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MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual  /  General Information  /  Server and Status Variables and Options Added, Deprecated, or Removed in MySQL 8.0

1.4 Server and Status Variables and Options Added, Deprecated, or Removed in MySQL 8.0

This section lists server variables, status variables, and options that were added for the first time, have been deprecated, or have been removed in MySQL 8.0.

Options and Variables Introduced in MySQL 8.0

The following system variables, status variables, and server options have been added in MySQL 8.0.

Options and Variables Deprecated in MySQL 8.0

The following system variables, status variables, and options have been deprecated in MySQL 8.0.

  • Compression: Whether client connection uses compression in client/server protocol. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.18.

  • Rsa_public_key: sha256_password authentication plugin RSA public key value. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.16.

  • Slave_open_temp_tables: Number of temporary tables that replication SQL thread currently has open. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • Slave_rows_last_search_algorithm_used: Search algorithm most recently used by this replica to locate rows for row-based replication (index, table, or hash scan). Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • abort-slave-event-count: Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.29.

  • admin-ssl: Enable connection encryption. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • audit_log_connection_policy: Audit logging policy for connection-related events. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • audit_log_exclude_accounts: Accounts not to audit. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • audit_log_include_accounts: Accounts to audit. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • audit_log_policy: Audit logging policy. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • audit_log_statement_policy: Audit logging policy for statement-related events. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • authentication_fido_rp_id: Relying party ID for FIDO multifactor authentication. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.35.

  • binlog_format: Specifies format of binary log. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking: Source of dependency information (commit timestamps or transaction write sets) from which to assess which transactions can be executed in parallel by replica's multithreaded applier. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.35.

  • character-set-client-handshake: Do not ignore client side character set value sent during handshake. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.35.

  • daemon_memcached_enable_binlog: . Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • daemon_memcached_engine_lib_name: Shared library implementing InnoDB memcached plugin. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • daemon_memcached_engine_lib_path: Directory which contains shared library implementing InnoDB memcached plugin. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • daemon_memcached_option: Space-separated options which are passed to underlying memcached daemon on startup. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • daemon_memcached_r_batch_size: Specifies how many memcached read operations to perform before doing COMMIT to start new transaction. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • daemon_memcached_w_batch_size: Specifies how many memcached write operations to perform before doing COMMIT to start new transaction. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • default_authentication_plugin: Default authentication plugin. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.27.

  • disconnect-slave-event-count: Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.29.

  • expire_logs_days: Purge binary logs after this many days. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • group_replication_ip_whitelist: List of hosts permitted to connect to group. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • group_replication_primary_member: Primary member UUID when group operates in single-primary mode. Empty string if group is operating in multi-primary mode. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.4.

  • group_replication_recovery_complete_at: Recovery policies when handling cached transactions after state transfer. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • have_openssl: Whether mysqld supports SSL connections. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • have_ssl: Whether mysqld supports SSL connections. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • init_slave: Statements that are executed when replica connects to source. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • innodb_api_bk_commit_interval: How often to auto-commit idle connections which use InnoDB memcached interface, in seconds. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • innodb_api_disable_rowlock: . Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • innodb_api_enable_binlog: Allows use of InnoDB memcached plugin with MySQL binary log. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • innodb_api_enable_mdl: Locks table used by InnoDB memcached plugin, so that it cannot be dropped or altered by DDL through SQL interface. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • innodb_api_trx_level: Allows control of transaction isolation level on queries processed by memcached interface. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.22.

  • innodb_log_file_size: Size of each log file in log group. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.30.

  • innodb_log_files_in_group: Number of InnoDB log files in log group. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.30.

  • innodb_undo_tablespaces: Number of tablespace files that rollback segments are divided between. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.4.

