HeatWave on AWS  /  Configuration  /  MySQL Configuration Details

18.3 MySQL Configuration Details

Follow these steps to view details of your MySQL configurations:

  1. In the HeatWave Console, select the Resources tab, and then click the Configurations tab.

  2. In the list of configurations, find the configuration for which you want to view its details, and do one of the following:
    • Click the row of the configuration to highlight it. The configuration details appear below the list of configurations. See Table 18-1 for an explanation of the details given.
    • Click the name of the configuration to open the Table 18-1 for the selected DB System.

The following actions can be taken for the configuration on either the HeatWave Console Configurations tab or on the MySQL Configuration Details page:

  • Click Edit Configuration to open the Edit MySQL Configuration dialog box, in which you can edit the Basic information for the configuration including the Display name and Description. Note that no other properties of the configuration can be altered.
  • Click Copy Configuration to create a new configuration based on the current configuration. After the Copy MySQL Configuration dialog opens, follow the instructions given in Copying a MySQL Configuration.
  • Click Delete to delete the configuration if it is no longer needed by any DB Systems.

The following tables describe the information provided on the MySQL Configuration Details page.

Table 18-1 Tabs on MySQL Configuration Details Page

Name Description
Variables Variable information. See Table 18-2.
DB Systems Information on DB Systems that use the configuration. See Table 18-3 .
Events Event details. See Table 18-4.

Table 18-2 MySQL Configuration Variables Details

Field Description
General information
  • Name: The name of the configuration.
  • The state of the configuration:
    • ACTIVE: The configuration was successfully created and is ready to be used.

    • DELETED: The configuration has been deleted and is no longer available.

  • Resource ID: The unique resource identifier assigned to the configuration when it is created.
  • Description: The user-defined description of the configuration.
  • Last updated: The date and time the configuration was last updated. If the configuration has never been updated, it shows the date of time of its creation.
  • Created: The date and time the configuration was created.
  • Type: The type of configuration:
    • Default: It is a default configuration for a MySQL shape.
    • Custom It is a custom configuration created based on a Default configuration or another custom configuration.
  • Shape: The MySQL shape for which the configuration was created. For information about shapes, see Supported Shapes.
  • Source MySQL Configuration: The source configuration based on which the current configuration was created, if this is a custom configuration.
  • Supports HeatWave: Whether the configuration supports HeatWave.
Initialization variables All the System Initialization Variables in the configuration.
User variables

Select a filter to show the variables and their values associated with the configuration:

  • All: Show all configuration variables (default)
  • Dynamic: Show all configuration variables that are dynamic and can be set at runtime.
  • Shape or feature specific: Show all configuration variables that have MySQL shape or feature-specific values.
  • Default: Show all configuration variables that have not been set by users.
  • User-defined: Show all configuration variables that have been set by users. User-defined variables are those that have ever been set in either the Create MySQL Configuration or the Copy MySQL Configuration dialog when the configuration was created. The actual value of the variable does not matter: for example, you could have selected a variable in the configuration dialog and then left its displayed value (which was the value from your base configuration) unchanged, but the variable would still be taken as "user-defined" and displayed by this filter.

You can also refine the list by typing into the search bar part of the names of the variables you are interested in.

Table 18-3 MySQL Configuration DB Systems Details

Field Description
Name Name of a DB System that uses the configuration. Click the name to see the DB System Details.

The state of the DB System that uses the configuration. See heatwave-aws-dbsystem-details.html#GUID-4B763116-827F-4EF0-869A-AA3705D19B32__HEATWAVE-AWS-DBSYSTEM-SUMMARY-DETAILS for descriptions of the DB System states.

HeatWave Cluster The HeatWave Cluster for the DB System that uses the configuration. Click the name to view the HeatWave Cluster Details.
HeatWave State

The state of the HeatWave Cluster of the DB System that uses the configuration. See Table 4-3 for descriptions of the HeatWave Cluster states.

Created The date and time the DB System that uses the configuration was created.

Table 18-4 MySQL Configuration Event Details

Field Description
Type The event and its status.
Severity The severity level of the event, which can be one of
  • INFO: General information is provided. No special concerns
  • WARNING: Warning on an event that might impact the DB System's operation if no actions are taken.
  • CRITICAL: A critical event. An urgent action is required to avoid adverse impact on your DB System.
Message The message body of the event report.
Created The date and time the event report was created.

See Events for details on event reports.