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2.132 DUMP 8004





Kernel Block


Description.  Dumps information about subscription resources.

Sample Output. 

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Node 2: Suma: c_subscriberPool size: 260 free: 258 Node 2: Suma: c_tablePool size: 130 free: 128 Node 2: Suma: c_subscriptionPool size: 130 free: 128 Node 2: Suma: c_syncPool size: 2 free: 2 Node 2: Suma: c_dataBufferPool size: 1009 free: 1005 Node 2: Suma: c_metaSubscribers count: 0 Node 2: Suma: c_removeDataSubscribers count: 0

Additional Information.  When subscriberPool ... free becomes and stays very low relative to subscriberPool ... size, it is often a good idea to increase the value of the MaxNoOfTables configuration parameter (subscriberPool = 2 * MaxNoOfTables). However, there could also be a problem with API nodes not releasing resources correctly when they are shut down. DUMP 8004 provides a way to monitor these values.