HeatWave on AWS  /  Backups  /  Restoring a Backup to a New DB System

18.4 Restoring a Backup to a New DB System

When you restore a backup, you create a new DB System and restore the backup to it. You can change the shape and the amount of data storage for the new DB System. The restored DB System uses the same MySQL Administrator user name and password that was in effect when the backup was created.


DB System backups are Amazon EBS snapshots saved to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Amazon EBS snapshots are loaded asynchronously. You can use the new DB System as soon as it is active, while data continues to load in the background. If you access data that has not been loaded yet, the DB System downloads the requested data (which can therefore take longer than usual to access), then resumes asynchronous loading. If you want to download your frequently accessed data immediately, run a full-table scan such as SELECT * on the relevant tables.

To restore a backup to a new DB System:

  1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab.

  2. Select the Backups tab. In the list of backups, find the backup you want to restore to a new DB System, and do one of the following:

    • Click on the row of the backup to highlight it, and click Restore Backup.

    • Click the name of the backup to open the MySQL Backup Details page. Click Restore Backup.

    The Restore Backup to new MySQL DB System dialog is opened, with the Data source information (Backup ID and Backup name) displayed.

  3. Provide Basic information for the new DB System:

    • Display Name: Specify a display name for the new DB System or use the generated default name.

    • Description: Specify a description for the new DB System or use the generated description.


    No administrator user name and password are requested, because the restored DB System uses the same administrator user name and password that were in effect when the backup was created.

  4. Standalone or High availability
    • Standalone: Select for restoring the backup to a single-instance DB System.
    • High availability: Select for restoring the backup to a three-instance High Availability DB System.


      You cannot restore a backup of a standalone DB System to a high availability DB System.
  5. Select the Hardware configuration. If you are using this process to get a different shape or more storage for the DB System, choose the shape that you want the new DB System to have.

    • Shape: Select the shape to use for your DB System. The shape determines the resources allocated to the system. For information about shapes, see Supported Shapes. Selecting a shape for a DB System also selects the configuration associated with that shape. See Configuration.

    • Data Storage Size (GiB): Specify the amount of block storage, in GiB, to allocate to the DB System. This block storage stores all data, logs, and temporary files. Binaries are not stored in this block storage. Enter a number between 50 and 16384.


      • When restoring a backup of a high availability DB System, the Data Storage Size cannot be smaller than its value in the backed-up DB System.
      • Ensure that the specified Data Storage Size is not smaller than the size of the backup you are restoring.
  6. Preferred availability zone: This determines the physical location of the standalone DB System, or the preferred location of the primary instance for a High Availability DB System:
    • Automatic: AWS selects the physical AWS Availability Zone.
    • Manual: Select a physical AWS Availability Zone.


    A physical Availability Zone is identified by an Availability Zone ID (AZ ID). For information about AZ IDs and how to view them, see Availability Zone IDs for your AWS resources, in the AWS RAM User Guide.

  7. MySQL Configuration: Select a MySQL configuration.
    • Click Change to change the default configuration.
    • Select a configuration from the list.
    • Click Apply MySQL Configuration.


    Choices of configuration might be restricted by features you have chosen for the DB system; for example, if this is a high availability system, you will only be able to change to another configuration that supports high availability (if available).
  8. MySQL version: Select one of the following options in order to pick a MySQL version.
    • Available MySQL versions: Select the MySQL Server version to deploy. The latest MySQL Server version is selected by default.
    • Custom MySQL version image: Enter the MySQL version image name.
  9. Maintenance Window: Select the start time for the maintenance window.
    • Select Automatic for HeatWave on AWS to choose the Start day and Start time.
    • Select Manual to specify the maintenance window Start day and Start time.
  10. Configure Networking settings. Select Enable inbound connectivity from allowed public IP address ranges if you want the DB System to be accessible via the public internet, and provide the following information:

    • Allowed Client Addresses: Specify public-facing client IPv4 addresses that are permitted to connect to the DB System endpoint. Addresses are specified in CIDR format; for example: Multiple addresses in CIDR format can be specified in a semicolon-separated list; for example:; For information about specifying IP addresses in CIDR format, see Creating a DB System.

    • Port: The port on which the MySQL server listens. The default is port 3306. You can specify a port number between 1024 and 65535.

    • X Protocol Port: The X Protocol port on which the MySQL server listens. The X Protocol is supported by clients such as MySQL Shell. The default port is 33060. You can specify a port number between 1024 and 65535.

  11. Backup policy: Select the backup retention period, and the start time for automatic backups.
    • Select Enable automatic backups for HeatWave on AWS to take backups.


      For a high availability system, this is selected automatically and cannot be deselected.
    • Set a Backup retention period between 1 and 35 days.
    • Select Configure backup window to set a preferred time to start a backup and set the Backup start time.
  12. IAM roles:
  13. Click Next to proceed to the next page for creating a HeatWave Cluster.

  14. Select Provision HeatWave Cluster to create a HeatWave Cluster if desired, and then:


    Provisioning a HeatWave Cluster is not supported when restoring a backup to a high availability DB System.
    • Provide Basic information for the new HeatWave Cluster:

      • Display Name: Specify a display name for the new HeatWave Cluster or use the generated default name.

      • Description: Specify a description for the new HeatWave Cluster.

    • Under HeatWave Lakehouse, select Enable HeatWave Lakehouse if you want the feature to be supported.
    • Under HeatWave Cluster Configuration, select a node shape and cluster size.

      • Shape: Select a HeatWave node shape. For information about supported shapes, see Supported Shapes.


        If you intend to use HeatWave AutoML functionality, the HeatWave.256GB node shape is recommended when creating a HeatWave Cluster. The HeatWave.16GB node shape may not have enough memory for training on large data sets. If you see error messages about this (such as ML003024), use the larger shape instead.

      • Node count: The number of HeatWave nodes to create. Enter a number between 1 and 128.


        Because the new DB System does not yet contain any data, you cannot use HeatWave Autopilot to estimate the required cluster size (as described in Estimating Cluster Size with HeatWave Autopilot). If you want to make an estimate, after loading the data to the DB System, you can delete the HeatWave Cluster and create a new one following the instructions in Creating a HeatWave Cluster.

  15. Check the Summary on the DB System. Click Back to go back and make changes.
  16. Click Restore to restore the backup to the new DB System.

    You can go to the Resources > DB Systems tab to monitor the state of the restore operation, which may take some time to complete. The state will change from Creating to Active when the operation has completed successfully.