  • keyring_encrypted_file_data: keyring_encrypted_file plugin data file. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • keyring_encrypted_file_password: keyring_encrypted_file plugin password. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • keyring_file_data: keyring_file plugin data file. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • keyring_oci_ca_certificate: CA certificate file for peer authentication. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_compartment: OCI compartment OCID. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_encryption_endpoint: OCI encryption server endpoint. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_key_file: OCI RSA private key file. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_key_fingerprint: OCI RSA private key file fingerprint. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_management_endpoint: OCI management server endpoint. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_master_key: OCI master key OCID. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_secrets_endpoint: OCI secrets server endpoint. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_tenancy: OCI tenancy OCID. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_user: OCI user OCID. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_vaults_endpoint: OCI vaults server endpoint. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • keyring_oci_virtual_vault: OCI vault OCID. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.31.

  • log_bin_trust_function_creators: If equal to 0 (default), then when --log-bin is used, stored function creation is allowed only to users having SUPER privilege and only if function created does not break binary logging. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • log_bin_use_v1_row_events: Whether server is using version 1 binary log row events. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.18.

  • log_slave_updates: Whether replica should log updates performed by its replication SQL thread to its own binary log. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • log_slow_slave_statements: Cause slow statements as executed by replica to be written to slow query log. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • log_statements_unsafe_for_binlog: Disables error 1592 warnings being written to error log. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • log_syslog: Whether to write error log to syslog. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.2.

  • master-info-file: Location and name of file that remembers source and where I/O replication thread is in source's binary log. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.18.

  • master_info_repository: Whether to write connection metadata repository, containing source information and replication I/O thread location in source's binary log, to file or table. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.23.

  • master_verify_checksum: Cause source to examine checksums when reading from binary log. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • max_length_for_sort_data: Max number of bytes in sorted records. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.20.

  • myisam_repair_threads: Number of threads to use when repairing MyISAM tables. 1 disables parallel repair. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.29.

  • mysql_native_password_proxy_users: Whether mysql_native_password authentication plugin does proxying. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.16.

  • new: Use very new, possibly 'unsafe' functions. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.35.

  • no-dd-upgrade: Prevent automatic upgrade of data dictionary tables at startup. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.16.

  • old: Cause server to revert to certain behaviors present in older versions. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.35.

  • old-style-user-limits: Enable old-style user limits (before 5.0.3, user resources were counted per each user+host vs. per account). Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.30.

  • performance_schema_show_processlist: Select SHOW PROCESSLIST implementation. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.35.

  • pseudo_slave_mode: For internal server use. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • query_prealloc_size: Persistent buffer for query parsing and execution. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.29.

  • relay_log_info_file: File name for applier metadata repository in which replica records information about relay logs. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.18.

  • relay_log_info_repository: Whether to write location of replication SQL thread in relay logs to file or table. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.23.

  • replica_parallel_type: Tells replica to use timestamp information (LOGICAL_CLOCK) or database partitioning (DATABASE) to parallelize transactions. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.29.

  • rpl_stop_slave_timeout: Number of seconds that STOP REPLICA or STOP SLAVE waits before timing out. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • safe-user-create: Do not allow new user creation by user who has no write privileges to mysql.user table; this option is deprecated and ignored. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.11.

  • sha256_password_auto_generate_rsa_keys: Whether to generate RSA key-pair files automatically. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.16.

  • sha256_password_private_key_path: SHA256 authentication plugin private key path name. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.16.

  • sha256_password_proxy_users: Whether sha256_password authentication plugin does proxying. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.16.

  • sha256_password_public_key_path: SHA256 authentication plugin public key path name. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.16.

  • show-slave-auth-info: Show user name and password in SHOW REPLICAS and SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on this source. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • skip-character-set-client-handshake: Ignore client side character set value sent during handshake. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.35.

  • skip-host-cache: Do not cache host names. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.30.

  • skip-new: Do not use new, possibly wrong routines. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.35.

  • skip-slave-start: If set, replication is not autostarted when replica server starts. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • skip-ssl: Disable connection encryption. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave-skip-errors: Tells replication thread to continue replication when query returns error from provided list. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_checkpoint_group: Maximum number of transactions processed by multithreaded replica before checkpoint operation is called to update progress status. Not supported by NDB Cluster. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_checkpoint_period: Update progress status of multithreaded replica and flush relay log info to disk after this number of milliseconds. Not supported by NDB Cluster. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_compressed_protocol: Use compression of source/replica protocol. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.18.

