Extract the MySQL Cluster Manager 8.4.4 program and other files from the distribution archive. You must install a copy of MySQL Cluster Manager on each computer that you intend to use as a MySQL NDB Cluster host. In other words, you need to install MySQL Cluster Manager on each host that will be a member of the MySQL Cluster Manager management site. For each host, you should use the MySQL Cluster Manager build that matches that computer's operating system and processor architecture.
On Linux systems, you can unpack the archive using the
following command, which uses
as an example (the actual filename will vary according to the
MySQL Cluster Manager build that you intend to deploy):
Press CTRL+C to copy$> tar -zxvf mcm-8.4.4-cluster-8.4.4-linux-glibc2.17-x86-64bit.tar.gz
This command unpacks the archive into a directory having the
same name as the archive, less the
extension. The top-level
directories under the unpacked directory are
Because the Solaris version of
tar cannot handle long
filenames correctly, the MySQL Cluster Manager program files may be
corrupted if you try to use it to unpack the MySQL Cluster Manager archive.
To get around this issue on Solaris operating systems, you
should use GNU tar
rather than the default tar
supplied with Solaris. On Solaris,
gtar is often already
installed in the /usr/sfw/bin
directory, although the
executable may not be included in your path. If
gtar is not
present on your system, please consult the
Solaris Documentation for information on how to
obtain and install it.
In general, the location where you place the unpacked MySQL Cluster Manager
directory and the name of this directory can be arbitrary.
However, we recommend that you use a standard location for
optional software, such as /opt
on Linux
systems, and that you name the directory using the
8.4.4 version number (this facilitates subsequent
upgrades). On a typical Linux system you can accomplish this
task like this:
Press CTRL+C to copy$> cd mcm-8.4.4-cluster-8.4.4-linux-glibc2.17-x86-64bit $> mv mcm-8.4.4 /opt/mcm-8.4.4
For ease of use, we recommend that you put the MySQL Cluster Manager files in the same directory on each host where you intend to run it.
Contents of the MySQL Cluster Manager Unix Distribution Archive. If you change to the directory where you placed the extracted MySQL Cluster Manager archive and list the contents, you should see something similar to what is shown here:
Press CTRL+C to copy$> cd /opt/mcm-8.4.4 $> ls bin docs etc lib licenses share var
These directories are described in the following table:
Table 3.1 Contents of the MySQL Cluster Manager Unix distribution archive, by directory
Directory | Contents |
bin |
MySQL Cluster Manager agent and client executables |
docs |
Contains the sample configuration file,
sample_mcmd.conf , the
LICENSE file, and the
README.txt file |
etc/init.d |
Contains the init scripts |
lib and subdirectories |
Libraries needed to run the MySQL Cluster Manager agent |
licenses/glib- |
An archive containing source code (including licensing and
documentation), for the GLib library |
var |
XML files containing information needed by MySQL Cluster Manager about processes, attributes, and command syntax |
Normally, the only directories of those shown in the preceding
table that you need be concerned with are the
, docs
, and
For MySQL Cluster Manager 8.4.4 distributions that include MySQL NDB Cluster,
the complete MySQL NDB Cluster 8.4.4 binary distribution is
included in the cluster
directory. Within
this directory, the layout of the MySQL NDB Cluster distribution is the
same as that of the standalone MySQL NDB Cluster binary distribution.
For example, MySQL NDB Cluster binary programs such as
ndb_mgmd, ndbd,
ndbmtd, and ndb_mgm can
be found in cluster/bin
. For more
information, see MySQL Installation Layout for Generic Unix/Linux Binary Package,
Installing an NDB Cluster Binary Release on Linux.
If you wish to use the included MySQL NDB Cluster software, it is
recommended that you move the cluster
directory and all its contents to a location outside the MySQL Cluster Manager
installation directory, such as
For example, on a Linux system, you can move the MySQL NDB Cluster NDB
8.4.4 software that is bundled with MySQL Cluster Manager 8.4.4
to a suitable location by first navigating to the directory
unpacked from the distribution archive and then using a shell
command similar to what is shown here:
Press CTRL+C to copy$> mv cluster /opt/ndb-8.4.4
The mcmd
option uses the
MySQL NDB Cluster binaries in the cluster
that is under the same directory as the MySQL Cluster Manager installation
directory, and bootstrapping fails if the binaries cannot be
found there. To work around this issue, create a symbolic
link to the correct directory in the directory above the
installation directory, like this:
Press CTRL+C to copy$> ln -s /opt/ndb-8.4.4 cluster
After doing this, you can use the mcm
client commands add package
upgrade cluster
to upgrade any desired
cluster or clusters to the new MySQL NDB Cluster software version.
