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MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  Keyring System Variables Keyring System Variables

MySQL Keyring plugins support the following system variables. Use them to configure keyring plugin operation. These variables are unavailable unless the appropriate keyring plugin is installed (see Section, “Keyring Plugin Installation”).

  • keyring_aws_cmk_id

    Command-Line Format --keyring-aws-cmk-id=value
    System Variable keyring_aws_cmk_id
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The KMS key ID obtained from the AWS KMS server and used by the keyring_aws plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_aws initialization fails.

  • keyring_aws_conf_file

    Command-Line Format --keyring-aws-conf-file=file_name
    System Variable keyring_aws_conf_file
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type File name
    Default Value platform specific

    The location of the configuration file for the keyring_aws plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    At plugin startup, keyring_aws reads the AWS secret access key ID and key from the configuration file. For the keyring_aws plugin to start successfully, the configuration file must exist and contain valid secret access key information, initialized as described in Section, “Using the keyring_aws Amazon Web Services Keyring Plugin”.

    The default file name is keyring_aws_conf, located in the default keyring file directory. The location of this default directory is the same as for the keyring_file_data system variable. See the description of that variable for details, as well as for considerations to take into account if you create the directory manually.

  • keyring_aws_data_file

    Command-Line Format --keyring-aws-data-file
    System Variable keyring_aws_data_file
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type File name
    Default Value platform specific

    The location of the storage file for the keyring_aws plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    At plugin startup, if the value assigned to keyring_aws_data_file specifies a file that does not exist, the keyring_aws plugin attempts to create it (as well as its parent directory, if necessary). If the file does exist, keyring_aws reads any encrypted keys contained in the file into its in-memory cache. keyring_aws does not cache unencrypted keys in memory.

    The default file name is keyring_aws_data, located in the default keyring file directory. The location of this default directory is the same as for the keyring_file_data system variable. See the description of that variable for details, as well as for considerations to take into account if you create the directory manually.

  • keyring_aws_region

    Command-Line Format --keyring-aws-region=value
    System Variable keyring_aws_region
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type Enumeration
    Default Value us-east-1
    Valid Values (≥ 8.0.30)




























    Valid Values (≥ 8.0.17, ≤ 8.0.29)


















    Valid Values (≤ 8.0.16)












    The AWS region for the keyring_aws plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

  • keyring_encrypted_file_data

    Command-Line Format --keyring-encrypted-file-data=file_name
    Deprecated 8.0.34
    System Variable keyring_encrypted_file_data
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type File name
    Default Value platform specific

    As of MySQL 8.0.34, the keyring_encrypted_file plugin is deprecated and subject to removal in a future version of MySQL. Consider using component_keyring_encrypted_file instead; the component_keyring_encrypted_file component supersedes the keyring_encrypted_file plugin.

    The path name of the data file used for secure data storage by the keyring_encrypted_file plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. The file location should be in a directory considered for use only by keyring plugins. For example, do not locate the file under the data directory.

    Keyring operations are transactional: The keyring_encrypted_file plugin uses a backup file during write operations to ensure that it can roll back to the original file if an operation fails. The backup file has the same name as the value of the keyring_encrypted_file_data system variable with a suffix of .backup.

    Do not use the same keyring_encrypted_file data file for multiple MySQL instances. Each instance should have its own unique data file.

    The default file name is keyring_encrypted, located in a directory that is platform specific and depends on the value of the INSTALL_LAYOUT CMake option, as shown in the following table. To specify the default directory for the file explicitly if you are building from source, use the INSTALL_MYSQLKEYRINGDIR CMake option.

    INSTALL_LAYOUT Value Default keyring_encrypted_file_data Value
    DEB, RPM, SVR4 /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring_encrypted
    Otherwise keyring/keyring_encrypted under the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX value

    At plugin startup, if the value assigned to keyring_encrypted_file_data specifies a file that does not exist, the keyring_encrypted_file plugin attempts to create it (as well as its parent directory, if necessary).

