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MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  The io_global_by_file_by_latency and x$io_global_by_file_by_latency Views The io_global_by_file_by_latency and x$io_global_by_file_by_latency Views

These views summarize global I/O consumers to display time waiting for I/O, grouped by file. By default, rows are sorted by descending total latency.

The io_global_by_file_by_latency and x$io_global_by_file_by_latency views have these columns:

  • file

    The file path name.

  • total

    The total number of I/O events for the file.

  • total_latency

    The total wait time of timed I/O events for the file.

  • count_read

    The total number of read I/O events for the file.

  • read_latency

    The total wait time of timed read I/O events for the file.

  • count_write

    The total number of write I/O events for the file.

  • write_latency

    The total wait time of timed write I/O events for the file.

  • count_misc

    The total number of other I/O events for the file.

  • misc_latency

    The total wait time of timed other I/O events for the file.