HeatWave on AWS  /  DB Systems  /  Creating a DB System

3.3 Creating a DB System

Check that the correct AWS region is shown at the top of the HeatWave Console. If it is not, see: Manage Regions

Creating a DB System requires administrator credentials, a hardware configuration, an AWS Availability Zone, a MySQL configuration and version, a maintenance window, network settings, backup policy, and a HeatWave Cluster configuration.

  • Administrator credentials.

    HeatWave on AWS grants a specific set of MySQL Server privileges to an administrator. See Default MySQL Privileges. The administrator user name can have up to 32 characters. Certain names are reserved. See Reserved User Names.

    The administrator password must be between 8 and 32 characters, and include at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one character from ,.-+*;:_!#%&/()=?><

  • Hardware configuration.

    The shape determines the resources that HeatWave on AWS allocates to the DB System. See Supported Shapes.


    HeatWave on AWS does not support changes to the MySQL shape. To use a different shape requires a new DB System with the new shape. Restore the data from a backup of the old DB System to the new DB System.

    MySQL uses the data storage for all data, logs, and temporary files. Binaries are not stored in this block storage. The maximum storage allocation is 65536 GiB.


    Ensure that the data storage capacity is sufficient for any data import.

  • AWS Availability Zone.

    An Availability Zone ID, AZ ID, identifies the physical Availability Zone. See Availability Zone IDs for your AWS resources, in the AWS RAM User Guide.


    To maximize performance, place the DB System in the same Availability Zone as the applications that will use the DB System.

  • MySQL configuration.

    Use a MySQL configuration to determine the values of global system variables. See Configuration.


    Not all MySQL configurations support HeatWave Clusters. Make sure to select a MySQL configuration that does support HeatWave Clusters to attach a HeatWave Cluster to the DB System. The default configuration will support HeatWave Clusters.

  • Maintenance Window.

    The maintenance window is a two-hour period specified in Coordinated Universal Time, UTC. When an update is available, HeatWave on AWS initiates it during this window. The time required to apply patches and updates may extend beyond the maintenance window and require a DB System restart. For more information, see Maintenance.

    Modify the Maintenance Window later by editing the DB System. See Editing a DB System.

  • Network settings: allowed client addresses.

    Specify the public-facing client IPv4 addresses that are permitted to connect to the DB System endpoint. These must all be public IP addresses that are capable of accessing the Internet, and not private IP addresses. For example:

    • The public IP address for the system you are using to set up HeatWave on AWS.
    • The public IP address for a system that an administrator will use to manage HeatWave on AWS.
    • The public IP addresses of application servers where client applications that will use HeatWave on AWS are running.
    • A public IP address range assigned to your organization.

    The IP addresses are specified in Classless Inter-Domain Routing, CIDR, format; for example: Multiple addresses in CIDR format can be specified in a semicolon-separated list; for example:;

    CIDR notation permits specifying a range of IP addresses in a single address. A CIDR address looks like a regular IP address but is suffixed with a forward slash followed by a number. The number is a compact representation of the subnet mask; for example, /24 is equivalent to, where 24 is the number of bits in the binary representation of (11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000). is equivalent to, which permits this IP address range: to

    The following table shows common subnet masks, the equivalent CIDR notation, and the number of IP addresses in the range.

    Table 3-3 CIDR Notation Examples

    Subnet Mask CIDR Notation Number of IP Addresses /8 16777216 /16 65536 /24 256 /25 128 /26 64 /27 32 /28 16 /29 8 /30 4 /31 2 /32 1

    Specify a combination of CIDR addresses to permit a specific range of IP address. For example, to permit five IP addresses in the range of to, specify these CIDR addresses:; To permit a single IP address such as, specify More information about CIDR notation including IP range to CIDR calculators can be found by searching online.

  • Backup policy.

    Automatic backups are optional. The retention period is from 1 to 35 days for automatic backups, with a default of 7 days. An automatic backup will start during the hour following the Backup start time, if this is set. The default time to start an automatic backup is a time between 11:00 and 07:00 UTC, and will be the same time every day.

