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MySQL Workbench Release Notes  /  Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2  /  Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.34 (2011-05-26)

Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.34 (2011-05-26)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes applied since the release of MySQL Workbench 5.2.33.

This release changed the version of Python version in MySQL Workbench to 2.7. However, this produces a problem when upgrading from 5.2.33. The reason is that the installer leaves all the compiled python files (*.pyc) in the installation folder. The next time MySQL Workbench loads, you cannot get beyond the splash screen.

As a workaround, uninstall MySQL Workbench before you install 5.2.34. (This does not affect stored connections, starters, settings, and so forth.) Make sure that all compiled python files (*.pyc) have been removed from the installation folder after uninstallation is finished, before you install 5.2.34.

This problem was first encountered on Windows using the MSI package, but might also affect the Zip package or even other platforms. In any case, remove the old files before installing 5.2.34.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Canceling a query used to work by dropping the connection. Now only the query itself is canceled. (Bug #12394153)

  • MySQL Workbench now writes the wb.log file in the .mysql/workbench directory rather than in ~ (your home directory). (Bug #60930, Bug #12548457)

  • The Check for updates... menu item that was removed several releases ago has been restored. (Bug #60488, Bug #11879029)

  • The User Accounts panel now updates when either switching MySQL Workbench tabs or selecting the new Refresh button. (Bug #59605, Bug #11766489)

  • On Windows, it is possible to open multiple models, but it was not clear that enabling this preference requires a MySQL Workbench restart. The check box tooltip now indicates this. (Bug #59400, Bug #11766312)

  • In diagram mode, display of triggers for tables was re-enabled. (Bug #57956, Bug #11765044)

  • A Check for Updates feature was added. (Bug #56612, Bug #11763846)

  • If a column value is too long to display, an ellipsis (...) is displayed at the end to indicate that there is more data. (Bug #55976, Bug #11763283)

  • If MySQL Workbench finds that .NET is not installed, it now provides a link for the user to get the .NET installer. (Bug #55145, Bug #11762538)

  • MySQL Workbench now shows query execution time and query warnings. (Bug #51199, Bug #11758933, Bug #58333, Bug #11765373)

  • The SQL Editor can now wrap long text lines. This is controllable per editor instance using its context menu. By default, line wrapping is off. (Bug #50569, Bug #11758372)

  • Toggle Page Guides is no longer available. (Bug #49927, Bug #11757824)

  • Added the ability to see differences of compared schema objects, when the database synchronization wizard is executed. (Bug #42844, Bug #11751838)

Bugs Fixed

  • On Ubuntu Linux 11.04+, part of the main MySQL Workbench menu would be hidden when utilizing the Ubuntu Unity display handler. Therefore, the Unity style menus have been disabled. (Bug #61256, Bug #12581792)

  • File import operations failed with these errors:

    Error executing task: 'module' object has no attribute
    Error executing task local variable 'p1' referenced before

    (Bug #60982, Bug #12430815)

  • Executing an SQL script using the scripting shell is not supported, but attempts to do so resulted in a MySQL Workbench crash rather than an error. (Bug #60977, Bug #12402780)

  • MySQL Workbench could crash while applying an SQL script to a database. (Bug #60966, Bug #12608789)

  • Refreshing the Object Browser collapsed the browser tree. (Bug #60887, Bug #12366813)

  • Multiple USE statements to change databases in the SQL Editor caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug #60856, Bug #12358480)

  • MySQL Workbench could not view the server logs if the server was configured with log output set to 'TABLE,FILE'. (Bug #60853, Bug #12365454)

  • Some color schemes made options difficult to read. (Bug #60826, Bug #12368221)

  • In the Python workbench shell, files with a nonsupported execution generated a warning and could not be run. (Bug #60815, Bug #12561562)

  • Find did not work in Query tabs. (Bug #60787, Bug #12347063)

  • Changing connection parameters in Synchronize Model resulted in an error message. (Bug #60771, Bug #12329285)

  • For import and export command operations using a Unix socket file, MySQL Workbench added an incorrect --pipe option to the command. (Bug #60756, Bug #12325422)

  • Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard wrote incomplete output. (Bug #60751, Bug #12329302)

  • These query beautifier problems were corrected:

    • Queries containing table aliases were mishandled.

