The config_values
table provides information
about the current state of node configuration parameter values.
Each row in the table corresponds to the current value of a
parameter on a given node.
The config_values
table contains the
following columns:
ID of the node in the cluster
The parameter's internal ID number
Current value of the parameter
This table's config_param
column and the
column use the same parameter
identifiers. By joining the two tables on these columns, you can
obtain detailed information about desired node configuration
parameters. The query shown here provides the current values for
all parameters on each data node in the cluster, ordered by node
ID and parameter name:
SELECT v.node_id AS 'Node Id',
p.param_name AS 'Parameter',
v.config_value AS 'Value'
FROM config_values v
JOIN config_params p
ON v.config_param=p.param_number
WHERE p.param_name NOT LIKE '\_\_%'
ORDER BY v.node_id, p.param_name;
Partial output from the previous query when run on a small example cluster used for simple testing:
| Node Id | Parameter | Value |
| 2 | Arbitration | 1 |
| 2 | ArbitrationTimeout | 7500 |
| 2 | BackupDataBufferSize | 16777216 |
| 2 | BackupDataDir | /home/jon/data |
| 2 | BackupDiskWriteSpeedPct | 50 |
| 2 | BackupLogBufferSize | 16777216 |
| 3 | TotalSendBufferMemory | 0 |
| 3 | TransactionBufferMemory | 1048576 |
| 3 | TransactionDeadlockDetectionTimeout | 1200 |
| 3 | TransactionInactiveTimeout | 4294967039 |
| 3 | TwoPassInitialNodeRestartCopy | 0 |
| 3 | UndoDataBuffer | 16777216 |
| 3 | UndoIndexBuffer | 2097152 |
248 rows in set (0.02 sec)
clause filters out parameters whose
names begin with a double underscore (__
these parameters are reserved for testing and other internal
uses by the NDB developers, and are not intended for use in a
production NDB Cluster.
You can obtain output that is more specific, more detailed, or
both by issuing the proper queries. This example provides all
types of available information about the
, and
parameters as currently set for all data nodes in the cluster:
SELECT p.param_name AS Name,
v.node_id AS Node,
p.param_type AS Type,
p.param_default AS 'Default',
p.param_min AS Minimum,
p.param_max AS Maximum,
CASE p.param_mandatory WHEN 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS 'Required',
v.config_value AS Current
FROM config_params p
JOIN config_values v
ON p.param_number = v.config_param
WHERE p. param_name
IN ('NodeId', 'NoOfReplicas', 'HostName',
'DataMemory', 'IndexMemory', 'TotalSendBufferMemory')\G
The output from this query when run on a small NDB Cluster with 2 data nodes used for simple testing is shown here:
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Name: NodeId
Node: 2
Type: unsigned
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 144
Required: Y
Current: 2
*************************** 2. row ***************************
Name: HostName
Node: 2
Type: string
Default: localhost
Required: N
*************************** 3. row ***************************
Name: TotalSendBufferMemory
Node: 2
Type: unsigned
Default: 0
Minimum: 262144
Maximum: 4294967039
Required: N
Current: 0
*************************** 4. row ***************************
Name: NoOfReplicas
Node: 2
Type: unsigned
Default: 2
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 4
Required: N
Current: 2
*************************** 5. row ***************************
Name: DataMemory
Node: 2
Type: unsigned
Default: 102760448
Minimum: 1048576
Maximum: 1099511627776
Required: N
Current: 524288000
*************************** 6. row ***************************
Name: NodeId
Node: 3
Type: unsigned
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 144
Required: Y
Current: 3
*************************** 7. row ***************************
Name: HostName
Node: 3
Type: string
Default: localhost
Required: N
*************************** 8. row ***************************
Name: TotalSendBufferMemory
Node: 3
Type: unsigned
Default: 0
Minimum: 262144
Maximum: 4294967039
Required: N
Current: 0
*************************** 9. row ***************************
Name: NoOfReplicas
Node: 3
Type: unsigned
Default: 2
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 4
Required: N
Current: 2
*************************** 10. row ***************************
Name: DataMemory
Node: 3
Type: unsigned
Default: 102760448
Minimum: 1048576
Maximum: 1099511627776
Required: N
Current: 524288000
10 rows in set (0.01 sec)