This section explains the concepts introduced as part of using MySQL as a document store.
A Document is a set of key and value pairs, as represented by a JSON object. A Document is represented internally using the MySQL binary JSON object, through the JSON MySQL datatype. The values of fields can contain other documents, arrays, and lists of documents.
Press CTRL+C to copy{ "GNP": 4834, "_id": "00005de917d80000000000000023", "Code": "BWA", "Name": "Botswana", "IndepYear": 1966, "geography": { "Region": "Southern Africa", "Continent": "Africa", "SurfaceArea": 581730 }, "government": { "HeadOfState": "Festus G. Mogae", "GovernmentForm": "Republic" }, "demographics": { "Population": 1622000, "LifeExpectancy": 39.29999923706055 } }
Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations are the four basic operations that can be performed on a database Collection or Table. In terms of MySQL this means:
Create a new entry (insertion or addition)
Read entries (queries)
Update entries
Delete entries
The MySQL Server plugin which enables communication using X Protocol. Supports clients that implement X DevAPI and enables you to use MySQL as a document store.