The Group Replication plugin has a configuration option to
determine from which hosts an incoming Group Communication System
connection can be accepted. This option is called
If you set this option on a server s1, then when server s2 is
establishing a connection to s1 for the purpose of engaging group
communication, s1 first checks the allowlist before accepting the
connection from s2. If s2 is in the allowlist, then s1 accepts the
connection, otherwise s1 rejects the connection attempt by s2.
If you do not specify an allowlist explicitly, the group
communication engine (XCom) automatically scans active interfaces
on the host, and identifies those with addresses on private
subnetworks. These addresses and the localhost
IP address for IPv4 are used to create an automatic Group
Replication allowlist. The automatic allowlist therefore includes
any IP addresses found for the host in the following ranges:
10/8 prefix ( - - Class A
172.16/12 prefix ( - - Class B
192.168/16 prefix ( - - Class C - localhost for IPv4
An entry is added to the error log stating the addresses that have been allowlisted automatically for the host.
The automatic allowlist of private addresses cannot be used for
connections from servers outside the private network, so a server,
even if it has interfaces on public IPs, does not by default allow
Group Replication connections from external hosts. For Group
Replication connections between server instances that are on
different machines, you must provide public IP addresses and
specify these as an explicit allowlist. If you specify any entries
for the allowlist, the private and localhost
addresses are not added automatically, so if you use any of these,
you must specify them explicitly.
To specify an allowlist manually, use the
option. You cannot change the allowlist on a server while it is an
active member of a replication group. If the member is active, you
statement before changing the allowlist, and a
In the allowlist, you can specify any combination of the following:
IPv4 addresses (for example,
)IPv4 addresses with CIDR notation (for example,
)Host names, from MySQL 5.7.21 (for example,
)Host names with CIDR notation, from MySQL 5.7.21 (for example,
IPv6 addresses, and host names that resolve to IPv6 addresses, are not supported in MySQL 5.7. You can use CIDR notation in combination with host names or IP addresses to allowlist a block of IP addresses with a particular network prefix, but do ensure that all the IP addresses in the specified subnet are under your control.
You must stop and restart Group Replication on a member in order to change its allowlist. A comma must separate each entry in the allowlist. For example:
mysql> SET GLOBAL group_replication_ip_whitelist=",,,,";
The allowlist must contain the IP address or host name that is
specified in each member's
system variable. This address is not the same as the MySQL server
SQL protocol host and port, and is not specified in the
system variable for
the server instance.
When a replication group is reconfigured (for example, when a new primary is elected or a member joins or leaves), the group members re-establish connections between themselves. If a group member is only allowlisted by servers that are no longer part of the replication group after the reconfiguration, it is unable to reconnect to the remaining servers in the replication group that do not allowlist it. To avoid this scenario entirely, specify the same allowlist for all servers that are members of the replication group.
It is possible to configure different allowlists on different group members according to your security requirements, for example, in order to keep different subnets separate. If you need to configure different allowlists to meet your security requirements, ensure that there is sufficient overlap between the allowlists in the replication group to maximize the possibility of servers being able to reconnect in the absence of their original seed member.
For host names, name resolution takes place only when a connection request is made by another server. A host name that cannot be resolved is not considered for allowlist validation, and a warning message is written to the error log. Forward-confirmed reverse DNS (FCrDNS) verification is carried out for resolved host names.
Host names are inherently less secure than IP addresses in an allowlist. FCrDNS verification provides a good level of protection, but can be compromised by certain types of attack. Specify host names in your allowlist only when strictly necessary, and ensure that all components used for name resolution, such as DNS servers, are maintained under your control. You can also implement name resolution locally using the hosts file, to avoid the use of external components.