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HeatWave User Guide  /  ...  /  INSERT ... SELECT Statements

2.3.9 INSERT ... SELECT Statements

The SELECT query of an INSERT ... SELECT statement is offloaded to HeatWave for execution, and the result set is inserted into the specified table on the MySQL DB System. Offloading the SELECT query to HeatWave reduces INSERT ... SELECT execution time in cases where the SELECT query is long running and complex. SELECT queries that produce large result sets do not benefit from this feature due to the large number of DML operations performed on the MySQL DB System instance.

The SELECT table must be loaded in HeatWave, and the INSERT table must be present on the MySQL DB System. For example, the following statement selects data from the orders table on HeatWave and inserts the result set into the orders2 table on the MySQL DB System:

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mysql> INSERT INTO orders2 SELECT * FROM orders;

As of MySQL 9.2.0, the SELECT query of an INSERT ... SELECT statement can be offloaded to HeatWave for execution even if the INSERT table has a trigger defined on it.

Usage notes: