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MySQL Installer Release Notes  /  Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.31 (2019-08-19)

Changes in MySQL Installer 1.4.31 (2019-08-19)

Known limitation: There is an issue for MySQL 8.0.16 and higher that prevents the server from starting when the data directory from an earlier server version is reused for a new server installation. MySQL Server automatically initiates an upgrade when an existing data directory from an earlier server installation is reused and MySQL Installer does not process the upgrade as expected.

The workaround is to use the Upgrade operation in MySQL Installer, instead of removing the earlier server installation and then installing a fresh server instance that reuses the previous data directory. Alternatively, install a new server instance with the same version number as the data directory to be reused, then upgrade the server afterwards.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • The data directory removal dialog is no longer shown as part of the Apply Configuration wizard. Instead, a new Server Remove page, presented during a Server removal, enables the configuration to confirm the option to delete the data directory. (Bug #28957969)

  • Previously, licensing information was presented during the initial setup of MySQL Installer and the agreement required acceptance for the installation to proceed. Now, licensing information has a new icon and it appears as supplementary information that can be selected after clicking the About icon on the dashboard. In addition, licensing text files (and the README file) are also deployed to the MySQL Installer folder during the installation. (WL #13315)

  • The uninstall products process now logs all the actions performed by MySQL Installer before and after removing a product that has related configuration details, such as MySQL Server and MySQL Router. Logging information can be viewed in the new Log tab.

    Similar to the list of steps shown during the apply-configuration operation, the remove-product operation now displays a list of action steps, organized by product with general Expand All and Collapse All buttons. Each product with action steps (in addition to the uninstall step) also has Expand All and Collapse All functionality to show or hide the progress of individual steps. If an error occurs during one required action step, the error remains isolated to the affected product. A Retry option permits unfinished action steps to restart after corrective measures are applied to eliminate the errors. (WL #13017)

  • A new warning message is shown whenever a product is selected for installation or upgrade that is incompatible with the local MySQL server version (or versions). The message appears both on the Select Products and Features page and on the command line to forewarn, but not to prevent, the installation of a product that may produce conflicts with an installed server or with a server selected to be upgraded. (WL #12568)

Bugs Fixed

  • An exception was generated when a remove or reconfiguration operation followed an attempted reconfiguration operation that was canceled. (Bug #30121770)

  • Some installed versions of MySQL Connector/J showed the next release series of the product to upgrade to, rather than showing the next version within the release series. (Bug #30068143)

  • The commercial edition of MySQL Installer did not appear to remove the installed version of MySQL Connector/J after it was upgraded. (Bug #30059705)

  • Confirmation of the root password after a server upgrade was often slow. Now, the operation waits until after the upgraded server has restarted before attempting to check the password. (Bug #30044077)

  • The operation to remove MySQL Installer from the local computer did not provide an option to cancel and return control to MySQL Installer before the operation finished. Now, a Cancel button and the Esc key both dismiss the final dialog box and return control to the program as expected. (Bug #29845384)

  • After the local server instance was configured to run in an InnoDB Cluster with a specific Server ID, the value could be modified when the server was reconfigured. This fix sets the Server ID value to read-only during the reconfiguration of a server instance in a cluster. (Bug #29410131)

  • No logging information was shown during product removal. (Bug #29291790)

  • The InnoDB Cluster Options dialog box did not provide sufficient details about the local server instance as it prepared to separate the instance from a cluster and then to remove the server from the local computer. (Bug #29291666)

  • If a local server was configured as a seed or slave instance within an existing InnoDB Cluster, then removing the local server always dissolved the cluster. This fix introduces new behavior when the operation is performed on a local server that is part of an existing cluster (see Remove Operation). (Bug #29259282)

  • My Oracle Support (MOS) authentication was required twice to install or upgrade a commercial product that needed to be downloaded. (Bug #28507905)

  • MySQL Installer incorrectly reported the existence of an InnoDB Cluster configuration that belonged to another server on the same host when a server without InnoDB Cluster was removed. This fix updates the layout and content of the removal page to indicate clearly which server installation an operation applies to and restricts onscreen messages to the active operation. (Bug #28269236)

  • The Apply Configuration step did not show complete and accurate status after the configuration values were applied and then modified within the same session. (Bug #28267793)

  • With the Check for Updates option disabled, MySQL Installer could not be minimized and did not appear as an icon in the taskbar. (Bug #28215898)

  • Products in the commercial bundle were altered or missing after an initial installation operation was canceled without finishing and then MySQL Installer was restarted. (Bug #24515979)

  • The default data path was used as the location to create the Uploads folder, rather than the custom data path specified during the installation. (Bug #24340851)

  • A product-code mismatch between the manifest file and the MSI file caused some versions of MySQL Server 5.6 to omit the 64-bit product from the product catalog or to misidentify the version as unknown after MySQL Installer was restarted. (Bug #23033488, Bug #80925)

  • Without log-on-as-a-service permission, the account running MySQL Installer could not configure MySQL Server to run as a Microsoft service. This fix adds a new tooltip with information to clarify the requirement. (Bug #16221249)