    If you create the directory manually, it should have a restrictive mode and be accessible only to the account used to run the MySQL server. For example, on Unix and Unix-like systems, to use the /usr/local/mysql/mysql-keyring directory, the following commands (executed as root) create the directory and set its mode and ownership:

    cd /usr/local/mysql
    mkdir mysql-keyring
    chmod 750 mysql-keyring
    chown mysql mysql-keyring
    chgrp mysql mysql-keyring

    If the keyring_encrypted_file plugin cannot create or access its data file, it writes an error message to the error log. If an attempted runtime assignment to keyring_encrypted_file_data results in an error, the variable value remains unchanged.


    Once the keyring_encrypted_file plugin has created its data file and started to use it, it is important not to remove the file. Loss of the file causes data encrypted using its keys to become inaccessible. (It is permissible to rename or move the file, as long as you change the value of keyring_encrypted_file_data to match.)

  • keyring_encrypted_file_password

    Command-Line Format --keyring-encrypted-file-password=password
    Deprecated 8.0.34
    System Variable keyring_encrypted_file_password
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    As of MySQL 8.0.34, the keyring_encrypted_file plugin is deprecated and subject to removal in a future version of MySQL. Consider using component_keyring_encrypted_file instead; the component_keyring_encrypted_file component supersedes the keyring_encrypted_file plugin.

    The password used by the keyring_encrypted_file plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_encrypted_file initialization fails.

    If this variable is specified in an option file, the file should have a restrictive mode and be accessible only to the account used to run the MySQL server.


    Once the keyring_encrypted_file_password value has been set, changing it does not rotate the keyring password and could make the server inaccessible. If an incorrect password is provided, the keyring_encrypted_file plugin cannot load keys from the encrypted keyring file.

    The password value cannot be displayed at runtime with SHOW VARIABLES or the Performance Schema global_variables table because the display value is obfuscated.

  • keyring_file_data

    Command-Line Format --keyring-file-data=file_name
    Deprecated 8.0.34
    System Variable keyring_file_data
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type File name
    Default Value platform specific

    As of MySQL 8.0.34, the keyring_file plugin is deprecated and subject to removal in a future version of MySQL. Consider using component_keyring_file instead; the component_keyring_file component supersedes the keyring_file plugin.

    The path name of the data file used for secure data storage by the keyring_file plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. The file location should be in a directory considered for use only by keyring plugins. For example, do not locate the file under the data directory.

    Keyring operations are transactional: The keyring_file plugin uses a backup file during write operations to ensure that it can roll back to the original file if an operation fails. The backup file has the same name as the value of the keyring_file_data system variable with a suffix of .backup.

    Do not use the same keyring_file data file for multiple MySQL instances. Each instance should have its own unique data file.

    The default file name is keyring, located in a directory that is platform specific and depends on the value of the INSTALL_LAYOUT CMake option, as shown in the following table. To specify the default directory for the file explicitly if you are building from source, use the INSTALL_MYSQLKEYRINGDIR CMake option.

    INSTALL_LAYOUT Value Default keyring_file_data Value
    DEB, RPM, SVR4 /var/lib/mysql-keyring/keyring
    Otherwise keyring/keyring under the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX value

    At plugin startup, if the value assigned to keyring_file_data specifies a file that does not exist, the keyring_file plugin attempts to create it (as well as its parent directory, if necessary).

    If you create the directory manually, it should have a restrictive mode and be accessible only to the account used to run the MySQL server. For example, on Unix and Unix-like systems, to use the /usr/local/mysql/mysql-keyring directory, the following commands (executed as root) create the directory and set its mode and ownership:

    cd /usr/local/mysql
    mkdir mysql-keyring
    chmod 750 mysql-keyring
    chown mysql mysql-keyring
    chgrp mysql mysql-keyring

    If the keyring_file plugin cannot create or access its data file, it writes an error message to the error log. If an attempted runtime assignment to keyring_file_data results in an error, the variable value remains unchanged.


    Once the keyring_file plugin has created its data file and started to use it, it is important not to remove the file. For example, InnoDB uses the file to store the master key used to decrypt the data in tables that use InnoDB tablespace encryption; see Section 17.13, “InnoDB Data-at-Rest Encryption”. Loss of the file causes data in such tables to become inaccessible. (It is permissible to rename or move the file, as long as you change the value of keyring_file_data to match.) It is recommended that you create a separate backup of the keyring data file immediately after you create the first encrypted table and before and after master key rotation.

  • keyring_hashicorp_auth_path

    Command-Line Format --keyring-hashicorp-auth-path=value
    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_auth_path
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String
    Default Value /v1/auth/approle/login

    The authentication path where AppRole authentication is enabled within the HashiCorp Vault server, for use by the keyring_hashicorp plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

  • keyring_hashicorp_ca_path

    Command-Line Format --keyring-hashicorp-ca-path=file_name
    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_ca_path
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type File name
    Default Value empty string

    The absolute path name of a local file accessible to the MySQL server that contains a properly formatted TLS certificate authority for use by the keyring_hashicorp plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    If this variable is not set, the keyring_hashicorp plugin opens an HTTPS connection without using server certificate verification, and trusts any certificate delivered by the HashiCorp Vault server. For this to be safe, it must be assumed that the Vault server is not malicious and that no man-in-the-middle attack is possible. If those assumptions are invalid, set keyring_hashicorp_ca_path to the path of a trusted CA certificate. (For example, for the instructions in Certificate and Key Preparation, this is the company.crt file.)

  • keyring_hashicorp_caching

    Command-Line Format --keyring-hashicorp-caching[={OFF|ON}]
    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_caching
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type Boolean
    Default Value OFF

    Whether to enable the optional in-memory key cache used by the keyring_hashicorp plugin to cache keys from the HashiCorp Vault server. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. If the cache is enabled, the plugin populates it during initialization. Otherwise, the plugin populates only the key list during initialization.

    Enabling the cache is a compromise: It improves performance, but maintains a copy of sensitive key information in memory, which may be undesirable for security purposes.

  • keyring_hashicorp_commit_auth_path

    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_commit_auth_path
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    This variable is associated with keyring_hashicorp_auth_path, from which it takes its value during keyring_hashicorp plugin initialization. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. It reflects the committed value actually used for plugin operation if initialization succeeds. For additional information, see keyring_hashicorp Configuration.

  • keyring_hashicorp_commit_ca_path

    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_commit_ca_path
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    This variable is associated with keyring_hashicorp_ca_path, from which it takes its value during keyring_hashicorp plugin initialization. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. It reflects the committed value actually used for plugin operation if initialization succeeds. For additional information, see keyring_hashicorp Configuration.

  • keyring_hashicorp_commit_caching

    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_commit_caching
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    This variable is associated with keyring_hashicorp_caching, from which it takes its value during keyring_hashicorp plugin initialization. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. It reflects the committed value actually used for plugin operation if initialization succeeds. For additional information, see keyring_hashicorp Configuration.

  • keyring_hashicorp_commit_role_id

    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_commit_role_id
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    This variable is associated with keyring_hashicorp_role_id, from which it takes its value during keyring_hashicorp plugin initialization. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. It reflects the committed value actually used for plugin operation if initialization succeeds. For additional information, see keyring_hashicorp Configuration.

  • keyring_hashicorp_commit_server_url

    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_commit_server_url
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    This variable is associated with keyring_hashicorp_server_url, from which it takes its value during keyring_hashicorp plugin initialization. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. It reflects the committed value actually used for plugin operation if initialization succeeds. For additional information, see keyring_hashicorp Configuration.

  • keyring_hashicorp_commit_store_path

    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_commit_store_path
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    This variable is associated with keyring_hashicorp_store_path, from which it takes its value during keyring_hashicorp plugin initialization. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. It reflects the committed value actually used for plugin operation if initialization succeeds. For additional information, see keyring_hashicorp Configuration.