  • slave_load_tmpdir: Location where replica should put its temporary files when replicating LOAD DATA statements. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_max_allowed_packet: Maximum size, in bytes, of packet that can be sent from replication source server to replica; overrides max_allowed_packet. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_net_timeout: Number of seconds to wait for more data from source/replica connection before aborting read. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_parallel_type: Tells replica to use timestamp information (LOGICAL_CLOCK) or database partioning (DATABASE) to parallelize transactions. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_parallel_workers: Number of applier threads for executing replication transactions in parallel; 0 or 1 disables replica multithreading. NDB Cluster: see documentation. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_pending_jobs_size_max: Maximum size of replica worker queues holding events not yet applied. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_preserve_commit_order: Ensures that all commits by replica workers happen in same order as on source to maintain consistency when using parallel applier threads. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_rows_search_algorithms: Determines search algorithms used for replica update batching. Any 2 or 3 from this list: INDEX_SEARCH, TABLE_SCAN, HASH_SCAN. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.18.

  • slave_sql_verify_checksum: Cause replica to examine checksums when reading from relay log. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_transaction_retries: Number of times replication SQL thread retries transaction in case it failed with deadlock or elapsed lock wait timeout, before giving up and stopping. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • slave_type_conversions: Controls type conversion mode on replica. Value is list of zero or more elements from this list: ALL_LOSSY, ALL_NON_LOSSY. Set to empty string to disallow type conversions between source and replica. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • sql_slave_skip_counter: Number of events from source that replica should skip. Not compatible with GTID replication. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • ssl: Enable connection encryption. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • ssl_fips_mode: Whether to enable FIPS mode on server side. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • symbolic-links: Permit symbolic links for MyISAM tables. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.2.

  • sync_master_info: Synchronize source information after every #th event. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • sync_relay_log_info: Synchronize file to disk after every #th event. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.34.

  • temptable_use_mmap: Defines whether TempTable storage engine allocates memory-mapped files when the temptable_max_ram threshold is reached. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

  • transaction_prealloc_size: Persistent buffer for transactions to be stored in binary log. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.29.

  • transaction_write_set_extraction: Defines algorithm used to hash writes extracted during transaction. Deprecated in MySQL 8.0.26.

Options and Variables Removed in MySQL 8.0

The following system variables, status variables, and options have been removed in MySQL 8.0.

  • Com_alter_db_upgrade: Count of ALTER DATABASE ... UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME statements. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • Innodb_available_undo_logs: Total number of InnoDB rollback segments; different from innodb_rollback_segments, which displays number of active rollback segments. Removed in MySQL 8.0.2.

  • Qcache_free_blocks: Number of free memory blocks in query cache. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • Qcache_free_memory: Amount of free memory for query cache. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • Qcache_hits: Number of query cache hits. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • Qcache_inserts: Number of query cache inserts. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • Qcache_lowmem_prunes: Number of queries which were deleted from query cache due to lack of free memory in cache. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • Qcache_not_cached: Number of noncached queries (not cacheable, or not cached due to query_cache_type setting). Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • Qcache_queries_in_cache: Number of queries registered in query cache. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • Qcache_total_blocks: Total number of blocks in query cache. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • Slave_heartbeat_period: Replica's replication heartbeat interval, in seconds. Removed in MySQL 8.0.1.

  • Slave_last_heartbeat: Shows when latest heartbeat signal was received, in TIMESTAMP format. Removed in MySQL 8.0.1.

  • Slave_received_heartbeats: Number of heartbeats received by replica since previous reset. Removed in MySQL 8.0.1.

  • Slave_retried_transactions: Total number of times since startup that replication SQL thread has retried transactions. Removed in MySQL 8.0.1.

  • Slave_running: State of this server as replica (replication I/O thread status). Removed in MySQL 8.0.1.

