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2.3.13 The NdbBlob Class

This section provides information about the NdbBlob class, which models a handle to a blob column and provides read and write access to blob column values. This object has a number of different states and provides several modes of access to blob data; these are also described in this section.

NdbBlob Class Overview

Parent class


Child classes



This class has no public constructor. An instance of NdbBlob is created using the NdbOperation::getBlobHandle() method during the operation preparation phase. (See Section 2.3.20, “The NdbOperation Class”.) This object acts as a handle on a blob column.


The following table lists the public methods of this class and the purpose or use of each method:

Table 2.34 NdbBlob class methods and descrptions

Name Description
blobsFirstBlob() Gets the first blob in a list.
blobsNextBlob() Gets the next blob in a list
close() Release internal resources prior to commit or abort
getBlobEventName() Gets a blob event name
getBlobTableName() Gets a blob data segment's table name.
getColumn() Gets a blob column.
getLength() Gets the length of a blob, in bytes
getNdbError() Gets an error (an NdbError object)
getNdbOperation() Get a pointer to the operation (NdbOperation object) to which this NdbBlob object belonged when created.
getNull() Checks whether a blob value is NULL
getPos() Gets the current position for reading/writing
getState() Gets the state of an NdbBlob object
getValue() Prepares to read a blob value
getVersion() Checks whether a blob is statement-based or event-based
readData() Reads data from a blob
setActiveHook() Defines a callback for blob handle activation
setNull() Sets a blob to NULL
setPos() Sets the position at which to begin reading/writing
setValue() Prepares to insert or update a blob value
truncate() Truncates a blob to a given length
writeData() Writes blob data
Name Description

getBlobTableName() and getBlobEventName() are static methods.

Most NdbBlob methods (nearly all of those whose return type is int) return 0 on success and -1 in the event of failure.


The public types defined by NdbBlob are shown here:

Table 2.35 NdbBlob types and descriptions

Name Description
ActiveHook() Callback for NdbBlob::setActiveHook()
State() Represents the states that may be assumed by the NdbBlob.

Blob Data Storage.  Blob data is stored in 2 locations:

  • The header and inline bytes are stored in the blob column.

  • The blob's data segments are stored in a separate table named NDB$BLOB_tid_cid, where tid is the table ID, and cid is the blob column ID.

The inline and data segment sizes can be set using the appropriate Column methods when the table is created. See Section 2.3.1, “The Column Class”, for more information about these methods.

Data Access Types.  NdbBlob supports 3 types of data access: These data access types can be applied in combination, provided that they are used in the order given above.

  • In the preparation phase, the NdbBlob methods getValue() and setValue() are used to prepare a read or write of a blob value of known size.

  • Also in the preparation phase, setActiveHook() is used to define a routine which is invoked as soon as the handle becomes active.

  • In the active phase, readData() and writeData() are used to read and write blob values having arbitrary sizes.

Blob operations.  Blob operations take effect when the next transaction is executed. In some cases, NdbBlob is forced to perform implicit execution. To avoid this, you should always operate on complete blob data segments.

Use NdbTransaction::executePendingBlobOps() to flush reads and writes, which avoids any execution penalty if no operations are pending. This is not necessary following execution of operations, or after the next scan result.

NdbBlob also supports reading post- or pre-blob data from events. The handle can be read after the next event on the main table has been retrieved. The data becomes available immediately. (See Section 2.3.16, “The NdbEventOperation Class”, for more information.)

Blobs and NdbOperations.  NdbOperation methods acting on NdbBlob objects have the following characteristics:.

  • NdbOperation::insertTuple() must use NdbBlob::setValue() if the blob attribute is nonnullable.

  • NdbOperation::readTuple() used with any lock mode can read but not write blob values.

    When the LM_CommittedRead lock mode is used with readTuple(), the lock mode is automatically upgraded to LM_Read whenever blob attributes are accessed.

  • NdbOperation::updateTuple() can either overwrite an existing value using NdbBlob::setValue(), or update it during the active phase.

  • NdbOperation::writeTuple() always overwrites blob values, and must use NdbBlob::setValue() if the blob attribute is nonnullable.

  • NdbOperation::deleteTuple() creates implicit, nonaccessible blob handles.

  • A scan with any lock mode can use its blob handles to read blob values but not write them.

    A scan using the LM_Exclusive lock mode can update row and blob values using updateCurrentTuple(); the operation returned must explicitly create its own blob handle.

