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MySQL Installer Release Notes  /  Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.5 (2022-11-22)

Changes in MySQL Installer 1.6.5 (2022-11-22)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • The my.ini configuration file now includes the current default values of the MySQL 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 server variables. MySQL Installer always assigns the default values when the (new) Manual configuration type determines the configuration. For all of the other configuration types (Development, Server, Dedicated), MySQL Installer attempts to assign values that optimize the installation, based on the selected configuration type, and those values can differ from the default values.

    In addition, this release also:

    (Bug #33786528)

  • In some cases, the value assigned to the tmp_table_size system variable was inadequate. A new server configuration type (Manual) now prevents MySQL Installer from attempting to optimize the server installation, and instead, sets its default values to the values specified in the my.ini configuration file. With the Manual type selected, MySQL Installer uses the default value of 16M for the tmp_table_size variable assignment. (Bug #33786403)

  • MySQL Installer now limits the number of concurrent product downloads to five (down from 10) to prevent creating a bottleneck at the download server and to provide greater stability during a download session. In addition, MySQL Installer now automatically retires each unsuccessful download three times. The familiar Try Again link now initiates that action for one individual product at a time, rather than for all selected products that did not download properly. A new Try All button provides the capability of retrying all unsuccessful downloads, as needed. (Bug #27903374, Bug #30147143, Bug #30147204)

  • MySQL Installer now permits the configuration of proxy details using a new Proxy tab in the MySQL Installer Options dialog. The Proxy tab provides three selectable proxy modes:

    • No proxy

      Disable any proxy settings.

    • Automatic (default mode)

      Discover and use the available system settings; otherwise, use no proxy.

    • Manual

      Apply the user-defined proxy configuration to access the internet.

    In addition, the mysqlinstallerconsole.exe --set action also provides new options to apply a proxy configuration (--proxy-mode, --proxy-server, --proxy-port, --proxy-username, --proxy-password). (Bug #68380, Bug #18502666)

Bugs Fixed

  • MySQL Installer did not prevent reusing the same pipe name for multiple server installations. Only the original server to be configured with the name could start properly. A new alert now appears during a server configuration if a pipe name already exists. (Bug #34620348)

  • When the installed version of MySQL Installer had a version number greater than the latest published manifest, and when the local manifest was of type snippet (snippet product catalog), MySQL Installer did not apply the full manifest. Now, MySQL Installer is able to apply the latest full product catalog regardless of the product catalog version, if the current catalog is of type snippet. (Bug #34425289)

  • During a server configuration or upgrade, if the MySQL Windows service failed to start, MySQL Installer could run indefinitely. Now, when MySQL Installer attempts to start the server, it checks the state and a new timeout ensures that the focus returns if the server does not start. (Bug #34301099)

  • For accounts other than the default, MySQL Installer did not grant the correct permissions on the selected Network Service Account to access the server data files. (Bug #32454209)

  • An error occurred after trying to add new users during MySQL 8.0 server configurations. MySQL Installer attempted to locate the mysql.proc and mysql.event tables to use for granting access. However, the tables were migrated to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA and granting access is no longer required. (Bug #29516299)

  • The selected server configuration type was not visible during subsequent server reconfiguration operations. MySQL Installer now identifies the currently selected type and displays it in the Type and Networking configuration page. (Bug #28218990)

  • The time needed to install each MySQL product is reduced. Products with smaller MSI files, or those being installed for the first time, are slightly improved. Installations improvements for products with larger MSI files, or those installed before, are more noticeable. (Bug #15884328)

  • A custom error log path set to a location that the NETWORK SERVICE account does not have write access to could prevent the Windows service from starting. (Bug #107948, Bug #34413620)