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X DevAPI User Guide  /  Working with Relational Tables

Chapter 6 Working with Relational Tables

The X DevAPI SQL CRUD functions allow you to work with relational tables in manners similar to using traditional SQL statements. The following code sample shows how to use the add() and select() methods of the X DevAPI SQL CRUD functions, which are similar to running INSERT and SELECT statements on a table with an SQL client. Compare this with the examples found in Section 4.3, “Collection CRUD Function Overview” to see the differences and similarities between the CRUD functions for tables and collections in the X DevAPI.

MySQL Shell JavaScript Code

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// Working with Relational Tables var mysqlx = require('mysqlx'); // Connect to server using a connection URL var mySession = mysqlx.getSession( { host: 'localhost', port: 33060, user: 'user', password: 'password'} ) var myDb = mySession.getSchema('test'); // Accessing an existing table var myTable = myDb.getTable('my_table'); // Insert SQL Table data myTable.insert(['name', 'birthday', 'age']). values('Laurie', mysqlx.dateValue(2000, 5, 27), 19).execute(); // Find a row in the SQL Table var myResult =['_id', 'name', 'birthday']). where('name like :name AND age < :age'). bind('name', 'L%').bind('age', 30).execute(); // Print result print(myResult.fetchOne());

MySQL Shell Python Code

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# Working with Relational Tables from mysqlsh import mysqlx # Connect to server using a connection URL mySession = mysqlx.get_session( { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 33060, 'user': 'user', 'password': 'password'} ) myDb = mySession.get_schema('test') # Accessing an existing table myTable = myDb.get_table('my_table') # Insert SQL Table data myTable.insert(['name','birthday','age']) \ .values('Laurie', mysqlx.date_value(2000, 5, 27), 19).execute() # Find a row in the SQL Table myResult =['_id', 'name', 'birthday']) \ .where('name like :name AND age < :age') \ .bind('name', 'L%') \ .bind('age', 30).execute() # Print result print(myResult.fetch_all())

Node.js JavaScript Code

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// Working with Relational Tables var mysqlx = require('@mysql/xdevapi'); var myTable; // Connect to server using a connection URL mysqlx .getSession({ user: 'user', password: 'password', host: 'localhost', port: 33060 }) .then(function (session) { // Accessing an existing table myTable = session.getSchema('test').getTable('my_table'); // Insert SQL Table data return myTable .insert(['name', 'birthday', 'age']) .values(['Laurie', '2000-5-27', 19]) .execute() }) .then(function () { // Find a row in the SQL Table return myTable .select(['_id', 'name', 'birthday']) .where('name like :name && age < :age)') .bind('name', 'L%') .bind('age', 30) .execute(); }) .then(function (myResult) { console.log(myResult.fetchAll()); });

C# Code

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// Working with Relational Tables // Connect to server using a connection var db = MySQLX.GetSession( "server=localhost;port=33060;user=user;password=password") .GetSchema("test"); // Accessing an existing table var myTable = db.GetTable("my_table"); // Insert SQL Table data myTable.Insert("name", "age") .Values("Laurie", "19").Execute(); // Find a row in the SQL Table var myResult = myTable.Select("_id, name, age") .Where("name like :name AND age < :age") .Bind(new { name = "L%", age = 30 }).Execute(); // Print result PrintResult(myResult.FetchAll());

Python Code

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# Working with Relational Tables import mysqlx # Connect to server using a connection URL my_session = mysqlx.get_session({ 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 33060, 'user': 'user', 'password': 'password' }) my_schema = my_session.get_schema('test') # Accessing an existing table my_table = my_schema.get_table('my_table') # Insert SQL Table data my_table.insert(['name', 'birthday', 'age']) \ .values('Laurie', mysqlx.date_value(2000, 5, 27), 19).execute() # Find a row in the SQL Table result =['_id', 'name', 'birthday']) \ .where('name like :name AND age < :age') \ .bind('name', 'L%') \ .bind('age', 30).execute() # Print result print(result.fetch_all())

Java Code

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// Working with Relational Tables import com.mysql.cj.xdevapi.*; // Connect to server using a connection URL Session mySession = new SessionFactory().getSession("mysqlx://localhost:33060/test?user=user&password=password"); Schema db = mySession.getSchema("test"); // Accessing an existing table Table myTable = db.getTable("my_table"); // Insert SQL Table data myTable.insert("name", "birthday", "age").values("Laurie", "2000-05-27", 19).execute(); // Find a row in the SQL Table RowResult myResult ="_id, name, birthday") .where("name like :name AND age < :age") .bind("name", "L%").bind("age", 30).execute(); // Print result myResult.forEach(r -> System.out.println(r.getString(1) + ": " + r.getDate(2)));

C++ Code

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// Working with Relational Tables #include <mysqlx/xdevapi.h> // Connect to server using a connection URL Session mySession(33060, "user", "password"); Schema myDb = mySession.getSchema("test"); // Accessing an existing table Table myTable = myDb.getTable("my_table"); // Insert SQL Table data myTable.insert("name", "birthday", "age") .values("Laurie", "2000-5-27", 19).execute(); // Find a row in the SQL Table RowResult myResult ="_id", "name", "birthday") .where("name like :name AND age < :age") .bind("name", "L%").bind("age", 30).execute(); // Print result Row row = myResult.fetchOne(); cout << " _id: " << row[0] << endl; cout << " name: " << row[1] << endl; cout << "birthday: " << row[2] << endl;