    • Spaces between table names and table aliases were incorrectly removed.

    (Bug #60742, Bug #11883490, Bug #12327013)

  • If a connection name contained a ':' character, it did not work. (Bug #60700, Bug #12325493)

  • When a schema was dropped in the Object Browser view using the context menu, the view was not refreshed properly. (Bug #60688, Bug #11933806)

  • New server instances were not always displayed in the Server Administration list. (Bug #60684, Bug #11933087)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed if it was unable to locate a required DLL due to security blocking. Now it displays instructions to the user how to perform unblocking. (Bug #60658, Bug #12545324)

  • On Linux, MySQL Workbench was overly aggressive about reading schema information from INFORMATION_SCHEMA, leading to slowdowns when connecting to the MySQL server. Now information is read only for the default schema. (Bug #60644, Bug #11926793)

  • Several crashes occurred under KDE with certain GTK+ themes. (Bug #60640, Bug #11926917)

  • Fixed a possible crash when selecting File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script, and followed by the browse button. (Bug #60626, Bug #12617320)

  • MySQL Workbench did not assign a correct tab name when opening an SQL script from the recent file list menu. (Bug #60610, Bug #11926855)

  • Control+S did not save models or SQL Editor scripts. When opening an SQL script, it did not display the file name. (Bug #60594, Bug #12402774)

  • MySQL Workbench could crash trying to display result sets that contained binary data. (Bug #60588, Bug #12385959)

  • The SQL statement generated by clicking an item in the action pane failed to include the qualifying database name. (Bug #60562, Bug #11926864)

  • The Administrator panel would not load for large process ID values of the MySQL server. (Bug #60505, Bug #12397312)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed trying to execute some CREATE TABLE statements. (Bug #60475, Bug #12356405)

  • Clicking a user name to obtain details caused MySQL Workbench to crash if the name contained an apostrope. (Bug #60473, Bug #11889207)

  • Query results could not be saved to a directory for which the name contained Japanese characters. (Bug #60438)

  • Exporting query results after entering a file path name did not work. (Bug #60438, Bug #11868335)

  • MySQL Workbench tries to determine whether it can use Aero, but did not correctly check the platform. On Windows Server 2003, a call was made to a non-existing DLL, causing a .NET crash. (Bug #60412, Bug #11872360)

  • Multiple-selection copy did not work. (Bug #60410, Bug #11865601)

  • MySQL Workbench failed to compile on Gentoo Linux. (Bug #60358, Bug #12368202)

  • Stored procedures could not be opened from the objects tree if the SQL Delimiter had been changed to the ';' character. Now the label for this option in the Preferences dialog has been changed to Non Standard SQL Delimiter to better reflect its actual meaning. The tooltip has also been changed to be more descriptive. In addition, if an Alter <object>... operation fails due to a parse error, the retrieved DDL code is shown as is in the SQL editor. (Bug #60354, Bug #11889184)

  • Attempting to connect to a nonexistent server put MySQL Workbench in a nonresponsive state. (Bug #60329, Bug #11834154)

  • Record set export to a file failed unless the file name was given as an absolute path name. (Bug #60256, Bug #11874435)

  • Output from the routine editor added excessive blank lines between routine definitions. (Bug #60205, Bug #11874345)

  • When database connections had process IDs with large values, the connection tab displayed an error box rather than process information. (Bug #60192, Bug #12397794)

  • MySQL Workbench lost the connection to the server for long-running queries (more than 600 seconds). (Bug #60103, Bug #11766876)

  • MySQL Workbench sometimes looked for my.ini in the wrong directory. (Bug #60076, Bug #11766855)

  • Some MWB files created in MySQL Workbench 5.1 could not be loaded in 5.2. (Bug #59862, Bug #11766695)

  • Items from the SQL Editor history were not always available to be copied into the SQL script. (Bug #59807, Bug #11766651)

  • Exporting a record set to a file resulted in invalid INSERT statements if the table contained a column named key because the column name was not quoted properly. (Bug #59787, Bug #11766638)

  • It was not possible to import a dump if MySQL Workbench was installed in a directory having a name that contained spaces. (Bug #59737, Bug #11766595)

  • Control+Z in the Model Editor did not always refresh the screen correctly. (Bug #59661, Bug #11766531)