  • bootstrap: Used by mysql installation scripts. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • date_format: DATE format (unused). Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • datetime_format: DATETIME/TIMESTAMP format (unused). Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • des-key-file: Load keys for des_encrypt() and des_encrypt from given file. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • group_replication_allow_local_disjoint_gtids_join: Allow current server to join group even if it has transactions not present in group. Removed in MySQL 8.0.4.

  • have_crypt: Availability of crypt() system call. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • ignore-db-dir: Treat directory as nondatabase directory. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • ignore_builtin_innodb: Ignore built-in InnoDB. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • ignore_db_dirs: Directories treated as nondatabase directories. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_checksums: Enable InnoDB checksums validation. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_disable_resize_buffer_pool_debug: Disables resizing of InnoDB buffer pool. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_file_format: Format for new InnoDB tables. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_file_format_check: Whether InnoDB performs file format compatibility checking. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_file_format_max: File format tag in shared tablespace. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_large_prefix: Enables longer keys for column prefix indexes. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog: Force InnoDB not to use next-key locking. Instead use only row-level locking. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_scan_directories: Defines directories to scan for tablespace files during InnoDB recovery. Removed in MySQL 8.0.4.

  • innodb_stats_sample_pages: Number of index pages to sample for index distribution statistics. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_support_xa: Enable InnoDB support for XA two-phase commit. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • innodb_undo_logs: Number of undo logs (rollback segments) used by InnoDB; alias for innodb_rollback_segments. Removed in MySQL 8.0.2.

  • internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine: Storage engine for internal temporary tables. Removed in MySQL 8.0.16.

  • log-warnings: Write some noncritical warnings to log file. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • log_builtin_as_identified_by_password: Whether to log CREATE/ALTER USER, GRANT in backward-compatible fashion. Removed in MySQL 8.0.11.

  • log_error_filter_rules: Filter rules for error logging. Removed in MySQL 8.0.4.

  • log_syslog: Whether to write error log to syslog. Removed in MySQL 8.0.13.

  • log_syslog_facility: Facility for syslog messages. Removed in MySQL 8.0.13.

  • log_syslog_include_pid: Whether to include server PID in syslog messages. Removed in MySQL 8.0.13.

  • log_syslog_tag: Tag for server identifier in syslog messages. Removed in MySQL 8.0.13.

  • max_tmp_tables: Unused. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • metadata_locks_cache_size: Size of metadata locks cache. Removed in MySQL 8.0.13.

  • metadata_locks_hash_instances: Number of metadata lock hashes. Removed in MySQL 8.0.13.

  • multi_range_count: Maximum number of ranges to send to table handler at once during range selects. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • myisam_repair_threads: Number of threads to use when repairing MyISAM tables. 1 disables parallel repair. Removed in MySQL 8.0.30.

  • old_passwords: Selects password hashing method for PASSWORD(). Removed in MySQL 8.0.11.

  • partition: Enable (or disable) partitioning support. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • query_cache_limit: Do not cache results that are bigger than this. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • query_cache_min_res_unit: Minimal size of unit in which space for results is allocated (last unit is trimmed after writing all result data). Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • query_cache_size: Memory allocated to store results from old queries. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • query_cache_type: Query cache type. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • query_cache_wlock_invalidate: Invalidate queries in query cache on LOCK for write. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • secure_auth: Disallow authentication for accounts that have old (pre-4.1) passwords. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • show_compatibility_56: Compatibility for SHOW STATUS/VARIABLES. Removed in MySQL 8.0.1.

  • skip-partition: Do not enable user-defined partitioning. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • sync_frm: Sync .frm to disk on create. Enabled by default. Removed in MySQL 8.0.0.

  • temp-pool: Using this option causes most temporary files created to use small set of names, rather than unique name for each new file. Removed in MySQL 8.0.1.

  • time_format: TIME format (unused). Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • tx_isolation: Default transaction isolation level. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.

  • tx_read_only: Default transaction access mode. Removed in MySQL 8.0.3.