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  • connectionAttributes

    A comma-delimited list of user-defined "key:value" pairs, in addition to standard MySQL-defined "key:value" pairs, to be passed to MySQL Server for display as connection attributes in the 'PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA' tables 'session_account_connect_attrs' and 'session_connect_attrs'. Example usage: "connectionAttributes=key1:value1,key2:value2" This functionality is available for use with MySQL Server version 5.6 or later only. Earlier versions of MySQL Server do not support connection attributes, causing this configuration option to be ignored. Setting "connectionAttributes=none" will cause connection attribute processing to be bypassed for situations where Connection creation/initialization speed is critical.

    Since Version 5.1.25
  • connectionLifecycleInterceptors

    A comma-delimited list of classes that implement 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.interceptors.ConnectionLifecycleInterceptor' that should be notified of connection lifecycle events (creation, destruction, commit, rollback, setting the current database and changing the autocommit mode) and potentially alter the execution of these commands. 'ConnectionLifecycleInterceptors' are stackable, more than one interceptor may be specified via the configuration property as a comma-delimited list, with the interceptors executed in order from left to right.

    Since Version 5.1.4
  • useConfigs

    Load the comma-delimited list of configuration properties for specifying combinations of options for particular scenarios. These properties are loaded before parsing the URL or applying user-specified properties. Allowed values are "3-0-Compat", "clusterBase", "coldFusion", "fullDebug", "maxPerformance", "maxPerformance-8-0" and "solarisMaxPerformance", and they correspond to properties files shipped within the Connector/J jar file, under "com/mysql/cj/configurations".

    Since Version 3.1.5
  • clientInfoProvider

    The name of a class that implements the 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientInfoProvider' interface in order to support JDBC-4.0's 'Connection.get/setClientInfo()' methods.

    Default Value com.mysql.cj.jdbc.CommentClientInfoProvider
    Since Version 5.1.0
  • createDatabaseIfNotExist

    Creates the database given in the URL if it doesn't yet exist. Assumes the configured user has permissions to create databases.

    Default Value false
    Since Version 3.1.9
  • databaseTerm

    MySQL uses the term "schema" as a synonym of the term "database," while Connector/J historically takes the JDBC term "catalog" as synonymous to "database". This property sets for Connector/J which of the JDBC terms "catalog" and "schema" is used in an application to refer to a database. The property takes one of the two values "CATALOG" or "SCHEMA" and uses it to determine (1) which Connection methods can be used to set/get the current database (e.g. 'setCatalog()' or 'setSchema()'?), (2) which arguments can be used within the various 'DatabaseMetaData' methods to filter results (e.g. the catalog or 'schemaPattern' argument of 'getColumns()'?), and (3) which fields in the result sets returned by 'DatabaseMetaData' methods contain the database identification information (i.e., the 'TABLE_CAT' or 'TABLE_SCHEM' field in the result set returned by 'getTables()'?).

    If "databaseTerm=CATALOG", 'schemaPattern' for searches are ignored and calls of schema methods (like 'setSchema()' or get 'Schema()') become no-ops, and vice versa.

    Default Value CATALOG
    Since Version 8.0.17
  • detectCustomCollations

    Should the driver detect custom charsets/collations installed on server? If this option set to "true" the driver gets actual charsets/collations from the server each time a connection establishes. This could slow down connection initialization significantly.

    Default Value false
    Since Version 5.1.29
  • disconnectOnExpiredPasswords

    If 'disconnectOnExpiredPasswords' is set to "false" and password is expired then server enters sandbox mode and sends 'ERR(08001, ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD)' for all commands that are not needed to set a new password until a new password is set.

    Default Value true
    Since Version 5.1.23
  • interactiveClient

    Set the 'CLIENT_INTERACTIVE' flag, which tells MySQL to timeout connections based on 'interactive_timeout' instead of 'wait_timeout'.

    Default Value false
    Since Version 3.1.0
  • passwordCharacterEncoding

    Instructs the server to use the default character set for the specified Java encoding during the authentication phase. If this property is not set, Connector/J falls back to the collation name specified in the property 'connectionCollation' or to the Java encoding specified in the property 'characterEncoding', in that order of priority. The default collation of the character set utf8mb4 is used if none of the properties is set.

    Since Version 5.1.7
  • propertiesTransform

    An implementation of 'com.mysql.cj.conf.ConnectionPropertiesTransform' that the driver will use to modify connection string properties passed to the driver before attempting a connection.

    Since Version 3.1.4
  • rollbackOnPooledClose

    Should the driver issue a 'rollback()' when the logical connection in a pool is closed?

    Default Value true
    Since Version 3.0.15
  • useAffectedRows

    Don't set the 'CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS' flag when connecting to the server. Note that this is not JDBC-compliant and it will break most applications that rely on "found" rows vs. "affected rows" for DML statements, but does cause correct update counts from "INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" statements to be returned by the server.

    Default Value false
    Since Version 5.1.7