  • Selecting the Create Multiple Tables menu item resulted in an error. (Bug #59586, Bug #11766473)

  • Create EER Model from SQL Script reported a syntax error when importing legal SQL scripts. (Bug #59577, Bug #11766464)

  • A problem running MySQL Utilities under the KDE console was fixed. (Bug #59427, Bug #12430837)

  • After using the column headers of the User Accounts list to sort the accounts by User or From Host, then selecting various accounts in turn, the selected accounts often did not match the account being displayed in the corresponding Login, Administrative Roles, or Account Limits tabs. (Bug #59391, Bug #11766304)

  • Clicking the Manage Security link in the MySQL Workbench Home screen opened the Admin screen in the Startup tab rather than the Accounts tab and produced an error. (Bug #59389, Bug #11766302)

  • The description given in the Workbench Preferences dialog for the --safe-updates option was incorrect. (Bug #59370, Bug #11766289)

  • Connection sorting was lost after a status refresh. (Bug #59355, Bug #11766279)

  • MySQL Workbench displayed superfluous error messages after the user interrupted a query. (Bug #59323, Bug #11766255)

  • A SHOW WARNINGS query would return zero results, even when warnings existed. (Bug #59221, Bug #11766174)

  • The Users column in the Schema Privileges tab was not sortable. (Bug #59138, Bug #11766100)

  • On Windows, opening a second instance of MySQL Workbench resulted in an error. (Bug #59128, Bug #11766090)

  • When the user closed the main window with a connection active, MySQL Workbench did not terminate the connection. This lead to Aborted_clients errors on the server side. (Bug #58944, Bug #11765929)

  • Opening a connection twice resulted in unexpected errors when executing queries on the connection. (Bug #58835)

  • When the SQL statement history file became large enough, MySQL Workbench encountered allocation errors attempting to add to it. (Bug #58778, Bug #12409656)

  • When double-clicking tables in a model diagram, tabs were mismanaged such that the proper set of tabs did not remain available. (Bug #57349, Bug #11764509)

  • On OS X, Option+Delete functioned as Undo rather than deleting the word to the left of the cursor. (Bug #57184, Bug #11764360)

  • A memory leak occurred during diagram manipulation. (Bug #55719, Bug #11763054)

  • Using the Description Editor to update a table description did not update the Comments column of the Model Overview window. (Bug #55235, Bug #11762621)

  • EER Diagram Catalog Tree schema folders did not stay collapsed when moving tables from a schema to the Diagram. (Bug #55088, Bug #11762487)

  • Actions that should open a web page did not work. (Bug #54827, Bug #11762254)

  • With a large table displayed in the SQL Editor object browser, keyboard shortcuts for the table information display were not working, and the information was not formatted properly. (Bug #54191, Bug #11761676)

  • On OS X, two-finger scrolling did not work in query windows. (Bug #53678, Bug #11761211)

  • The TRIGGER privilege could not be assigned at the schema level. (Bug #52977, Bug #11760556)

  • It was not possible to view or edit long text lines with the inline editor. (Bug #52087, Bug #11759751)

  • After loading a model, zoom levels saved with bookmarks were not always used correctly. (Bug #50816, Bug #11758594)

  • The live schema tree did not update properly to reflect modifications to schema objects. (Bug #50424, Bug #11758248)

  • On OS X, the Shift+Alt + Arrow combination selected individual characters instead of words. (Bug #50085, Bug #11757963)

  • On Windows, a packaging error for the Zip file distribution led to spurious GRT Shell warnings at MySQL Workbench startup. (Bug #49813, Bug #11757719)

  • For data browsing, the Fetch All option sometimes disappeared. (Bug #49403, Bug #11757365)

  • For SQL Editor tabs where the connection had no name, connection information was not shown. Now MySQL Workbench displays the host name (up to 21 characters). (Bug #49058, Bug #11757060)

  • Opening a connection from the list of recently used connections caused the user interface to become unresponsive while wanting for the connection to open. Now a Connecting, please wait message appears and there is a Cancel button to enable the connection request to be canceled. (Bug #48912, Bug #11756924)

  • Dragging tables from the catalog to an EER diagram failed. (Bug #47028, Bug #11755277)