  • HeatWave Cluster configuration.

    The HeatWave Cluster shape determines the resources allocated to each HeatWave node. See Supported Shapes.

    The cluster size is the number of HeatWave nodes, and can be between 1 and 128.

    Because the new DB System does not yet contain any data, HeatWave Autopilot cannot estimate the required cluster size, see: Estimating Cluster Size with HeatWave Autopilot.


    To make an estimate after loading the data to the DB System, delete the HeatWave Cluster and create a new one following the instructions in Creating a HeatWave Cluster.

    HeatWave on AWS does not support changes to the HeatWave Cluster shape. To use a different shape requires removing the existing HeatWave Cluster and creating a new one.


    For HeatWave AutoML functionality, the HeatWave.256GB node shape is recommended when creating a HeatWave Cluster. The HeatWave.16GB node shape may not have enough memory for training on large data sets. If error messages appear, such as ML003024, use the larger shape.

  1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.
  2. On the DB Systems tab, click Create MySQL DB System to open the Create MySQL DB System and HeatWave Cluster dialog.
  3. Basic information: Provide a name and description for the DB System:
    • Display Name: Specify a display name for the DB System or use the generated default name.
    • Description: Specify a user friendly description for the DB System.
  4. Administrator credentials: Specify the administrator credentials.
    • Username: Specify a user name for the administrator.
    • Password: Specify a password for the administrator.
    • Confirm Password: Re-enter the administrator password.
  5. Hardware configuration: Select a suitable hardware configuration.
    • Shape: Select a shape for the DB System.
    • Data Storage Size (GiB): Specify the amount of block storage, in GiB, to allocate to the DB System.
  6. Availability zone: This determines the physical location of the DB System:
    • Automatic: AWS selects the physical AWS Availability Zone.
    • Manual: Select a physical AWS Availability Zone.
  7. MySQL Configuration: Select a MySQL configuration.
    • Click Change to change the default configuration.
    • Select a configuration from the list.
    • Click Apply MySQL Configuration.
  8. Database Version: Select the MySQL Server version to deploy. The latest MySQL Server version is selected by default.
  9. Maintenance Window: Select the start time for the maintenance window.
    • Select Automatic for HeatWave on AWS to choose the Start day and Start time.
    • Select Manual to specify the maintenance window Start day and Start time.
  10. Networking: Configure network settings:
    • Allowed Client Addresses: Specify the public-facing client IPv4 addresses that are permitted to connect to the DB System endpoint.
    • Port: The port on which the MySQL server listens. The default is port 3306. Specify a port number between 1024 and 65535.
    • X Protocol Port: The X Protocol port on which the MySQL server listens, supported by clients such as MySQL Shell. The default port is 33060. Specify a port number between 1024 and 65535.
  11. Backup policy: Select the backup retention period, and the start time for automatic backups.
    • Select Enable Automatic Backups for HeatWave on AWS to take backups.
    • Set a retention period between 1 and 35 days.
    • Select Select Backup Window to set a preferred time to start a backup.
    • Set the Backup start time.
  12. IAM roles:
  13. Click Next.
  14. Provision HeatWave Cluster: Select whether to provision a HeatWave Cluster.

    This is only available if the chosen MySQL configuration supports HeatWave.

    • Basic information: Provide a name and description for the HeatWave Cluster:
      • Display Name: Specify a display name for the HeatWave Cluster or use the generated default name.
      • Description: Specify a user-friendly description of the HeatWave Cluster.
    • HeatWave Cluster configuration: Specify the shape and cluster size.
      • Shape: Select the shape to use for the HeatWave Cluster.
      • Cluster Size: Specify the size of the cluster between 1 and 128 HeatWave nodes.
  15. Click Create.

    HeatWave Console returns to the DB Systems page to monitor the state of the operation, which may take some time to complete. The state will change from Creating to Active when the operation has completed successfully.

    Click the name of the DB System to open the DB System Details pane and review the DB System Information.