This section describes the various connection methods for connecting to the deployed MySQL server on the OCI Compute Instance.
This section gives some detail on connecting from a UNIX-like platform to the OCI Compute. For more information on connecting with SSH, see Accessing an Oracle Linux Instance Using SSH and Connecting to Your Instance.
To connect to the Oracle Linux running on the Compute Instance with SSH, run the following command:
Press CTRL+C to copyssh opc@computeIP
where opc
is the compute user and
is the IP address of your
Compute Instance.
To find the temporary root password created for the root user, run the following command:
Press CTRL+C to copysudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
To change your default password, log in to the server using the
generated, temporary password, using the following command:
mysql -uroot -p
. Then run the following:
Press CTRL+C to copyALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'MyNewPass4!';
To connect from your local MySQL client, you must first create on the MySQL server a user which allows remote login.
To connect to the MySQL Server from your local MySQL client, run the following command from your shell session:
Press CTRL+C to copymysql -uroot -p -hcomputeIP
where computeIP
is the IP address of
your Compute Instance.
To connect to the MySQL Server from your local MySQL Shell, run the following command to start your shell session:
Press CTRL+C to copymysqlsh \connect root@computeIP
where computeIP
is the IP address of
your Compute Instance.
For more information on MySQL Shell connections, see MySQL Shell Connections.
To connect to the MySQL Server from MySQL Workbench, see Connections in MySQL Workbench.