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The syntax for this object shown in EBNF is:
Press CTRL+C to copySession ::= '.getSchema(' StringLiteral ')' | '.getSchemas()' | '.createSchema(' StringLiteral ')' | '.dropSchema(' StringLiteral ')' | '.getDefaultSchema()' | '.startTransaction()' | '.commit()' | '.rollback()' | '.setSavepoint()' | '.setSavepoint(' StringLiteral ')' | '.releaseSavePoint(' StringLiteral ')' | '.rollbackTo(' StringLiteral ')' | '.close()' | SqlExecute
The syntax for this function shown in EBNF is:
Press CTRL+C to copySqlExecute ::= '.sql(' SqlStatementStr ')' ( '.bind(' Literal (',' Literal)* ')')* ( '.execute()' )?
The syntax for this function shown in EBNF is:
Press CTRL+C to copySQLPlaceholderValues ::= '{' SQLPlaceholderName ':' ( SQLLiteral ) '}'
The syntax for this function shown in EBNF is:
Press CTRL+C to copySQLPlaceholderName ::= '?'