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A complete list of Connector/J 9.0 connection properties are available in Section 6.3, “Configuration Properties”. The following are connection properties that have been changed (removed, added, have their names changed, or have their default values changed) going from Connector/J 5.1 to 8.0 and beyond.

Properties that have been removed (do not use them during connection):

  • useDynamicCharsetInfo

  • useBlobToStoreUTF8OutsideBMP , utf8OutsideBmpExcludedColumnNamePattern, and utf8OutsideBmpIncludedColumnNamePattern: MySQL 5.6 and later supports the utf8mb4 character set, which is the character set that should be used by Connector/J applications for supporting characters beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) of Unicode Version 3.

  • useJvmCharsetConverters: JVM character set conversion is now used in all cases

  • The following date and time properties:

    • dynamicCalendars

    • noTzConversionForTimeType

    • noTzConversionForDateType

    • cacheDefaultTimezone

    • useFastIntParsing

    • useFastDateParsing

    • useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift

    • useLegacyDatetimeCode

    • useSSPSCompatibleTimezoneShift

    • useTimezone

    • useGmtMillisForDatetimes

  • dumpMetadataOnColumnNotFound

  • relaxAutoCommit

  • strictFloatingPoint

  • runningCTS13

  • retainStatementAfterResultSetClose

  • nullNamePatternMatchesAll

Properties that have been added:

  • mysqlx.useAsyncProtocol (deprecated)

Property that has its name changed:

  • com.mysql.jdbc.faultInjection.serverCharsetIndex changed to com.mysql.cj.testsuite.faultInjection.serverCharsetIndex

  • loadBalanceEnableJMX to ha.enableJMX

  • replicationEnableJMX to ha.enableJMX

Properties that have their default values changed:

  • nullCatalogMeansCurrent is now false by default