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2.2.1 Connecting to a Single MySQL Server

In this example a connection to a local MySQL Server instance running X Plugin on the default TCP/IP port 33060 is established using the MySQL user account user with its password. As no other parameters are set, default values are used.

MySQL Shell JavaScript Code

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// Passing the parameters in the { param: value } format var dictSession = mysqlx.getSession( { host: 'localhost', 'port': 33060, user: 'user', password: 'password' } ) var db1 = dictSession.getSchema('test') // Passing the parameters in the URI format var uriSession = mysqlx.getSession('user:password@localhost:33060') var db2 = uriSession.getSchema('test')

MySQL Shell Python Code

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# Passing the parameters in the { param: value } format dictSession = mysqlx.get_session( { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 33060, 'user': 'user', 'password': 'password' } ) db1 = dictSession.get_schema('test') # Passing the parameters in the URI format uriSession = mysqlx.get_session('user:password@localhost:33060') db2 = uriSession.get_schema('test')

The following example shows how to connect to a single MySQL Server instance by providing a TCP/IP address localhost and the same user account as before. You are prompted to enter the user name and password in this case.

MySQL Shell JavaScript Code

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// Passing the parameters in the { param: value } format // Query the user for the account information print("Please enter the database user information."); var usr = shell.prompt("Username: ", {defaultValue: "user"}); var pwd = shell.prompt("Password: ", {type: "password"}); // Connect to MySQL Server on a network machine mySession = mysqlx.getSession( { host: 'localhost', 'port': 33060, user: usr, password: pwd} ); myDb = mySession.getSchema('test');

MySQL Shell Python Code

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# Passing the parameters in the { param: value } format # Query the user for the account information print("Please enter the database user information.") usr = shell.prompt("Username: ", {'defaultValue': "user"}) pwd = shell.prompt("Password: ", {'type': "password"}) # Connect to MySQL Server on a network machine mySession = mysqlx.get_session( { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 33060, 'user': usr, 'password': pwd} ) myDb = mySession.get_schema('test')

Node.js JavaScript Code

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// Passing the parameters in the { param: value } format mysqlx.getSession({ host: 'localhost', port: 33060, user: 'user', password: 'password' }) .then(function (dictSession) { var db1 = dictSession.getSchema('test') }) // Passing the parameters in the URI format mysqlx.getSession('user:password@localhost:33060') .then(function (uriSession) { var db2 = uriSession.getSchema('test') })

C# Code

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// Query the user for the user information Console.WriteLine("Please enter the database user information."); Console.Write("Username: "); var usr = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Password: "); var pwd = Console.ReadLine(); // Connect to server on localhost using a connection URI var mySession = MySQLX.GetSession(string.Format("mysqlx://localhost:33060/test?user={0}&password={1}", usr, pwd)); var myDb = mySession.GetSchema("test");

Python Code

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# Passing the parameters in the { param: value } format dict_session = mysqlx.get_session({ 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 33060, 'user': 'user', 'password': 'password' }) my_schema_1 = dict_session.get_schema('test') # Passing the parameters in the URI format uri_session = mysqlx.get_session('user:password@localhost:33060') my_schema_2 = uri_session.get_schema('test')

Java Code

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import com.mysql.cj.xdevapi.*; // Connect to server on localhost using a connection URI Session mySession = new SessionFactory().getSession("mysqlx://localhost:33060/test?user=user&password=password"); Schema myDb = mySession.getSchema("test");

C++ Code

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// This code sample assumes that we have function prompt() defined somewhere. string usr = prompt("Username:"); string pwd = prompt("Password:"); // Connect to MySQL Server on a network machine Session mySession(SessionOption::HOST, "localhost", SessionOption::PORT, 33060, SessionOption::USER, usr, SessionOption::PWD, pwd); // An alternative way of defining session settings. SessionSettings settings(SessionOption::HOST,"localhost", SessionOption::PORT, 33060); settings.set(SessionOption::USER, usr); settings.set(SessionOption::PWD, pwd); Session mySession(settings); Schema myDb= mySession.getSchema("test");