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MySQL 9.1 Reference Manual  /  ...  /  ndb_print_frag_file — Print NDB Fragment List File Contents

25.5.19 ndb_print_frag_file — Print NDB Fragment List File Contents

ndb_print_frag_file obtains information from a cluster fragment list file. It is intended for use in helping to diagnose issues with data node restarts.


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ndb_print_frag_file file_name

file_name is the name of a cluster fragment list file, which matches the pattern SX.FragList, where X is a digit in the range 2-9 inclusive, and are found in the data node file system of the data node having the node ID nodeid, in directories named ndb_nodeid_fs/DN/DBDIH/, where N is 1 or 2. Each fragment file contains records of the fragments belonging to each NDB table. For more information about cluster fragment files, see NDB Cluster Data Node File System Directory.

Like ndb_print_backup_file, ndb_print_sys_file, and ndb_print_schema_file (and unlike most of the other NDB utilities that are intended to be run on a management server host or to connect to a management server), ndb_print_frag_file must be run on a cluster data node, since it accesses the data node file system directly. Because it does not make use of the management server, this utility can be used when the management server is not running, and even when the cluster has been completely shut down.

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Sample Output

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$> ndb_print_frag_file /usr/local/mysqld/data/ndb_3_fs/D1/DBDIH/S2.FragList Filename: /usr/local/mysqld/data/ndb_3_fs/D1/DBDIH/S2.FragList with size 8192 noOfPages = 1 noOfWords = 182 Table Data ---------- Num Frags: 2 NoOfReplicas: 2 hashpointer: 4294967040 kvalue: 6 mask: 0x00000000 method: HashMap Storage is on Logged and checkpointed, survives SR ------ Fragment with FragId: 0 -------- Preferred Primary: 2 numStoredReplicas: 2 numOldStoredReplicas: 0 distKey: 0 LogPartId: 0 -------Stored Replica---------- Replica node is: 2 initialGci: 2 numCrashedReplicas = 0 nextLcpNo = 1 LcpNo[0]: maxGciCompleted: 1 maxGciStarted: 2 lcpId: 1 lcpStatus: valid LcpNo[1]: maxGciCompleted: 0 maxGciStarted: 0 lcpId: 0 lcpStatus: invalid -------Stored Replica---------- Replica node is: 3 initialGci: 2 numCrashedReplicas = 0 nextLcpNo = 1 LcpNo[0]: maxGciCompleted: 1 maxGciStarted: 2 lcpId: 1 lcpStatus: valid LcpNo[1]: maxGciCompleted: 0 maxGciStarted: 0 lcpId: 0 lcpStatus: invalid ------ Fragment with FragId: 1 -------- Preferred Primary: 3 numStoredReplicas: 2 numOldStoredReplicas: 0 distKey: 0 LogPartId: 1 -------Stored Replica---------- Replica node is: 3 initialGci: 2 numCrashedReplicas = 0 nextLcpNo = 1 LcpNo[0]: maxGciCompleted: 1 maxGciStarted: 2 lcpId: 1 lcpStatus: valid LcpNo[1]: maxGciCompleted: 0 maxGciStarted: 0 lcpId: 0 lcpStatus: invalid -------Stored Replica---------- Replica node is: 2 initialGci: 2 numCrashedReplicas = 0 nextLcpNo = 1 LcpNo[0]: maxGciCompleted: 1 maxGciStarted: 2 lcpId: 1 lcpStatus: valid LcpNo[1]: maxGciCompleted: 0 maxGciStarted: 0 lcpId: 0 lcpStatus: invalid