  • keyring_hashicorp_role_id

    Command-Line Format --keyring-hashicorp-role-id=value
    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_role_id
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String
    Default Value empty string

    The HashiCorp Vault AppRole authentication role ID, for use by the keyring_hashicorp plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. The value must be in UUID format.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_hashicorp initialization fails.

  • keyring_hashicorp_secret_id

    Command-Line Format --keyring-hashicorp-secret-id=value
    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_secret_id
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String
    Default Value empty string

    The HashiCorp Vault AppRole authentication secret ID, for use by the keyring_hashicorp plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. The value must be in UUID format.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_hashicorp initialization fails.

    The value of this variable is sensitive, so its value is masked by * characters when displayed.

  • keyring_hashicorp_server_url

    Command-Line Format --keyring-hashicorp-server-url=value
    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_server_url
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String
    Default Value

    The HashiCorp Vault server URL, for use by the keyring_hashicorp plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. The value must begin with https://.

  • keyring_hashicorp_store_path

    Command-Line Format --keyring-hashicorp-store-path=value
    Introduced 8.0.18
    System Variable keyring_hashicorp_store_path
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String
    Default Value empty string

    A store path within the HashiCorp Vault server that is writeable when appropriate AppRole credentials are provided by the keyring_hashicorp plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. To specify the credentials, set the keyring_hashicorp_role_id and keyring_hashicorp_secret_id system variables (for example, as shown in keyring_hashicorp Configuration).

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_hashicorp initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_ca_certificate

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-ca-certificate=file_name
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_ca_certificate
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String
    Default Value empty string

    The path name of the CA certificate bundle file that the keyring_oci plugin uses for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure certificate verification. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    The file contains one or more certificates for peer verification. If no file is specified, the default CA bundle installed on the system is used. If the value is disabled (case-sensitive), keyring_oci performs no certificate verification.

  • keyring_oci_compartment

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-compartment=ocid
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_compartment
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The OCID of the tenancy compartment that the keyring_oci plugin uses as the location of the MySQL keys. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    Prior to using keyring_oci, you must create a MySQL compartment or subcompartment if it does not exist. This compartment should contain no vault keys or vault secrets. It should not be used by systems other than MySQL Keyring.

    For information about managing compartments and obtaining the OCID, see Managing Compartments.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_encryption_endpoint

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-encryption-endpoint=value
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_encryption_endpoint
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The endpoint of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure encryption server that the keyring_oci plugin uses for generating ciphertext for new keys. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    The encryption endpoint is vault specific and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure assigns it at vault-creation time. To obtain the endpoint OCID, view the configuration details for your keyring_oci vault, using the instructions at Managing Vaults.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_key_file

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-key-file=file_name
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_key_file
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The path name of the file containing the RSA private key that the keyring_oci plugin uses for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure authentication. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    You must also upload the corresponding RSA public key using the Console. The Console displays the key fingerprint value, which you can use to set the keyring_oci_key_fingerprint system variable.

    For information about generating and uploading API keys, see Required Keys and OCIDs.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_key_fingerprint

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-key-fingerprint=value
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_key_fingerprint
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The fingerprint of the RSA private key that the keyring_oci plugin uses for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure authentication. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    To obtain the key fingerprint while creating the API keys, execute this command:

    openssl rsa -pubout -outform DER -in ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem | openssl md5 -c

    Alternatively, obtain the fingerprint from the Console, which automatically displays the fingerprint when you upload the RSA public key.

    For information about obtaining key fingerprints, see Required Keys and OCIDs.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_management_endpoint

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-management-endpoint=value
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_management_endpoint
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The endpoint of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure key management server that the keyring_oci plugin uses for listing existing keys. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    The key management endpoint is vault specific and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure assigns it at vault-creation time. To obtain the endpoint OCID, view the configuration details for your keyring_oci vault, using the instructions at Managing Vaults.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_master_key

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-master-key=ocid
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_master_key
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The OCID of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure master encryption key that the keyring_oci plugin uses for encryption of secrets. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    Prior to using keyring_oci, you must create a cryptographic key for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compartment if it does not exist. Provide a MySQL-specific name for the generated key, and do not use it for other purposes.

