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MySQL NDB Cluster API Developer Guide  /  ...  /  NDB API Example: Using NdbRecord with Hash Indexes

2.5.7 NDB API Example: Using NdbRecord with Hash Indexes

This program illustrates how to use secondary indexes in the NDB API with the aid of the NdbRecord interface.

The source code for this example may be found in the NDB Cluster source trees, in the file storage/ndb/ndbapi-examples/ndbapi_s_i_ndbrecord/main.cpp.

When run on a cluster having 2 data nodes, the correct output from this program is as shown here:

Press CTRL+C to copy
ATTR1 ATTR2 0 0 (frag=0) 1 1 (frag=1) 2 2 (frag=1) 3 3 (frag=0) 4 4 (frag=1) 5 5 (frag=1) 6 6 (frag=0) 7 7 (frag=0) 8 8 (frag=1) 9 9 (frag=0) ATTR1 ATTR2 0 10 1 1 2 12 Detected that deleted tuple doesn't exist! 4 14 5 5 6 16 7 7 8 18 9 9

The program listing is shown here:

Press CTRL+C to copy
// // ndbapi_simple_index_ndbrecord.cpp: Using secondary unique hash indexes // in NDB API, utilising the NdbRecord interface. // // Correct output from this program is (from a two-node cluster): // // ATTR1 ATTR2 // 0 0 (frag=0) // 1 1 (frag=1) // 2 2 (frag=1) // 3 3 (frag=0) // 4 4 (frag=1) // 5 5 (frag=1) // 6 6 (frag=0) // 7 7 (frag=0) // 8 8 (frag=1) // 9 9 (frag=0) // ATTR1 ATTR2 // 0 10 // 1 1 // 2 12 // Detected that deleted tuple doesn't exist! // 4 14 // 5 5 // 6 16 // 7 7 // 8 18 // 9 9 #include <mysql.h> #include <NdbApi.hpp> // Used for cout #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #define PRINT_ERROR(code,msg) \ std::cout << "Error in " << __FILE__ << ", line: " << __LINE__ \ << ", code: " << code \ << ", msg: " << msg << "." << std::endl #define MYSQLERROR(mysql) { \ PRINT_ERROR(mysql_errno(&mysql),mysql_error(&mysql)); \ exit(1); } #define APIERROR(error) { \ PRINT_ERROR(error.code,error.message); \ exit(1); } /* C struct representing layout of data from table * api_s_i_ndbrecord in memory * This can make it easier to work with rows in the application, * but is not necessary - NdbRecord can map columns to any * pattern of offsets. * In this program, the same row offsets are used for columns * specified as part of a key, and as part of an attribute or * result. This makes the example simpler, but is not * essential. */ struct MyTableRow { unsigned int attr1; unsigned int attr2; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 3) { std::cout << "Arguments are <socket mysqld> <connect_string cluster>.\n"; exit(1); } char * mysqld_sock = argv[1]; const char *connection_string = argv[2]; ndb_init(); MYSQL mysql; /************************************************************** * Connect to mysql server and create table * **************************************************************/ { if ( !mysql_init(&mysql) ) { std::cout << "mysql_init failed\n"; exit(1); } if ( !mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "root", "", "", 0, mysqld_sock, 0) ) MYSQLERROR(mysql); mysql_query(&mysql, "CREATE DATABASE ndb_examples"); if (mysql_query(&mysql, "USE ndb_examples") != 0) MYSQLERROR(mysql); mysql_query(&mysql, "DROP TABLE api_s_i_ndbrecord"); if (mysql_query(&mysql, "CREATE TABLE" " api_s_i_ndbrecord" " (ATTR1 INT UNSIGNED," " ATTR2 INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (ATTR1)," " UNIQUE MYINDEXNAME USING HASH (ATTR2))" " ENGINE=NDB")) MYSQLERROR(mysql); } /************************************************************** * Connect to ndb cluster * **************************************************************/ Ndb_cluster_connection *cluster_connection= new Ndb_cluster_connection(connection_string); // Object representing the cluster if (cluster_connection->connect(5,3,1)) { std::cout << "Connect to cluster management server failed.\n"; exit(1); } if (cluster_connection->wait_until_ready(30,30)) { std::cout << "Cluster was not ready within 30 secs.\n"; exit(1); } Ndb* myNdb = new Ndb( cluster_connection, "ndb_examples" ); // Object representing the database if (myNdb->init() == -1) { APIERROR(myNdb->getNdbError()); exit(1); } NdbDictionary::Dictionary* myDict= myNdb->getDictionary(); const NdbDictionary::Table *myTable= myDict->getTable("api_s_i_ndbrecord"); if (myTable == NULL) APIERROR(myDict->getNdbError()); const NdbDictionary::Index *myIndex= myDict->getIndex("MYINDEXNAME$unique","api_s_i_ndbrecord"); if (myIndex == NULL) APIERROR(myDict->getNdbError()); /* Create NdbRecord descriptors. */ const NdbDictionary::Column *col1= myTable->getColumn("ATTR1"); if (col1 == NULL) APIERROR(myDict->getNdbError()); const NdbDictionary::Column *col2= myTable->getColumn("ATTR2"); if (col2 == NULL) APIERROR(myDict->getNdbError()); /* NdbRecord for primary key lookup. */ NdbDictionary::RecordSpecification spec[2]; spec[0].column= col1; spec[0].offset= offsetof(MyTableRow, attr1); // So that it goes nicely into the struct spec[0].nullbit_byte_offset= 0; spec[0].nullbit_bit_in_byte= 0; const NdbRecord *pk_record= myDict->createRecord(myTable, spec, 1, sizeof(spec[0])); if (pk_record == NULL) APIERROR(myDict->getNdbError()); /* NdbRecord for all table attributes (insert/read). */ spec[0].column= col1; spec[0].offset= offsetof(MyTableRow, attr1); spec[0].nullbit_byte_offset= 0; spec[0].nullbit_bit_in_byte= 0; spec[1].column= col2; spec[1].offset= offsetof(MyTableRow, attr2); spec[1].nullbit_byte_offset= 0; spec[1].nullbit_bit_in_byte= 0; const NdbRecord *attr_record= myDict->createRecord(myTable, spec, 2, sizeof(spec[0])); if (attr_record == NULL) APIERROR(myDict->getNdbError()); /* NdbRecord for unique key lookup. */ spec[0].column= col2; spec[0].offset= offsetof(MyTableRow, attr2); spec[0].nullbit_byte_offset= 0; spec[0].nullbit_bit_in_byte= 0; const NdbRecord *key_record= myDict->createRecord(myIndex, spec, 1, sizeof(spec[0])); if (key_record == NULL) APIERROR(myDict->getNdbError()); MyTableRow row; /************************************************************************** * Using 5 transactions, insert 10 tuples in table: (0,0),(1,1),...,(9,9) * **************************************************************************/ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { NdbTransaction *myTransaction= myNdb->startTransaction(); if (myTransaction == NULL) APIERROR(myNdb->getNdbError()); /* We initialise the row data and pass to each insertTuple operation The data is copied in the call to insertTuple and so the original row object can be reused for the two operations. */ row.attr1= row.attr2= i; const NdbOperation *myOperation= myTransaction->insertTuple(attr_record, (const char*)&row); if (myOperation == NULL) APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); row.attr1= row.attr2= i+5; myOperation= myTransaction->insertTuple(attr_record, (const char*)&row); if (myOperation == NULL) APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); if (myTransaction->execute( NdbTransaction::Commit ) == -1) APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); myNdb->closeTransaction(myTransaction); } /***************************************** * Read and print all tuples using index * *****************************************/ std::cout << "ATTR1 ATTR2" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { NdbTransaction *myTransaction= myNdb->startTransaction(); if (myTransaction == NULL) APIERROR(myNdb->getNdbError()); /* The optional OperationOptions parameter to NdbRecord methods * can be used to specify extra reads of columns which are not in * the NdbRecord specification, which need to be stored somewhere * other than specified in the NdbRecord specification, or * which cannot be specified as part of an NdbRecord (pseudo * columns) */ Uint32 frag; NdbOperation::GetValueSpec getSpec[1]; getSpec[0].column=NdbDictionary::Column::FRAGMENT; getSpec[0].appStorage=&frag; NdbOperation::OperationOptions options; options.optionsPresent = NdbOperation::OperationOptions::OO_GETVALUE; options.extraGetValues = &getSpec[0]; options.numExtraGetValues = 1; /* We're going to read using the secondary unique hash index * Set the value of its column */ row.attr2= i; MyTableRow resultRow; unsigned char mask[1]= { 0x01 }; // Only read ATTR1 into resultRow const NdbOperation *myOperation= myTransaction->readTuple(key_record, (const char*) &row, attr_record, (char*) &resultRow, NdbOperation::LM_Read, mask, &options, sizeof(NdbOperation::OperationOptions)); if (myOperation == NULL) APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); if (myTransaction->execute( NdbTransaction::Commit, NdbOperation::AbortOnError ) != -1) { printf(" %2d %2d (frag=%u)\n", resultRow.attr1, i, frag); } myNdb->closeTransaction(myTransaction); } /***************************************************************** * Update the second attribute in half of the tuples (adding 10) * *****************************************************************/ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i+=2) { NdbTransaction *myTransaction= myNdb->startTransaction(); if (myTransaction == NULL) APIERROR(myNdb->getNdbError()); /* Specify key column to lookup in secondary index */ row.attr2= i; /* Specify new column value to set */ MyTableRow newRowData; newRowData.attr2= i+10; unsigned char mask[1]= { 0x02 }; // Only update ATTR2 const NdbOperation *myOperation= myTransaction->updateTuple(key_record, (const char*)&row, attr_record,(char*) &newRowData, mask); if (myOperation == NULL) APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); if ( myTransaction->execute( NdbTransaction::Commit ) == -1 ) APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); myNdb->closeTransaction(myTransaction); } /************************************************* * Delete one tuple (the one with unique key 3) * *************************************************/ { NdbTransaction *myTransaction= myNdb->startTransaction(); if (myTransaction == NULL) APIERROR(myNdb->getNdbError()); row.attr2= 3; const NdbOperation *myOperation= myTransaction->deleteTuple(key_record, (const char*) &row, attr_record); if (myOperation == NULL) APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); if (myTransaction->execute(NdbTransaction::Commit) == -1) APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); myNdb->closeTransaction(myTransaction); } /***************************** * Read and print all tuples * *****************************/ { std::cout << "ATTR1 ATTR2" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { NdbTransaction *myTransaction= myNdb->startTransaction(); if (myTransaction == NULL) APIERROR(myNdb->getNdbError()); row.attr1= i; /* Read using pk. Note the same row space is used as * key and result storage space */ const NdbOperation *myOperation= myTransaction->readTuple(pk_record, (const char*) &row, attr_record, (char*) &row); if (myOperation == NULL) APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); if (myTransaction->execute( NdbTransaction::Commit, NdbOperation::AbortOnError ) == -1) if (i == 3) { std::cout << "Detected that deleted tuple doesn't exist!\n"; } else { APIERROR(myTransaction->getNdbError()); } if (i != 3) printf(" %2d %2d\n", row.attr1, row.attr2); myNdb->closeTransaction(myTransaction); } } delete myNdb; delete cluster_connection; ndb_end(0); return 0; }