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Results contain metadata related to the origin and types of
results from relational queries. This metadata can be used by
applications that need to deal with dynamic query results or
format results for transformation or display. Result metadata is
accessible via instances of Column
. An array of
columns can be obtained from any RowResult using the
For example, the following metadata is returned in response to the
query SELECT 1+1 AS a, b FROM mydb.some_table_with_b AS
Press CTRL+C to copyColumn[0].databaseName = NULL Column[0].tableName = NULL Column[0].tableLabel = NULL Column[0].columnName = NULL Column[0].columnLabel = "a" Column[0].type = BIGINT Column[0].length = 3 Column[0].fractionalDigits = 0 Column[0].numberSigned = TRUE Column[0].collationName = "binary" Column[0].characterSetName = "binary" Column[0].padded = FALSE Column[1].databaseName = "mydb" Column[1].tableName = "some_table_with_b" Column[1].tableLabel = "b_table" Column[1].columnName = "b" Column[1].columnLabel = "b" Column[1].type = STRING Column[1].length = 20 (e.g.) Column[1].fractionalDigits = 0 Column[1].numberSigned = TRUE Column[1].collationName = "utf8mb4_general_ci" Column[1].characterSetName = "utf8mb4" Column[1].padded = FALSE