    For information about key creation, see Managing Keys.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_secrets_endpoint

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-secrets-endpoint=value
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_secrets_endpoint
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The endpoint of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure secrets server that the keyring_oci plugin uses for listing, creating, and retiring secrets. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    The secrets endpoint is vault specific and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure assigns it at vault-creation time. To obtain the endpoint OCID, view the configuration details for your keyring_oci vault, using the instructions at Managing Vaults.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_tenancy

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-tenancy=ocid
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_tenancy
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The OCID of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy that the keyring_oci plugin uses as the location of the MySQL compartment. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    Prior to using keyring_oci, you must create a tenancy if it does not exist. To obtain the tenancy OCID from the Console, use the instructions at Required Keys and OCIDs.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_user

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-user=ocid
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_user
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The OCID of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure user that the keyring_oci plugin uses for cloud connections. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    Prior to using keyring_oci, this user must exist and be granted access to use the configured Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy, compartment, and vault resources.

    To obtain the user OCID from the Console, use the instructions at Required Keys and OCIDs.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_vaults_endpoint

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-vaults-endpoint=value
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_vaults_endpoint
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The endpoint of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure vaults server that the keyring_oci plugin uses for obtaining the value of secrets. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    The vaults endpoint is vault specific and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure assigns it at vault-creation time. To obtain the endpoint OCID, view the configuration details for your keyring_oci vault, using the instructions at Managing Vaults.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_oci_virtual_vault

    Command-Line Format --keyring-oci-virtual-vault=ocid
    Introduced 8.0.22
    Deprecated 8.0.31
    System Variable keyring_oci_virtual_vault
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type String

    The OCID of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault that the keyring_oci plugin uses for encryption operations. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed.

    Prior to using keyring_oci, you must create a new vault in the MySQL compartment if it does not exist. (Alternatively, you can reuse an existing vault that is in a parent compartment of the MySQL compartment.) Compartment users can see and use only the keys in their respective compartments.

    For information about creating a vault and obtaining the vault OCID, see Managing Vaults.

    This variable is mandatory. If not specified, keyring_oci initialization fails.

  • keyring_okv_conf_dir

    Command-Line Format --keyring-okv-conf-dir=dir_name
    System Variable keyring_okv_conf_dir
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type Directory name
    Default Value empty string

    The path name of the directory that stores configuration information used by the keyring_okv plugin. This variable is unavailable unless that plugin is installed. The location should be a directory considered for use only by the keyring_okv plugin. For example, do not locate the directory under the data directory.

    The default keyring_okv_conf_dir value is empty. For the keyring_okv plugin to be able to access Oracle Key Vault, the value must be set to a directory that contains Oracle Key Vault configuration and SSL materials. For instructions on setting up this directory, see Section, “Using the keyring_okv KMIP Plugin”.

    The directory should have a restrictive mode and be accessible only to the account used to run the MySQL server. For example, on Unix and Unix-like systems, to use the /usr/local/mysql/mysql-keyring-okv directory, the following commands (executed as root) create the directory and set its mode and ownership:

    cd /usr/local/mysql
    mkdir mysql-keyring-okv
    chmod 750 mysql-keyring-okv
    chown mysql mysql-keyring-okv
    chgrp mysql mysql-keyring-okv

    If the value assigned to keyring_okv_conf_dir specifies a directory that does not exist, or that does not contain configuration information that enables a connection to Oracle Key Vault to be established, keyring_okv writes an error message to the error log. If an attempted runtime assignment to keyring_okv_conf_dir results in an error, the variable value and keyring operation remain unchanged.

  • keyring_operations

    System Variable keyring_operations
    Scope Global
    Dynamic Yes
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type Boolean
    Default Value ON

    Whether keyring operations are enabled. This variable is used during key migration operations. See Section, “Migrating Keys Between Keyring Keystores”. The privileges required to modify this variable are ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADMIN in addition to either SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or the deprecated SUPER privilege.