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HeatWave User Guide  /  ...  /  Mathematical Functions

2.12.10 Mathematical Functions

The following table shows supported mathematical functions. These are not supported with dictionary-encoded columns.

Table 2.10 Mathematical Functions

Name Description
ABS() Return the absolute value.
ACOS() Return the arc cosine.
ASIN() Return the arc sine.
ATAN() Return the arc tangent.
ATAN2(), ATAN() Return the arc tangent of the two arguments
CEIL() Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument. The function is not applied to BIGINT values. The input value is returned. CEIL() is a synonym for CEILING().
CEILING() Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument. The function is not applied to BIGINT values. The input value is returned. CEILING() is a synonym for CEIL().
COS() Return the cosine.
COT() Return the cotangent.
CRC32() Compute a cyclic redundancy check value.
DEGREES() Convert radians to degrees.
EXP() Raise to the power of.
FLOOR() Return the largest integer value not greater than the argument. The function is not applied to BIGINT values. The input value is returned.
LN() Return the natural logarithm of the argument.
LOG() Return the natural logarithm of the first argument.
LOG10() Return the base-10 logarithm of the argument.
LOG2() Return the base-2 logarithm of the argument.
MOD() Return the remainder.
PI() Return the value of pi
POW() Return the argument raised to the specified power
POWER() Return the argument raised to the specified power.
RADIANS() Return argument converted to radians.
RAND() Return a random floating-point value.
ROUND() Round the argument.
SIGN() Return the sign of the argument.
SIN() Return the sine of the argument.
SQRT() Return the square root of the argument.
TAN() Return the tangent of the argument.
TRUNCATE() Truncate to specified number of decimal places.