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MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0  /  ...  /  The ndbinfo arbitrator_validity_summary Table

6.16.2 The ndbinfo arbitrator_validity_summary Table

The arbitrator_validity_summary table provides a composite view of the arbitrator with regard to the cluster's data nodes.

The arbitrator_validity_summary table contains the following columns:

  • arbitrator

    Node ID of arbitrator

  • arb_ticket

    Internal identifier used to track arbitration

  • arb_connected

    Whether this arbitrator is connected to the cluster

  • consensus_count

    Number of data nodes that see this node as arbitrator; either of Yes or No


In normal operations, this table should have only 1 row for any appreciable length of time. If it has more than 1 row for longer than a few moments, then either not all nodes are connected to the arbitrator, or all nodes are connected, but do not agree on the same arbitrator.

The arbitrator column shows the arbitrator's node ID.

arb_ticket is the internal identifier used by this arbitrator.

arb_connected shows whether this node is connected to the cluster as an arbitrator.