    A scan using the LM_Exclusive lock mode can delete row values (and therefore blob values) using deleteCurrentTuple(); this create implicit nonaccessible blob handles.

  • An operation which is returned by lockCurrentTuple() cannot update blob values.

Known Issues.  The following are known issues or limitations encountered when working with NdbBlob objects:

  • Too many pending blob operations can overflow the I/O buffers.

  • The table and its blob data segment tables are not created atomically.


ActiveHook is a data type defined for use as a callback for the setActiveHook() method. (See NdbBlob::setActiveHook().)

Definition.  ActiveHook is a custom data type defined as shown here:

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typedef int ActiveHook ( NdbBlob* me, void* arg )


This is a callback for NdbBlob::setActiveHook(), and is invoked immediately once the prepared operation has been executed (but not committed). Any calls to getValue() or setValue() are performed first. The blob handle is active so readData() or writeData() can be used to manipulate the blob value. A user-defined argument is passed along with the NdbBlob. setActiveHook() returns a nonzero value in the event of an error.



This method initialises a list of blobs belonging to the current operation and returns the first blob in the list.

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NdbBlob* blobsFirstBlob ( void )


Return value

A pointer to the desired blob.



Use the method to obtain the next in a list of blobs that was initialised using blobsFirstBlob(). See NdbBlob::blobsFirstBlob().

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NdbBlob* blobsNextBlob ( void )


Return value

A pointer to the desired blob.



Closes the blob handle, releasing internal resources as it does so, prior to committing or aborting the transaction. In other words, this signals that an application has finished with reading from a given blob. This method can be called only when the blob's State is Active.

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int close ( bool execPendingBlobOps = true )

This method has a single boolean parameter execPendingBlobOps. If the value of this parameter true (the default), any pending blob operations are flushed before the blob handle is closed. If execPendingBlobOps is false, then it is assumed that the blob handle has no pending read or write operations to flush.

Return value

0 on success.

Read operations and locking.  When a blob handle is created on a read operation using LM_Read or LM_Exclusive as the LockMode, the read operation can be unlocked only once all Blob handles created on this operation have been closed.

When a row containing blobs has been read with lock mode LM_CommittedRead, the mode is automatically upgraded to LM_Read to ensure consistency. In this case, when all the blob handles for the row have been closed, an unlock operation for the row is automatically performed by the call to the close() method, which adds a pending write operation to the blob. The upgraded lock is released following the call to execute().



This method gets a blob event name. The blob event is created if the main event monitors the blob column. The name includes the main event name.

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static int getBlobEventName ( char* name, Ndb* ndb, const char* event, const char* column )

This method takes the four parameters listed here:

  • name: The name of the blob event.

  • ndb: The relevant Ndb object.

  • event: The name of the main event.

  • column: The blob column.

Return value

0 on success, -1 on failure.



This method gets the blob data segment table name.

This method is generally of use only for testing and debugging purposes.

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static int getBlobTableName ( char* name, Ndb* ndb, const char* table, const char* column )

This method takes the four parameters listed here:

  • name: The name of the blob data segment table.

  • ndb: The relevant Ndb object.

  • table: The name of the main table.

  • column: The blob column.

Return value

Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.



Use this method to get the blob column to which the NdbBlob belongs.

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const Column* getColumn ( void )


Return value

A Column object.



This method gets the blob's current length in bytes.

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int getLength ( Uint64& length )

A reference to the length.

Return value

The blob's length in bytes. For a NULL blob, this method returns 0. to distinguish between a blob whose length is 0 blob and one which is NULL, use the getNull() method.



This method checks whether the blob's value is NULL.

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int getNull ( int& isNull )

A reference to an integer isNull. Following invocation, this parameter has one of the following values, interpreted as shown here:

  • -1: The blob is undefined. If this is a nonevent blob, this result causes a state error.

  • 0: The blob has a nonnull value.

  • 1: The blob's value is NULL.

Return value




Use this method to obtain an error object. The error may be blob-specific or may be copied from a failed implicit operation. The error code is copied back to the operation unless the operation already has a nonzero error code.

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const NdbError& getNdbError ( void ) const


Return value

An NdbError object.



This method can be used to find the operation with which the handle for this NdbBlob is associated.

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const NdbOperation* getNdbOperation ( void ) const


Return value

A pointer to an operation.

