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Connectors and APIs Manual  /  MySQL Connector/NET Developer Guide  /  Connector/NET Programming

4.5 Connector/NET Programming

MySQL Connector/NET comprises several classes that are used to connect to the database, execute queries and statements, and manage query results.

The following are the major classes of Connector/NET:

  • MySqlConnection: Represents an open connection to a MySQL database (see Section 4.4, “Connector/NET Connections”).

    The MySqlConnectionStringBuilder class aids in the creation of a connection string by exposing the connection options as properties.

  • MySqlCommand: Represents an SQL statement to execute against a MySQL database.

  • MySqlCommandBuilder: Automatically generates single-table commands used to reconcile changes made to a DataSet with the associated MySQL database.

  • MySqlDataAdapter: Represents a set of data commands and a database connection that are used to fill a data set and update a MySQL database.

  • MySqlDataReader: Provides a means of reading a forward-only stream of rows from a MySQL database.

  • MySqlException: The exception that is thrown when MySQL returns an error.

  • MySqlHelper: Helper class that makes it easier to work with the provider.

  • MySqlTransaction: Represents an SQL transaction to be made in a MySQL database.