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MySQL 8.4 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  The ps_trace_thread() Procedure The ps_trace_thread() Procedure

Dumps all Performance Schema data for an instrumented thread to a .dot formatted graph file (for the DOT graph description language). Each result set returned from the procedure should be used for a complete graph.

This procedure disables binary logging during its execution by manipulating the session value of the sql_log_bin system variable. That is a restricted operation, so the procedure requires privileges sufficient to set restricted session variables. See Section, “System Variable Privileges”.

  • in_thread_id INT: The thread to trace.

  • in_outfile VARCHAR(255): The name to use for the .dot output file.

  • in_max_runtime DECIMAL(20,2): The maximum number of seconds (which can be fractional) to collect data. Use NULL to collect data for the default of 60 seconds.

  • in_interval DECIMAL(20,2): The number of seconds (which can be fractional) to sleep between data collections. Use NULL to sleep for the default of 1 second.

  • in_start_fresh BOOLEAN: Whether to reset all Performance Schema data before tracing.

  • in_auto_setup BOOLEAN: Whether to disable all other threads and enable all instruments and consumers. This also resets the settings at the end of the run.

  • in_debug BOOLEAN: Whether to include file:lineno information in the graph.

mysql> CALL sys.ps_trace_thread(25, CONCAT('/tmp/stack-', REPLACE(NOW(), ' ', '-'), '.dot'), NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
| summary           |
| Disabled 1 thread |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

| Info                                        |
| Data collection starting for THREAD_ID = 25 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

| Info                                                      |
| Stack trace written to /tmp/ |
1 row in set (60.07 sec)

| Convert to PDF                                                    |
| dot -Tpdf -o /tmp/stack_25.pdf /tmp/ |
1 row in set (60.07 sec)

| Convert to PNG                                                    |
| dot -Tpng -o /tmp/stack_25.png /tmp/ |
1 row in set (60.07 sec)

| summary          |
| Enabled 1 thread |
1 row in set (60.32 sec)