The operation referenced by the pointer returned by this method may be represented by either an NdbOperation or NdbScanOperation object.

See Section 2.3.20, “The NdbOperation Class”, and Section 2.3.24, “The NdbScanOperation Class”, for more information.



This method gets the current read/write position in a blob.

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int getPos ( Uint64& pos )

One parameter, a reference to the position.

Return value

Returns 0 on success, or -1 on failure. (Following a successful invocation, pos will hold the current read/write position within the blob, as a number of bytes from the beginning.)



This method gets the current state of the NdbBlob object for which it is invoked. Possible states are described in NdbBlob::State.

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State getState ( void )


Return value

A value of type State.



Use this method to prepare to read a blob value; the value is available following invocation. Use getNull() to check for a NULL value; use getLength() to get the actual length of the blob, and to check for truncation. getValue() sets the current read/write position to the point following the end of the data which was read.

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int getValue ( void* data, Uint32 bytes )

This method takes two parameters. The first of these is a pointer to the data to be read; the second is the number of bytes to be read.

Return value

0 on success, -1 on failure.



This method is used to distinguish whether a blob operation is statement-based or event-based.

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void getVersion ( int& version )

This method takes a single parameter, an integer reference to the blob version (operation type).

Return value

One of the following three values:

  • -1: This is a normal (statement-based) blob.

  • 0: This is an event-operation based blob, following a change in its data.

  • 1: This is an event-operation based blob, prior to any change in its data.

getVersion() is always successful, assuming that it is invoked as a method of a valid instance of NdbBlob.



This method is used to read data from a blob.

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int readData ( void* data, Uint32& bytes )

readData() accepts a pointer to the data to be read, and a reference to the number of bytes read.

Return value

Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. Following a successful invocation, data points to the data that was read, and bytes holds the number of bytes read.



This method defines a callback for blob handle activation. The queue of prepared operations will be executed in no-commit mode up to this point; then, the callback is invoked. For additional information, see NdbBlob::ActiveHook.

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int setActiveHook ( ActiveHook* activeHook, void* arg )

This method requires the two parameters listed here:

  • A pointer to an ActiveHook.

  • A pointer to void, for any data to be passed to the callback.

Return value

0 on success, -1 on failure.



This method sets the value of a blob to NULL.

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int setNull ( void )


Return value

0 on success; -1 on failure.



This method sets the position within the blob at which to read or write data.

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int setPos ( Uint64 pos )

The setPos() method takes a single parameter pos (an unsigned 64-bit integer), which is the position for reading or writing data. The value of pos must be between 0 and the blob's current length.


Sparse blobs are not supported in the NDB API; in other words, there can be no unused data positions within a blob.

Return value

0 on success, -1 on failure.



This method is used to prepare for inserting or updating a blob value. Any existing blob data that is longer than the new data is truncated. The data buffer must remain valid until the operation has been executed. setValue() sets the current read/write position to the point following the end of the data. You can set data to a null pointer (0) in order to create a NULL value.

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int setValue ( const void* data, Uint32 bytes )

This method takes the two parameters listed here:

  • The data that is to be inserted or used to overwrite the blob value.

  • The number of bytes—that is, the length—of the data.

Return value

0 on success, -1 on failure.


This is an enumerated data type which represents the possible states of an NdbBlob instance.


An NdbBlob may assume any one of these states

Enumeration values

Possible values are shown, along with descriptions, in the following table:

Table 2.36 NdbBlob::State type values and descriptions

Name Description
Idle The NdbBlob has not yet been prepared for use with any operations.
Prepared This is the state of the NdbBlob prior to operation execution.
Active This is the blob handle's state following execution or the fetching of the next result, but before the transaction is committed.
Closed This state occurs after the transaction has been committed.
Invalid This follows a rollback or the close of a transaction.



This method is used to truncate a blob to a given length.

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int truncate ( Uint64 length = 0 )

truncate() takes a single parameter which specifies the new length to which the blob is to be truncated. This method has no effect if length is greater than the blob's current length (which you can check using getLength()).

Return value

0 on success, -1 on failure.



This method is used to write data to an NdbBlob. After a successful invocation, the read/write position will be at the first byte following the data that was written to the blob.

A write past the current end of the blob data extends the blob automatically.

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int writeData ( const void* data, Uint32 bytes )

This method takes two parameters, a pointer to the data to be written, and the number of bytes to write.

Return value

0 on success, -1 on failure.