Graphs are defined in XML files, then imported into MEM. The new custom graph is displayed in the Graphing category on the Advisors page.
For an example of how to create a graph, see Section 31.1.9, “Creating a New Graph: An Example”.
The XML elements for creating a graph are as follows:
The version number of the graph. Generally only important with the bundled graphs, and is only used internally.
The unique id of the graph. Each revision (version) requires a new uuid, which is only used internally.
The visible graph name, which is displayed within the graph listing. Note: graphs are sorted alphabetically.
Optionally define the frequency for the graph, which defaults to 1 minute. May use seconds, minutes, hours, and days.
The Y-axis range label. For example, a graph about disk space usage may use
Each series contains a label and an expression. The label is the visible name of the series, and the simple expression defines it.
Each variables definition contains a name, instance, and dcItem element. The instance defines what data the graph displays, and each dcItem element contains a nameSpace, className, and attribName:
Namespace (type) of the data collection item.
Class (namespace type) of the data collection item.
Attribute name of the data collection item.