MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual
MySQL 5.7 Release Notes
This is the MySQL Installation Guide from the MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual.
For legal information, see the Legal Notices.
For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with other MySQL users.
Document generated on: 2025-03-11 (revision: 81163)
Table of Contents
- Preface and Legal Notices
- 1 Installing and Upgrading MySQL
- 2 General Installation Guidance
- 3 Installing MySQL on Unix/Linux Using Generic Binaries
- 4 Installing MySQL from Source
- 4.1 Source Installation Methods
- 4.2 Source Installation Prerequisites
- 4.3 MySQL Layout for Source Installation
- 4.4 Installing MySQL Using a Standard Source Distribution
- 4.5 Installing MySQL Using a Development Source Tree
- 4.6 Configuring SSL Library Support
- 4.7 MySQL Source-Configuration Options
- 4.8 Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL
- 4.9 MySQL Configuration and Third-Party Tools
- 5 Installing MySQL on Microsoft Windows
- 5.1 MySQL Installation Layout on Microsoft Windows
- 5.2 Choosing an Installation Package
- 5.3 MySQL Installer for Windows
- 5.4 Installing MySQL on Microsoft Windows Using a
ZIP Archive - 5.4.1 Extracting the Install Archive
- 5.4.2 Creating an Option File
- 5.4.3 Selecting a MySQL Server Type
- 5.4.4 Initializing the Data Directory
- 5.4.5 Starting the Server for the First Time
- 5.4.6 Starting MySQL from the Windows Command Line
- 5.4.7 Customizing the PATH for MySQL Tools
- 5.4.8 Starting MySQL as a Windows Service
- 5.4.9 Testing The MySQL Installation
- 5.5 Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows MySQL Server Installation
- 5.6 Windows Postinstallation Procedures
- 5.7 Windows Platform Restrictions
- 6 Installing MySQL on macOS
- 7 Installing MySQL on Linux
- 7.1 Installing MySQL on Linux Using the MySQL Yum Repository
- 7.2 Replacing a Third-Party Distribution of MySQL Using the MySQL Yum Repository
- 7.3 Installing MySQL on Linux Using the MySQL APT Repository
- 7.4 Installing MySQL on Linux Using the MySQL SLES Repository
- 7.5 Installing MySQL on Linux Using RPM Packages from Oracle
- 7.6 Installing MySQL on Linux Using Debian Packages from Oracle
- 7.7 Deploying MySQL on Linux with Docker
- 7.8 Installing MySQL on Linux from the Native Software Repositories
- 7.9 Installing MySQL on Linux with Juju
- 7.10 Managing MySQL Server with systemd
- 8 Installing MySQL on Solaris
- 9 Postinstallation Setup and Testing
- 10 Upgrading MySQL
- 10.1 Before You Begin
- 10.2 Upgrade Paths
- 10.3 Changes in MySQL 5.7
- 10.4 Upgrading MySQL Binary or Package-based Installations on Unix/Linux
- 10.5 Upgrading MySQL with the MySQL Yum Repository
- 10.6 Upgrading MySQL with the MySQL APT Repository
- 10.7 Upgrading MySQL with the MySQL SLES Repository
- 10.8 Upgrading MySQL on Windows
- 10.9 Upgrading a Docker Installation of MySQL
- 10.10 Upgrading MySQL with Directly-Downloaded RPM Packages
- 10.11 Upgrade Troubleshooting
- 10.12 Rebuilding or Repairing Tables or Indexes
- 10.13 Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine
- 11 Downgrading MySQL
- 12 Environment Variables
- 13 Perl Installation Notes