the source and replica information with the following statements:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> RESET MASTER;
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> RESET MASTER; mysql> RESET SLAVE ALL;
In MySQL 8.0.22 and later, use the statements shown here:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> RESET MASTER; mysql> RESET REPLICA ALL;
For the restored server to be able to recover automatically using Group Replication's built-in mechanism for distributed recovery, configure the server's
variable. To do this, use thebackup_gtid_executed.sql
file included in the backup ofs2
, which is usually restored under the restored member's data directory. Disable binary logging, use thebackup_gtid_executed.sql
file to configuregtid_executed
, and then re-enable binary logging by issuing the following statements with your mysql client:Press CTRL+C to copymysql> SET SQL_LOG_BIN=OFF; mysql> SOURCE datadir/backup_gtid_executed.sql mysql> SET SQL_LOG_BIN=ON;
Then, configure the Group Replication user credentials on the member using the SQL statements shown here:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_USER='rpl_user', MASTER_PASSWORD='password' -> FOR CHANNEL 'group_replication_recovery';
In MySQL 8.0.23 and later, use these statements instead:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO SOURCE_USER='rpl_user', SOURCE_PASSWORD='password' -> FOR CHANNEL 'group_replication_recovery';
Restart Group Replication. Issue the following statement to the restored server with your mysql client:
Before the restored instance can become an online member of the group, it needs to apply any transactions that have happened to the group after the backup was taken; this is achieved using Group Replication's distributed recovery mechanism, and the process starts after the START GROUP_REPLICATION statement has been issued. To check the member status of the restored instance, issue:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> SELECT member_host, member_port, member_state FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members; +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | member_host | member_port | member_state | +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | s3 | 3306 | RECOVERING | | s2 | 3306 | ONLINE | | s1 | 3306 | ONLINE | +-------------+-------------+--------------+
This shows that
is applying transactions to catch up with the group. Once it has caught up with the rest of the group, itsmember_state
changes toONLINE
:Press CTRL+C to copymysql> SELECT member_host, member_port, member_state FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members; +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | member_host | member_port | member_state | +-------------+-------------+--------------+ | s3 | 3306 | ONLINE | | s2 | 3306 | ONLINE | | s1 | 3306 | ONLINE | +-------------+-------------+--------------+
NoteIf the server you are restoring is a primary member, once it has gained synchrony with the group and become
, perform the steps described at the end of Restoring a Primary Member to revert the configuration changes you had made to the server before you started it.
The member has now been restored to the group as a new member.
Restoring Persisted System Variables.
mysqlbackup does not provide support for
backing up or preserving
Section, “Persisted System Variables”—the file
is not included in a
backup. To start the restored member with its persisted variable
settings, you need to do one of the following:
Preserve a copy of the
file from the corrupted server, and copy it to the restored server's data directory.Copy the
file from another member of the group into the restored server's data directory, if that member has the same persisted system variable settings as the corrupted member.After the restored server is started and before you restart Group Replication, set all the system variables manually to their persisted values through a mysql client.
Restoring a Primary Member. If the restored member is a primary in the group, care must be taken to prevent writes to the restored database during the Group Replication distributed recovery process. Depending on how the group is accessed by clients, there is a possibility of DML statements being executed on the restored member once it becomes accessible on the network, prior to the member finishing its catch-up on the activities it has missed while off the group. To avoid this, before starting the restored server, configure the following system variables in the server option file:
Press CTRL+C to copygroup_replication_start_on_boot=OFF super_read_only=ON event_scheduler=OFF
These settings ensure that the member becomes read-only at startup, and that the event scheduler is turned off while the member catches up with the group during the distributed recovery process. Adequate error handling must also be provided for on the clients, since they are unable to perform DML operations during this period on the member being restored.
Once the restoration process is fully completed and the restored member is synchronized with the rest of the group, you can revert these changes. First, restart the event scheduler using the statement shown here:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql> SET global event_scheduler=ON;
After this, you should set the following system variables in the member's option file, so that they have the necessary values for the next time that the member is started:
Press CTRL+C to copygroup_replication_start_on_boot=ON super_read_only=OFF event_scheduler=ON