The MySQL Cluster Manager agent by default writes its log file as
in the same directory where the
installation directory is found. When the agent runs for the
first time, it creates a directory where the agent stores its
own configuration data; by default, that is
in the parent directory of the
MySQL Cluster Manager installation directory. The configuration data, log
files, and data node file systems for a given MySQL NDB Cluster under
MySQL Cluster Manager control, and named
, can be found in
under this data directory (sometimes also known as the MySQL Cluster Manager
The location of the MySQL Cluster Manager agent configuration file, log file,
and data directory can be controlled with
mcmd startup options or by making changes
in the agent configuration file. To simplify upgrades of
MySQL Cluster Manager, we recommend that you change the data repository to a
directory outside the MySQL Cluster Manager installation directory, such as
. See
Section 3.4, “MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration File”, and
Section 4.2, “Starting and Stopping the MySQL Cluster Manager Agent”, for more
MySQL Cluster Manager init script. On Linux and other Unix-like systems, you can set up the MySQL Cluster Manager agent to run as a daemon, using the init script that is supplied with the MySQL Cluster Manager distribution.
To do this, follow the steps listed here:
Copy the file
under the MySQL Cluster Manager installation directory to your system's/etc/init.d/
directory (or equivalent). On a typical Linux system, you can do this using the following command in the system shell, wheremcmdir
is the MySQL Cluster Manager installation directory:Press CTRL+C to copy$> cd mcmdir/etc/init.d $> cp mcmd /etc/init.d/mcmd
Make sure that this file has appropriate permissions and is executable by the user account that runs MySQL Cluster Manager. On a typical Linux system, this can be done by executing commands in your system shell similar to those shown here:
Press CTRL+C to copy$> chown mcmuser /etc/init.d/mcmd $> chmod 755 /etc/init.d/mcmd
Be sure to refer to your operating system documentation for exact information concerning the commands needed to perform these operations, as they may vary between platforms.
Open the file
in a text editor. Here, we show a portion of this file, in which we have highlighted the two lines that need to be updated:Press CTRL+C to copyMCMD_SERVICE="mcmd" MCMD_PSERVICE="MySQL Cluster Manager" MCMD_ROOTDIR=@@MCMD_ROOTDIR@@ MCMD_BIN="$MCMD_ROOTDIR/bin/mcmd" MCMD_CONFIG="$MCMD_ROOTDIR/etc/mcmd.conf" # Run service as non-root user MCMD_USER=@@MCMD_USER@@ SU="su --login $MCMD_USER --command"
In the first of the highlighted lines, replace the placeholder
with the complete path to the MySQL Cluster Manager installation directory. In the second of these lines, replace the placeholder@@MCMD_USER@@
with the name of the system user that runs the MySQL Cluster Manager agent (note that this must not be the systemroot
account). Save the edited file.
The MySQL Cluster Manager agent should now be started automatically whenever the system is restarted.
When the agent is configured as a daemon, cluster processes
are started automatically when the agent is restarted, as long
as the cluster was running when the agent shut down; however,
must be disabled (set to 0) for all data nodes in order for
that to work. If the cluster was stopped when the
agent shut down, it is necessary to have in place a script
that waits for the agent to complete its startup and recovery
phases, and then, when the agent is ready, starts the cluster
using a command such as
/bin/mcm -e 'start
cluster cluster_name
Install MySQL Cluster Manager as a service using systemd. On Linux and other Unix-like systems that supports systemd, you can set up the MySQL Cluster Manager agent to run as a service by following theses steps:
Create the system user
to run themcm
servicePress CTRL+C to copysudo useradd --no-create-home -s /bin/false mcm
Set the necessary file and folder permissions (replace
with the path for your MySQL Cluster Manager installation directory)Press CTRL+C to copysudo chown -R mcm:mcm mcmdir chmod 600 mcmdir/mcmd.conf
Create the systemd configuration file
for themcm
service:Press CTRL+C to copy[Unit] Description=MySQL Cluster Manager Documentation=https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-cluster-manager/en/ After=network-online.target [Service] User=mcm Group=mcm Restart=always Type=simple ExecStart=mcmdir/mcm8.4.4/bin/mcmd --config=mcmdir/mcmd.conf [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Reload systemd configuration files for your system, to make service addition take effect:
Press CTRL+C to copysudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start, enable, and check status of the service by these commands
Press CTRL+C to copysudo systemctl start mcm sudo systemctl enable mcm sudo systemctl status mcm
If the service is not started correctly, look in the
file:Press CTRL+C to copysudo tail -150f /var/log/messages
When the agent is configured as a service, cluster processes
are started automatically when the agent is restarted, as long
as the cluster was running when the agent shut down; however,
must be disabled (set to 0) for all data nodes in order for
this to happen. If the cluster was stopped when the
agent shut down, it is necessary to have in place a script
that waits for the agent to complete its startup and recovery
phases, and then, when the agent is ready, starts the cluster
using a command such as
/bin/mcm -e 'start
cluster cluster_name