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6.3.1 Authentication

  • user

    The user to connect as. If none is specified, it is authentication plugin dependent what user name is used. Built-in authentication plugins default to the session login user name.

    Since Version all versions
  • password

    The password to use when authenticating the user.

    Since Version all versions
  • password1

    The password to use in the first phase of a Multi-Factor Authentication workflow. It is a synonym of the connection property 'password' and can also be set with user credentials in the connection string.

    Since Version 8.0.28
  • password2

    The password to use in the second phase of a Multi-Factor Authentication workflow.

    Since Version 8.0.28
  • password3

    The password to use in the third phase of a Multi-Factor Authentication workflow.

    Since Version 8.0.28
  • authenticationPlugins

    Comma-delimited list of classes that implement the interface 'com.mysql.cj.protocol.AuthenticationPlugin'. These plugins will be loaded at connection initialization and can be used together with their sever-side counterparts for authenticating users, unless they are disabled in the connection property 'disabledAuthenticationPlugins'.

    Since Version 5.1.19
  • disabledAuthenticationPlugins

    Comma-delimited list of authentication plugins client-side protocol names or classes implementing the interface 'com.mysql.cj.protocol.AuthenticationPlugin'. The authentication plugins listed will not be used for authenticating users and, if anyone of them is required during the authentication exchange, the connection fails. The default authentication plugin specified in the property 'defaultAuthenticationPlugin' cannot be disabled.

    Since Version 5.1.19
  • defaultAuthenticationPlugin

    The default authentication plugin client-side protocol name or a fully qualified name of a class that implements the interface 'com.mysql.cj.protocol.AuthenticationPlugin'. The specified authentication plugin must be either one of the built-in authentication plugins or one of the plugins listed in the property 'authenticationPlugins'. Additionally, the default authentication plugin cannot be disabled with the property 'disabledAuthenticationPlugins'. Neither an empty nor unknown plugin name or class can be set for this property.

    By default, Connector/J honors the server-side default authentication plugin, which is known after receiving the initial handshake packet, and falls back to this property's default value if that plugin cannot be used. However, when a value is explicitly provided to this property, Connector/J then overrides the server-side default authentication plugin and always tries first the plugin specified with this property.

    Default Value caching_sha2_password
    Since Version 5.1.19
  • ldapServerHostname

    When using MySQL's LDAP pluggable authentication with GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication method, allows setting the LDAP service principal hostname as configured in the Kerberos KDC. If this property is not set, Connector/J takes the system property '' and extracts the hostname (short name) from its value and uses it. If neither is set, the connection fails with an exception.

    Since Version 8.0.23
  • ociConfigFile

    The location of the OCI configuration file as required by the OCI SDK for Java. Default value is "~/.oci/config" for Unix-like systems and "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%.oci\config" for Windows.

    Since Version 8.0.27
  • ociConfigProfile

    The profile in the OCI configuration file specified in 'ociConfigFile', from where the configuration to use in the 'authentication_oci_client' authentication plugin is to be read.

    Default Value DEFAULT
    Since Version 8.0.33
  • authenticationWebAuthnCallbackHandler

    Fully-qualified class name of a class implementing the interface 'com.mysql.cj.callback.MysqlCallbackHandler'. This class will be used by the WebAuthn authentication plugin to obtain the authenticator data and signature required for the FIDO authentication process. See the documentation of com.mysql.cj.callback.WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback for more details.

    Since Version 8.2.0