HeatWave on AWS  /  Events

15 Events

Statuses of actions and operations on HeatWave on AWS resources are reported as Events.

A list of all Events is found on the Service Events pane, accessible from the console's Home page by the following means:
  • The Monitoring tab
  • The View all ... link in the Recent Activity region

The list of Events can be filtered by Severity or Type.

Events are also listed in the operation and resource Details pages. See Table 15-1.

Operations and Resources Monitored

Table 15-1 shows the operations and resources on HeatWave on AWS for the events, the types of events that are reported, and the locations on HeatWave Console where the Events tab (which shows the event reports) can be found.

Table 15-1 Events Reported on the HeatWave Console

Resources and Operations Types of Actions or Operations that Generate Event Reports Location of Events Tab
DB System Create, delete, resize, start, stop, restart, update, upgrade, configuration update, shape update DB System Details
HeatWave Cluster Create, delete, start, stop, restart, enabling and disabling of Lakehouse plugin, HeatWave Cluster Details
Inbound Replication Channel Create, delete, update, resume, reset channel Channel Details
Backups Create, update, delete Backup Details
MySQL Configurations Create, update, delete MySQL Configuration Details

Information in an Event Report

The following information is available in each event:

  • Type: The event and its status (In Progress, Succeeded, Failed). For example, Backup Delete Succeeded, Channel Create In Progress.
  • Severity: The severity level of the event, which can be one of
    • INFO: General information is provided. No special concerns
    • WARNING: Warning on an event that might impact the DB System's operation if no actions are taken.
    • CRITICAL: A critical event. An urgent action is required to avoid adverse impact on your DB System.
  • Message: The message body of the event report. It usually contains the information in Type plus the ID of the resource involved. For example, DB System e7fe1776-0066-4508-a904-ccb87b62ed46 stop in progress.
  • Created: The date and time the event report was created.

The following additional information is available for each event in the Event Details window, which opens when you click on the event in the Events tab:

  • Event ID: A unique ID of an event.
  • The type of resource involved and its resource ID. For example, MySQL Configuration followed by Default MySQL Configuration for MySQL.32.256GB (Supports HeatWave) .