HeatWave on AWS  /  Inbound Replication  /  Creating a Replication User On a Source Server

8.4 Creating a Replication User On a Source Server

The replication user for inbound replication must be present on the source server with the required privileges. The replica uses this user account when it connects to the source server.
This task requires:
  • MySQL Shell or MySQL client.
Do the following to add a replication user to the source server:
  1. Open MySQL Shell and connect to the MySQL source server.
  2. Run the following SQL command to create a replication user, and to permit only encrypted connections for all accounts named by the statement. In this example, the username for the replication user is rpluser001:
    Press CTRL+C to copy
    CREATE USER rpluser001 IDENTIFIED BY '<password>' REQUIRE SSL;


    Inbound replication in HeatWave on AWS requires MySQL source password to contain 8 to 32 characters including at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one character from ,.-+*;:_!#%&/()=?><
  3. Run the following command to grant the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege to the new replication user, rpluser001 in this example:
    Press CTRL+C to copy
    GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE on *.* to rpluser001;
The replication user is created and granted the required privileges. Note the user name and password so that you can specify them when you create the replication channel..