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8.7.1 Channel Details

The Channel Details page is divided into the following sections:

Table 8-3 Channel Details Page

Name Description
Summary Channel summary details. See Table 8-4.
Channel Source and Target Information Channel source and target details. See Table 8-5.
Channel Event Details Channel event details. See Table 8-6.

Table 8-4 Channel Summary Details

Field Description

The state of the Channel.

  • Creating: The Channel is being created. Provisioning can take several minutes. The channel is not yet replicating data from the source to the target.

  • Active: The Channel is running and replicating successfully.

  • Inactive: The Channel is not replicating because the user has disabled it.

  • Needs Attention: This status is displayed for the following reasons:
    • The Channel is not replicating due to an error.
    • The target DB System is Inactive, that is, the Channel is created or updated while the DB System is in Inactive state. Pending actions are applied when the DB System is started.
  • Updating: The Channel is in the process of being updated.

  • Resuming: The Channel is in the process of being resumed.

  • Resetting: The Channel is in the process of being reset.

  • Deleting: The Channel is being deleted.

  • Deleted: The Channel has been deleted and is no longer available.

  • Resuming Error: An attempt to resume the Channel failed.

  • Resetting Error: An attempt to reset the Channel failed.

  • Updating Error: An attempt to update the Channel failed.

Resource ID The unique resource identifier assigned to the Channel when it is created.
Description The user-defined description of the Channel.
Enabled The status of the channel. Yes for enabled, No for disabled.
Last updated The date and time the Channel was last updated.
Created The date and time the Channel was created.

Table 8-5 Channel Source and Target Details

Field Description
  • Network connection type:
    • Public: Channel over public internet
    • Private: Channel over Egress PrivateLink
  • Hostname: The IP address or hostname of the source MySQL server.

  • Port: The port number the source MySQL server listens for incoming connections.

  • Username: The username of the replication user.

  • Allowed outbound addresses (channel over public internet only): The IP addresses (in the CIDR format) of the MySQL source to enable connections from the target DB System.

  • SSL mode: The security state of the connection to the source. Possible values are:
    • Disabled: No encryption required between source and target.
    • Required: (default) Establishes an encrypted connection if the server supports encrypted connections. The connection attempt fails if an encrypted connection cannot be established.
    • Verify certificate authority: Like Required, but additionally verify the CA certificate configured on the source against the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate (X509 PEM file).
    • Verify identity: Like Verify Certificate Authority, but additionally verify the source's hostname, defined in the source's SSL certificate, against the hostname defined in the Hostname field.
  • SSL CA certificate: The contents of the uploaded CA X509 certificate if the SSL mode is Verify certificate authority or Verify identity.

  • Use GTID auto-positioning: Whether the source server can provide the replica with GTID information for auto-positioning. Possible values are:
    • Yes
    • No
  • Source of the UUID: The source of the UUID for converting transactions that are anonymous to ones that have GTIDs when Use GTID auto-positioning is No. Possible values are:
    • Manual input: The UUID was user-defined or was generated by the Console. A UUID field shows the UUID value.
    • Same as target DB system: Use target DB System's UUID.
  • DB System name: The display name of the target DB System and a link to it.

  • DB System state: The state of the target DB System.

  • Channel name: The replication channel name. This is the replication channel used by the target MySQL DB System for the communication with the MySQL source.

  • Applier username: The username of the replication applier.

  • Replication delay: The amount of time, in seconds, that the channel waits before applying a transaction received from the source.
  • Table without primary key: How the creation and alteration of tables with no primary keys on the source are handled. Possible values are:
    • Raise an error
    • Allow
    • Generate primary key: Allows replicating a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE transaction with no primary keys, and automatically generates a new invisible primary key column while creating a table without primary keys on the target.
PrivateLink (for channels over Egress PrivateLinks only)
Channel filters
  • Type: The filter type.
  • Value: The value for the filter type.

See Channel Filter Rules for Inbound Replication for details on the filter types and their values .

Table 8-6 Channel Event Details

Field Description
Type The event and its status.
Severity The severity level of the event, which can be one of
  • INFO: General information is provided. No special concerns
  • WARNING: Warning on an event that might impact the DB System's operation if no actions are taken.
  • CRITICAL: A critical event. An urgent action is required to avoid adverse impact on your DB System.
Message The message body of the event report.
Created The date and time the event report was created.

See Events for details on event reports.